This forum is for posting completed or almost completed modifications to Soldat.
Please follow these guidelines when posting in this forum:
Post screen shots of the mod. Convert all screen shots to .jpg or .gif before uploading to save time when folks download the pics
Don't rip off other folks work, but *basing* you mod on others is fine
Include in your post either the .zip file or a link to the download page.
Feel free to discuss other people's mods but if the thread is taken off-topic for more than a couple of post these off-topic posts will be deleted, posters warning and/or banned as punishment
If the person who started the thread wants it deleted/locked just PM me
Always give a reason for you liking/disliking a mod. Posts of 'That mod sux, it's crap' etc will be deleted, but post of 'That mod sux because (give reason)' will be allowed to stay.
Add a couple of screen shots of your mod to Forum Portal.
More guidelines will be added as needed.
Please follow these guidelines when posting in this forum:
Post screen shots of the mod. Convert all screen shots to .jpg or .gif before uploading to save time when folks download the pics
Don't rip off other folks work, but *basing* you mod on others is fine
Include in your post either the .zip file or a link to the download page.
Feel free to discuss other people's mods but if the thread is taken off-topic for more than a couple of post these off-topic posts will be deleted, posters warning and/or banned as punishment
If the person who started the thread wants it deleted/locked just PM me
Always give a reason for you liking/disliking a mod. Posts of 'That mod sux, it's crap' etc will be deleted, but post of 'That mod sux because (give reason)' will be allowed to stay.
Add a couple of screen shots of your mod to Forum Portal.
More guidelines will be added as needed.