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Informal Essay on SPAWN KILLING
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - General Discussions
May 18, 2004, 4:20 am
The tragicall histoire of that jerk that always goes in the ctf_ bases and barrets everyone...
When it is okay to spawn kill:
Your teammate has just grabbed the flag, to keep them off his back, you grenade the enemy base to slow them down. As long as you leave within 5 seconds, very few people will call you a evil spawn killing noob.
Your team is being owned. Sometimes you need to spawn kill a bit to give your team a chance. If you are outnumbered, outclassed, or have several noobs on your team you can spawnkill a couple times.

When you are an evil person for spawn killing:
Your team is ahead by 3 or more. There is no doubt the round is yours, it's only fair to let them out of the base before owning them. If you want everyone on the other team to leave the game, leaving you noone to spawn kill, try this tatic.
Your team has outnumbers the other. No need to keep down their numbers, your team has the advantage. You should be able to clash in the center of the map and win, so make it more fun for everyone and machine gun battle rather than snipe the base.
They did it to you: Revenge spawn killing is the worst kind of revenge. Pull a Ghandi and turn the other cheek. You don't need to sink to that level to win. Fight with honor, be the better person, whatever positive slogan you like. Just do it.
To be a jerk. No one likes you, no need to rub it in by introducing people to the wrong end of the barret before they know what hit them. Spam, team kill, whatever it takes to get you to stop it.
There you go. If you've been spawn killing without regards to this document, the written version of the unwritten code of honor, then your gamer karma is strongly negative. May your mouse explode and your keyboard stick at the worst possible time.

D|e|s|e|r|t| |E|a|g|l|e|s - my anti-spawnkill drug.

May 18, 2004, 4:23 am
quote:Originally posted by Foci
May your mouse explode and your keyboard stick at the worst possible time.

D|e|s|e|r|t| |E|a|g|l|e|s - my anti-spawnkill drug.

Hahahaha... Nice one. :) Some people can really learn from this.

May 18, 2004, 5:10 am
thats not really an essay...

May 18, 2004, 6:06 am
more like a novel huh weed?

May 18, 2004, 6:52 am
gi.joe wants a piece of Weed, you have been all over him for the last couple mmmm days?

Deleted User
May 18, 2004, 10:03 am
Its not an essay, but its still completely right [:)]

May 18, 2004, 12:12 pm
spawn killing is only lame when it happens to you.

May 18, 2004, 1:44 pm
quote:Originally posted by AerialAssault
spawn killing is only lame when it happens to you.

Good luck with that philosophy, as when you spawnkill, it is lame to them, and the person that's doing the spawnkilling is even lamer.

May 18, 2004, 2:39 pm
i usually dont spawnkill anybody untill he/she spawnkills me.
if im in enemies base and he/she respawns i wait until he loads his/her weapon. he misses and i kill him/her.

May 18, 2004, 2:40 pm
That is just so true.

May 18, 2004, 9:12 pm
It's mostly true and in several points i totally agree with you but i don't think you can put up specific times like 'be outta the base within 5 secs or you are lame'. But well... so true!

May 18, 2004, 9:55 pm
Yeah, it happened again today. I log on to the Soldat.com.br ctf, and barely pick my gun before i find myself the owner of a head wound. I got spawned 3 times before I finally knifed the guy. He did it for like 8 rounds, with me harrasing him everytime he got to the base. This is something everyone who plays ctf needs to do, it's just the gentleman's rule of soldat. Not really a rule, but break it and people get mad.

Spawn killing is lame no matter who it happens to

All limits are general, I guess. I'm not going to time the spawn killers, just if you stick around a couple respawns I call you lame.

May 18, 2004, 10:41 pm
i dont really mind it, if i cant load my gun fast enough, thats tough luck for me.

May 19, 2004, 12:07 am
quote:Originally posted by fabmanx
gi.joe wants a piece of Weed, you have been all over him for the last couple mmmm days?

Yes Fab, the guy been all over me for the last months...
i never asked for a fan, but alright, i wont do anything bout that...
GI.joe just loves me too much ^_^

May 19, 2004, 12:12 am
You know what'd be kinda nice? little snippets of 'gaming etiquette' everytime you load soldat.

..was just a thought..

May 19, 2004, 12:44 am
I really appreciate you making us this essay, but pretty much everyone in the forums knows how n00bish spawn killing is. I did it ONCE to help my teammate escape with the flag.

Now... I think you wrote this to get to all the n00bs out there. I dont believe many n00bs read these forums... (except me)

May 19, 2004, 2:29 am
it would be cool if you are invic for like 2 secs when your spawning

May 19, 2004, 8:05 am
Well, you are invic for about 1 second. (Ceasefire)

May 19, 2004, 9:23 am
SK is around in every shooter, trust me its a lot worse in things like CS, etc..

you cant get rid of it...

May 19, 2004, 12:50 pm
I hate spawn killers.

May 20, 2004, 6:46 am
really? thats nice...

May 20, 2004, 7:08 am
Really, I think the only time that it's ever okay to spawn kill is when you're either grabbing or running away with the flag. If your teammate is running away with it, you can maybe get away with a few seconds, but that's it. Maps with the spawn point right next to the flag tend to better lend themselves to spawnkilling (viet, run, death) while in some maps it is virtually unforgiveable in that you have to go out of your way to do it unless the flagger is there (b2b, voland, laos).

May 20, 2004, 11:23 am
Yep, i also agree with that. If your flagcarrier is just about to leave the enemy base, spawnkilling might be "legal" for a short time. But permanent distant sniping every respawner is just uberlame.

Another thing that sometimes drives me mad, is when they dont spawnkill directly, but 3ppl camp around just right in front of the base, shooting/sniping everyone who dares to take a step out of it, even when their flagcarrier has already crossed half the map.

May 20, 2004, 6:57 pm
quote:Originally posted by Element_101
SK is around in every shooter, trust me its a lot worse in things like CS, etc..

you cant get rid of it...

Did you know, that spawnkilling on CS - standard maps is impossible? (though i don't play it anymore)

May 20, 2004, 9:07 pm
Yeah, good old CS with it's loopy maps. Also, If soldat didn't have respawns except at the start of a match, you couldn't spawn kill either. Surivial mode allows this, but that is boring.

Someone should compile a soldat 'geneva convention' for noobs, with the code of honor for spawn killing, barret assault, team killing, spam messanging, etc. Most people know this from experience, but for those new to gaming it might work. If it stops one guy from camping the base with barret, it is worth the trouble.

May 20, 2004, 9:35 pm
The worst is if som1 kill you b4 you can load you weapon, so you have no chance at all.

May 20, 2004, 10:03 pm
That's the risk of using the m79 or barret. Use your secondary weapon.

May 23, 2004, 3:15 pm
Flags should be put near the spawn anyways thats just plain dumb *cough Ctf_death*

May 23, 2004, 3:51 pm
on public servers with m79 i usually just let my teamates deal with a spawnkiller. after i respawn, i just run away while letting my m79 load. i dont like to waste my time with in most cases n00bs.

May 23, 2004, 4:29 pm
yes this brings back them memoiea of Awp map.. everyone would spawn in the first .000000000000000000000000000000000000001 second of the round how lovely...

yeah...so best way to kill a spawner! is KAMAKAZEEEEEEEEE
nade em to death! DIE HOBO!

May 29, 2004, 1:11 pm
quote:Originally posted by vegkl
The worst is if som1 kill you b4 you can load you weapon, so you have no chance at all.

live with it, use a other gun as the m79 or barret if it's a problem for you.
it's a problem that comes with the gun and I think it's only fair
and you idd also have secondary weapons...