June 22, 2004, 6:50 am
*clicks profile*
User Name: Noobile
Age: 12
...End of story.
June 22, 2004, 7:16 am
He might be twelve but he has a point....
June 22, 2004, 9:53 am
Go Noobile, kick that idiot outta here
June 22, 2004, 12:29 pm
Only Marine I see floating about is a barret noob.
Go Noobile!
June 22, 2004, 1:05 pm
Hey! how come Noobile have 50 posts and no star?
EDIT: oh and Chakra, if i'm not mistaken i believe i recall Nooblie being a barretard too :P
i think he was/is in a clan called UGMC or something..
June 22, 2004, 5:39 pm
Noobile, I believe, said he was 24, might be a glitch or a diff. error (typo?)
June 22, 2004, 6:00 pm
true fact frog-boy
but what is your point? you were 12 not so long ago (what? 2-3 months?)
that was supposed to be my line
and yes Noobile, you, Marine, and many more people in this forums are tards with nothing good to say. yet sadly, there isnt a rule against that.
June 22, 2004, 6:06 pm
well even though he is 12 which I think might be a mistake he ahs a very big point he has given evidance on hids theroy and has given many points leading toward it but I would love to hear marine point os view on this to take all the evidence and take it in deep consideration and find who is truly right and not really deep thats take way to much time for a thread mabey a quick review hmmm or i could just not do anything well I think I am going with that
June 22, 2004, 6:18 pm
My birth certificate says I'm 24, my DD214 says I'm 24. My parents tole me I was born in unless the hospitals, Department of Defence, the Department of the Navy, and my parents Lied to me.....
@Melba: It was USMC not a clan as far as I know, more of a philosophy of battle...anyhow....I try my damndest not to be a "barrettard" only time I use them, is if theres a server already full of them, or to just go out noob hunting. Mainly I play INF maps, because they are role specific ( read: Alpha= offense, Bravo = Defence.. you have a decent chance that most of your teammates know their roles, and might be able to preform them ) on occasion, I'll play a CTF map, and defend, because most people dont do it, all they want is the flag, and to get their points, so they feel better about themselves because they happen to be at the top of the scoring list. I understand thats how a ctf game is won, by catching the other's flag, and returning it to your own, but I try to make it damn hard for somone to get my flag, most people overlook that little bit. You may have played me in my early days when I, like most people, sought comfort in knowing that I could annhialate my enemy from half the map away. I have shed that preverbial skin ( for the most part.... sometimes it's fun to go around with the barret, and you do it too... I've seen it ), and learned the err of my ways.
June 22, 2004, 6:30 pm
very nice response and my theory is right i knew you were older and your are very right I have gone around with a barret but I usally run up and shoot people and since I mastered the pistol I have no trouble doing this and I really think you right about marine
June 22, 2004, 7:51 pm
quote:Originally posted by Weed
yes Noobile, you, Marine, and many more people in this forums are tards with nothing good to say. yet sadly, there isnt a rule against that.
ROFLMFAOXD. You're a true hypocrit Weed but a funny one.
*laughs like hell and falls of a chair*
June 22, 2004, 8:28 pm
quote:Originally posted by Noobile
[...] "Marine".... that sickens me, how could this loser call himself a Marine [...]
Now please flame me for calling myself like a Fort. Do I look like a Fort? No? Go ahead and flame me for this. And flame Cross for not being a cross and so on. Everyone can choose any nick...
June 22, 2004, 8:41 pm
Wonder if Marine will check by this.
n00bile is simply hurt by this, it's like tellin an orphan to screw ure mother to him I guess.
But, it's time 2 end all war..
*gets into bunker*
*dials on phone*
Pm him for a match if you think he is an idiot, or get his msn or something, its not all that hard bub....
June 22, 2004, 11:36 pm
Wow, big ROFL, it looks like I hit a nerve. Are we offended n00bile because someone has a suggestion to post in your thread? A little sensetive I think....
I'm quite flattered you made a thread just for me, it seems I have a fan =)
quote:very nice response and my theory is right i knew you were older and your are very right I have gone around with a barret but I usally run up and shoot people and since I mastered the pistol I have no trouble doing this and I really think you right about marinep
Diregone, please shut up, you have no clue what is going on nor do you have any clue what you are talking about. That paragraph of his didn't prove he was 24, it proved he knew about the game he plays...
Its also quite sad you have something against the most elite military force in the world. The Marines is not about killing, its about pride, self discipline, among other things.
I seriously must have hit a very sensetive spot on you, noobile, because you've typed up some goddamn large posts. All I can say is I'm delighted to have a fanclub, and I think I'll make you the leader =)
June 22, 2004, 11:47 pm
i therefore name this thread useless
by the powers given to me by myself
i call you all useless turds.
have fun, and good night
June 22, 2004, 11:51 pm
too bad that only applies to the above posters [:P]
anyway, I totally agree with you Nooblie, Marine is a sh!tard. Nice to see Marine taken place of M, congrats Marine. Keep up the good
sh!tty work.
June 23, 2004, 1:18 am
what an exciting thread!
good work noobile, you're a true badass now!
June 23, 2004, 4:06 am
actualy i dont agree with any side
i can only say they are all idiots for even posting here.
which makes me an idiot too, but at least an honest idiot, coz i know i am one
yet some people here *cough*noobile*cough*marine*cough*ninj@*
are even more useless coz they only flame other people, and they dont even do it as good as i do it.
June 23, 2004, 5:30 am
Hmm, ok, so let's see... In a topic which has no point, except to flame, Weed posts 3 times, which is more than any individual that has posted in here, calling us all useless turds, but not noticing that he's the one doing the most damage. Irony, anyone? I will give you this though, Weed, you know when you make a fool out of yourself. You don't fully know, but you know. I'm being a hypocrite at the moment too, and I realize that, but like Weed, at least I admit it, and have no trouble in doing so. Another very sad fact is that this useless topic, about people's personal grudges has gotten more popular already than most good suggestion topics.
June 23, 2004, 6:02 am
[granting Alamo's request] Man I hate Alamo. He named himself after a fort even though he clearly isn't one... or is he...? [/granting Alamo's request]
June 23, 2004, 6:36 am
He is one, very much so... check this out
I struck him down with the flamethrower of common sence
June 23, 2004, 8:53 pm
June 23, 2004, 9:13 pm
quote:..I still wake up at 4 am...stand at attention...It's called Morning Glory, we all get that..
June 24, 2004, 3:11 am
quote:Originally posted by Hitman
quote:..I still wake up at 4 am...stand at attention...It's called Morning Glory, we all get that..
June 24, 2004, 2:26 pm
weeeee morning glory! nothing like having to do a handstand while you take a leak first thing in the morning.
June 24, 2004, 5:44 pm
It's odd... a thread about marine goes to..well..