July 28, 2004, 12:14 am
you should actually post the server names first, then the admins of the server on the other side..
for all of Llama's server:
n00bface, Surb, Frogboy, Sekushi, jad, umm..i know there's like 10 more, i forgot already. ill update later.
July 28, 2004, 12:18 am
I'm an admin of both of Llama's servers, too.
July 28, 2004, 1:48 am
Selfkills: Tattz aka Arilou'lalee'lay
EDIT: + i also use the name 'NeazDow' in soldat
July 28, 2004, 3:12 am
Ultimate 13 Soldat: FliesLikeABrick, kkazican, Figjam.
Ultimate 13 Custom: FliesLikeABrick, SoulSnipa, Elephant Hunter, Kazuki, and many others, there should always be at least 1 or 2 admins in there.
July 28, 2004, 4:33 am
don't forget Kazuki, FLAB..he spends a lot of time there and you don't even think of him ;_;
July 28, 2004, 9:20 am
SN Public: Denacke, Partisan, Olaf - for tracking. All other SN members are admin. Preferable contact through IRC (#soldiersnightmare)
July 28, 2004, 10:33 am
selfkill servers: tattz, systemfeind, r0adkill, has, grand_diablo ;)
#selfkill for questions
July 28, 2004, 4:08 pm
iiNet Servers -
dA| Arc
Wob (only one with server acess)
All questions goto #iinet on enterthegame and bug me or wob.
Deleted User
July 28, 2004, 5:28 pm
Okay, if you are going to keep this updated constantly, I will sticky it. But make sure it doesn't go to waste.
July 28, 2004, 5:47 pm
quote:Originally posted by Stalky
But make sure it doesn't go to waste.
LOL, and what are you gonna do if it does?
July 28, 2004, 6:23 pm
quote:Originally posted by Stalky
Okay, if you are going to keep this updated constantly, I will sticky it. But make sure it doesn't go to waste.
Moderators, feel free to edit and update it, i'll go in holydays soon.
August 29, 2004, 4:19 pm
Me, ehst (Eduardo Henrique)!
All Soldat.com.br's servers... [:D]
August 29, 2004, 5:35 pm
Since wert is dead, i'll update it on behalf of him.
August 30, 2004, 10:55 am
world Survival bot (it's not a dedicated server)
admin : me
August 30, 2004, 12:32 pm
I'm not dead, just away for a month. Ty n00bface.
Tribersman, i can't add your server because it's not dedicated, as you said.
August 30, 2004, 7:36 pm
Server: #hawtsecks (PW) Admins: Silent Assasin, Essentle, HellRaider, Subasan