January 26, 2005, 4:52 pm
ALL of this have been suggested! And i like them ALL! Except of replacing the Saw...
January 26, 2005, 5:07 pm
quote:Originally posted by Rambo_6[navy] I noticed how similar the chainsaw and knife are. Basically, the knife is a chainsaw you can throw. So why bother with putting the chainsaw in soldat?
Well compadre, the chainsaw is a bloody weapon that creates satisfaction for most new soldatplayers. bloody action is an innportnant factor in soldat itself. removing a weapon would be an option, but a stupid desicion
January 26, 2005, 5:37 pm
Touch the chainsaw and I'll visit you with a real one... :P
Plus, those weaps have been suggested before and i like none of them.
January 26, 2005, 5:40 pm
i like 7 though:) riot sheild sounds nice
January 26, 2005, 6:09 pm
quote:Originally posted by Alamo
Plus, those weaps have been suggested before and i like none of them.
January 26, 2005, 6:21 pm
Imagine the flames this would've caused if it weren't rambo_6 that posted these...
"use search, noob!"
"read the stickies!"
"STFU, has been suggested before"
These ideas don't turn better just cause a vet posted them :|
But I've always liked the shield and binoculars idea. IMHO the flashbangs would be better like this:
thrown ,like normal nades, you can pick them as a secondary weapon. when thrown, there would be a pillar of smoke blocking everybodys view as if realistic mode was on and there was a polygons where the smoke is.
No need to replace the saw with anything, let it stay, i say.
January 26, 2005, 6:58 pm
i dont see the problem with having MORE weapons... you need a mouse to play anyway.... i just use a mouse to select my weapon....
unless theres a load of enemies in my spwanpoint.
January 26, 2005, 7:31 pm
i like them all exceptr the binoculars, those should be in crates as a bonous/
January 26, 2005, 8:07 pm
Lol, so i see this was another lame idea for a post. XD
Deleted User
January 26, 2005, 8:09 pm
I like 2 best, and I've got an idea(maybe suggested before):
Flash light.
You change to it, and when you press firebutton it lights.
This would help in
this suggestion.
And another: That would be cool if theese suggestions (heat sensor goggles, binoculars, and Flashlight) would be a third choosable "weapons" called seeing helpers.
And a question: can you use weapon when you are using heat sensor goggles? :)
I hope, that you can see the link :)
January 26, 2005, 8:14 pm
Add grenade launcher, any nades you have, can be shot like the law. Or maybe shot with an arc.
January 26, 2005, 9:11 pm
yes. grenade launched would be nice:)
but i think we will have you be satisfied with the m79 dont you think?
January 26, 2005, 9:44 pm
arms = grenade launcher.. if you change to knife or drop your weapon, grenades go further.
January 26, 2005, 10:39 pm
He didnt say that the chainsaw would leave, as most people wouldnt like it..he said that those suggestions could be added to the weapon console under secondary weapon :/
January 29, 2005, 1:04 am
Flash bang should cause enemy screen to turn white for about 5 seconds. Then, the the screen gradually gets darker until it goes back to normal. This way, it would render the enemy to firing blindly and running about like a chicken with it's head cut off, making for an easier, but still challenging, kill.
January 29, 2005, 2:58 am
lame, search, no. chainsaw is hella fun, because it takes skill and annoys the NME.
January 29, 2005, 3:23 am
The Flash should white out the screen rather than make it darker, making it darker makes bullets easier to see where as lighter makes them harder/nearly impossible to see
January 29, 2005, 3:26 am
So you are in favor of implenting FlashBang? If you say Yes in your head, post No in the topic, cause FlashBang just dont fit in soldat. But Really it DOESNT fit. Imagine a FlashBang spam? WOOOHOOO eveyone has black screen for 1 min. YEAH!!!
Thank you.
January 29, 2005, 3:38 am
mabey there should be a 1 flash bang limit?
January 29, 2005, 3:40 am
Duh... and if 3 player of the same team make a rush and throw the damn CS Bang, it wil result in massive, but MASSIVE whining.
January 29, 2005, 3:57 am
It would be funny seeing a riot shield rush on CTF.
They protect the guy with the shield.
January 29, 2005, 5:19 am
I thought MODs had to approve topics before they get in...
If someone approved this, yet denied mine, that's just sad. Meandor, not impressive :(
All have been suggested, and chainsaw is a good weapon if you know how to use it.
January 29, 2005, 6:00 am
Yea, but i don't see much difference from the knife.
And yea, i was being dumb when i made this topic :p
January 29, 2005, 7:39 am
I think out of that lot the Riot Sheild is the best, they should have a limit though, like hits on the sheild count as ammo, when you run out of ammo/get hit too much, the sheild breaks
January 29, 2005, 8:22 am
imaging flash bang.. SEIZURE TIME WOOT(throws 100 flashes on a 32 ppl dm serv) WOOOOT /ban MOFO
January 29, 2005, 8:25 am
rotfl, that be l33t, the game would need to come with a warning [color=red]*Seisure Risk*[/color]
Keron Cyst
January 29, 2005, 9:22 am
My thoughts:
quote:Originally posted by Rambo_6... Claymore Mine - This may seem like a noobish idea, but think of the campers you could eliminate by planting them in hiding spots!...
Campers would basically be the only use for it. What if there are no campers, and the players like their jet boots?
quote:... Heat sensor goggles...
C'mon, you're replacing the Chainsaw! Ya gotta do better than this :-P
quote:... Flash bang...
Yeh, the online shtuff...
quote:... Medic packs...
That's something like my Field MediKit, but my idea was simply one portable MediKit which fully restores health to one Soldat. Both're good.
quote:... Binoculars - These allow you to scope out enemy activities ahead of time - they zoom out farther than a barret. But you cannot use a weapon when these are equipped....
Not bad at all. Very nice for warners in CTF or Inf.
quote:... Proximity grenades...
Shouldn't that be Sticky Mines (you didn't state if they couldn't stick to walls or ceilings)?...
quote:... Riot Shield...
Awesome idea B-) Rather than chucking the handle, tho', I think it should be completely discarded so you can quickly grab another weapon. You should be able to use it only when crouching, and your Soldat should lift it in the direction you aim (thus you can't use it while prone), so the angle can deflect grenades & maintain balance (not CGs since they explode upon impact).
I think some other minor weapon should be allowed in conjunction with it, like the US SOCOM or maybe just any one-handed weapon, but reloading its additional weap. must be done standing up or in prone condition.
Explosions should be able to destroy the shield & partially injure the user and an anti-tank-designed Barret projectile should zip right through :-D
January 29, 2005, 10:18 pm
oops, sometimes i don't check threads properly.