December 23, 2003, 6:28 pm
Okay, now that I have moved over to linux, I've decided to attempt to get Soldat working.
As of yet, I have had no success, but I basically would like you know what other people have found?
Has anyone else had any success getting Soldat working on a linux system? If so, please post your findings.
If not, please post have you have found does not work.
I am hoping that soon we'll be able to get this working.
December 23, 2003, 6:32 pm
Well, people have gotten 1.0.5b to work on Linux (Through Wine), but that's because the anti-cheat system wasn't in 1.0.5b! People have tried to get it work with more recent versions but... yeah... wouldn't work [:)]
December 23, 2003, 8:55 pm
Give Winex3 a try!
I gotten many new games to work with it.
December 23, 2003, 9:05 pm
WineX costs money... Not worth it [:P]
December 24, 2003, 11:00 pm
i have lenix do i need a seperte hard drive for my linux
December 25, 2003, 1:42 am
Sithak: you will need a separate partition...
December 25, 2003, 11:48 am
WineX costs money? as i recall it only costs money for binaries, but you are free to compile it yourself but get no customer support
December 31, 2003, 2:28 pm
Yeah, you can download the CVS tree for free :)
December 31, 2003, 2:57 pm
Ey, It worked for me on Penix! I just used a program i downloaded from [:-censored]
[:-censored] by DNA.styx
December 31, 2003, 3:30 pm
Nice web Crack, but how could you find a program if you only have the option for pics or videos
December 31, 2003, 4:33 pm
Its a secret link on some pic...
January 1, 2004, 4:00 am
Forget about trying to play soldat on linux with Winex 3.2. I spent some time trying different versions and none worked. But soldat 1.0.5 at least runs but most of the textures are replaced with translucent grey boxes.Must be some Directx problem.
BUT it seems someone got it to work using regular wine with 1.0.5
There was a discussion about it on the developers forum but i cant remember the name.
January 12, 2004, 10:36 pm
i got wine20031212 to work with soldat 1.1.5. ingame text is gibberish, and the fps is a bit slower then in whinedows, but it works. i just uploaded a howto to this address:
January 14, 2004, 7:36 pm
I think it would be cool if there was a bootable cd which you could run soldat from kind of like the Gentoo Unreal Tounament Demo. Basically you just pop in the CD and it detects drivers and everything and you start playing. This would be perfect for a dedicated server, just boot up and serve.
here is a link for the Gentoo demo:
January 14, 2004, 8:41 pm
i think i saw a howto on how to make a bootable game cd somewhere, but i forgot where...
January 19, 2004, 5:33 pm
You could be seeing things. Hmm. Wine should do the trick though. Make sure you have the right libraries for wine too.
January 22, 2004, 2:41 am
no, i was doing a search on google for linux games, and i found it and thought it would be interesting. it was somewhere...
January 22, 2004, 5:09 am
[code]$ emerge -s soldat
[ Results for search key : soldat ]
[ Applications found : 0 ][/code]=,(
Well, good news. I installed vmware-workstation and installed winXP. I then installed soldat 1.2 and guess what?
it worked, somewhat. everything works except the video. i connected to a linux server i've been running and said hello to a few people. i had to switch over to the terminal inwhich i was running the soldat server to check for spelling mistakes =P
but the sounds worked. i loaded up my shotgun ran/flew blindly around for a bit shooting in random directions before i got a little bored... hopefully with the next vmware version they'll have a little more directx support. as it stands vmware4 only supports directx 3.0
January 22, 2004, 5:51 am
Come on you guys, use Windows XP like the rest of us bozos. It's not so bad. ;)
January 27, 2004, 9:12 am
Bah, just make a dam Linux Version of it, just like the dedicated server...
January 27, 2004, 3:54 pm
Why would Michal want to recode the entire game just to satisfy a few people?
February 9, 2004, 9:14 pm
hey there are a lot of pplz who use linux now, i'm also considering to get linux in stead of windows
February 23, 2004, 2:50 am
With the release of WineX 3.3, has anyone attempted to get Soldat 1.2 working?
There is also a new vmware release which i just compiled...
I'll give them both a try tomorrow...
February 23, 2004, 11:07 pm
quote:Originally posted by sativa
hey there are a lot of pplz who use linux now, i'm also considering to get linux in stead of windows
It's started. Linux is taking over the world! And i know nothing of this foreign operating system! spare me the embarrasement! spare me the pain!
Just kill me now!
DUDE WTF is up w/ the no's?
March 7, 2004, 3:12 am
That would take quite a bit of effort (especially for one man alone)
March 18, 2004, 3:17 am
I can't get in any Linux server it only says requesting game and i never get in
April 6, 2004, 8:06 pm
if the game used opengl it probably wouldn't take all that much more effort
but as it stands it would be quite a project.....
and if there's a linux server that means some of the work has been done.
but the biggest broblems with porting are usually the renderer and sound
April 7, 2004, 2:05 pm
making it work with SDL would probably be the easyest thing, but making it work on opengl would totaly kick ass (for linux AND windows)
Hektik Sniper
May 23, 2004, 8:27 am
just found this on another forum, someone seems to of got it working.
Wine Howto: Soldat
Author: LavaDevil94
Language: English
Date: Febuary 4, 2004
Version: 0.1
Warning: This HOWTO comes with no explicit or implicit warranty
whatsoever. Use at you own risk!
1. I see alot of people have had trouble with getting Soldat to run on Linux, so I make a howto. The End . If you don't know what soldat is, check out .
2. First, you need Wine. Not WineX, regular Wine. I use wine20040121, and it works pretty well. Second, you need Soldat, preferably version 1.2.0, as it has alot of nifty stuff that previous versions don't have. You can download Soldat at and Wine at
3. Set up wine according to the howto in the "Wine(X)" section, you should compile it with OpenGL support. I'm not sure if Soldat needs it, but it's a good idea to. Now, setting up Soldat. First, extract the zip file and run the setup.exe program. This should run without a hitch.
3.1. Next, once Soldat is installed, go to the place where you installed it and
wine Config.exe
You should get a menu with a few tabs and alot of options for various things. Tweak them as you see fit, but I would warn ATI chipsets against any high detail settings, as the drivers aren't... acceptable .
3.2. Next, add this text to your ~/.wine/config file, near the bottom:
"Desktop" = "800x600"
Otherwise, it doesn't seem to accept any keyboard input .
3.3. If you purchased the Soldat registration key (only $9 ;) ), then you can enable the registered features by opening the s-reg.key file with a text editor, then copying its contents to the top of your ~/.wine/system.reg file.
3.4. After this:
wine Soldat.exe
And you should be playing happily .
4. Q: The game is about 10-20 FPS for me! I have an ATI card and use the ATI drivers.
A: It's a problem with ATI's drivers. You're at the mercy of the driver developer, I'm afraid . In the meantime, try setting the detail settings low, keeping the number of bots to a minimum, and playing on the Storm map alot, since I've seen better FPS in there.
Q: The ingame text is gibberish!
A: It's like that for everyone, and I (or anyone else) have yet to discover a fix. At least the menu text isn't gibberish .
Q: I press keys frantically, but nothing happens!
A: Follow the instructions for section 3.2.
June 1, 2004, 4:20 pm
I get Grass.bmp Original Map Scenery may not be modified, when I try to start a game thru wine
June 1, 2004, 5:56 pm
Oh, nevermind, I just had to SCP the files from the windows box with preserve modification times on.
June 1, 2004, 7:47 pm
this SUCKS.
I can't play multiplayer.
(You can't play with modified objects)
Michal should use md5 hash checking for object modification... instead of whatever he's using now.
June 15, 2004, 11:09 pm
Yes, why WOULD Michal want to recode the entire game just to satisfy a few people? You do realize the game is done in Delphi 6, and afaik, Delphi 6 does NOT have a Linux port.
Recoding the game in C or C++ would be a MAJOR hastle - and again, since only a few people use Linux compared to how many people use Widnows, it wouldn't be worth the time and money wasted to do so.
Now, don't get me wrong, I like Linux, it's great and all, but Windows will stay my gaming OS for one reason and one reason only - the mere amount of games I can play on it. :P
August 21, 2004, 12:58 pm
if finaly works for me!
Ive already tried it with my Mandrake system and the
tutorial (which is the same like the one from hektik sniper)
and it didnt want to work, but now, strange things happened :>
I am usin Kanotix (Debian/Knoppix system) and wine 20040716
I cant connect to a internet server yet, because the lobby server didnt work (just for me i guess, they are fine i think :>)
but ive been able to create a game and play with bots, without any modified scenery error or something like that
which appeared the last time. The other problem is, the font is [:-censored]ed up, cuz my system hasnt got the fonts yet.
(i will fix this later)
and the fps werent pretty good.... i guess this is cause of my ati graphics card (9800 pro)
about 20 - 30. i disabled all settings like antialiassing and so on, i use the newest ati driver
and my other specs are: 2800 mhz, 1 gb ram.
September 17, 2004, 5:35 am
Hello, the writer of the howto here. I found a way around the scenery modified error. It turns out that regular WINE doesn't run the installer properly, and something happens in transfer. There are two solutions:
Get an installation from a Windows box.
Get a hold of Cedega (CVS will probably work, but I haven't tried it), and use that for the installer. It seems to make it work fine.
After doing one of the two, use regular WINE. I'm using wine-20040914, and it's fine. Font is still gibberish, though.
September 17, 2004, 6:26 am
By the way... Delphi just sucks. Just plain sucks. Try C.
September 17, 2004, 3:01 pm
quote:Originally posted by Drevay
Recoding the game in C or C++ would be a MAJOR hastle - and again, since only a few people use Linux compared to how many people use Widnows, it wouldn't be worth the time and money wasted to do so.
September 18, 2004, 2:21 am
Yeah, but even so, C is a much more powerful and efficient language. If Michel didn't want to do the work himself, he could release some source and have the community do it for him.
September 18, 2004, 11:07 am
He is perfectly right to not to release the code of his game.
Do you know how hard is to program a game like soldat in C??? Do you know that advanced C?
One person does not have enough time to make soldat in C. And I dont see that community able to recode soldat.
If C were so good why dont you make a Soldat by yourself in C?
And following your thoughts I can say C sux. Assembler is the best language.
December 20, 2004, 8:27 am
Michal just should make soldat works on Linux.
I was trying to play soldat with Mandrake,
RedHat and Slackaware ... no idea how to make it run properly.
I run it once but there was no video ;_;
I will have to try Hektik's tutorial :P.
Btw. My friend is good with Assembler, but Michal wont five the code to us.
December 23, 2004, 1:21 am
could wine make it work on mac?
i havent really tried to get it to work i have windoes its just currently not working
December 23, 2004, 1:31 am
crazed, there is a reason why you have an edit button: use it.
January 8, 2005, 2:12 pm
Try this link.
Deleted User
March 12, 2005, 1:45 am
I'm not sure what you guys are doing wrong. I'm running Kanotix, which I assume is using the standard Wine from Debian. I downloaded the latest version of soldat (1.21), and ran it via Wine. The installer went without a hitch. Then, I ran soldat.exe with Wine. It ran without a hitch. I could connect to internet games without any hacks whatsoever. There were only two problems:
1. The garbled text (is there any way around this, cause it really does get annoying...)
2. When I exit soldat, my screen does not switch back to its standard resolution. There probably is a way around this.
March 28, 2005, 8:44 am
I heard of Delphi, isn't it a really easy to learn prorgram where you can do the same as C with only half the code (god bless C for making programming
[IMAGE]ing impossible)? I use Python for programming, after having given up on C (learning C is wasting your time if you want to do simple programming, there's always this other crap you need to set up). People should check it out, it's an interpreted language and comes standard with most linux versions.
March 28, 2005, 3:07 pm
Heh. It took me just as long to get Soldat working on Linux as it did to get Linux itself working.
For those people with problems, see if anything here helps you.
I did a stupid thing at first: I tried Wineing my Windooze installation, but that's apparently read-only, so that didn't work.
wine "/mnt/windows/Program Files/Soldat/Soldat.exe"
Then, I copied the folder over to my /home/ and after chmoding everything to RWE (read/write/execute), no more access problems. I could play Single Player games with bots, change the settings, and the game even let me exit without freezing up!
cp -r -v "/mnt/windows/Program Files/Soldat" "/home/r00t/windows/"
I did get the "Modified Animations" error if I tried to play Online though. Some people suggested installing Soldat straight into Linux, but with Wine, the Setup kept dying right before the actual install.
But then Apage43 mentioned preserving time signatures and whatnot, and if you look at the manual page for cp (copy), the -p key preserves all the times, attributes, etc. So I once more copied the windows Soldat folder to Linux:
cp -r -p -v "/mnt/windows/Program Files/Soldat/" "/home/r00t/windows/"
and magically everything started working!
Taking out the "Desktop = 800x600" line also helped. Some people mentioned that the keyboard doesn't work unless you add an AppDefaults line to your .wine/config but it actually works better without the hack. (On my system anyways.) Running without the changed res also allows you to go fullscreen if you enable the option in the Config.exe file.
Fullscreen allows the game to go much smoother (stupid ATI card and the low FPS). There is however a major screwup. It might just be how Mandrake or KDE handles things, but if Wine goes "fullscreen" what really happens is it opens the window at 0,0 in the top left corner and changes the resolution to fit around the game window. This workaround works fine, until you start playing aggressively and you move your mouse off the screen. Then the stupid thing scrolls the screen and Soldat runs away. The result? You get owned by bots on stupid. :(
Turning fullscreen off prevents that from happening but your mouse can still leave the game window causing the same effect, plus the FPS is much worse. If anyone has any tips on how to do a proper Fullscreen, I'd appreciate it.
Also, for ease of use, instead of having to open a shell session, typing in the whole path to your Soldat every time you want to play, make a shortcut. Go to your desktop, right click, go to Make New -> File -> Link to Application. The command/link/etc should be
wine "path to Soldat"
Then just double click the shortcut and you're off!
As for the fonts... Who cares what other people are saying? We're all l33t enough to know the guns and menu options, and the other people are probably like, "Dude, that retard is lagging, let's kick him!" So the fonts will have to wait until another day.
And I understand all this may vary from distro to distro, so some specs from my box:
Linux Mandrake 10.0
X with KDE
Wine 2005 03 10 (from
Soldat 1.2.1 Unregistered, but Linux hax0red. :D
That took a while. Better get back to playing!
Edit: I'm stunned by some things people said about languages. C does not suck! It may be a complex language, but it's very flexible. And Python on the other hand, well... it's an interpreter. Now Assembly - that's a real language. <- Shameless plug for FASM :)
Edit again: After a bit of lagging and maybe 5 frags, a thought hit me: let's have a Linux clan! Put [Linux] at the front of your name to let others know why you're n00bing and show off your true l33t skillz. Of course, there's no way in hell we would ever find each other in the game cause we can't read, but meh. :D
March 28, 2005, 7:07 pm
Augh, I've recently switched to entirely linux. And I can't get soldat to work : ( This sucks. I need my soldat.
I get access violation when I run Soldat thru wine, and it doesn't seem to be able to find the maps.
EDIT: Geez you guys, C(++) isn't as hard as you guys all make it out to be. Python (and scripted languages in general) is a lot slower than it. Also, SDL is great. And shucks, I'm just 14: (C++ stuff) <-- Simple fireworks <-- Class and functions to simulate DOS textmode <-- an IRC gateway to some java chat thing I found.
March 28, 2005, 8:45 pm
Apage, could you be more specific? When do you get the access violation? What does it say exactly? What happens after (ie: does it hang or crash)?
As for the maps, does it not display them in the maplist? Make sure you have them in the maps folder and you're not running Soldat off of your Windows partition.
Also make sure you get the latest version of wine from for your distro.
March 31, 2005, 12:08 pm
Just installed Soldat with Crossover Office ( I suppose Win will do the same) and everything works fine except:
Soldat is a little slow (I don't think its being hardware accelerated)
Text, as usual, is unreadable
It gave me some access violation during setup, but I pressed ok and everything continued installing fine.
All in All, it works, you just cant chat with the peeps! :D
April 1, 2005, 2:30 am
Stealth, can you give a link for Crossover Office? Or at least describe how it works? I wanna compare it to Wine.
April 1, 2005, 1:10 pm
Yea, try at the trial @:
Its really awesome, if I used Linux more I'd buy it. Its very user friendly, but of course, costs for full $40. This is a full demo however, no feature skimping ;)
April 1, 2005, 8:33 pm
Eh, it's for 30 days only + nagware. That sucks. Wine is completely free with no limits, besides when it doesn't work.
I've given up on this whole idea anyways. I just reboot to Windooze and play normally without lag. I can actually aim now! =]
May 26, 2005, 12:02 am
its an operating system that is not windows
"Whats an operating system anyways?"
i am ahab
May 27, 2005, 9:51 am
behold the thread that does not DIE!!1
just like ignorant windows users...
Deleted User
May 28, 2005, 11:56 pm
quote:Originally posted by RoyCome on you guys, use Windows XP like the rest of us bozos. It's not so bad. ;)
It IS bad, that's why I want to get rid of it completely, atm in running a linux box and a Windows XP box and the windows one is getting on my nerves so friggin' lot. I'm just tired of Microsoft's insecurity, bugs, weirdnesses and instability. Oh, and those install propaganda lines: "Windows XP is the most stable OS on the market". Gotta love 'em marketing department.
So, some day I am going to Live Free Or Die, with Linux.
What comes to emulators, im sure Cedega would run it perfectly. Anyone bought Cedega?
EDIT-> damn, i just noticed there were 3 pages of this thread and i replied to a comment at page 1. lol. time for sleep.
June 8, 2005, 8:11 am
soldat is working nicely with Wine 20050419 (the current version) no need for Cedega/WineX, just make sure OpenGl is enabled.
some tips for getting the most performance;
wine will give millions of stub errors, which will slow the game down considerably. start soldat with
wine .wine/fake_windows/Soldat/Soldat.exe > /dev/null 2>&1
to get rid of the errors.
"PerfectGraphics" = "N"
"UseDGA" = "Y"
"UseXVidMode" = "Y"
"UseXRandR" = "Y"
"UseTakeFocus" = "N"
"DXGrab" = "N" ;(This one will slow down mouse movement really badly if set to Y)
"DesktopDoubleBuffered" = "Y"
"ClientSideWithRender" = "Y"
"Desktop" = "N"
If you're using full screen mode, and it doesnt change the resolution back after youve exited, use:
wine .wine/fake_windows/Soldat/Soldat.exe > /dev/null 2>&1 && xrandr -s 0
xrandr -s 0 will change your res back to full, which is usually 1024x768
you should use fullscreen mode, but heres a screenshot I took which isnt in fullscreen mode;
no idea on what messes up the fonts though, but thats just a mild annoyance.
edit: also touching on the soldat specific config: remember that wine uses a hardware abstraction layer to plug directx into opengl.. which means that rendering stuff is slower. this means that stuff like 'Render bullet trails' and 'Dithering' and 'Antialiasing' should be disabled, while things like the number of particles and bot seeing ability which relies mostly on CPU power isnt affected by being in wine, so they can be whatever they were on windows.
if you prefer a creamy smooth framerate to having everything antialiased to the point of being a blurry mess, then just turn off all performance related stuff. the only performance degrading thing I like is having particles at a max, everything else just seems to blur everything..
anyway thats my 2c.. now if mike'll just add proxy support, or at least make the networking protocol open...
Deleted User
June 8, 2005, 11:17 am
I heard The first versions of our precious soldat worked out fine on linux..! But i don't know for sure..
June 17, 2005, 2:10 pm
one last thing.. use the colour depth which youre using in X. if you're using 24-bit in X use 32-bit in the soldat config, this also make a large difference in framerate.
Deleted User
July 9, 2005, 5:48 pm
With the release of WineX 3.3, has anyone attempted to get Soldat 1.2 working?
There is also a new vmware release which i just compiled...
I'll give them both a try tomorrow...
Deleted User
July 13, 2005, 2:14 am
I can't get CVS to install on Fedora Core 4 because of compiler bugs, and I don't want to pay for Cedega.
July 13, 2005, 12:43 pm
There is a program called HyperOS. You can switch between different OS(e.g. Linux and WinXP). It would make testing easier. If you can get it *coughcoughcoughcough* from somewhere.
August 5, 2005, 8:34 pm
I have given up so i simplie reboot ^^
August 10, 2005, 12:04 am
I have installed wine and wine appears to work fine, but when i run Setup.exe, i go through the first couple pages with the installation options, and when I get through the past page to confirm the installation options, i get an access violation.
Any bright ideas?
August 10, 2005, 12:28 pm
Does it continue? I got one of those but it seemed to have installed fine anyway. Also, has anyone tried the new font.ini? Perhaps this is the answer to running Soldat in Linux w/o crappy fonts! :D
Deleted User
August 10, 2005, 12:46 pm
lol WINE!
Do not use wine for soldat or any DirectX game.
CVS and compile for free)
August 10, 2005, 4:34 pm
yea, but Cedega is hard to install and wine runs it perfectly fine.
August 10, 2005, 5:42 pm
no, it does not contine after the access violation. the program terminates and wine lets me view the logs etc etc. i will compile cedega and try it out tonight.
Any ideas on what could be causing the access violation?
August 11, 2005, 12:20 pm
Do you have a hardware-accelerated desktop? I seem to have made myself get an access violation by using's compositing feture for the desktop, and Soldat didn't like that. However, I was able to use it in KDE (which doesn't use the composite like my default Gnome desktop) and it worked fine...
August 11, 2005, 8:22 pm
can you reduce that into slightly more lay terms? I use ubuntu with gnome and im not sure if it is hardware accelerated
August 12, 2005, 4:34 am
I don't know how far you got, flies, but you need to install hardware acceleration for Ubuntu. Follow instructions on the
this thread for ATI (I never used ati with linux.) I'm guessing that hardware accel. would have nothing to do with your crashed installation.
I got Soldat 1.2.1 to work on Ubuntu, but I have not tested 1.3. Try 1.2 to see if there are any major differences. Another problem I ran into was getting soldat on linux to run with my registration key =/ Dunno if anybody else got this...
btw from my experiance cedega sucked with Soldat. I think Ensesce is a little misinformed because wine works okay with DX. The last supported version of soldat on the cedega website was pretty old. You may have different results.
August 13, 2005, 10:46 pm
I didn't mean actual hardware acceleration drivers (though you should have it if you're trying to run soldat) I mean a hardware-accelerated desktop. Such as using the composite features, Lumniocity window manager, or Xgl server. Something like that :D
September 1, 2005, 3:25 pm
i read all topic content and here i'll type all my history:
in all my life i use windows and i'm tired using it!!! I wanna something diferent, something that gimme more POWERS, more CONTROL of my computer!
And, with this in mind, i'll make an important decision: BUY A NEW HD AND INSTALL UBUNTU. And make a DUAL BOOT with Windows XP in another HD too.
OK, i didn't buy the HD yet. And, have a problem what make TROUBLES to me:
Holi sht! This is the best problem that BLOCK me to leave my windows!!! And reading this forum, i'm certainty that i'll resolve this, with the support of all there! Thnx to all!!!
silly Suasag3
September 29, 2005, 3:33 am
Soldat works on my other computer and thats linux....tis 1 is windows w0000000t wwwwiiiinnndddddooooowwwws rox!!!!!
September 29, 2005, 5:23 am
quote:Originally posted by silly Suasag3Soldat works on my other computer and thats linux....tis 1 is windows w0000000t wwwwiiiinnndddddooooowwwws rox!!!!!
WIndows is the pwnzor. It pwns Linux!
i am ahab
September 29, 2005, 9:50 am
bricks as a moderator can you compile a sticky of what has/hasn't been found?
big ask i know, sorry.
but else you get morons like sausage coming in and spouting their 2 cents worth in a thread i actually find informative....
September 29, 2005, 4:50 pm
Do not post in this topic if you have nothing helpful to say concerning running Soldat on Linux systems.
Social Poison
October 25, 2005, 10:31 pm
quote:Originally posted by MukerjiI heard The first versions of our precious soldat worked out fine on linux..! But i don't know for sure..
I doubt highly that's true. Soldat uses DirectX, doesn't it? That's a Windows only thing :-/
October 28, 2005, 9:19 am
quote:Originally posted by Social Poisonquote:Originally posted by MukerjiI heard The first versions of our precious soldat worked out fine on linux..! But i don't know for sure..
I doubt highly that's true. Soldat uses DirectX, doesn't it? That's a Windows only thing :-/
i dunno.. that's what i heard.. Oh.. i made this new acc. Mukerji is me..:D
November 9, 2005, 2:20 pm
Has anyone tried with the recent Wine 0.9? I think they integrate that Oliver guy's DirectX 9 pathes into it. And just to make it clear with people:
Just cuz it doesn't work for you doesnt mean that its completely borked. The ONLY problem people have encounted with Soldat+Linux is garbled text.
Here's proof:
Running Ubuntu 5.10, Wine 0.9, Soldat 1.3...
Again, only major problems are the text, and that its not super fast either. But if you've ever played Soldat on a crappy ol machine, then you won't mind :P
November 9, 2005, 5:00 pm
i tried it a bit ago on a newer release of wine and got farther, i'm gonna try it again when i get a chance, since there have been at least 3 more wine releases since the last time i tried it.
i am ahab
November 9, 2005, 7:16 pm
kk matey. i've had a boot sector meltdown on an my ex primary harddisc and grabbed an ubuntu iso. i shall perform some operations over the next few weeks and call dr bricks and this thread with the results.....
December 20, 2005, 6:05 pm
Ok i got Soldat (on Gentoo Linux) running but Sound don't work and the Text is messed up (Numbers are looking strange and text is unreadable), if someone is realy interested into which versions i have and this stuff you can reach me by ICQ.
Ok i just started WINE again and seems like it have stopped working ^^ at least it dont start :-/ however i will tell if i found out why it stopped to work.
December 20, 2005, 6:12 pm
Ok next update, it didn't stoped to work but i need a inhuman time to start. So around 5 to 10 Minutes here with a 2Ghz Pentium-M. But as sone as it runs it runs without Performance Problems (but still with the Text and Sound problem).
December 27, 2005, 11:19 am
The installation works fine for me under Wine, Flies. Are you still having problems?
Latest Bugzilla update for font problems:
By the way, I worked out exactly what garbling is happening - the font symbols
are being rendered backwards (flipped horizontally), and its using the index
one above the one it should (ie, "sqweek" shows up as "trxffl").
The fonts I've attached here are a temp fix. I used fontforge to manually flip
the characters and shift them one index. It messes up the text on the menus but
at least once you get in game the text is readable (it's not pretty, but it's
readable :) ).
I just grabbed the latest cvs code (20051227) and the problem is still present.
However, there is something else at work here - I have a saved wine source tree
which worked great for soldat back in my Debian system. But, that same tree
compiled now under SourceMage has this font issue. Probably some font config
issue is involved... unfortunately I've reinstalled over Debian so can't
investigate it.
Here is the attachment.
December 27, 2005, 10:50 pm
thats a great piece of debugging he did to figure out that the indexes were flipped and shifted... if i had looked hard enough i might have seen that eventually... maybe
Deleted User
January 13, 2006, 4:38 am
I got linux on my laptop. It is a 500 megahertz dell latitude cpx.
Any chances of running soldat?
January 13, 2006, 12:50 pm
yeah, there's a good chance of it working.
btw, I took your signature image out, please see the forum rules regarding the size of signatures
January 26, 2006, 8:05 pm
Does any1 know who builds linux? maybe sum1 could email him/her/them and ask them to put in direct x support or support for windows games in the next version of linux.
Personally I prefer WinXP because Linux is to command based, but thats 4 you guys to work out.
By the way, SODLAT RULZ!!!!!
January 26, 2006, 11:57 pm
livingdalife, please do not post in this topic if you have nothing to contribute or no understanding of the topic at hand.
January 27, 2006, 1:54 pm
Yea, cuz Linux is so NOT too command line based. Go check out
[URL] and try a LiveCD. You will see that it's not.
Nice find on the font thing! I only noticed the E backwards, and thought it just looked like that when it got corrupted! ^_^ Hopefully future DX patches to wine will correct this...
January 27, 2006, 3:47 pm
Ok, no offense but please don't post in this thread if you have nothing to contribute. This thread will become useless if it becomes very cluttered because people will not want to look through pages of replies for information if they have to sort through off-topic stuff.
As of now, I'm going to delete any and all off-topic posts in this thread so that it preserves its purpose as a resource
January 27, 2006, 4:17 pm
I don't have anything to contribute but I do have something to ask.
This thread started in 2003 when all soldat servers were working on windows.
Today most if not ALL servers work on Linux , isn't the issue of Soldat works with linux solved?
Also, could it be an issue that might be usefull for Soldat guide?
We could gather a nice collection of tips or whatever is posted here, and add it to the guide.
What do you think?
January 27, 2006, 4:52 pm
Ok, read the thread. This is NOT about servers working on linux, this is about getting the client to work on linux.
January 27, 2006, 6:28 pm
Yea I got that, I just assumed that if a soldat server works on linux, so does the client :S
March 10, 2006, 11:18 am
Heres Soldat running on :
Vector Linux SOHO 5.01
nvidia drivers:
wine: 0.9 (not the latest which is screwed)
soldat: v1.3.0 (1.3.1 should be fine)
Hardware: AthalonXP 2500+ 768mb ram nvidia fx5200
GFX: 100% except for fonts. installing windows core fonts makes text unreadable, you also need to rename the fonts in soldat so it can't use them. FPS 2/3 of windows.
Sound: 95% - due to quality difference between windows propriety drivers and linux open source drivers.
March 10, 2006, 11:31 pm
I played 1.3.1 for a while on the net last night. FPS was rather poor 20-30 but everything else was sweet.
March 13, 2006, 1:44 pm
Pathos, so you never installed that "msttcorefonts" package?
And you renamed the lucon.ttf and bgothl.ttf that Soldat came with?
Odd that it works on Wine 0.9 but not on the latest (I'll be trying on 0.9.9 soon)
March 14, 2006, 1:53 am
yes (well I renamed the folder) and yes
0.9.9 doesn't display the map polygons
I'm not an expert on wine so there are probably so settings you could change to make it work.
for some reason firefox saved bookmarks.html over user.reg ..????? now my sound doesn't work from a backup copy :(
...must fix
March 20, 2006, 8:17 am
Ok wine seems to require OSS (ALSA doesn't seem to work). I've got sound working.
only need 30 more fps... :/
March 20, 2006, 8:31 am
Wine can use ALSA, OSS, ESD or aRTs, I think. You can choose the plugin using winecfg.
EDIT: Jack and NAS are supported too.
Wine versions 0.9.9 and 0.9.10 seem to [CENSORED] up Soldat on my Gentoo install... lots of debug messages that I didn't get on Debian. I might try the .deb later.
EDIT2: .deb didn't install - tried the Slackware binary and fixed a few problems but the polygons are invisible.
March 20, 2006, 1:02 pm
Yea, I've posted a bug for Wine to see what they come up with, they suggest for me to do some sort of traceback but I'm not experienced enough to do that kind of stuff yet...nor do I have enough time.
I've been trying Wine 0.9.9 and 0.9.10 however, still with no luck. I keep having to disable sound using Soldat's Config app, as it kept being screwy for me. I'll try OSS next though. Polygons are still funky, I'm gonna try some different options for that...
Anyone happen to have a Wine 0.9 deb handy? :D
March 25, 2006, 9:35 am
just grab the source from sourceforge, its a piece of cake to install
March 26, 2006, 6:06 pm
No, I already compiled 0.9.10 myself, and Ubuntu has it in its repos now anyway, but what I need is the 0.9.0 version, which I can't seem to find on sourceforge...:(
April 4, 2006, 10:08 am
Ok I have just tested Soldat on my Ubuntu DapperDrake with Wine 0.9.11.
Wine 0.9.11 is available in Wine's apt repository, address is in the download page.
The problems from version 1.3 and wine 0.9 are still the same.
Can't setup controls, text is garbled and sound only works with ALSA but lags (even with WINEDEBUG=-all).
I had problems with the textures and sprites too.
They were invisible.. I couldn't see the health and grenade boxes and the map looked like a wireframe.. I could see just the borders of the polygons. Take a look at this screenshot:
One more thing for XGL+Compiz (accelerated desktop) users, you have to disable XGL+Compiz or the game won't work. If you leave it enabled XGL will interfere with the game window and the game will be blooooody lagged. I posted this information in Wine's Application Databse, let's see what happens.
April 4, 2006, 12:32 pm
Yea, here's the bug filed in bug tracker too guys:
Add whatever you can to there, hopefully a non-DirectX-inept-Wine-programmer will check it out ;)
April 4, 2006, 3:21 pm
thanks for keeping up on this guys, as long as people from the soldat community keep interacting with the wine bug tracker, Soldat should gain compatability sooner rather than later
April 4, 2006, 3:57 pm
Yea, and if someone who is really experienced with using CVS or GIT please follow the instructions on how to do a regression test (by checking that bug tracker link). I'm sure if someone takes the time to do this they can find what happened from Wine 0.9 to the current versions and what needs to be fixed!
April 8, 2006, 11:06 am
er i would if I had absolutely nothing to do :/
anyone have any idea what the performance differences between 0.9 and 0.9.11 are?
my new 6600GT made the image better but the fps are still limited to 20-30 by my Athalon 2500+
April 9, 2006, 12:25 am
For me the main problem with 0.9.11 is the missing textures and sprites. It would be good if more people could confirm if they have this problem or not.
Other than that the problems are still the same... garbled text, can't setup controls, [CENSORED]ty sound.
I didn't look at the FPS meter but the game feels like in Windows.
I'm using a XFX Geforce 6800GS.
April 9, 2006, 12:48 am
I don't have any missing sprites but the textures are gone, and I get debug errors in the console which slow down the framerate a lot, on a Radeon 9550 with ATI's fglrx driver.
There's a fix for the garbled text
here which Elephant_Hunter linked to on the previous page.
April 10, 2006, 6:04 am
Quote:Originally posted by frogboy I get debug errors in the console which slow down the framerate a lot...
...didn't think about that...aterm scrolling with its transparency and all wouldn't help :P
April 10, 2006, 7:15 am
You can use WINEDEBUG=-all wine Soldat.exe to stop wine from outputting garbage to the console.
The sprites I meant are the grenade and health boxes and probably the bonuses too.
April 10, 2006, 9:02 am
Hey! Nice to see Linux users ask for native client. Maybe when it will be out I will at last buy Soldat's licence. :)
For now I'm running Soldat with WINE 20050725 on SUSE 10.0. Everything is pretty good execpt fonts. Yes, I donwnloaded fonts from the previous page, but what should I do with them? Where should I put them?
And one more problem. When I exit Soldat, I still have that 640x480 resoulution. Is there a fast command to restore my previous one?
April 10, 2006, 4:05 pm
Unfortunately, there will never be a native linux client. The best we can do is help lead the wine developers with our reports to
Reporting bugs and regression problems are very effective, so if you guys can ever try out soldat in wine and report issues, it will help more than you think
April 19, 2006, 7:57 pm
Quote:Originally posted by void_falseHey! Nice to see Linux users ask for native client. Maybe when it will be out I will at last buy Soldat's licence. :)
For now I'm running Soldat with WINE 20050725 on SUSE 10.0. Everything is pretty good execpt fonts. Yes, I donwnloaded fonts from the previous page, but what should I do with them? Where should I put them?
And one more problem. When I exit Soldat, I still have that 640x480 resoulution. Is there a fast command to restore my previous one?
If you downloaded the same fix as I did, the fonts should go in the main Soldat folder. Your menu text will be unreadable after you replace the original fonts, so make sure that you make a backup of the old font files before overwriting!!
As for the resolution: If you have "xrandr" installed (you probably do), then use the command "xrandr" to see a list of your availible resolutions. You probably want the first one on the list, number 0. So you would want to write "xrandr -s 0" to switch to that.
Now if only I could figure out how to write a bash script which would run soldat via wine and switch resolution when the wineserver was shut down. But I cant :/
April 20, 2006, 1:36 am
Oh. Thx for the reply. :)
I've used Konqueror's bookmark to get to the fonts directory and just copied your files there. As for the resoulution issue I've used krandrtray from KDE. But anyway thank you for the answer.
One more thing is that Soldat runs much smoother in window mode rather than in fullscreen.
Uncle Enzo
April 29, 2006, 12:22 pm
There's a little workaround to get readable fonts just disable
in the wine registry, (you must add them in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Wine -> X11 Driver section as String value and set it to 0)
and the textures only works for me in wine version 0.9.8 :]
works well with 80FPS on xorg 7.0 and doesn't really work on xgl :p
May 17, 2006, 5:41 pm
Uncle Enzo, you said you had it running in Wine 0.9.8?? How'd you go about doing that? Past 0.9, all I get is what DeMo posted on the top of this page. Polygons all ripped up and stuff.
Also, has anyone attempted with the new 0.9.13, according to the changelog it has a "gazillion Direct3D fixes."