January 3, 2004, 1:04 am
It's kool how in like, the LOTR there are weapons with individual names (eg, sting). I was thinking that maybe Soldat could have a pool of 6ish special weapons (each with it's own power and stuff), and you can pick them up in the level and then everyone would be fighting for the most powerful weapon, but unlike in Rambo, everyone is scoring like in DM. Just a random thought that struck at 3 in the morning.
January 3, 2004, 6:57 am
change the thread title:it's stealing from mine, and it's only one thought.
im not really sure how you mean. like, there's a bennelli, flamethrower, and XM29 in a room, when people get 'em, they kill to their heart's content? that'd be...alright...im purdy sure it aint gettin in there though. keep 'em commin!
January 7, 2004, 2:58 am
I would, but with the response (or lack thereof) that I got from this, I think I'll just give up.
January 7, 2004, 3:22 am
So basically, a traditional deathmatch mode, like from Quake. You would have to change the map maker though. Maybe this suggestion is more suitable for the mapmaker forum? There would need to be several changes. A)What gun everyone starts with and B)The ability to place weapons like you place grenades. Or maybe a new game mode where the server computer picks which weapons and randomly/user places weapons somewhere on the map. I like the idea! Back to my Quake days, with that Volcano level. That was so fun!
January 7, 2004, 5:03 am
thats a good idea dragon88 i hope somethin like that happins
January 7, 2004, 5:13 am
I hope you don't mind that I posted it in the Map Maker Suggestions/Improvements? Because I think some really good maps could be made. And I said that it wasn't my idea. I think it's a really good idea.
Miseria Cantare
January 7, 2004, 5:45 am
i think it would be too much of a change in gameplay but good idea.
January 7, 2004, 11:53 pm
there's no point in putting it the mapmaker area. you wouldnt just have to add-on to the mapmaker, but the whole game. i dont think you realized that, Gaah.
January 8, 2004, 12:57 am
I've thought about something similar for a while now. Pickup weapons, with limited ammo. Say you pick up a flamer or a laser( i dunno) or some other powerful special weapon, you can shoot out the clip then it switches back to your normal weapons. It would act like a pickup (so you don't have to drop your weapons or anything), but ammo limited instead of time limited.
January 8, 2004, 1:02 am
Well peemonkey, wouldn't maps need a spawn point for weapons? You would have to add on the the whole game and the map maker as well. I still think it should be map maker. Then people could make maps with this idea or they could modify existing maps so that you start off with a knife, and have to pick up weapons. Hell, this idea could limit the use of the barret. It could also make fun gameplay, with people quickly getting an automatic, so they can battle to pick up a better weapon with it, like the M79. And peemonkey, if you want it as serverside or whatever, how would you do it then?
January 8, 2004, 9:18 pm
this idea might work only if it was an option
January 9, 2004, 1:37 am
quote:Originally posted by Gaah
I hope you don't mind that I posted it in the Map Maker Suggestions/Improvements? Because I think some really good maps could be made. And I said that it wasn't my idea. I think it's a really good idea.
Sure thing, I'm not tort happy.
T, i was thinking a seperate game mode all together... All players start with their secondary wep and no primary, they must then find one of these 'special' weapons in order to do effective battle. And gaah, is correct, you would have to have spawn points for the weapons (tho it would be a generic 'Special Wep Spawns Here' thing, you wouldn't be able to designate what weapon spawns where.