First of all: read Michal Marcinkowski's Mapmaker Manual, the basics are explained quite well.
Waypointing isn't that difficult, you just have to understand a few things:
When a bot hits a waypoint it performs the action that is defined in the next waypoint connected to the one he met (if there are more than one connected, he chooses randomly). But if he doesn't hit the next waypoint he keeps performing that action until he hits another waypoint or until he hits a wall he can't climb. The bot won't do anything to get to the waypoint connected to the first one! He just performs the action you defined. What do we do to make sure that the bot gets to the next waypoint? This image shows it (means I am too lazy to explain it [:D] )
If he misses the one connected to the first one (referring to the image) it doesn't matter because he will hit one of the other ones and then perform the next action. (And if you get what I mean then you know what you have to do that he reaches the point where he is told to stop flying: put another line of points above and below the third point and connect them to the next waypoint (not in the image))
(Why I didn't put them directly above each other: If the bot hits one of the higher waypoints he doesn't need to fly that far, that's why I put them further to the third waypoint)
Another hint: you can tell them do do nothing, too (useful if you just want them to use the momentum they have (when flying or jumping) so that they don't go too far, but keep their direction. BUT: when telling them to do nothing you absolutely HAVE TO make sure they hit another waypoint, or they will stand around doing nothing)
The rest is trial and error: construct your waypoints -> add a bot in the same team as yours, watch him, if he doesn't hit a waypoint -> put in another waypoint -> watch -> put waypoints in -> watch -> put waypoints in -> and so on... and that IS time consuming, I can tell you [:D]
But if the bot isn't jumping or flying you don't need that many waypoints, usually one waypoint after another fits that situation quite well (but as always: try it with a bot and he will show you if you did anything wrong :) )
Here are two screenshots to inspire you:
A few words on the secound screenshot: The bot has to jump out of a hole in the ground, a task that even some humans don't seem to master [;)] . OK, what happens if he falls in the hole: either he directly hits one of the points leading to a jump point (yellow line) or he gets in one of the corners where he hits one of the points telling him to walk in the middle (resulting in hitting one of the yellow line waypoints) either way he'll jump up and hit one of the grey line waypoints (flying waypoints) and then he simply flies up and hits one of the walk right waypoints and he walks right and lands on the right side of the hole. (I tried it: the bot always gets out of the hole with one jump!)
The screenshots are taken from a map I'm working on at the moment. You'll be able to download it here in a few days..... maybe a few more [:D]
BTW: Yes this is my first post on this board and I'm quite new to soldat, but I like that game so much I just want to become part of the community somehow :)
Waypointing isn't that difficult, you just have to understand a few things:
When a bot hits a waypoint it performs the action that is defined in the next waypoint connected to the one he met (if there are more than one connected, he chooses randomly). But if he doesn't hit the next waypoint he keeps performing that action until he hits another waypoint or until he hits a wall he can't climb. The bot won't do anything to get to the waypoint connected to the first one! He just performs the action you defined. What do we do to make sure that the bot gets to the next waypoint? This image shows it (means I am too lazy to explain it [:D] )
If he misses the one connected to the first one (referring to the image) it doesn't matter because he will hit one of the other ones and then perform the next action. (And if you get what I mean then you know what you have to do that he reaches the point where he is told to stop flying: put another line of points above and below the third point and connect them to the next waypoint (not in the image))
(Why I didn't put them directly above each other: If the bot hits one of the higher waypoints he doesn't need to fly that far, that's why I put them further to the third waypoint)
Another hint: you can tell them do do nothing, too (useful if you just want them to use the momentum they have (when flying or jumping) so that they don't go too far, but keep their direction. BUT: when telling them to do nothing you absolutely HAVE TO make sure they hit another waypoint, or they will stand around doing nothing)
The rest is trial and error: construct your waypoints -> add a bot in the same team as yours, watch him, if he doesn't hit a waypoint -> put in another waypoint -> watch -> put waypoints in -> watch -> put waypoints in -> and so on... and that IS time consuming, I can tell you [:D]
But if the bot isn't jumping or flying you don't need that many waypoints, usually one waypoint after another fits that situation quite well (but as always: try it with a bot and he will show you if you did anything wrong :) )
Here are two screenshots to inspire you:
A few words on the secound screenshot: The bot has to jump out of a hole in the ground, a task that even some humans don't seem to master [;)] . OK, what happens if he falls in the hole: either he directly hits one of the points leading to a jump point (yellow line) or he gets in one of the corners where he hits one of the points telling him to walk in the middle (resulting in hitting one of the yellow line waypoints) either way he'll jump up and hit one of the grey line waypoints (flying waypoints) and then he simply flies up and hits one of the walk right waypoints and he walks right and lands on the right side of the hole. (I tried it: the bot always gets out of the hole with one jump!)
The screenshots are taken from a map I'm working on at the moment. You'll be able to download it here in a few days..... maybe a few more [:D]
BTW: Yes this is my first post on this board and I'm quite new to soldat, but I like that game so much I just want to become part of the community somehow :)