January 3, 2004, 6:39 pm
Just trying to be a contributing member of the Soldat community, so i put up a poll on my site.
Take a quick hop over to
[URL] and vote.
Keep those ideas rolling in. Great idea for the katana Spike.
January 3, 2004, 7:05 pm
Someone has voted no. :/ Lets slice him in 50 little pieces and burn him on oil with that smurf guy. >:D
January 3, 2004, 8:01 pm
i didnt vote. i think it's pointless. but i did win the hourly prize! what is it?!? i want it!!!
January 3, 2004, 8:05 pm
o won an a chance to use =D OH Happy Day!!
(i voted yes)
January 3, 2004, 8:21 pm
haha katana??? hey next we need a silenced socom or a rubber knife. comon we already got knifes
but i can see that the katana can't be throwed and has a longer reach. maybe
January 3, 2004, 8:41 pm
Maybe it could be throwed, but it would rotate, so it wouldn't hit with the sharp side every time.
Or longer range than knife in hands, but shorter when throwed.
January 3, 2004, 9:52 pm
Ah what the hell. It'd be nice to have another secondary to push it up to five, and it means that when you take katana and mp5 you can play Morpheus from Reloaded (when he takes that jeep down on the freeway)
For weapon balance, I suggest:
Chainsaw: Long reach, kills almost instantly
Knife: Short reach, lethal stabs but timed stabs so doesn't kill as fast as chainsaw, long range lethal throw
Katana: Long reach, lethal swipes which are slightly slower than knife stabs, short range lethal throw
I think thats fair. I also propose the katana animation is a downwards slice, but every 1/6 attacks it a horizontal swipe that cuts the enemy's head off, and the attacking player screams "HEEEEEYAAAAAAAH!", and you get a multikill style message saying 'DECAPITATION!'
(decapitation attack not required, obviously. But still cool!)
January 3, 2004, 9:58 pm
Yeah, but Katana's would render knives and chainsaw's useless. I voted no.
January 3, 2004, 9:59 pm
yes!good idea, we could chop people into little chunks with it!
January 3, 2004, 10:15 pm
And then we could eat their hearts! HHHARRRRRR!
juice _ box
January 3, 2004, 11:14 pm
quote:Ah what the hell. It'd be nice to have another secondary to push it up to five, and it means that when you take katana and mp5 you can play Morpheus from Reloaded (when he takes that jeep down on the freeway)
For weapon balance, I suggest:
Chainsaw: Long reach, kills almost instantly
Knife: Short reach, lethal stabs but timed stabs so doesn't kill as fast as chainsaw, long range lethal throw
Katana: Long reach, lethal swipes which are slightly slower than knife stabs, short range lethal throw
I think thats fair. I also propose the katana animation is a downwards slice, but every 1/6 attacks it a horizontal swipe that cuts the enemy's head off, and the attacking player screams "HEEEEEYAAAAAAAH!", and you get a multikill style message saying 'DECAPITATION!'
(decapitation attack not required, obviously. But still cool!)
When he's not jumping off walls he's thinking of happy mediums. gg
January 3, 2004, 11:23 pm
Eh, If you need to no what the specs of the katana would be read spike's topic. Something like some cool ideas or something.
January 3, 2004, 11:36 pm
Hmh, I voted yes.
As I love katana, and i would be sure it would bring more followers for soldat ^^; mainly katana lovers. :]
My Specs.
Swing - 50%-100% damage depends where you hit
Throw - just drops it.
k thx bye *ps its 1:35am*
January 3, 2004, 11:58 pm
you guys need to stop playing tekken and mortal combat
{it's nothing personal}
January 4, 2004, 12:01 am
i voted yes :P how can a lil cute deadly sharp ass katana harm soldat? hehe
January 4, 2004, 12:05 am
quote:Originally posted by gunny
you guys need to stop playing tekken and mortal combat
{it's nothing personal}
Some people wants to do cool tricks, like me. *I have never played tekken or mortal combat, btw*
*besides more people means usually more money ^^*
January 4, 2004, 12:57 am
sorry about this but its thrown, maybe the katana could replace the chainsaw, since the saw is not used much, also blaster if people leave because they can't get "cool tricks" for soldat then i say let then leave, i know alot of people say this but i honostly don't think soldiers do "cool tricks" and i know its a game also, but "cool tricks" aren't really in many army games i belive
January 4, 2004, 1:11 am
No, Katana should replace the knife. Chainsaw is the original novelty weapon.
juice _ box
January 4, 2004, 1:12 am
quote:No, Katana should replace the knife. Chainsaw is the original novelty weapon.
shoot yourself please.
There is always space for a new weapon.
January 4, 2004, 1:14 am
I already did shoot myself. What I meant was IF it was to replace something...
January 4, 2004, 2:18 am
Chainsaw might not be used by players, but Michal uses it. Therefore, it won't be removed...
January 4, 2004, 3:32 am
The katana would not be a secondary weopon. It should be as a primary.
Throwing the katana should not be possible. Just drop it like everything else.
The damage of a katana should not be that of a chainsaw or a knife, we want it to be a bit weaker, to still give purpose to other melee items, but also it has its advantage as well.
Its attack speed should not be comparable to chain saw or knife, it should be slower, after all we are swinging a big hunk of metal.
Upon successful hitting of a bullet (or other forms of attacks) when swung, the katana should have a 25% (or less?) chance of deflecting the attack. If the attack happens to be an explosive, the explosive will expllode 100% of the time and will damage the player weilding the katana.
I really think there should be some melee weapon that is formidable vs guns. When i play other shooter games (mainly 3d) i can always take down my friends with a fist, or a knife when they are using automatics and other guns.
While this does not fit in the "soldier" theme of the game, neither do the rocket boots, or chainsaw. Lets not forget the special power ups. Rambo bow anyone? All these are meant for fun, which is where my point is going. The katana, made right, can be a balanced and fun item, and will not make the chainsaw or the knife useless.
Perhaps a player could use the katana to try and move close to their target (using deflection chances), and when close enough pull out a chainsaw or knife and finish him off.
To say a katana could make a chainsaw or knife useless is wrong. You might as well say a good sniper makes every other gun useless.
January 4, 2004, 7:09 am
The poll was down for a bit, but it is back up now.
I thought about the katana, and while it sounds fun, im starting to differ on the whole idea.
I would like the katana to be able to deflect bullets, but a constant 100% deflection rate would be abusive, and i personally dont like a "chance" to deflect. I have played games that rely highly on chance, and most new players think they are some god because luck is in their favor for almost the entire game, then quickly get smited at the end and lose, i do not wish to see this in soldat.
Using the katana itself without deflection just wouldnt be as fun. You might as well use the chainsaw or knife then because they would both be the same as the katana if it couldnt deflect.
Perhaps the deflect could take up "ammo". Normal swings would act like a knife and not require ammo, but upon deflecting an attack, it uses ammo, after so many deflects you have to reload.
January 4, 2004, 8:40 am
Look Senniant, if the katana were a primary weapon, making it slower and less powerful than a secondary weapon (albeit and fairly hard to use one) is somewhat strange. Toning it down that far and only having a 25% chance of deflection would make it too weak for use. I would rather see it as a secondary weapon with the properties that sauron suggested, mmmmm...bloody. Anyways, essentially the katana is not a heavy close combat weapon, I see it as more of a fast weapon, which is capable of slashing quickly at the enemy or slowly powerful stab(i think this should be implemented as a secondary mode). I mean if it is a great hunk of metal then so is the minigun, how come our soldats can carry (and fire!) one of these and still walk at normal speeds?
January 4, 2004, 10:07 am
It should be a primary weopon so you could use it along with the other secondary melee. You could use it as a combination rather then gun/sword combo.
I said make it weaker then chainsaw/knife for a reason. If the katana were to deflect, that could make it VERY powerful. You cant kill what you cant hit. I think a balance between defensive/offensive is how the katana should work. Why have 3 melee secondarys that all kill on contact?
I suppose since the combat knife, chainsaw, and the LAW do more damage then most primary weopons, that means we should switch those around? I dont think so.
Have you ever held a sword? A katana is quite large, it is folded metal, several times. It is LONG. In a sense, it would be much easier to hold 2 knifes and still attack faster. A chainsaw requires no actual swinging and does the cutting on its own. It only makes sense to make the katana slower.
With the katana's advantages, it could promote the usage of melee weopons all around. Katana/knife combo or katana/chainsaw combo. Use the deflection to get in close and attempt to finish it off with your secondary. While this task would not be the easiest, it would certainly be much easier then just trying to get close without the ability to deflect.
The poll is down again. If your trying to vote, check back later. :P
January 4, 2004, 10:23 am
quote:Originally posted by Senniant
Have you ever held a sword? A katana is quite large, it is folded metal, several times. It is LONG.
Have YOU held a katana? A katana that deflects bullets? Well then. Maybe if there was armour bundled with the katana? Maybe if holding the katana turns you into a samurai, making u have a bigger jump and making you run fast, take less damage. Hell, lets add Samurai mode! I don't really see how a katana can work. Someone with a bullet deflecting katana against a Barret? Katana would win, as it would deflect the Barret's bullet, and as the Barret takes so long between shots, the Barret user would have to pull their secondary weapon or leave their Barret out and run. Maybe if the katana halves the amount of damage if you succesfully "divert it" a bit. Otherwise Katana vs. slow firing gun = minced Soldier.
January 4, 2004, 10:31 am
quote:Originally posted by Senniant
Have you ever held a sword? A katana is quite large, it is folded metal, several times. It is LONG.
Yes I have! >:) 1 short, 1 long. Though they are not so heavy. & yes you can make fast swings with it :]
Besides I dont think it should deflect anything.
Ak vs Katana
*a brave soldier sees an ak supportive shooter*
*he eases his mind for a min, wields his katana!*
*and runs towards his doom*
*ak wielder sees this berserking soldat and starts to shoot him*
*katana wielding soldier is almost death, but with his last breaths he got ak users head sliced!*
.:/current voting results/:.
yes - 18
no - 10
January 4, 2004, 11:54 am
quote:Originally posted by bLaStEr
Ak vs Katana
*a brave soldier sees an ak supportive shooter*
*he eases his mind for a min, wields his katana!*
*and runs towards his doom*
*ak wielder sees this berserking soldat and starts to shoot him*
*katana wielding soldier is almost death, but with his last breaths he got ak users head sliced!*
Right, that's kinda gibberish, couldn't make any sense of it apart from the fact that a guy with a katana rushes a guy with an AK. Given that it takes 6 bullets to kill someone with an AK, and that an AK has a fairly recent rate of fire, the katana guy would probably die before he reaches his target. Well, the guy with the katana probably can't reach his target EVEN IF IT ISN'T SHOOTING. This is because, well, unless you're a total idiot, you run away from someone with a very short range weapon. Hey, don't just listen to me, play against say, 3 Boogy Man bots and use an AK. You'll cane them, as they can't get close enough to you, unless you stay still.
January 4, 2004, 12:52 pm
Look. The reason the katana would never be a primary is because, go look at the primaries. All used in war. The secondaries: USSOCOM, used; knife, not used, novelty; Chainsaw, not used, novelty; LAW, used, novelty. As you can see, most are novelty weapons, and 50% (not majority; you'd need 75% in this case) are used for War purposes.
January 4, 2004, 3:11 pm
I guess we had better remove jet boots. Those are NOT used in war. Instant healing packs? Not used. grenades, body armor, and other such power ups appearing out of thin air? Wow, i didnt know our technology was so advanced as to be able to do all of this.
How is a LAW a novelty? Its a friggin anti tank rocket launcher made to shoot through 6 inches of steel and explode inside of tanks. If tanks are an every day issue, i dont want to live where you do.
If you had read up on all the ideas for balance, you would have read about my idea of normal swings = no ammo, and delections taking ammo, once all out you have to "reload" so you can deflect again, just a balance to even it out. Also, anyone stupid enough to actually stand there and let somebody hack him with a sword is just asking to die anyways.
I did like the idea on making you run faster instead of deflection. I really think we should have a way to compete vs guns somewhat effectivly with close ranged combat. I have done this many times on other shooter games, because they are 3d, this allows me to strafe and get in close. I cant do this quite so well on soldat though.
I could care less what we get, i just want another form of melee that is decently effective depending on situation, not overly effective all the time.
Also, you are forgetting there is only ONE katana, however, there are many other swords that appear to be a katana. Katanas in general are generaly larger and longer then their lookalikes. The shorter ones, with a slightly less curve as known as Wakazashis (or something like that). There are plenty other names as well.
Katana, yes or no? I could care less. Effective melee, yes or no? Now this is what i really want. The katana idea just came from Spike, i decided it sounded really fun and wanted to promote it. It still does sound fun, but it would have to be taken into great consideration in how it would be effective, but not unbalanced.
I also want it as a primary so you are somewhat forced to use melee if you pick it rather then get a big gun of some sort and pack it around with that. It may be a soldier themed game, but there some things that just dont make sense.
From - Soldier:
One who serves in an army.
An enlisted person or a noncommissioned officer.
An active, loyal, or militant follower of an organization.
A sexually undeveloped form of certain ants and termites, having large heads and powerful jaws.
One of a group of honeybees that swarm in defense of a hive.
Wow, none of this seems to apply to the actual game....
January 4, 2004, 6:24 pm
How about if the katana modified your jump?
Normally, if you run forwared and jump, you jump forward, and not very high (like, around 10 degrees). How about if when wielding the katana your jump would be at about 45 degrees? The extra air would give a little advantage in avoiding bullets.
Also, perhaps the kickback you take from being shot could be reduced for katana wielders.
Alternately, it would likely make sense for things to stay as they are, where melee fighters are shot down by guns :p
January 4, 2004, 7:35 pm
While this does make sense, its just not as fun. It is somewhat of an accomplishment to take down a gunner using melee.. even more so on soldat due to its nature.
I always had fun on other shooters using melee, i only wish the same for soldat.
January 4, 2004, 10:29 pm
you [:-censored]-head
the knife shall never die
January 4, 2004, 11:36 pm
You are right, the knife will never die, the person using it will instead. Unless he throws it, which i find very funny at times.
January 5, 2004, 8:38 am
I use chainsaw and it is coool!!! DO NOT EVER REMOVE IT!!!
January 5, 2004, 8:39 am
I like the weapon deflecting ammo thingy....
January 6, 2004, 8:03 am
if we get a katana, I demand a polearm, laser cannon, and first person view