January 5, 2004, 7:10 am
From the furst vertion right up last one Soldat improved(grow up)
from small entertine game to a serious net orientable game.
In this way to a gravity(serious) game, to stand side by side with giants like Quake3Arena and Couter-Strike for Soldat there is only
one thing to introduce to.
The physic of game(core in charge of cherecters transference and gravity) is depending on FPS, player very strongly feels(smells) it in game.
On the other side, the cherecters(soldats) flying path(trajectory) during jumping or flying depends on difference between every single frame (screens, virtual scrinshots).
So if we move chrossheir quick - we have one trajectory(flying path) and if we don't move it - the other flying path. And if we move crossheir in different derection, the trajectory(flying path will be even greater different. So in game to make biggest jumps player must move chrosshair down and back during jump up and back + up during landing, touch-down.
So the whole game is runing with this and similar simple law(rule) - it is sounds like thise: "Move chrosshear to make the right corrections in trajectory for better and faster movement apon the map". And this correctin gives the game greate(outstanding) playability.
Other say - FPS is most powerfull factor, which have an influence on gameplay.
With this comprehension comes up the most inmportent task - to make the FPS constant parameter, because it is always depends(according) on scene(screen) complexity (complicacy, complication). For exaple on my PC configuration there is allways from 500 to 650 fps with out stability.
Wan i trying to stabilized FPS with turning VSinc ON in my Windows\Display Propertis ControlPanel the FPS is stabilised on 120-124 FPS of corse, but gameplay with this not enough(for game) number of FPS(120) becomes borring. Gameplay suffering from 120 FPS.
Cursore(chrosshair) displacement according on this 120FPS physics become very mistakedle and not responseble for real mouse movements.
So there is only one thing Soldat needs to become seriouse CeberSport Games discipline - FPS stabilisator in setup window(setup panel).
And every thing for Soldat becomes in it right place - physic with greatfull Drive in one.
January 5, 2004, 7:50 am
Could you try and neaten this post up a bit, like space out the suggestions, use punctuation, etc...
juice _ box
January 5, 2004, 7:52 am
or just say...
Your fps dictates the gravity and momentum.
January 5, 2004, 7:58 am
lol, i didn't understand wtf you said dude
January 5, 2004, 8:07 am
ROFL RAY, i hope this isnt gonna be like your other topic which took 6 pages so that people understood what you were saying and your idea got implemented (the sniper line) thats ray, ray is the cause of the sniper line lol
and stop using that translator, its evul XP
January 5, 2004, 8:25 am
January 5, 2004, 8:35 am
Harr??? Where is the relation of gameplay with fps when u have more than 100 fps? Man, u are drunk!
I always play with less than 120 fps, in fact normally I have 30 fps, taking into account that you have 20 times more fps I should not even be able to play?!!? And when there are over 4 auto users firing I have less than 10 fps. Still enough for me to play.
And how do you want to stabilize fps? that is a matter of your proccessor and packes received per second, therefore if you receive 100 packets per second in one moment and you stabilized it with more than 100 fps you are screwed.
January 5, 2004, 8:43 am
Please make more sense guys.. palloco, I think you understand a little, clear it up... I'm sooooooooo tired and im never going to be able to sleep without solving this erm.. mystery..
January 5, 2004, 9:00 am
quote:With this comprehension
I don't comprehend you...
January 5, 2004, 9:10 am
Glad you remember thet topic, "It was brutal battel"(c)Requiem:AA
But now i thinck it is match more understendeble, if to have in mind everithing what was typed in last topic.
By the way, "ray" is my real name.
In short :
With 120 fps, when Vsync-on, Soldats gameplay lose action element.
Whan vsync is off, gamepley starts to be match more dinamic and fast, but unstable FPS damage physic of game, chrosshair did not listen a mouse at all and cherecter "lives his own life" figuratively manifested.
For comforteble and full of dinamic game - player must have a posibility to lock-ON number of FPS in game in one value. For me and my PC, which makes 500-650fps, this value will be 500 FPS. And i will find out stabil physics and fast action gameplay. So every one find, and game will become match more cleverly, strategicly, naturally, clearnest.
January 5, 2004, 9:19 am
is it just me or does anyone else still not understand what hes saying? i cant figure it out -_-
January 5, 2004, 9:48 am
Which part is most non-understendeble ? Why physic is depending on FPS or why 120FPS is not enough ?
I meen if we want to have the realy clear gameplay. teoreticly there is a good reason to play with 1 FPS, or 0.0001 FPS - it.s called Turn Base Strategy and have a lot of funs. You want it - you have it - play Scorsh, Worms... why not ? Perheps you find there for youself mutch more interesting reasons to play.
Whan story is about realtime action game, the more dinamic have the game, the better game it is. If it is realtime(!).
Soldat - is dramaticly much more powerful gameplay, then you can imagin. It can be the queen between cybergame gigants like Q3A, CS and SC. There is very much reserved potential.
January 5, 2004, 9:51 am
Still not getting your point.
[insert bunny-pancake ebaumsworld picture here]
January 5, 2004, 11:08 am
There is some kind of games, which behaviour is different from standart. Soldat - tipicaly this kind of game. If for some game there is 60fps more then enough(it's visible), for somegames 200fps is optimal. For Soldat 200fps - is some thing like 10fps for Q3A. It is poculiarity of engine and physicle model.
It is not bed, and it is not so match good - just enother characteristic. I can't say now wy this heppends, may be Delfi is the initiator of it, may be gameplay of Soldat. And it is never mind.
The fact is (for now just beleev) thet 500-600fps are not(!) out of place in this game. Every single frame works, and works on gameplay very industriously.
I can feel it in game, and understend, how match favour can bring simple stable physic
This stable physic is realy visible, wen vsinc is on. When vsinc is on i can feel it with my blindfold eyes, by not onty stabil physics, but by brake out gameplay too and imposibiliti realy quick shoot in purpose with my mouse - it's confused. Confuse is very little, but for fast gameplay this little confuse grows up in sensetive punch on final gameplay.
Whith FPS Lock, gameplay will find the new reference point for everybody. And furst for what it is nesessary to do is for making
from Soldat realy Cybersport disciplin. To make the future for Soldat, like the serious net orienty Cybersport game. Whith, in future, big chempiships and chempions in Soldat, like Unkind and Lexer in Q3A. Only for transportation Soldat, as a game, into another league, leagua with hi stakes.
January 5, 2004, 11:21 am
Uh... Soldat runs fine on 60fps.
January 5, 2004, 11:28 am
The thing about the crosshairs.. Do you mean that you move the crosshair in the direction you want to move, or moving the crosshair affects your air borne movement (Trajectory and flight path ray ;)). Find someone else from Georgia on these forums and ask them to translate your idea into understandable English, as this really make **** all sense.
January 5, 2004, 12:08 pm
What did you say ? I dont understend. Hoo kill ?
It is right, both movement is suffering with unstable(notconstant) pyhisic. But aiming is suffer only when FPS is sudenly jump up or doun, that happends when in scene become match mor particles.
When phisich is stabil jumping and aming are match better predictable, but time(!) you will expended for aiming will be match more(is seconds) then you will expend during 600fps game. That what i meen when talk about less action element, less drive in 120hz game. Otherside - the behavio of every movement is better predictable.
So if and ptredictebility, and speed of mouse, and controllability cherecters movement grows up with stabilization FPS on hier then 120 hz level, for example 500hz, game will find out new level of playability
January 5, 2004, 12:13 pm
I think I understand.
Ray, do you mean that Soldat should have a higher minimum FPS to run, because lower FPS means the gameplay is worse?
January 5, 2004, 12:16 pm
I get confused here- "Gameplay suffering from 120 FPS", because I can run it fine at 1/2 the FPS rate.
January 5, 2004, 12:23 pm
Absolutely right. Minimum FPS must be as hi as it possible, and FPS will never jump down or up - stay constant at all over the game. So we talk about minimum FPS. Thats right.
January 5, 2004, 1:19 pm
Usually i have about 40 fps, and I don't have problems with it.
January 5, 2004, 3:42 pm
Me too, ray. Are you trying to say you want ALL of us to run at 500 fps? I'm sorry man, but thats technically impossible...
Tha Doggfather
January 5, 2004, 3:45 pm
i dont get his point, but does he think that 500 FPS makes the game more playable than 120 FPS?! because that is absolute nonsense, you wouldnt notice the difference
January 5, 2004, 4:44 pm
I think thats a good suggestion ray. Would be great if there were a lot of fighting and bullets on the screen.
And thank you for the sniper-line!
January 5, 2004, 5:08 pm
Ray, maybe there is a problem in the language, lets put some things clear since you had used Hz in one reply, make sure you were using this definitions:
FPS: Frames per second: Number of screens generated by the CPU and graphic card
Hz: Number of times the the monitor refresh the screen per second(this is a constant rate)
Visual ability of a human: I dont know the correct answer but approximately the human cannot appreciate the difference between 80 Hz and higher, and you can hardly appreciate difference between 50 and 80, just in the bright difference. Here is the reason why you will usually not care if you have more than 100 fps.
1) You will not be able to put a constant rate of fps because the game is not receiving always the same information. I mean, it is not the same fps the computer can generate when there is only one player doing nothing (in your case seems to be 600 fps) than when there are 1000 bullets and 20 players on the map, because your graphic card will be generating 1000 bullets and 20 players as much as possible(maybe in this case your computer will only have 30 fps), and in cannot do it at the same spped it generates 1 player. So how
2)Maybe you are talking about that the more fps you have, the more precise you will be with the pointer of the mouse because your computer had proccesed more orders. Well, this is technically correct, but appart from that the mainboard proccesses much more quickly the orders from the mouse you will not appreciate difference because of your visual ability. So if you move up your mouse with 1 fps it may go up as much as if you had 500 fps, if fps jumps down or up will only affect at the visualization, not at the generation of the pointer(with more fps than refresh rate it will not affect)
3)Had you seen Futurama? Had you seen how much smooth are some animations,? TV emisions are on 30 FPS
Tha Doggfather
January 5, 2004, 6:09 pm
the human limit of perception of FPS is about 20 - 25, anything higher than that isnt gonna improve the quality of graphics in a game.
juice _ box
January 5, 2004, 8:55 pm
and how is this supposed to throw soldat into the ranks of quake and halflife?
January 5, 2004, 9:08 pm
having read about this before, and I sort of understand the topic starter, I think i can explain generally. If I'm wrong, and I may well be, let me know.
Quake and half-life both had a bug where, if the user had an EXTREMLY low number of frames per second, they could jump higher and further then someone with a high FPS. This naturally caused problems with fairness, as the people with the awesome computers, who should be on a slight advantage, actually have a disadvantage.
Ray is saying this problem exists in soldat as well, i think. His translator is really messing things up, but I know my quake, at least, and that was the quake FPS bug.
I don't know what the crosshair movement thing is all about. I assume it is something to do with the fact that a high FPS person can aim faster then a low FPS person, just because they can see more.
Tha Doggfather
January 5, 2004, 9:46 pm
if thats what hes saying, then he is making even less sense :|
January 5, 2004, 11:17 pm
cant wait till this reaches 6 pages, then Michal replies "Thats a Great Idea" ust like he did to the sniper line topic 0-o
January 5, 2004, 11:46 pm
Again, to Ray, please visit http://soldatforum.dnagames.net/smm_russia_area.asp then click on the Georgia area. You'll find there is another person from Georgia, who's name is Mr.masskiller. You'll find his profile at http://soldatforum.dnagames.net/pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id=12159. If you go to http://soldatforum.dnagames.net/privatesend.asp?method=Topic&mname=Mr%2Emasskiller when logged in, you can PM him. If you PM him and ask him to post your idea, properly translated into English, it would be a lot easier for everyone to understand. Thankyou in advance
January 6, 2004, 12:01 am
Mr.Masskiller == 0 posts. I doubt he'll translate.
January 6, 2004, 12:33 am
Well is there anyone in the forums who can translate? Is there a forum somewhere on translating the language of Georgia (Georgian doesn't sound right) into English?
January 6, 2004, 2:10 am
It's only about physic of game. No visual problems.
The task is - to give the freedom of correct movement and targetting to the player.
For better illustration of the task - just move cursor in Windows(c) around the circle.
You will see a circle composed with 40-50 cursors. The number of coursors depends on monitor refresh rate and on mouse refresh rate number. Let call the pictur you see - "WinCircle".
And now, after thet, run the Soldat. And during the bettle make similarly movement whith crosshair. Will be better to move the crosshair around the cherecter(soldier), precisely on circle as fast as you can, for example one circle in 1/4 of second. With radius in 1/2 of screen. What did you see ?
You don't see the smooth circle composed of crosshair. You see poligon composed of 20-30 crosshairs. And this poligon is not equal "WinCircle" (the picture you see when you move coursor in Windows(c)). This poligon composed of crossshair (Soldats poligon) much less stable and controllable with mouse then Windows similar poligon("WinCircle"). It's happends becose of game engin, which mast count every following crosshairs position according on counted frame which coutes, in one's turn, according on received information from mouse pont device. So crosshair in game suffer from very seriosely(dramaticly) corrections from game engine side ( written on Delfi). It's not Quake, or Unreal, it is absolutle other case, with oun distinguishing feature. And in Soldat engine there is nothing to wonder of 500fps, it's enother world.
So in game, the track, which drawing our crosshair on screen(on map), is the open polygon composed of crosshairs, and this poligon far from real mouse movemants, becose link of chain(of open poligon) is too big in 120fps game.
As result the crosshair on which lies(depens) our safety and finally (in result) playability of "Soldat"(c) depense on authenticity behaviour of the Soldats crosshair, on his behaviour in accordance on real mouse movement. It can be done only with shortening(reduce) link of chain(of open poligon) that seems the increase FPS on its maximum posibility number.
"VSinc off" this posibility terns on, but unstable, jumping FPS from 400FPS up to 600 FPS creates variability unpredictable(abruptness) physic it meens thet the crosshair and cherecters behaviour becomes unpredictable.
January 6, 2004, 2:14 am
400-600 wont change noticably. 12-200 will though. The eye only notices up to 30fps, any higher it doesn't matter.
January 6, 2004, 11:34 am
Or I am not hearing you or you are not hearing me.
"It's happends becose of game engin, which mast count every following crosshairs position according on counted frame which coutes"
This is false, I told you before,
"So if you move up your mouse with 1 fps it may go up as much as if you had 500 fps, if fps jumps down or up will only affect at the visualization, not at the generation of the pointer(with more fps than refresh rate it will not affect)"
I had now played with 24 bots to see the jumpings from less than 1 fps to 4 fps. I could reach any part of the map with the pointer and I had not seen any difference in pointer controlling when fps jumped.The only problem I had was that I could hardly see who I was(BTW I finished 7th with impossible bots).
Maybe you have a weird mouse. Could you tell me the mouse you are using and the config of your computer?
January 6, 2004, 1:57 pm
quote:Originally posted by Tha Doggfather
the human limit of perception of FPS is about 20 - 25, anything higher than that isnt gonna improve the quality of graphics in a game.
Nah, you got it all wrong. The human eye can "save" 20-25 pics per sec in his memory. But a human can still notice increased smoothness up till 60-75 FPS.
Tha Doggfather
January 6, 2004, 4:49 pm
quote:Originally posted by 3rd_account
quote:Originally posted by Tha Doggfather
the human limit of perception of FPS is about 20 - 25, anything higher than that isnt gonna improve the quality of graphics in a game.
Nah, you got it all wrong. The human eye can "save" 20-25 pics per sec in his memory. But a human can still notice increased smoothness up till 60-75 FPS.
the abbreviation for frames per second, the standard way of measuring the speed of video playback. 30 fps is considered real-time playback. 24 fps is considered animation speed playback. In the range of 12 to 15 fps, the human eye can detect the difference between one frame and the next; visually this appears as a jerky motion."
January 6, 2004, 5:16 pm
A framerate of 500 is useless cause the human eye is to slow to notice any difference between 500fps and 100fps.
And what specs would u think need to run soldat at a stable 500fps?
January 6, 2004, 5:51 pm
i'd just like to point out, yet again, that the whole "you can't notice a difference between 30 and 60 fps" argument is wrong. jsut TRY it, you'll notice the difference.
-while it's true that the human eye perceives animation at ~24fps as smooth, the difference between cartoons and games is that games do NOT always display at a constant fps, for instance if the average framerate is 30, there's a good chance that sometimes it dips down to below 24 (i.e when lots of processor-intensive stuff is going on)
-even disregarding any visual difference, you WILL notice the difference between 30 and 60fps because your mouse input will be polled twice as often, and thus the game will feel more responsive at 60fps. this is why hardcore quake players turn off all the fx to get high fps -- so that the game responds more quickly to their mouse. so, you can definitely notice the difference between 50ms and 100ms delay between when the input is given (i.e mouse moved) and when it is handled (i.e camera moves).
if you search the gdalgorithms archives, there was a pretty good discussion about this a couple months ago.
January 6, 2004, 8:14 pm
Tha Doggfather
and ALL
It's not about visual, it's all about physics of a game. I know thet eye can not see 500fps. The question is to make in game chrosshair to move as well as it possinble in runing(i meen acting) game(Soldat). If there is someone who thinks thet crosshair in acting(working) game is controllable by means of his mouse as well as cursor in Windows(c) he is terrible wrong.
To prove(or demonstrate) it to your selfs move cursor around the circle in Windows(c) with dimension(i meen radius) as big as it possible and as fast as you can.
It is necessary to possess(have) high-quality mouse.
After that run "Soldat" and during the battle(in game) stend your cherecter in safety plase and try to carry through(make) same movement which you do in Windows(c) with cursor. In other words try to move chrosshair around the cherecter as quickly as in Windows(c) and with maximum radius as it possible and as long as you can. In Soldat chrosshair will astray. And with less FPS the astray will be more and more.
If we remind how important in game is to move crosshair in correct way for bigger jumps, and control the character in air for optimal flying path and batter lending for batter next jump,.... if we remind all this how much important is correct chrosshair movement (!!) during our gallop through all the map to the flag and backward(whith same gallop) we will understend how match this task is means for gameplay improvement.
So please don't talk about eyes and visuals(STOP IT!). The question is in another sphere.
Tha Doggfather
January 6, 2004, 8:58 pm
well in that case: i can aim fast enough, im sure theres no need to change it
January 6, 2004, 9:29 pm
Tha Doggfather
Is it de-ja-view or something ? [:D]
Oh, i just remember !!!
In my SniperLine topic was same argument
in comments(criticism).[:-eyebrows]
January 6, 2004, 10:05 pm
ur sniper line topic turned into flames, six whole page, of absoloute weirdness, and you added such a lame feature to the game that can only help barrets and ruger -_-
January 6, 2004, 11:01 pm
You right, it's so lame [:-spin] ROFLMAO. So never use it when i catch
you on narrow path. Especially for DesertEagles.
January 7, 2004, 12:20 am
So Ray, what your suggesting is that Michal makes the crosshair move smoother?
January 7, 2004, 12:34 am
It will be smoother if FPS become hi and lock on. Be constant and hi in same time.
January 7, 2004, 12:47 am
Impossible! Because all different hardware equipment is used, some peoples' (ie. me) hardware would be pushed over the limit or incapable of playing. I have no problem with the current physics crap and we don't need any weird FPS lock improvements.
January 7, 2004, 3:30 am
If you dont want it - don't use it.
quote: some peoples' (ie. me) hardware would be pushed over the limit
if your hardware gives you for example 140-200 FPS holder will lock FPS on 140 FPS. If you have from 200 to 400 fps then FPS holder lock fps on 200 FPS. Hardware will not pushed over(if i understend you right) quite the contrary, holder will help feeble(powerless) hardware owner have maximum feedback with minimum costs.
juice _ box
January 7, 2004, 3:44 am
And once again I ask. How will this put soldat up into the ranks of quake and halflife.
January 7, 2004, 4:56 am
There is some kind of games, which gameplay are design (orienting) on team multiplayer.
In long-range outlook this gameplays and games are very promising(hopeful). The Counter-Strike is exectly this kind of game.
The Soldat is thet kind of game. So if make several important touch playability gets up on deserve level it will naturally(defenetly) become realy, realy much more populare. So in future it can become realy phenomen and one of cybersport discipline. Prop on only popularity and gameplay.
Tha Doggfather
January 7, 2004, 6:46 am
w00t cybersport discipline here i come! ¬_¬
seriously man, this isnt the "most important innovation in soldat's history", it's not needed, nobody complained about aiming too slow. leave the physics as they are (or as they will be in 1.2), a change in it will cause many people to leave soldat, including me (if it affects how i aim). and i dont care that soldat isnt as "popular" as CS or Quake, weve got enough dumbass, bad mouthed, 12- year-old kids playing soldat already.
January 7, 2004, 6:51 am
argh I think imma gonna implode, hey thats an awsome word :D
January 7, 2004, 9:00 am
In next Soldat we have to forget about this feature and remove sniper line. It is all useless.Some people are unable to understand how things work
January 7, 2004, 9:28 am
w00t, now I'm back I can join in the fun :)
Hiya again ray, one who brought us such wonders as the sniper line.
lol (that's alright, we'll let you live...)
Eyic told me about this thread before and so I explained to him what you were saying (he sent me the text thru MSN). So I actually understand what you're on about, well, the first page of it anyway ;)
Not that it's all correct, but anyway...
You seem to have a technically oriented pattern of thought, though your biggest downfall is your unfamiliarity with the english language.
Indeed many things can be affected by the framerate. However, neither you nor me have any more than a guess at how Soldat's programmed.
The general argument is that many people, all with different framerates, all get the same things.
I play at up to 1500 fps, some people play at 20, there doesn't seem to be a difference.
Perhaps if the framerate was around 1 or 2 fps, then you might start to see some odd things happening, but then again, maybe not :)
Tha Doggfather
January 7, 2004, 1:28 pm
quote:Originally posted by eyic
argh I think imma gonna implode, hey thats an awsome word :D
easy easy now, calm down, i didnt say ALL 12-year-olds are like that (and youre not like that either eyic)
January 7, 2004, 2:06 pm
quote:I play at up to 1500 fps, some people play at 20, there doesn't seem to be a difference.
Yes and it is what oll about. Player with 500-700 fps is same fall (a) prey of unstable FPS as 60-70 FPS player is fall (a) prey of not enough FPS number. But each one fall a pray in his oun way, with different consequences. In small FPS the difference of FPS is not so big. In every case everything is just a little, but wrong. In his own way.
Defect no seems(!) becose of its
characteristic and some else factore, like mouse factote.
When you jumping all around the level, crosshair movement can make miracle with your flying, jumping, cruching and rolling movements, but this miracle happends allways in little different way, so with jumping FPS(unstabel i meen) we have one kind of miracle
when FPS constans(or little) the miracle is another one. And both are fare from ideal.
So if make just simple lock fps, as it happense by the wey, with every single selfe respectebly 3D shooter game, every thing become in its right place.
When you don't have something it is hard to guess what will be if it something you have in your hands.
January 8, 2004, 12:35 am
Ok ray, so you're saying that for soldat to compete with the likes of counterstrike it needs a higher constant framerate. This will allow for a smoother game experience and therefore a better online experience. Although having anything over a constant framerate of 60 fps is pretty much useless. Perhaps 90 to compensate for fps drops.
You would find that most games run at 90-60, as for video thats 24 and animation can be higher, just for the fact that it needs more in between frames to complete the illusion of movement.
My question is what was all that about the jetboots and the position of the cursor, if you have to re align your cursor while using jetboots to get the perfect trajectory, wouldn't that screw up the game? I prefer to be shooting at someone than aiming up then down to get the perfect parabolic trajectory.
juice _ box
January 8, 2004, 5:59 am
And you sort of just proved dog's point.
January 8, 2004, 6:19 am
eh well, i'm just saying everyone complains abotu 12 year olds now and it just annoys me 0.o
January 8, 2004, 6:23 am
You would find that most games run at 90-60, as for video thats 24 and animation can be higher, just for the fact that it needs more in between frames to complete the illusion of movement.
When you move chrosshair in game, his realy trajectory(of crosshair)
represents not smoothly arc, as it happens in WIndows whith cursor.
The actual trjectory represents the open poligon whith frames(counted frames). If the link of chain will be smaller and constant then targeting and traveling will be more precisely and gameplay more intelectual, and more cleverly, pithy.
So it is not about visual, it is all about precision targeting during sharply and quick mouse movement and about moving into the virtual battlefield with more pithy and less fortuitous factor.
Of corse we can play with big link of chain, on 60 FPS and
crosshair speed in 40 inch per second(two monitors diagonal per second it is not fast, just move cursor from one corner of monitor to another and backward) length of one link will be 40/60 = 0.66 inch = 1.65 cm. And what if you want to move crosshair on 1.65 cm ? And what if you want faster move ?
So we can play so byt will be better to have short and constant chain of link (length of side drawing with crosshair open poligon)
quote:My question is what was all that about the jetboots and the position of the cursor, if you have to re align your cursor while using jetboots to get the perfect trajectory, wouldn't that screw up the game? I prefer to be shooting at someone than aiming up then down to get the perfect parabolic trajectory
It's ritorical question ? If not, i dont now is it god or is it bed.
But just gues thet without this property Soldat will be boring game.
Other side its not my guilty(i'm not guilty) it's just engine of Soldat work. This question is from enother sphere too, and to wrong person [:D]
January 8, 2004, 10:01 am
Damn,Ray, stop saying that stupid thing! I can move my mouse wherever I want no matter how much the fps is(and yes with 0.1 fps I was able to kill 2 bots in les than 10 seconds, seeing them one up and other down) Therefore my pointer was in more than one place no matter the fps!!!
January 8, 2004, 10:47 am
I can't aim at 80 fps, let alone 12. But I don't see how keeping it on a constant 120 would help.
January 8, 2004, 10:18 pm
Damn, I can't work out how to get rid of v-sync to try this out :)
January 8, 2004, 10:56 pm
I'm gonna butt in here...
Sniper line is good.
12 year olds are bad (except Eyic).
0.1 FPS is bad! Bad pallaco, BAD!
And this idea...is..not required. As long as selections in config.exe were to be added, I doubt this would displease any players. I mean, I doubt that this will affect gameplay by more than a detailed margin.
January 9, 2004, 4:00 am
The task is not only aim and shoot. In action game there is more important how much time it takes, this aiming for every single shot. This time, in Soldat, is much more then clicking on ikons in Windows(ñ) and it is not gravy or bullets trajectory aug fault.
It is only the fault of the chrosshairs behavior feature, which is connected with engin feature.
When you clicking on Windows icon you never need any time for targeting.
Same thing will be in Soldat. In ideal case, in best case(variant of game), player will just wish to do something and game must carry out of this wishes, so if you miss into the target it will be not of less targeting time fault, it will be consequence of your incorrectly (wrong) calculations, which never takes a time in action games - everything here happens with reflexive action, even targeting in gravitational field of the game.
Only purpose - to make behavior of engin predictable and after thet the behavio of chrosshair becomes predictable, to target with out loosing less time(for it). Purpose is - to make the mediator between our mind and the game more precisely and less loosely.
January 9, 2004, 9:21 am
Now I get it, you a f ucing camper =D
January 9, 2004, 9:55 am
It is not chiting or campering - it is only way to freedom.
It is only way to get the pure gameplay.
January 9, 2004, 11:16 am
quote:Originally posted by Tha Doggfather
the human limit of perception of FPS is about 20 - 25, anything higher than that isnt gonna improve the quality of graphics in a game.
my friend's comp runs soldat on 30~ fps
mine runs it on 500~ fps, and the diffrence is.. HUGE
tested it on a crappy computer now. (pentium 2)
play on windowed mode.. it should boost you up atleast 50%
you'll notice there is a diffrence.. big one ;P
January 9, 2004, 12:52 pm
Camping is damn boring. And if you dont move or can't move as you wish, you will find much more reason to becom a camper. If you have possibilityto move you have no need to be a camper.
With FPS holder you have match more reason to move and never hide. You whill get much more freedom in game, and you whill take advantage of this freadom for much more dynamical action.
Game will become more dynamic and more cleverly game, without casual factor.
Tha Doggfather
January 9, 2004, 6:27 pm
somebody should lock this thread up and put it away for good :| this is going to get more and more confusing and reach 20 pages, full of nonsense
January 10, 2004, 4:27 am
To examine my words, just lock fps with turning v-sinc ON.
With stabil 120 FPS try to use weapon, wich is exacting to the preciselity befor shoot targeting. Like DesertEagle. And you will see thet accuracy of shots growth up, but time for targeting just a little but growth up too.
January 10, 2004, 4:54 am
I'm going to contradict all of you.. I think this is a wonderful idea (more of an improvement)
Captain Mandos
January 17, 2004, 9:10 am
Why don't you just post this idea to michal and see if he understands?
January 19, 2004, 5:10 pm
Okay I get it I get it. He's saying that we should have a set minimum framerate option in setup so that the game runs always at that minimum (or higher)
Tha Doggfather
January 19, 2004, 5:26 pm
no i think hes trying to explain something far more complicated, but i still dont get it after 4 pages.
January 19, 2004, 6:31 pm
That first post... Blew my mind. I have no hope for comprehending him.
January 23, 2004, 4:09 pm
Yes, you right.
If you have 500-600 fps, you set 500fps. If you have 700-800fps you set 700fps, if you have 1500-1700fps - you set 1500fps in setup.
Captain Mandos
January 24, 2004, 7:59 am
I have something like 500-400fps all the time and I can't notice a big difference to 100fps