January 5, 2004, 5:05 pm
Shouldn't the webring in/outs be avg instead of total?
It kinda blows that there's inactive sites on the first page. Let the active sites be listed first (Not because Im on the 5th page... *erhem*).
It should also check if a person visit the same page, otherwise you could just click your site on the first page. No fun in that.
The "ring panel" should also be visible on the main page of all the sites. It's not really a ring if you would have to browse to find the panel.
Ohh... And it shouldn't be "Ring master" but "Lord of the Webrings"... ehhh... not :)
And more designs... :)
I'll shut up now...
January 5, 2004, 7:41 pm
Shouldn't the webring in/outs be avg instead of total?
While that would make sence it's ranked at the moment in hits out, that means for someone to get high it the list they have to have a lot of people on their site (and therefor an active site) and use the navbar to go to another site in the ring. Also in/out was easier for me to code than avg. over time.
It should also check if a person visit the same page, otherwise you could just click your site on the first page. No fun in that.
Not quite sure what you mean there.
The "ring panel" should also be visible on the main page of all the sites. It's not really a ring if you would have to browse to find the panel.
I've got a, currently untested, refer check ready to go that will check if the navbar code is on the page that the webring's liked to. Other than that it's kinda hard for me to spider the entire site to ensure that the navbar's on each page...
Again to get high in the Hub listing it's in a site's best interest to have the navbar visable on as many pages as possible..
Designs...gaa.... (add &nb=x to your navbar QS, where x is 0-2, to see the other designs)
January 5, 2004, 10:07 pm
It should also check if a person visit the same page....
Unique hits... otherwise you can just increase your own site hits. A session timeout would be good enough for that.
Avg vs Total
If you have a site with alot of trafic which become inactive after a while, it's still in the first page. That's wrong. It wouldn't be such a hard task to create a avg every day, and then list the sites after them instead.
You could do it with an tbl.avg, tbl.week, tbl.total. [week] reset every 7th day and then update the avg.