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Weapon Prices
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
January 5, 2004, 8:39 pm
Earlier I was thinking about the whole Barret debate. Most people seem to consider it a noob weapon because any new player can pick it up, and in 10 minutes be easily killing people who have played the game longer and probably have more skill. Then I started thinking about what pissed me off about the Barret, and it was that so many people end up using it, and flood a game with 1-hit-kill Barret rounds.

What I'd like to suggest is some kind of (optional) pricing system on weapons. Basically, all the weapons would have a price tag on them. The price would be based on how easy they are too use, how powerful they are, etc. For example, something like the AK, which is a pretty [:-censored] weapon in my opinion, would be priced very cheaply, awhile the Barret would have a high price.

When you first joined a game, you'd get a set amount of cash to spend o weapons. You'd have to use this money to buy new weapons each time you die. And for each kill you gained, you'd get a little bit of cash. Or as an alternative, every time you spawn you'd have a set amount of money to spend.

I think this would cut down on the rampant use of powerful weapons. Instead of people grabbing Barrets and M72 Laws every time they die, they'd have to be more careful. This would also make dropped weapons from kills far more valuable to pick up. The optimal setup, to me, would prevent a player from using a Barret or M79 all the time, unless they were skillful enough to avoid death and earn enough cash to support their purchases. Meanwhile people specializing in more reasonable weapons like Deagles or Rugers or Spas or whatever would have no trouble buying their cheaper weapons (unless they sucked.)

One other idea I had to add to this would be a "stock" of weapons. For example, say the game could be set to allow only 3 Barrets in the game at one time. What this would do is prevent people from buying Barrets if there were 3 already in use, either in the hands of a player or lying around on the field. Once a dropped barret automatically disappeared, another Barret would be able to be purchased.

If balanced correctly, this could add a whole new element to the game. Some people would hate the system, and some would love it, but the point is that skilled players would truly be benefited for lasting longer, killing more, and picking up discarded weapons, while the noobs who grab a Barret, kill a could of guys easy and then die to a USSOCOM would soon find their Barret habit down the toilet.


January 5, 2004, 8:42 pm
no! go play CS! I don't wanna pay to use my ruger...

btw AK owns... thx.

juice _ box
January 5, 2004, 8:56 pm
Go play Cs.

January 5, 2004, 9:10 pm
Oh geeze another person trying to make a 2d CS.

January 5, 2004, 10:03 pm
get outa here punk!

January 5, 2004, 10:04 pm
yes, noobface, it does! AK roxxors!
this idea's been mentionded a couple times before. use the search thingy. this basically says that some guns are better than others. that just isnt true. for instance:
::guy with barret shoots at you, but youve gotten soo good, that you can time just when to duck, move after a shot, that you easily dodge the shot.::
::you bust out your AK, start shootin::
::he fires LAW, misses(as usual)::
youve managed to kill him! yay!!!!

January 5, 2004, 11:30 pm
I've seen this suggested in other posts. Seeing as though you've only posted once, I'll give you the advice now to use the "search" function. You know, the one that lets you search to see if anyone else has had the same idea. Visit http://soldatforum.dnagames.net/search.asp to use this underused and underrated feature of the forum.

January 5, 2004, 11:34 pm
Go play CS Go play CSGo play CSGo play CS

So very bored.

Below post: You need Half-life to get CS, unless you buy the commercial CS edition.

January 5, 2004, 11:59 pm
stop spamming frogboy! 2 people already said it!!! btw: where can i get this Counter-Strike?

January 6, 2004, 1:02 am
Yeah, I probably should have used the search function... oh well.

Also, nice gaggle of retards you have going on this forum. "Go play CS!" No thanks, never have, never will, so go fsck yourselves. It's stupid to compare two games that are so completely different, so save yourselves the brainpower and don't.

January 6, 2004, 2:28 am
Well roy, what do you want us to do? Turn Soldat into an RPG? ..I think not.

January 6, 2004, 2:58 am
Idea < vehicles.

What happens when you *gasp* run out of money? Personally, I think its a bad idea, which will make Soldat into a 2d Counter-strike, but with jetshoes. And n00bs can't aim a barret anyway, let them keep it.

January 6, 2004, 4:15 am
We all play the game like and rpg and level up, until we get to level 10- then we can use the uber sniper of doom!! O when we have no money we have to use our fists, or do we have to pay for fists?


January 6, 2004, 2:05 pm
Think about it...
All weapons are basicly balanced. So then they would all cost the same, right?
Or they'd have diffrent prices and become unbalanced, right?

January 6, 2004, 3:12 pm
why not have a experience point thing???

January 6, 2004, 3:18 pm
oh my fukin god first hook mod now priceing. you know they have those in CS. So go play!!!

January 6, 2004, 3:30 pm
I like the idea...I've thought about this myself.

But it would ruin the overall feel.

I appreciate someone else who feels that people should learn money management skills, but...well, you see how they feel. They have no acceptance of thoughts that differ from their own. Sorry man. :-/

January 6, 2004, 3:55 pm
I dont think this would work for soldat because the weapons are all different.
And who and how would the prices of the weapons be dedided?
Because all weapons are well balanced and the efficience(?) of a weapon isnt decided by wich weapon it is but how u use it.

that fuking sniper
January 6, 2004, 11:41 pm
I agree with EI, its a good idea for the game style it was designed for, but Soldat is Soldat, and part of it is that all weapons and abilities are accessible by all players, so that skill alone matters, in a sense, having prices on weapons, isnt a bad idea overall, but it would not be Soldat. Every game has its own style and feel, people have to respect that fact before trying to change it :)

January 6, 2004, 11:46 pm
well, let's look on the bright side.... if this was implemented, everyone would stop whining about the barret...

...they'd be to busy complainng about this.

January 7, 2004, 12:54 am
There are easier ways to stop people whining about the Barret... for one, actually disabling the barret.

January 7, 2004, 1:58 am
Soldat != Counter Strike

Old Idea, use the search feature.

(topic locked)