quote:Originally posted by aLpHaNuMe12iK
b00sta, why won't micheal add the resolution?
It depends, there are several ways:
Trash 640*480 and use 800*600 as standard resolution, everybody sees a bit more than now
Trash 640*480 and use 800*600, but re-design the scenery/graphics so it fits 800*600 (same field of view with better graphics)
quote:- You have a big monitor and you cant stand the constant changing of the resolutions ("clicking") and windowed mode is too small..: Have Soldat NOT changing the resolution mode, yet make it fullscreen, e.g.:
19" 1600*1200: Settings in config.exe might be like: "Fullscreen with current desktop resolution" so you start up Soldat and the resolution keeps the same, though in fullscreen.
I really doubt the 2nd possibility.