January 11, 2004, 12:34 am
I've played on this Server now, and I must say, it was great... It was laggy, but not a single barreter.. I enjoyed the matches from the beginning until the end... this was Soldat how I think it should be.. how I would love it... [V]
January 11, 2004, 12:37 am
..another one converted...mwahahahaaaaaaaaa
January 11, 2004, 12:37 am
And I pwnd you for the short time I woos there!
January 11, 2004, 5:54 pm
@Chakra and that does mean..?
@n00bface don't remember, but if yes: it was really laggy ;)
January 11, 2004, 6:02 pm
now go to dnagames and learn whats a real game
January 11, 2004, 6:26 pm
Yeah i was today on Dnagames and i palloco and weed used chainsaw and minigun and then we decided to start a clan. Minigun Masters. We recruit only people who can use minigun and chainsaw. Lol.
January 11, 2004, 7:00 pm
So, Palloco left MD? That [:-censored].. heh.
January 11, 2004, 7:10 pm
@SuperKill imho, this is a really lame game. I hate to play on dnagames, anytime 80-90% of the players there are barrets... no thanks
January 11, 2004, 8:04 pm
Lol, we kept having chainsaw battles in the middle of viet. [:D]
January 11, 2004, 8:12 pm
Thank u mister x, it is always nice to hear some evidence that there are others who get a little tired of the barrettdominated servers out there. The server is currently on a 10 mbit line, but i dont have a dedicated servercomputer solution yet, my router keeps bitchin. Sometime in a near future, it will be permanent tho, and I will prolly keep a barrettless server. It is nearly always full, so I dont think that superkill is very correct in his critique, after all, a real game is when all participants are having a good time. I still enjoy playing on DNA, its just that sometimes the barretts become a little to much, thats all.
Anyways, I wont post any passwords or any adresses for the server as of yet, i will keep them public until I can get the permserver up, then i will post here and in our channel @ quakenet. Stay tuned and feel free to join :)
Best wishes
January 11, 2004, 8:36 pm
Is that your server? :o It is r0xx. :D
January 11, 2004, 8:50 pm
gimme a break.. 1 hit kill weapons exist everywhere, every game (awp, railgun, that electric rifle in UT2K3.. etc)
January 11, 2004, 8:59 pm
Yeah but.. the balance is better in most games.
January 11, 2004, 9:07 pm
I dont see your point there im afraid superkill... Yes they do exist in every game, and in every game they are highly debated since some ppl think they spoil the fun. Just the same way that I believe that the barrett is spoiling some of the fun in soldat. No need to get all worked up over a no barrettserver, ppl enjoy being there, let them/us have fun...
Texas Ranger
January 12, 2004, 1:32 am
Ah no barrets :) i love to dream... :)
January 12, 2004, 7:31 am
lol tz...
everywhere where is a 1hitkill weapon there are whiners and in every game there are the same solutions: the ones who hate the barett -> set up or rent a server, disable barett, play, and.....
January 12, 2004, 8:04 am
quote:Originally posted by El_Mariachi
I dont see your point there im afraid superkill... Yes they do exist in every game, and in every game they are highly debated since some ppl think they spoil the fun. Just the same way that I believe that the barrett is spoiling some of the fun in soldat. No need to get all worked up over a no barrettserver, ppl enjoy being there, let them/us have fun...
i didnt said anything ;P
play there, have your fun and all.. but dont come later to another servers with your "no barret" server attitude and start bitching at everyone..
thats what alot of people do.
January 12, 2004, 8:14 am
well, this is about to turn into an anti-barret thread so lets just talk about how good 2wai's anti barret server is ;)
January 12, 2004, 8:43 am
i didnt said anything ;P
play there, have your fun and all.. but dont come later to another servers with your "no barret" server attitude and start bitching at everyone..
thats what alot of people do.
lol, I´m not sure what u mean by a "no barrett server" attitude, but I wont and I dont displey it ;)
Ane eyic is pretty right, lets not make into an antibarrett thread, and to tbh, some things the soldat community is better of agreeing to disagree about.
January 12, 2004, 11:35 am
Like the server. There should be more servers out there with weapons restrictions --- barrett free is one way... another might be an "exploding device free" server, i.e. no
M79Lawgrenades [;)]
January 12, 2004, 1:57 pm
@El_Mariachi I really hope your server will get a dedicated one, cause as i said, its really nice that out there is a server like that...
@Texas Ranger indeed ;)
And as lil_fuka said: sure, in most games there are 1hit-kill weapons...but most games are balanced, soldat just isn't. if it would be balanced, why do 80-90% of all soldat players play with barret? if it would be balanced, there would be many more players with other weapons. and if it would be balanced, there would be many more top-players in leagues without using barret. now if you look the top 30 soldat players, i'm sure 28-29 of them are barreters... and, if it would be balanced, why should michal say then barret will be less strong in 1.2? i've mailed him, and he said that it will be weaker... why should he weaken the barret if it wouldnt be unbalanced now?
ok, just wanted to say this, but now, please posts about no bawett server and not about barret being balanced or unbalanced :) and mariachi, wouldnt it be better if it's called "no barret" and not "no bawett"? ;)
January 12, 2004, 2:16 pm
MisterX, is your game name 'X'... because you were in my server using barret a lot a day or so ago o.O
January 12, 2004, 2:16 pm
*puts KKK hat on MisterX*
Welcome to the new world, my initiate. Your new life begins today, complete with a roster to honour your ways.
We start the day burning efigee's of sv members to honour our lord (Michal).
At midday we pray to the Sun that lays in the middle of the sky: a symbolism of balance and equality as it shines on everything, leaving no shadow.
Then in the early evening we carve the meat and vegetables we're about to eat for dinner into the shape of the barret, to represent what it's true form is after digestion.
Also if you have children, we'd like you to read them stories before bed (when they're most subliminally open) of how George Bush will save the world from islam, michael jackson, scottish salmon, and the barret.
January 12, 2004, 3:12 pm
quote:Originally posted by MisterX
And as lil_fuka said: sure, in most games there are 1hit-kill weapons...but most games are balanced, soldat just isn't. if it would be balanced, why do 80-90% of all soldat players play with barret? if it would be balanced, there would be many more players with other weapons. and if it would be balanced, there would be many more top-players in leagues without using barret. now if you look the top 30 soldat players, i'm sure 28-29 of them are barreters... and, if it would be balanced, why should michal say then barret will be less strong in 1.2? i've mailed him, and he said that it will be weaker... why should he weaken the barret if it wouldnt be unbalanced now?
then tell me how in the f'kin hell is the barret diffrent from the railgun (quake 3)
admit it.. you just whine.
there are alot of people that DONT use barret and are extremely good.
about 80-90% people choosing barret, thats total bullsh.t
just go on dnagames.. lots of people play with all the other gun.. besides minimi ;P
January 12, 2004, 4:02 pm
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
then tell me how in the f'kin hell is the barret diffrent from the railgun (quake 3)
Soldat: Normally weapons have an "arc" so, in a way, it's not "point & click" except for Barret (Barret has an arc too, but you don't notice it that much..)
Quake3: No arc. POINT & CLICK. All projectiles hit their target immediately except Rocket launcher, Plasma gun and BFG.
Balancing the weapons in Q3 is a lot easier.. plus you can carry all the weapons and use each one of them for another situation.
Superkill, sometimes it seems like you're defending the barret like your own life.. ffs.
January 12, 2004, 4:08 pm
What I find a bit sad is that few ppl see the grays in this whole picture. All arguments against barrett are dismissed as whining, but c´mon, thats just stupid. I dont like whining either, but I would like to be able to say something negative about the holiest of cows in soldat every once in a while, without being accused of whining.
January 12, 2004, 4:18 pm
True true, Mari...
Your server is the best \m/, its like the only place where i can have some fun without being killed with one shot ^_^.. and a suggestion, make more of these!!!, wlot of ppl see the lamen.. ahem.. the unfairness of the barret.., so it gets filled up quite fast !, and pweeze stop downloading porn, it gets a bit laggy at times ;)
January 12, 2004, 4:49 pm
Actually the only thing I don't like about the server is that there's no minigun! It's not a noobish weapon at all.. it takes a lot more skill to kill someone with a minigun than a barret, as I keep saying over and over and over again.
January 12, 2004, 4:55 pm
@n00bface nope, my nick is just "MisterX". be sure, i don't use barret, and if I do, then not for long. I just do if I lost my gun and there is just a barret lying for example, but usually i don't use it.
@Chakra wtf? .oO
@SuperKill How Barret is different to the Quake3 Railgun? Oh come on guy, I know that you know that Quake3 is really much faster than Soldat. And I know that there are many people that are really, really good and aren't using barret, but I didn't say it's not like that? maybe you should read my post again, hm? and yes, i'm sometimes on dnagames, and most times 70-80% of the players there are using barret. maybe most times there are no people using barret, and just when i log in to dnagames they change to barret, maybe...
and about the whining i can just say: lol
@b00sta true, true
@El_Mariachi that's it
January 12, 2004, 4:57 pm
In reply to Knot's ..reply:
Bah.. it lags the server, and this is the only auto,were u actually do spray. As your ex-member pollaco..or..something, alot of soldatteers only use it to travel faster in the air, and making ppl's comp lag, these 2 elements make it so, that the mingunner is almost unable to catch, when holding the flag i.e. and that makes the minigun imo, kind of lame,not as.. "unfair" as the barret, but still, lame
January 12, 2004, 4:59 pm
i guess i'm more of an "equal opportunity" type. i like servers with all guns enabled best.
January 12, 2004, 5:40 pm
HAHA! Another win for the Barret campaign!
January 12, 2004, 6:24 pm
Well morpheus, I guess what many of us that are deemed antibarretteers think is that it is US who are for equal opportunity.
January 19, 2004, 7:20 am
the best way to play a balanced game is by playing realistic.
January 19, 2004, 8:49 am
Yeah that server would be great if it wasnt in europe :P..
bad lag there
January 19, 2004, 1:30 pm
quote:the best way to play a balanced game is by playing realistic.
rawr, barretters still have the scoped advantage >:[ But I guess you're right.. 1 hit kill with ruger..
January 20, 2004, 10:23 pm
I just have to say that the weapons are a long way from being balanced. M79 is too powerful with the splash damage, barrets shouldnt be a one hit kill unless theyre to the head or close to that area, Miniguns shouldnt be able to push you that much in the opposite direction, chainsaw should be a one hit kill, and apparently, according to some jealous idiots, Desert Eagles do too much damage -.- Id have to say that the barret is the most annoying out of all of those. Its called ABUSE! "Hey, let's lay down here and shoot anyone that we see from 3 screens away with our lightning fast bullets!" I think that it shouldnt be a one hit kill, it seriously sucks that way. If you wanna kill someone hit them with a barret and finish them off with Socom, thats what I do with the knife and Deagles. Bet you can too if you actually use some skill.
The Green ONe
January 22, 2004, 3:37 am
now listen i dont use the barret and i hate people that are good with it but that is part of the game......ill admit i get frustrated when people kick my ass with the damn barret but its unfair to say its a cheap gun....its not like u fire any where and kill someone you still have to aim it......also i think it is unfair for servers to take out the barret...how would you like it if ur gun was the spas and someone took that out of a server...im sure u would not be happy.....so im with the barreters even if they kick my ass.........lol
February 6, 2004, 8:32 pm
yeah but, when everyone take the same damn gun, it become annoying, and thats why 'no barret' server are created.
February 6, 2004, 11:55 pm
btw i havnt played a single game in 1.2 where atleast 1 full team used barret.
February 7, 2004, 2:06 am
..obviously don't play with your clan-friends much, eh?
February 7, 2004, 11:53 am
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
gimme a break.. 1 hit kill weapons exist everywhere, every game (awp, railgun, that electric rifle in UT2K3.. etc)
YAYA, but its little harder to hit when u have to aim also vertically not only horizonally 3 DIMENSIONS
Edit: Btw. Barret users dont bother me much, because just gotta move right that they wont hit (superkill hits quite damn good). Sometimes lose nerves when killed by barret 5 times a row
February 8, 2004, 5:04 am
yeah its kinda lame , no skill required : just sit somewhere and wait for someone to come. aim UP OR DOWN ( dont need left/right when you have a sniper line...[xx(] ) and click.
February 8, 2004, 10:25 pm
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
gimme a break.. 1 hit kill weapons exist everywhere, every game (awp, railgun, that electric rifle in UT2K3.. etc)
Uh, no, 1 hit kills dont exsist everywhere, and they are usually fair. and those games are 3D, this is 2D
February 13, 2004, 10:34 pm
lightning gun in ut2k3 isn't 1hitkill, just in the head, and it's not that easy to hit the head.
awp in counter-strike: run around with awp and shoot a bit at the enemies. you won't hit 1 shot.
railgun in quake3: no that easy to get, it's not easy to hit, because the game is so damn fast, and I think "that fuking sniper" was right when he said that this railgun isn't allowed in league games.
and yes, they are all 3D..
anything to add?
February 28, 2004, 9:09 pm
I've been banned "for possible cheating"
...bah. [xx(]
February 29, 2004, 5:10 am
I don't see why people whine so much about Barreters. I mean, that gun IS cheap on laggy servers, but damnit, it's so easy to dodge. Just to the midair-prone thing, roll, jump, jet-roll, whatever, it's so easy to dodge. Then whipe out the ruger and bam, all dead.
February 29, 2004, 6:04 am
Sniping is harder in 3D games because your view is limited by the scope, and you have to deal with all directions of aiming, plus there are a few that are real nice and realistic where you have tension waver(where the gun shakes because of your arm. Think MSG 1,2, and the Sniper Scope(arcade) series)
February 29, 2004, 7:41 am
I got banned for "cheating" too. [:(!]
Such a shame. That's a great server, real nice to get to play a game without barretards. :|
February 29, 2004, 8:03 am
I will soon do a reinstall of soldat, maybe the cheatkicks will be solved then, meanwhile, I clear the ban list as often as i have the energy to do it.
March 6, 2004, 3:37 am
And it indeed turned into an anti-barreter thread. Stop being so stubborn and be realistic. If most people use it, it doesn't make it a noobish weapon, a lame weapon or any other denigrant adjective whatsoever, so listen up.
A)Barreter assaults=People whine. B)Barreter camps=People whine.C)People gets killed=People whines.
Out of the three, which one is the REAL DEAL with the barret? Indeed does it take no skill to use? WTF, have you EVEN USED A FREAKING BARRET? Try to shoot a target running. Someone hiding. Someone flying. Even another camper. Did you try? If you did, make sure you did not try it against "Soldiers". OK, if it is easy for you to snipe people, then start sniping and STFU.
Man, when I read this threads, I really begin to think you are all sitting ducks. I mean, it's like if you were standing in the middle of an empty field, saying "Oh hi mister sniper! I'm here in case you didn't notice it!".
Barret assaulters: I like to camp. And assaulters are easy targets. Mostly because they expose themselves. And you people always talk like if the guy was right in front of you and you kept running into him. Ever tried DODGING? I do... and i am not exactly the best player in here... Observe the patterns. If he tries to shoot at your legs (which, being the barret a .50 caliber sniper rifle, would blow it away and let you in the ground moaning and bleeding to death) then jump. I he aims to the head, the duck, prone or roll. If he likes to shoot middair, a sudden roll is your best call, since he wont expect that. If he is a Bungee sniper (those who jump from ledges and shoot you from the sides, roll back, make a sliding roll or duck (or prone)but NEVER keep going forward. Once he misses the reload time should be enough for you to take him out.
Now I'm basically telling how to kill me JUST for you to stop whining about the "unbalance". I hate M79ers who kill you in mid-air with a grenade, buy it has no scope, therefore it "requires skill". And trust me, if oy say that 90% of the solateers use the barret, then you are either hi, drunk, or maybe just talking bull[:-censored] to prove an imaginary point. There are more M79ers, LAWers, and Multi-weap players than barreters out there. Here you have the version of a player that uses the barret.
Gee, I was starting to train with the shotgun to experience YOUR version (damn if i killed barreters with it) but you just make me want to keep on sniping, just to piss you off. Don't whine, and stop arguing against the barret like you couldn't live with it cause you know what? No one will hear you. The barret IS staying, you don't like it, play in a server without barrets. But then don't come here to say "WOWOWOWOWOW THIS IS TEH WAY SOLDAT SHUD BE!!!!!!" because if it hadn't have the barret, then it wouldn't be soldat. To barret, or no to barret? Is that really the question? I think it's just a matter of choice...
P.D.: And you know what? Tell me WHAT IS BALANCE: what is best for everyone (that's equilibrium) or what you would like because it is for your convenience. Don't like the barret, fine, don't like it. Just don't go there spraying BS against people who differ from you.
March 6, 2004, 5:03 am
Actually, the barretards(*cough*SK*cough*) made it an anti-barret thread. Shut up if you haven't read the thread, shut up if you can't understand the thread.
March 6, 2004, 5:36 am
Nope, you did, since you all claim that the game is perfect without the barret. Am i wrong? prove to me, and i will gladly admit my mistake. But 1st: calling someone a "barretard" is kind of childish, even immature, because you are effectively being an aggressor against that which you think is unfair. If you are right, then why are you attacking? If you truly believe that truth is with you, then try being more respectful with others. Diplomacy my friend, was not invented in vain.
2nd:This is a public forum, I have the right to express my opinion, so I must say that nobody can revoke my right to express myself. You know where to put that "shut up" of yours, don't you?
3rd: You claim the game is perfect without one of it's natural features. Allright, there's your point. Now there comes the point of, let's say, Super Kill, who says that the game without barret is not the same game. Now, his opinion really does change the subject? I don't think so. If this wasn't an anti-barret thread from the beggining, then it wouldn't talk about a "great" server just because 1 (ONE) weapon you dislike is disabled. And noone would have ever said "This is the way Soldat should be played". And certainly, an oppositor wouldn't have shown up to defend his or her possition, because what's the point in defending something that does not have the need to be deffended? If SuperKill posts, then it is because other posts before his incited him to do so. Now, tell me, who wrote the first post? A barreter? Hmm? Nope, just the contrary. Why do you have to blame the so-called "barreters"?
FroG-BoY, are you sure YOU read the thread? Did you even bother to read my post? Or just started to command me without knowing my point of view? Once again, I am 100% Neutral on this topics, because I was a Sniper, and i know both what is to kill with a barret and to be killed with one. Frustrating? Only if you are not above the game. Why bitter yourself for a game? They sniped your assed, you are pissed, then quit the game, take a nap, watch TV, read a book, walk your dog, exercise, study, go out with your friends, do whatever the [:-censored] you like to do and then, when you are calm, play again. If you are still annoyed, then perhaps you should stop playing.
I'm not getting in this thread anymore. Your underestimation of my intellect has wounded my honor and pride, what can I say.I just cant respect someone who does not respect me. And I believe, that in this post AND in the other one, there was not any necessity of a hostile response. With all due respect, all I think is that such an answer only comes from an inflated ego. Good Luck with your server, enjoy it, because *THAT* should have been the threads starting point: "A server for people who like this kind of servers, come in and enjoy". Not people just talking about how bad a weapon is, or how good is it to play without it.