January 16, 2004, 6:47 pm
As a sacrifice for not taking a secondary weapon into combat, instead a person could have a tripod which he would be able to use for mounting certain primary weapons.
For instance, take the minigun. The person could mount it on a tripod (say 2 seconds to so) and he could fire it off with added benefits like:
- faster reload time (no need to carry the gun while you reload)
- better accuracy (in this case, minigun bullets will fly straighter than going all over the place)
Disadvantages to balance would be that
- The gunner cannot move away and must remain stationary while using the tripod. He could have the option of abandoning his weapon though (via the 'f' key' drop weapon)
- It takes 3 seconds to take the weapon off the tripod and pack it.
It would be interesting but I don't think it's the greatest idea. Who cares? Rate it pls.
juice _ box
January 16, 2004, 6:49 pm
This would actually work best with the minimi. :)
January 16, 2004, 7:20 pm
Minigun that fires straight! 1337ness. Lol.
January 16, 2004, 7:43 pm
I wouldn't actually mind seeing this ingame. I probably wouldn't use it too often but it would be a nice feature.
January 16, 2004, 8:31 pm
Sounds like a kick ass idea. But it would be hard to stop people from camping at the respawns in maps such as ctf_run.
January 16, 2004, 9:35 pm
Weird I didnt understand that at all x), oh well It seems funny..
January 16, 2004, 11:57 pm
I love this idea. please add this in 1.2.1
January 17, 2004, 12:00 am
quote:But it would be hard to stop people from camping at the respawns in maps such as ctf_run.
Simple solution: Ban those mother[:-censored]
January 17, 2004, 12:33 am
Campers at flags? Use the barret and nail em. They can't move remember?
In layman's terms, here's my idea:
A non-combat item that can be equipped as the secondary: the Tripod
- Certain weapons (like the minigun, or heck, the barret)
- Enables faster reload/respawn times. Less delay
- Enables greater accuracy (best for cases like the minigun)
- 4 seconds to mount/unmount the weapon from the tripod (or greater to offset the advantages and to prevent guys from setting up at spawn points)
- While using a mounted weapon a tripod, the person CANNOT move (not even crouch or go prone). He may aim though (obviously)
If this is good enough, great. But if you have any ideas for the tripod idea, speak up.
January 17, 2004, 6:43 am
Des, i really think you're onto something here. You have suggested that the secondary weapon need not be another weapon, but a force multiplier for the primary weapon, this would be great for us support freaks. Also, like mentioned above the minimi would be useful, as a plus when using the m79 the effect would be like that of a mortar. However, what will happen with weapons like the barret and deagles, wouldn't it significantly strengthen them ie. straighter barret bullet, reload time etc. Anyways, its a great idea, lol just think, tripod mounted LAW, chainsaw and knife lol.
January 17, 2004, 8:06 pm
Tripod knife? What for? Faster throw speed? Hehe. The tripod should be limited to specific weapons. It shouldn't be allowed for use to certain weapons, like the deagles. Deagles on a tripod? Okay, maybe...
But you're right. Most suggestions for weapons are better more powerful weapons. However, if u want to mount say a m72 law, you're going to have to ditch your primary and go pick a law off the ground. The tripod relplaces your secondary remember?
Here's a list of mountable/non-mountable weapons
- hk mp5
- Steyr AUG
- AK-47
- M79
- FN Minimi
- Minigun
- Barett
- Ruger
- m72 law
- Knife
- Chainsaw
- Deagles
January 17, 2004, 10:38 pm
1. It's a BIpod (2 feet) not a TRIpod (3 feet)...
2. Would be a cool idea, but you can attach it to virtually any rifle ( surely not the LAW, Saw, Deagles, Socom, Knife )
January 18, 2004, 12:07 am
ah. thks. It should be a BIpod. But I dunno. A Tripod works just as well. kinda like a camera stand. It gives options like a mountable LAW. That's basically a mobile tank turret with the tripod. Sides, it would suck if it was only avaliable to barrett or ruger users.
January 18, 2004, 12:12 am
Whoops, I forgot.
Another possible advantage is
- longer line-of-sight (not as far as a barrett on prone, but like the sight you get with a barrett on crouch)
I can imagine ruger users jumping for joy and this idea could turn a mountable m79 into a makeshift mortar without the idiotic range and lack of skill some others are suggesting.
January 18, 2004, 3:26 am
yup. so bipod it is. although, I think that we should still have it so we can mount the original weapons up atop that I listed. Maybe not the LAW though. K thanks man.
Weapons list (updated)
- HK MP5
- Steyr AUG
- AK-47
- M79
- FN Minimi
- Minigun
- Barett
- Ruger 77
- Knife
- Chainsaw
- Desert Eagles
- M72 LAW
January 18, 2004, 3:53 am
remove the m79 from that list, to me it jsut dont seem to be right, to be in a bipod.
btw - sweet idea dude :) I say replace it with the stationary guns
January 18, 2004, 5:11 am
wait a minute...
Bi- and Tri- pods are designed to give weapons added support for accuracy purposes. In no way does having a 'pod decrease the time required to eject a magazine, insert a new one, and pull a bolt.
an mp5 would never have a bi- or tri- pod due the the fact that its a submachine gun designed for CQB(close quarters battle). its effective range is so compartively low that added stability of a 'pod would be negated by the fact that it can't fire far enough.
weapons like the AK-47 were never designed with a 'pod mount. nor the ruger or m79. or the AUG.
besides that,
the barrett and minimi practically already have a 'pod built in; nothing you suggested would help the barret, as it only loads once every ten shots (again, 'pods don't decrease load time) and its already incredibily accurate. the minimi is also very accurate when you crouch when using it.
but the minigun,
that's just ludicrous. why would ANYONE EVER MOUNT A MINIGUN? if your accuracy idea was implemented, a mounted minigun would totally phase out the minimi.
January 18, 2004, 8:09 am
aww, common we strive for this kind of unrealism in soldat, at least its better than "nerf teh barret" threads all over the place. But you are right about the loading, though it would be funny to see a mounted saw lol.
me with mounted saw: I r0x0rz ur b0x0rz hehe.[:P]
some noob with a barret: [:-weepn]AAHHHHHHH hes coming to get us with his totally imobile, practically useless chainsaw AAAAHHHHHHH!!!![:-weepn]
.....uh yeah....
January 18, 2004, 8:55 am
wow this is a stupid idea and wouldnt work on soldat. who uses tripods in a fastpaced battle where agility is the main point? this would we worse than the barrets are now, horrible idea.
January 18, 2004, 6:56 pm
To: aLpHaNuMe12iK
Yeah. But we don't want too realistic, I mean if that was the case, then you should be dead with one shot or near dead. Okay you're right about the reload though. So it should be added accuracy really, and less recoil, in this case it would speed up barrett recoil time or whatever making guns shoot faster. Soldat isn't supposed to be really realistic, or I would have left by now...and a whole bunch of others.
To answer R: How is this worse than a barrett? 'Sides R, this should be something for team battles and not Deathmatch. You don't have time to set up a friggen tripod/bipod in DM.
Yeah ditch stationaries. Let the players use their own equipments too instead of having guys running to the stationaries and camping.
Final comment: Forget realistic's here. We're just here to have fun. As Alamo said anyways, you can mount just about any kind of rifle on the bipod. It doesn't have to be true in the real world.
Revised List (revised x2)
- Steyr AUG (probably not. Your idea's anyone?)
- AK-47 (same here. probably not. Ideas?)
- FN Minimi (definitely staying)
- Minigun (mounted on a tripod would provide a makeshift stationary gun. But I'm not to sure if I should put it as non-mountable or not)
- Barrett (definitely staying)
- Ruger 77 (I'll leave it in because it's a rifle)
- Knife
- Chainsaw (come on. a chainsaw on a bipod?)
- Desert Eagles
- M72 LAW
- M79 LAW
- HK MP5 (close quarters combat. aLpHaNuMe12iK is right on that)
January 18, 2004, 6:58 pm
It'd be the best thing for campers since high-grass.
January 18, 2004, 7:06 pm
Yeah but high grass isn't on all maps.
Simple solution for campers: just kick them out of the game.
January 19, 2004, 4:38 pm
Anything I'm missing guys? Or is this idea good to go?
January 19, 2004, 6:34 pm
quote:Originally posted by DesFS
Yeah but high grass isn't on all maps.
Simple solution for campers: just kick them out of the game.
Yeah, only if A.) you're the admin, or B.) vote kick worked in 1.5 [which it dosen't]
So, it would be a great tool for campers to use regardless.
January 20, 2004, 12:04 am
Well, this feature, if it's to be implemented, will be in the new version right? Michal probably/should have fixed it by now. Come on, we need that feature to use against certain people.
January 20, 2004, 7:05 pm
this feat is useful in realistic... doesnt matter that much in normal.
January 20, 2004, 7:25 pm
hello, aLpHaNuMe12iK, soldat is about fun, not about knowing the exact weight of a round of 9mm ammo. What i mean is it sounds like hes onto a kewl idea, so we dont want it being counter geeked ok? lets keep nerdling to a minimum shall we?
The idea sounds great. i like it. I want to see it in the game. nice one.
January 21, 2004, 10:51 pm
well the comment about increased loading speed might be viable since a lot of weapons that are on tripods in real life are belt fed