I thought it might be a good idea to start this thread so the board doesn't become saturated with quit posts. I don't know how long the list will be, I may be the only one. In any case, if you are quitting or feel like quitting in light of 1.2's release, simply leave your name. However, please don't post this:
- I love 1.2! it's the greatest!
- Barret wasn't nerfed! but law was! this sux!
- Stop whining! you're just not used to it!
I know it's a little early to make conclusions yet but it isn't just a simple matter of having to learn the new weapon changes. There are a multitude of other reasons besides that. A lot of my personal reasons have been dwelling in my mind during the 6 month period between 1.1.5 and 1.2 that still haven't been satisfied by 1.2's release. Here are some of them:
The game
It's addictiveness
You guessed it, the neverending religious war of Barret vs. Automatics, and the wealth of ignorance both sides have about it.
Soldat's release process. All the bugs and cheats for 1.1.5 could have been fixed and a nice clean 1.1.6 released, but instead new features had to be crammed in, resulting in the half year wait. Before one feature is fixed, a new one is added, simply leading to more bugs, more wait, and a mediocre playing experience.
The inconsistent and buggy server software, never knowing whether you're going to get booted out because of a phony map error or if you have to manually respawn because the server can't do it for you. The dedicated server software has always been delayed and the people who are actually willing to host a dedicated can't, leading to
Never enough solid, fast, dedicated servers. DNA is the only server that doesn't spike like hell for me, so it's the only one I can stand playing on, despite my terrible 200+ ping. Most other servers are just some guy in another continent playing with bots, while I get to sit there and watch the lag ball spike back and forth between red and orange.
Compared to other games, the horrible netcode. I hoped 1.2 would be a drastic improvement, but little has changed. Everyone unknowingly warps and get accused of lagging up the server while seeming fine on your side, and there's nothing you can do about it.
The buggy map maker. I had to re-do a map I spent hours working on simply because the program didn't ask me to save when closing (yet it warns me when I forget to compile when saving [?]). The same map almost basically got ruined because I was unable to delete scenery I accidentally misplaced. I'm sure the interface maker is equally neglected.
The map bugs. A little bump in the polygon means flying across the map and dying.
The bloated cheat protection which bans the innocent while the cheaters speedhack away.
Having to wait half a year for 1.2 but the threat of being banned because you're curious just how the beta is going.
Entire games being ruined because idlers, people disconnecting with the flag, polybugs open for abuse, and the worthless vote system so it is hopeless to stop any of it.
The people
Let's face it, the average player is 14 years old (mentally and/or physically) and isn't mature enough to have a decent game/attitude. The rest seem to just smoke pot or drink alcohol or take medication for their disorders I probably can't count with my two hands.
Games are lost because for some reason people confuse Soldat for IRC.
People confuse the boards for an IRC chatroom. 90% of the board is just worthless spam. Each valid idea someone puts forth in a post gets replies like "You're an idiot" or "I agree ^_^" , with no justification to accompany it. Each valid idea someone puts forth in a post randomly gets sidetracked into a little personal flame war between two people just because they saw each other in the same thread. When all that isn't happening, the better half of a thread is spent by the author trying to explain their idea over and over again only because everyone is too lazy to read it all the way through or maybe just too inept. It's all spam.
All hate, little love
So, this is Snowden taking a (probably temporary) leave of absence. I don't know many of you, but it seems on these boards the only knowing that happens is from the spam people spew and have wars about. So it doesn't matter.
Finally, Michal, you rock. I appreciate the hard work you have done and respect all the weight you have on your shoulders, having to deal with all the whiners such as myself day in day out, but all of it has lost it's touch for me.
Post if you're leaving, otherwise hit your back button now.
- I love 1.2! it's the greatest!
- Barret wasn't nerfed! but law was! this sux!
- Stop whining! you're just not used to it!
I know it's a little early to make conclusions yet but it isn't just a simple matter of having to learn the new weapon changes. There are a multitude of other reasons besides that. A lot of my personal reasons have been dwelling in my mind during the 6 month period between 1.1.5 and 1.2 that still haven't been satisfied by 1.2's release. Here are some of them:
The game
It's addictiveness
You guessed it, the neverending religious war of Barret vs. Automatics, and the wealth of ignorance both sides have about it.
Soldat's release process. All the bugs and cheats for 1.1.5 could have been fixed and a nice clean 1.1.6 released, but instead new features had to be crammed in, resulting in the half year wait. Before one feature is fixed, a new one is added, simply leading to more bugs, more wait, and a mediocre playing experience.
The inconsistent and buggy server software, never knowing whether you're going to get booted out because of a phony map error or if you have to manually respawn because the server can't do it for you. The dedicated server software has always been delayed and the people who are actually willing to host a dedicated can't, leading to
Never enough solid, fast, dedicated servers. DNA is the only server that doesn't spike like hell for me, so it's the only one I can stand playing on, despite my terrible 200+ ping. Most other servers are just some guy in another continent playing with bots, while I get to sit there and watch the lag ball spike back and forth between red and orange.
Compared to other games, the horrible netcode. I hoped 1.2 would be a drastic improvement, but little has changed. Everyone unknowingly warps and get accused of lagging up the server while seeming fine on your side, and there's nothing you can do about it.
The buggy map maker. I had to re-do a map I spent hours working on simply because the program didn't ask me to save when closing (yet it warns me when I forget to compile when saving [?]). The same map almost basically got ruined because I was unable to delete scenery I accidentally misplaced. I'm sure the interface maker is equally neglected.
The map bugs. A little bump in the polygon means flying across the map and dying.
The bloated cheat protection which bans the innocent while the cheaters speedhack away.
Having to wait half a year for 1.2 but the threat of being banned because you're curious just how the beta is going.
Entire games being ruined because idlers, people disconnecting with the flag, polybugs open for abuse, and the worthless vote system so it is hopeless to stop any of it.
The people
Let's face it, the average player is 14 years old (mentally and/or physically) and isn't mature enough to have a decent game/attitude. The rest seem to just smoke pot or drink alcohol or take medication for their disorders I probably can't count with my two hands.
Games are lost because for some reason people confuse Soldat for IRC.
People confuse the boards for an IRC chatroom. 90% of the board is just worthless spam. Each valid idea someone puts forth in a post gets replies like "You're an idiot" or "I agree ^_^" , with no justification to accompany it. Each valid idea someone puts forth in a post randomly gets sidetracked into a little personal flame war between two people just because they saw each other in the same thread. When all that isn't happening, the better half of a thread is spent by the author trying to explain their idea over and over again only because everyone is too lazy to read it all the way through or maybe just too inept. It's all spam.
All hate, little love
So, this is Snowden taking a (probably temporary) leave of absence. I don't know many of you, but it seems on these boards the only knowing that happens is from the spam people spew and have wars about. So it doesn't matter.
Finally, Michal, you rock. I appreciate the hard work you have done and respect all the weight you have on your shoulders, having to deal with all the whiners such as myself day in day out, but all of it has lost it's touch for me.
Post if you're leaving, otherwise hit your back button now.