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waypointing over the big death dip
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - Mapping Help / Resources
January 24, 2004, 8:58 am
In my CTF map, I have a large dip with deadlyness at the bottom. I got the bots to go over it. But, even though they get to the next WP when Jet is no longer used, the bots keep using their jet until it's gone. Is there a way to have the bot stop using their jet in midair? I used Stop And Camp for the special of the WP that has the Jet checked and was wondering if this is a good way?

Thanx a lot.

January 24, 2004, 9:12 am
I thought this might be a thread about getting the bots to actually fly over the spike-pit in inf_outpost... stupid buggers.....anyhow, build a bridge. I hear they work wonders. Or at least give them a big platform they can't miss.

January 24, 2004, 10:02 am
Are you sure the bot is hitting the waypoint after the dip perfectly?

Because only if they hit it exactly will they move onto it's new direction, ie. stop flying. You need to create a whole line of waypoints after the dip where they will fly into in order to make sure they make contact with one of them, as the flying isn't very accurate.

The forth tip on here should help.

If they do make contact with a waypoint after the dip, then they should definetly stop flying as long as 'fly' is not checked for that waypoint.

And I don't think setting it to stop and camp will do anything benificial.

Oh and yeah making a bridge would solve the problem (easy way out :), but you may not want one if they're sposed to be able to fall in.