January 25, 2004, 2:17 am
here's a little copy of Arc's knifing skills movie, but with m79 jumps
brought to you by moo's file uploader
January 25, 2004, 11:35 am
Well.. those probably are the very basics of M79 jumping.
but please stop using the word "conk" / "conking" [}:)]
you should prepare your lines/tipps and save them in the taunts.txt so you don't have to type them while recording.. it can get very boring when you type it live.
and ctf_laos isn't that bad for M79 jumping [xx(]
You'll see.. we (Urhos, Tattoo and me) are making a movie about trick jumps etc. in Soldat 1.2
January 25, 2004, 3:23 pm
Nice tutorial for beginners, but like b00stA said, you should prepare the tips in taunts.txt.
January 25, 2004, 4:20 pm
Yarr it couldn't play ctf_kampf_red and ctf_kampf_blue? :\ I dont know what to do there (Btw, I also had to add .sdm at the end of each file for them to play ???)
January 25, 2004, 7:12 pm
I know those are basic, and sorry about long typeing
well anyway I'm beginner in m79 jumps so this video is for beginners too :)