January 25, 2004, 9:34 pm
MG42. Basically a big powerful german machinegun. Very high fire rate. Large Magazine size. High reload time. I was thinking that like the LAW (rocket thing) cant be fired until crouched, the MG42 cannot open up till prone, and it takes a short time to deploy once prone. from there it delivers heavy sustained fire over an area, with a large relead times between large mags. Think Minigun but not as mobile, in return for a better noise and more damage and bullets. Would be a hugely tactical weapon as teams cover their MG42 as he sets up, etc. Would also be good if it had a heat effect like the stationary gun, to promote skilled bursts rather than blind spraying.
The picture is without the magazine, which is a large greenish box attatched under the main gun.
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[IMAGE] mg-42.jpg7.6 KB
January 25, 2004, 9:49 pm
MG42's are absolutely vicious, tearing through metal and flesh alike, with it's insane 1400 rounds per minute fire rate. There is no magazine; it's belt fed. Belts are ~50 rounds in size, but to be of ANY use they have to be clipped together to belts of ~250.
Maybe to decrease the chance of them being used like M82s (you know what im talking about! dont think you dont![:-grumpy]) they could, like you said, only be deployed when prone as well as be deployed next to any sandbag, so you have a miniature stationary gun.
In fact, remove the stationary gun and put this in.[:-devil]
January 25, 2004, 10:16 pm
sounds like a nice secondary gun...good idea.
January 25, 2004, 11:40 pm
SECONDARY!!!! this would be a prim weapon to be fair.....replace the minigun with this and we'd be rippin
January 26, 2004, 12:27 am
You want THIS to be a secondary?[:-timebm]
Primary possibly replacing the minigun only fireable when prone or near a sandbag thing.
January 26, 2004, 1:04 am
how bout we have it as a primary, can only fire in prone near a sandbag, and he must replace his secondary with something like...i dunno know uh maybe ammo, or a tripod for mount. This would go nicely with the idea I suggested a while ago. Except no bonuses like faster fire rate (it's already fast enough)
See tripod: http://archive.forums.soldat.pl/topic.php?topic_id=10534
January 26, 2004, 2:52 am
uuhhh.....minimi? just stick some legs on it, tweak it so it's like a real minimi. no new gun, beter an old gun
January 26, 2004, 3:44 am
The minimi is slightly smaller, but forget the antiquated mg42. M60! Much more fitting with the setting of soldat in general. It would be better if it sprayed all over the place when moving but was more accurate when prone and crouched, rather than not being able to shoot when moving/standing.
January 26, 2004, 3:59 am
how about that is way to [:-censored]ing powerful for just any secondary
January 26, 2004, 6:16 am
It looks like the MG42 would take more than one man to use effectively... so how about when two soldats with miniguns team up, they "morph" into an MG42 team? Or... no, that's a crappy idea.
Having MG42 as primary and its ammo as secondary sounds like an interesting idea. I would say it would also only be able to be fired from prone. But do we really need another gun? K.I.S.S.
January 26, 2004, 6:30 am
can it zoom like barret add it as a secondry or primary,but secondry would be better,2 zooming weps barret and mg42
January 26, 2004, 6:31 am
How about we just make the Minimi deployable when prone and by sandbags? Right now no ones uses it, and this would give it a real reason to be used.
January 26, 2004, 6:35 am
quote:Originally posted by JayBDey
How about we just make the Minimi deployable when prone and by sandbags? Right now no ones uses it, and this would give it a real reason to be used.
Haha, why would people want to use the Minimi more if it were only deployable when prone or near sandbags? Unless its power was greatly increased, that is.
January 26, 2004, 6:39 am
Nah, leave the Minimi as is, so people wont know its real power (The power that gives you 20 kills when everyone else has 6)
EDIT: in fact, you can mod the SG's to be MG42's.
January 26, 2004, 3:13 pm
quote:Originally posted by Roy
Right now no ones uses it, and this would give it a real reason to be used.
What??? Minimi owns since 1.2!!! I hope for you you never meet me on the battlegrounds ;) Well actually i love it... :)
ppl: don't think about additional guns... look at that row with numbers on top of your keyboard... do you see 11-20? no? well, you just can't add any weapons (as long as they aren't secs) :) But I like the idea of a deployable MG but as some1 said before it has to be an actual gun, the MG42 is too antiquated... This ain't a WW2 Mod :)
January 26, 2004, 4:19 pm
that gun could be made by you as mod guys,use it as berret,name it as the title gun,its on a mod,right
January 26, 2004, 4:49 pm
uhh dude you can''t cuz this gun would have different setup as barret dumb ass
January 26, 2004, 5:28 pm
quote:Originally posted by Mechanoid
You want THIS to be a secondary?[:-timebm]
Primary possibly replacing the minigun only fireable when prone or near a sandbag thing.
totally agree to this nice replacement to;) i'll probably start using it to;)
January 26, 2004, 6:00 pm
But then there would be no minigun flying!
January 26, 2004, 7:36 pm
Mechanoid seems to know what im on about. I meant for this weapon to be a primary, you cant compare it to a knife or a soccom. Perhaps whoever said ammo as second was onto something, to balance out its power. Firing from prone only is a must. And also as for there only being numbers 1-0 along the top of ur keyboard, why not give it another button? I dont see "A" being used as a weap-on key. or any of the others. Before you say u cant type when dead then, just select the weapon and then type.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. As for it being an old weapon, how modern is the ak? Its age doesnt detract from its appeal. the fact is that its maybe one of the most destructive machineguns ever, and makes a noise that IS power. The thing about this weapon is once its et up you feel great. Anyone who has played battlefield 1942 or the half life mod DOD or medal of honour will know this beast. Id like support and against now, everyone say yes or not in subsequent posts so I get a better view of opinion. Thanks
January 28, 2004, 12:57 am
The ak is an ak74, and the point is it's still being used a LOT! Besides the M60 design is based off the mg42, and it's more fitting with the style of the game (action hero style warfare)
January 28, 2004, 1:15 am
wtf SPI action hero style warfare?!
->sees camper on a ridge with a barret and a law
lol but anyway, just change it into an m60