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Styx man, whats the deal?
Soldat Forums - Misc - Forum News and Support
January 26, 2004, 4:49 pm
I've been banned from some places in my time....all catholic girl schools, petting zoo's, the screening to the movie Jumanji ...

But this forum? this forum is insane.

Month ago, my spiffy new sig gets me banned for a week 'cos it was 25 pixels over the limit (and 14kb under). Was I warned? no. No e-mail, no pm, no message over irc, no fax, no text message, no phone call, no telegram, no [:-censored]ing messenger pidgeon, nothing. What was that about?

4 days ago, I do something horrendous. I make a topic under the false alias of Mlchal Marcinkowski (using an L for an I). Noticably the topic the identity was related to was fake and intented for humour in every way. I still get banned though, no warning, no nothing. I could've deleted the login if asked, or changed the topic in someway of desired.

The day after, I ask to be unbanned, and 'Styx kindly obliges, god bless his cotton socks.
The day after that though, i'm banned again. No warning, no nothing. In fact i'm making this post 'while' banned (long story how).

So whats going on styx, why the trigger finger? I've no intention of messing around with the forum, or insulting anyone to extreme measures, so for the love of grace jones stop rolling around in that bath-tub of guinness and bloody unban me! [:(!]

January 26, 2004, 7:12 pm
And everyone else has been warned for the too big siggies. This is just unfair for chak!

January 26, 2004, 7:27 pm
new sig gets me banned for a week
Rules is rules is rules...I understand that everyone I was told to ban had been warned before

I make a topic under the false alias of Mlchal Marcinkowski
That post was pointed out to me by a mod, the IP address of the poster was banned and the account disabled. I didn't know it was you...I prob. would have banned you anyhow just to make a point..

The day after that though, i'm banned again
No idea where that's coming from..

..and bloody unban me
? If you're posting your not banned...

January 26, 2004, 7:57 pm

i'm accessing the forums in a way that seems to evade your ban, without the use of a proxy or any other device. I won't mention it as it'll no doubt be used by others wanting to get a second bitch at the forum....at least until I PM you informing how i'm going about it.

January 26, 2004, 8:53 pm
I've added another clear ban request to the system.

I've also plugged the hole (as it turns out three holes) that allowed some banned members to still access the forum...

January 26, 2004, 9:31 pm
let my chakra go!

January 26, 2004, 9:36 pm
Hush now ?, go annoy someone in the bash pit.

January 26, 2004, 10:42 pm
poor chakra :(

January 26, 2004, 10:48 pm
quote:Hush now ?, go annoy someone in the bash pit

why sir i never annoy anyone!!

January 26, 2004, 11:20 pm
Hahahahaha...funny joke, ?...too bad it's not true. :-/

January 27, 2004, 12:06 am
its not like i don't ahve fans =P

January 27, 2004, 8:17 pm
Chakra is a nice guy... I don't understand why you ban him... I mean 25 pixels... On a normal resolution thats [:-censored]in nuthin! on 1024x786 that would be under 2% of you screen width... and i don't understand why that cross-guy (forgot the ascii number) is not banned... maybe the pic is within limits but the text under it is too big... (i actually don't want him to be banned or make his sig smaller, it's just an example) I don't think ppl should be banned for such minor things... Ban guys cuz of hacking, posting cheatz or reg codes or sumkinda that... Well just my opinion :)

January 27, 2004, 9:35 pm
Rules is rules

(thread locked)