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A Practical Suggestion
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
January 27, 2004, 6:59 am
Can we please have the player names visible in the listing? I hit F1 to try and see who else is in the game or who is ahead of me in points or whatever, and half the time the names are too dark to even make out! ESPECIALLY on maps with dark backgrounds. I end up trying to maneuver the names over a bright background so I can read them. Would it be too much to ask to have all the names lightly colored instead of whatever currently selects the player names?

January 27, 2004, 7:28 am
Havn't experianced this yet, but i know i dont want to.[;)]

Good idea. Maybe make the background of the entire score box a certain color? maybe white or a gray of some sort?

Only problem is if it isn't transparent, you can't tell if someone's popped up and about to knife you...[:-yuck]

January 27, 2004, 1:33 pm
The color of the players names is determined by either their pant or shirt color, not sure which. The background color of the window, along with the esc menu, and the kill console, is the "back.bmp" in the interface-gfx folder. So maybe you can change the window color, and fix it? I never seem to have any problem with this though. Maybe you should get a higher contrast monitor lol.

January 27, 2004, 11:55 pm
CBW:it's yeh shirt, no teh pants.
never had any problems with this...maybe yer monitor's madd darker than it should be...you albino?