January 27, 2004, 4:19 pm
Choose anyone in the forums, specify who dbz char you opponent is and who dbz char are you and write how you would kill your opponent
go kick a$$!
January 27, 2004, 4:56 pm
Me = Majin Vegeta Vs. Michal > Cell
i start off with a regular ki blast and hit his right arm off then dash to the back of him and kick him up into the air hit him down with an elbow then Charge my final flash burning him to a crisp while he is regenerating i charge my big bang attack and vaporize whats left :)
January 27, 2004, 5:18 pm
well.. first i'm gonna drive to the fighting area like a crazy mofo
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[IMAGE] Motorbike[1].jpg74.43 KB
January 27, 2004, 5:39 pm
Crak = g0k0 vs Dna Sticks = a tree
I throw a stone at him and he rottens and dies.
January 27, 2004, 8:03 pm
me = goku vs. camping carl = cell
I stand (fly) there for about 10 minutes screaming AHHHHHHHHH! Carl gets bored and blows my head off. >.>
January 27, 2004, 8:21 pm
oh ffs i cant be assed to upload it again
January 27, 2004, 9:45 pm
M vs All.
M uses nuke.
All dies.
M wins.
January 27, 2004, 9:50 pm
Phhph. You can't kill DBZ people with a mere nuke.
January 27, 2004, 9:51 pm
M, you have a severe superiority complex. Really severe...
*goes off to spam M's thread*
January 27, 2004, 9:59 pm
Blade=SSJ4 Gogeta vs M=Yajerobi
Gogeta sends a spirit bomb towards yajerobi but he eats it and farts towards gogeta. Gogeta dodges and attacks but yajerobi is just too strong, he goes to hit gogeta but gogeta quickly blocks it, then yajerobi goes quickly into sitting position and sits on gogeta, gogeta goes straight up yajerobi's ass and finds his new love, a half eaten sandwiche, M WINS! And they all live happily ever after...
hmm maybe next time i should make myself win :|
January 27, 2004, 10:55 pm
WTF dam you.
Joshishujazuzizhaku = TIR_BLADE VS Kataqrmiakakatakakataramaraarra = M
M attacks TIR_Blade with a knife. TIR cries like a baby. M kills TIR and M wins.
January 27, 2004, 10:57 pm
Do you even bother reading anyone elses posts? Don't you care that some people dislike you?
quote:Originally posted by frogboy
M, you have a severe superiority complex. Really severe...
*goes off to spam M's thread*
juice _ box
January 27, 2004, 11:14 pm
quote:DBZ can lick my nuts
mine aswell
January 27, 2004, 11:40 pm
quote:Originally posted by juice _ box
quote:DBZ can lick my nuts
mine aswell
mine too
January 28, 2004, 1:22 am
quote:Originally posted by Aquarius
quote:Originally posted by juice _ box
quote:DBZ can lick my nuts
mine aswell
mine too
well, i should add that it can also lick my shoes?
January 28, 2004, 1:26 am
I believe that DBZ is not cool...but as I find it impossible for a television program to lick anything, I'll just say that I hope you enjoy your show, but just realize it isn't real...
(I'm trying to refrain from calling things I don't like "stupid", as it's something I've been told to work on.)
January 28, 2004, 1:36 am
DBZ is like 10000000000000000000 x10^99999
years old..
get over it
January 28, 2004, 3:25 am
if it would be me and pyso fightin' it would probly go down like this
me = goku(bad mood) and pyso(afk) = master roushe's turtle (asleep)
i would sneak up on pyso while we was afk and then would charge a spirt bomb for like 14 episodes like always and own his ass
January 28, 2004, 3:45 am
yes society's punishment has identified the horror of DBZ. the dudes power up while grunting for 10 episodes then they hit each other for another 10, with a great deal of reused cells. after one of them *appears* to die, they are somehow revived/reincarnated and gokou blows up the bad guys. I'll be Mr. Satan cuz of his wicked hair and beard. or teenage gohan cuz he does a funny dance in a funny costume.
January 28, 2004, 3:59 am
i fire a huge manges beam at u and u die, and i r teh fuse with goten and destroy j00!
oh and yes it took freeza like 50 episodes to destroy planet namek, while its supposed to be 5 minutes as said in the episde, and after 40 episodes passed, the next episode was called "2 MINUTES REMAINING OMFG" then blah blah another 200 episodes
juice _ box
January 28, 2004, 4:10 am
THIS IS GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY (used out of context) seriously, there are dbz rpg forums for this... go there
January 28, 2004, 5:32 am
JB you rock man
too bad you quit
January 29, 2004, 4:52 pm
i have been watching it for 8 years so [:-censored] off
January 29, 2004, 5:20 pm
Chakra -> Vegeto (fusion of Vegeta and Goku) vs Bu <--- RdRull (or whatever his name is)
After the symbolically homo-erotic fusion of Vegeta and Goku 'becoming one' due to wearing a rather girly single earing each, the large pink suggestively shaped Bu whacks the buggery out of Vegeto. he cums. No wait, I mean does the Kam-eh-ham-eh-ungggggyes move and blasts his load all over him.
..Vegeto then lights a cigarette..