yeah so iwas just playing v1.2 havnt been here for a while....
when some random ideas poped into my head....
iwas just thinking how funny it was that i had just killed two people with one shot of a barret....and it was a headshot when...
a voice should say "HEADSHOT!!!" like in cs.... but considering how small soldat guys are it should only say it if u do it with a barret or ruger... else all ud hear wud be headshot headshot etc etce
you could have voices saying multikill as will and when you get mastah killer a message comes up saying "blah-blah is a masteh killer!!"
this way everyone knows....
also when in realistic mode for ctf or inf... soldat isnt that real (jetboots) but the predator should be camo and instead of going invisble u turn into the enemies color...for awhile...
you know in cs if u get tons of head shots those funny messages comes up?
ex: blah-blah head was turned to pudding by blah blah barret
or blah-blah has superb aim with his barret as blah-blah knows well....
so and ideas that sound good?
just to make soldat a bit funnier..
when some random ideas poped into my head....
iwas just thinking how funny it was that i had just killed two people with one shot of a barret....and it was a headshot when...
a voice should say "HEADSHOT!!!" like in cs.... but considering how small soldat guys are it should only say it if u do it with a barret or ruger... else all ud hear wud be headshot headshot etc etce
you could have voices saying multikill as will and when you get mastah killer a message comes up saying "blah-blah is a masteh killer!!"
this way everyone knows....
also when in realistic mode for ctf or inf... soldat isnt that real (jetboots) but the predator should be camo and instead of going invisble u turn into the enemies color...for awhile...
you know in cs if u get tons of head shots those funny messages comes up?
ex: blah-blah head was turned to pudding by blah blah barret
or blah-blah has superb aim with his barret as blah-blah knows well....
so and ideas that sound good?
just to make soldat a bit funnier..