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Small Improvements
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
February 4, 2004, 5:37 pm

When the flag has been captured, a sound or announcement should play like on unreal Tournament. When I'm playing i often concentrate so much i miss reading the small alerts at the bottom of the screen, so a sound would be useful.

Also, the F1 menu. when playing temgames, the list is sorted by points, not into teams. It would be good to have a box with the number of players on each team, and the overall score. The number of people is there but a very small number near the corner. It should be bigger and at the bottom. When playing large tamgames (30+) it is impossible to see easily how many people are playing and the overall score.

These are just small things but it would make the game better without too much work. I especially think sounds with flags is useful.

Feedback please, what does everyone think?

February 4, 2004, 5:51 pm
about sounds it s good idea

February 4, 2004, 7:40 pm
quote:Originally posted by achan1989
It would be good to have a box with the number of players on each team

There is one :/

I like the idea of overall team score, would be nice.

I also think the flag capture sound would be great, but along with this, I think a message should appear when the flag has been left for too long and it auto returns to base. I hate going to recover it when its already back at base.

February 4, 2004, 9:16 pm
well there is a message that says "(someone) captured the (whatevercolor) flag" and i think that team score idea is neat too

February 4, 2004, 10:09 pm
A little offtopic, but it would be great if you could see your kills in CTF. Like this:

February 4, 2004, 11:06 pm
The flag sounds would really come in handy...i sometimes forget to watch to see when the flag is captured or returned.

February 5, 2004, 4:16 am
There really ought to be an announcement when the flag carrier was killed. Like:
"HellRazer killed flag carrier Soldier"
Or if that's too long, at least:
"Soldier dropped the flag!"
Also perhaps there should be a 'drop flag' button because I get tired of carrying it when the other team has my flag or I'm low on health and I want to pass it to someone else.