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beginning of my map
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - New Maps
December 1, 2002, 9:26 pm
i have done a trial version of a map idea i had. below are two screenshots, and the link to the actual map. it hasnt got any scenery, bot support, bug fixes etc but i wanted to know whether you liked the template. [:D]

Download Attachment: [IMAGE] catacombs.jpg34.87 KB

the catacombs below the pillbox

Download Attachment: [IMAGE] pillbox.jpg30.87 KB

the pillbox itself

and the download at my temp site

i know it is poo [^] but if i receive positive feedback on the concept i will finish it

December 2, 2002, 4:40 am
i'm getting a page not found error with the pmp link. Looks cool though

December 2, 2002, 7:47 pm
well i am poo at making websites (i have been told)


Download Attachment: [IMAGE] pillbox.zip7.93 KB

tis a zip file

yeh thanks for the confidence. it isnt great and i thought that i wont bother finishing it unless people like the current version

soon i will post a trial version of 'snipers alley' if you want

December 2, 2002, 10:42 pm
The tunnels are easy to navigate ... Maybe put something in all that open space (if not just to refuel jets), but I really do not like telling people how I would make it. Put what YOU see in it. Just make it for yourself, then share it and if people don't like it, f**k em.

Check here for clans http://soldatforum.dnagames.net/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=36

December 3, 2002, 6:28 pm
i tried to keep the tunnels simple so it is easier to fight. i will add lots of scenery to the outside, maybe to the inside. i figure that it is some sort of bunker under siege, with the attackers setting up barricades. i should have the updated version ready by tonight so it will be up soon.

December 3, 2002, 6:53 pm
Uh....for the clan thing contact me @ outcast_nejc@hotmail.com (MSN plz..no emails..)

December 3, 2002, 7:52 pm
thanks muchly

December 3, 2002, 8:15 pm

Download Attachment: [IMAGE] pillbox.zip10.41 KB

i prefer this one. it includes scenery, improved polygons, and polygons in the air - if you can find them lol!!!!

i still havent done the bot compatibility though.

December 3, 2002, 10:59 pm
I like what you did w/ the black on black. You could maim a person who doesn't know where all the polys are.. heh. Good work. Get that bot support up. .. If you have trouble w/ it, I may be able to help. I'm not great at it, but I can get them lil buggers moving pretty good.

December 4, 2002, 4:44 pm
i can do it (averagely) but it takes so long it is boring. so you may have to wait a bit. thanks for offering though. i may let you do path 2 if i get really bored. any other ideas?

did you like my little turrets on the side of the pillbox?