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Flawed weapon precision and response
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Need Help? Report Bugs!
February 7, 2004, 1:32 am
First, excellent version, good changes to some weapons... Barret precision should have been altered in air though... and no, you're not Gosu if you use it... seriously, there has to be something wrong with all those new-veteran players in soldat, do you enjoy abusing a thing until everybody is sick to death from your tasteless choices?

Now to the problems:

Spas-12 fires an unprecise shot after full reload, since there aren't many Spas players (which is a big shame), no one complained yet, but if you're facing one of those annoying Barret users (still more than half of the Soldat community, also a big shame and disgrace - also refer to first paragraph), you can't have shots like that.
Example, if you're jumping and aiming diagonally down left, the shot will go only in the general direction you were aiming - in this case only left, but not downwards.

MP5 seems to get jammed after reload, you have to click and reclick and pray to god that that annoying Barret player (see above comment concerning Barret users) misses you because your weapon became unreliable. I encountered this problem only when playing [DFX]Wolverine on three of the Arena maps...

How can I finish my post without once again complaining about the most unworthy weapon in the game - the Barret. Vests are not a solution, decreasing its sight range also didn't help. I wonder what's next?
Could it be removal? Watch out Barret users... you will notice that you aren't that good at the game...

February 7, 2004, 2:45 pm
I've noticed the spas thing while reloading - since you raise the spas while loading a shell, if you try and fire then it shoots above where you are aiming. I gather it's safest to tap the nade button before you try and shoot, as that will stop you loading.

February 7, 2004, 3:53 pm
but if the spas-12 thing is fixed, you shouldnt be able to fire unlimited shots with spas anymore. just fire 2 bullets, hold the reload button, and click the mouse button all the time. after every shot you reload 1 bullet, so you are able to shoot, and shoot, and shoot, and shoot... that's not a big problem now since those shots just fire directly to the left or to the right, but if they could be aimed correctly this could be a problem. maybe not a that big one, too, since you can't hold reload and move, but should be fixed.

February 7, 2004, 11:29 pm
Dude the whole point of the spas is to HAVE unlimted bullets otherwise it is basically the worst weapon in the game.