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Map idea
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - New Maps
February 8, 2004, 9:15 am
Im not sure this is the right place for this, but anyway, judging by that topic on "CTF World", just about any loser can post here, so i will too. I dont have a map, just an idea i was thinking about for CTF map. The very, very general Idea is in picture below, which i just drew up in half a minute and then put into 16 colours and is VERY VERY CRAP. please tell me what u think i dont want to waste my time giving it a go if everyone thinks it will suck. The general idea is that its just composed of islands, and not just flat like......every other damn map ive seen. and it has no base. the idea is that ur sort of fighting downhill or uphill, from one platform to the next, and i thought that would be different. Spawn in the top-right and top-left corners, and flags on the platforms bottom left and bottom right.

If i actually made it, it would be like in the picture but bigger than ctf run. I'll explain the reason for every little platform after i get a response.

Is it a good idea or should i give up now(never made a map b4)?

But no matter what u say i will never look like more of an idiot than that guy with CTF world.

February 8, 2004, 2:26 pm
I say you go read some tutorials

February 8, 2004, 3:18 pm
I could make it nice and rounded for you, If that's okay.

I had an idea like that a while ago, i just didn't like it. You seem to have jazzed it up a bit more. Maybe if there could be a ground under the islands, that would make it cooler.

February 8, 2004, 3:21 pm
it would be interesting if you make it no jet......

February 8, 2004, 3:35 pm
Yea no jet would rule there..! Make it no jet!

February 8, 2004, 3:54 pm
Nah.. it should have the same amount like ctf_b2b (or more :)

Leo Da Lunerfox
February 8, 2004, 11:30 pm
it would be SELFKILL!!! carnage....

February 8, 2004, 11:58 pm
The pic does not work..

February 9, 2004, 10:40 am
N1nj@, why must u have a go at me? Its just an idea, ok? no bottom to it, low-no jet fuel, spawn in top corners, bases in flags corners, and very high (bigger than say 15 seconds) respawn time. The idea is that it makes it difficult for the defending team rather than the attacking team, because the attackers are coming down on top of you. The idea for the path at the top is that you can run straight up that path (providing u dont get killed by the people who are spawning up there) and then drop down on top of the flag and cause some serious carnage. The idea for having little-no jet fuel is that u have to be careful that u dont accidentally fall off. I thought that having it on platforms would encourage maybe a little bit more teamwork - The idea is to move forward and take each platform, and at the same time make sure that no-one drops down on u. The small platforms are attacking/defending "strongholds", depending on which side is holding them. Probably lots of stationary guns. It would be good to make a CTF map where there is as much emphasis on defence as in infiltration, but u still have to attack......

and yes, the picture is crap. guess why? because i figured a megabyte was too big for picture, so I PUT IT INTO 16 COLOURS.

I am probably going to have a go making it so any suggestions as to improvements, as opposed to "it looks crap", are welcome. Come on, just some ideas as to how the layout will go - i can change it really easily.

February 9, 2004, 1:28 pm
I liked the idea, and i think that little or no jet fuel would mean waiting on each platformuntil your jet recharges. That would make it a bit slow paced when you get the flag, right?

I think i'll wait till the maps comes out :p ;)

February 9, 2004, 1:59 pm
You should put a few key strongholds on some of the larger platforms toward the middle. They could offer cover, better firepower/powerups, etc. This would add some extra teamwork into the game. You could go for the flag while holding the base to keep the odds of scoring in your favor.

I think it looks like it has potential to be a cool map. :D

February 11, 2004, 5:45 am
Excellent! thanks for the idea besserwisser. I was planning to make a path along the bottom of really small islands. a few ice ones should keep things interesting....

And Rambo - Your right really, it will be slow (even with a small amount jetfuel), if u have to get from your flag platform, up to the top, and then down to their flag platform. luckily, u wont have 2 - the spawn point is up the top, so attackers can come straight down into the middle. Has me worried - the middle platform could end up looking like ctfDeath - u know what i mean. So maybe i can make it difficult enough that anyone who just charges straight down without thinking first will die easily - should stop it becoming a deathmatch.

But yeah, getting from one flag platform to the other will take 40 seconds or so. But it wont be any more boring than ctf run - as soon as u get to the second last platform, there'll probably be plenty of fighting to do. And seeing as this would hopefully be played with 30+ people (same number as on Utarmo yesterday) and it shouldnt be much of a problem (i hope). Ideally u could play this with only 1 capture required - should put some emphasis on defence.

Suggestions still welcome.........

February 17, 2004, 5:54 pm
Obstacles maybe? Put some barbed wire on damaging polygons in points that you think would make it more of a deathmatch. The ice would be a cool idea I think...