February 11, 2004, 10:45 am
Dont know if anyones said this before, and dont care. What the hell do u do if u accidentally make a really small polygon, so small u cant select it again. If u cant select it, how are u meant to get rid of it? It's not a problem at the moment, but seems really stupid. Somone tell me what im meant to do if this happens?
February 11, 2004, 11:22 am
As far as I know you there is nothing you can do.
I have this problem too, but it is only with the advent of 1.2 that it has become a real pain, because if you have the 'smooth polygons' thing turned on, they show up as lines over the map, as opposed to being invisible normally.
Sorry I can't help you, hopefuly something to fix this will be put in a *cough* NEW VERSION OF THE MAP MAKER *cough* ...
February 11, 2004, 2:05 pm
Ok then, ill try a different way of removing those stupid tiny polygons.
Could someone who knows about these things such as michael maybe tell me how the .PMS file works. That is, how the data is stored in it? If i knew how the file was structured, then with a little hard work i could write a program or something(hopefully) to let me edit it. If i could edit it, i could remove a polygon from the file - they all have their own numbers, so if i knew the layout it would probably work. This isnt a problem for me right now, but i have a feeling that sometime in the future im going to do 1 hour of really good work on a map without saving it and then accidentally create one of those stupid tiny polygons that u cant get rid of. And that will put my hours work down the drain.
I think it would be allowed - It's not like you would be giving away the source code to soldat - just the way the .PMS file is structured. Maybe Michael or DNA.Styx can tell me this? It's a bit far-fetched i know, but if i could make something that would let u edit the file, it would help a lot of people. And if i am way, way out of my depth(but i do know a reasonable amount of programming - Java mainly) then please say so now.
P.S. If anyone knows of a way to fix a problem like this without mucking around with the file, thereby making me look like an idiot for suggesting it, please do tell.