February 13, 2004, 3:51 am
I am tired and i dont want to write too much.
This guy showed up on the forums. His name is .Blag. I just want to warn all of you dimwits not to confuse him with the real Blag. Obviously you could not figure it out w/o my assistance.
First, the real Blag would not create a new account for no reason. Clue number 1 [:-censored]ers. Secondly, the new ".Blag" does not posess half the writing skills of the original Blag. He just uses a bunch of big words in one sentence.
Note also that the original Blag was Chakra's pet account. Who this new guy is, i dont know.
Anyway, my message to ".Blag":
crawl back to where you came from, asshole. At least the first Blag had some writing skills. And you have none.
By the way both Blags can go play here:
and Chakra can join them
February 13, 2004, 3:57 am
Mr. Dectective is on the case, lol. Nicely figured out.
February 13, 2004, 5:48 am
And BMF is a [:-censored]ing prick that needs to GET THE [:-censored] OFF THE FORUMS.
February 13, 2004, 5:57 am
touchy touchy Evil Laugh..... settle down buddy
of course this guy isnt the same blag... hes just a wannabee, i fully respect blag (the original one) andhope to see him soon... maybe the fact that he now has wannabees is sorta like a compliment to his status as a legend...
February 13, 2004, 6:30 am
I completely agree Icarius... with both posts. And Chak isn't blag...
February 13, 2004, 8:25 am
BMF is Blag and .Blag. Attention whore.
February 13, 2004, 11:18 am
palloco, check out these
February 13, 2004, 11:37 am
thats a world record on the most boring link ever
February 13, 2004, 12:12 pm
Nice link, I had never seen those cars or intersections.
February 13, 2004, 12:23 pm
Why soil his name, I soiled him myself... with a bit of mud.
February 13, 2004, 5:16 pm
palloco take Superkill with you, and go play right in the middle of any one of them
February 13, 2004, 5:18 pm
I'm .Blag, i honestly thought yall would figure it out faster
Deleted User
February 13, 2004, 5:26 pm
I congratulate your ability to spot the ?full stop? in my Nickname. However, your need to assure everybody that they could not have figured it out w/o your assistance, displays your negative outlook on the intelligence of our fellow members. Plus, it highlights your narcissistic view of yourself.
February 13, 2004, 5:51 pm
Certainly seems like the old Blag ....i'd wager he wandered off for so long that he forgot his login details, so created a new account with the very discreetly placed dot.
While you're here blag,(or should I call you 'nine', mr digikitten?) tell them i'm not bloody you. you even play soldat? Have any of us ever played you?
February 13, 2004, 5:53 pm
I will do that pleased BMF. But I do not have money to go to USA, are you gonna give it to me?
February 13, 2004, 5:57 pm
palloco i would give you money in exchange for sexual favors. But for now your mother provides me plenty, so maybe some time later ok?
Chakra, just drop it dude.
February 13, 2004, 6:01 pm
ROFL BMF, you cannot even give a bit of money to your own son, you are a pathetic gay
February 13, 2004, 6:07 pm
Well, he's pretty stupid then isn't he. Seems to remember all of his special words, but forgets his account details. But yeah, thats what I thought.
Deleted User
February 13, 2004, 7:41 pm
Chakra -
Judging by the definition of your Nickname you appear one of the few intellectuals on this forum, subsequently it is not surprising that they perceive us to be the same person. Nonetheless, I am not you, neither are you me.
Hitman ?
My words are not special, they in fact very pedestrian. Your incoherent statement directed at my vocabulary goes to show, among other things, how fatuous and sorely out of touch with the English language you appear to be. I?m not surprised your mother threw you out.
Deleted User
February 14, 2004, 12:03 am
quote:Originally posted by .Blag
Hitman ?
My words are not special, they in fact very pedestrian. Your incoherent statement directed at my vocabulary goes to show, among other things, how fatuous and sorely out of touch with the English language you appear to be. I?m not surprised your mother threw you out.
1) the real blag would not be crude and obnoxious enough to insult Hitman like that.
2) he would also not miss out the 'are' in "they in fact very pedestrian", nor the missing punctuation (commas).
Make of it what you will.
February 14, 2004, 1:02 am
Blag is BMF, i'll prove it, he posted in the Females thread and his post count never went up one. Therefore. Blag is a mod.
Deleted User
February 14, 2004, 3:04 am
Stalky -
Are you really a herbaceous plant, because your choice for your Nickname is rather interesting. I am, however, well aware of my mistakes, and by pointing them out I realize that you really have nothing else to do. As for Hitman; what goes around, comes around.
February 14, 2004, 3:04 am
i am not Blag you dip[:-censored]. The original Blag was a good writer, i cant write that good. And this one is just somebody's muppet.
anyway, i would never use a muppet account. Evil Laugh, i think you need to be banned again, this time for good
Deleted User
February 14, 2004, 3:36 am
BMF -quote:i cant write that good.I must say, I do agree with you on that point. The absence of capital letters in all of your posts, furthermore, the use of the word ?good? in the quote above, are prime examples of your statement.
February 14, 2004, 4:43 am
Brilliance. Pure brilliance. as BMF said .blag get bent.
February 14, 2004, 6:18 am
..can't Blag just be...Blag? If he was the alter-ego of anyone here i'm sure that person would have a more precise agenda rather than 'stirring the pot' with aristocratic insults and confusing the intellectual minors with quad-syllable words.
*laughs* I have no idea how I could be mistaken for Blag. [8D]
Anyhow....although Blag probably is just himself, I can't say i've ever witnessed him outside this forum, for instance on a soldat server or chatroom. And I doubt anyone else has either, which probably just adds fuel to the Chakra/BMF/M/Styx-is-Blag theory.
Where do you play? What's your ingame name? Do you just play on networks? Even in a clan? You're probably the only guy on here who none of us know a bloody thing about, which is fairly odd for a village-sized community.
February 14, 2004, 7:02 am
Chakra -
Please stop your frail attempts to reject the obvious ... This Blag character is blatantly an uproarious creation of your ill imagination. Further endeavors to rebuff your evident relation to him are a waste of time ... You are scuttling towards your own demise.
By the way your signature is simply delightful
Deleted User
February 14, 2004, 10:20 am
Well hush my mouth, I'm a cooking product!
February 14, 2004, 10:46 am
BMF, from your last post, it is evident that you are indeed .Blag, you imposter. Your misguided attempts to use advanced English, your post structure, and *laughs*. At least it's nice to see you know how to read a dictionary.
February 14, 2004, 2:39 pm
FroG-BoY -
Not everything is as trivial as you imagine, my friend. Regrettably your uncomplicated mind could not grasp the whole delicacy of the circumstances.
I beg you to refrain from making any more posts because all you achieve is a humiliation for yourself. [:)]
February 14, 2004, 3:11 pm
<--- Not blag. Blag different person. Blag not imposter. Probably.
Froggy, BMF was mocking/having a laugh.
BMF, Froggy knows you were mocking and was in turn joking, and in fact was himself mocking the generally low intellect of the forum by accusing you of 'blaggerism', because he's a very very witty pre-teen amphibious [:-censored]. God bless his cotton socks.
Stalky, the only produce i've seen called Stalky was a prostitute with exceptionally long legs, hence the name. Although 'Sauron' does sound like one of those stir-in curry sauces. Incidently cooking products don't have mouths to hush, so whatever you are, you're quite scary. :|
Hitman, did your mother throw you out? does blag have inside knowledge? Could this slip be a clue to Blag's true identity, should he be hiding one?
Blag, who in the name of Linda Mcartney's frozen fish food range is that bald blinking fella in your avatar? And how comes no one knows you? And are you certain you're not me?
And it's about time someone acknowledged my obviously brilliant signiture.
February 14, 2004, 4:35 pm
Chakra, Blag read the post I wrote in
this topic, so thats how he knows, and yes, she did throw me out.
February 14, 2004, 6:41 pm
quote:Originally posted by BMF
i am not Blag you dip[:-censored]. The original Blag was a good writer, i cant write that good. And this one is just somebody's muppet.
anyway, i would never use a muppet account. Evil Laugh, i think you need to be banned again, this time for good
Thats nice but I'll drag you along with me.
February 14, 2004, 8:49 pm
nah just leave without getting banned
Deleted User
February 14, 2004, 10:55 pm
Chakra: Scary? Took you THIS long to notice?
Rawr, prostitute...
February 15, 2004, 12:24 am
lol this is a crack up.... the whole Blag conspiracy machine is fired up again. who REALLY cares whether this guy is or isnt the original... does it really matter? how will it affect u if he IS the original?
whats the point, lets move on,
welcome to the community .Blag
February 15, 2004, 12:42 am
lol gi.joe. I remember how old Blag [:-censored]ed you in the ass when you tried to argue with him. Lol that was funny how you tried to defend your little arguments while he steam rolled over you like a freight train.
now you are kissing his ass. I guess its better than fighting him
February 16, 2004, 4:51 am
nah man... im the bananna, and thats your mom im riding icarus....
tell her ill be over at 7 tonite k?
btw BMF, i remember you gettin your asshole ripped as wide as a clowns pocket on very many occasions... dont try to hide it buddy....
you were owned aswell
Deleted User
February 16, 2004, 4:28 pm
Gi.Joe -
I do agree with you, and the process is repeating itself. However, at least BMF has admitted his defeat this time.
Chakra -
Answering your question; I do play now and then in Dnagames. However, having just played today I am afraid to say that the level of intelligence on the forums goes hand in hand with the playing skills. It was far too easy; resulting in me leaving after a boring five minutes. For your enjoyment, I thought I might post a screenshot:
February 16, 2004, 4:31 pm
I saw you in that game, after you left I got 2 caps and got first place. =)
February 16, 2004, 6:01 pm
quote:Originally posted by gi.joe
nah man... im the bananna, and thats your mom im riding icarus....
I heard she is the talk of the town.
February 17, 2004, 1:17 am
.Blag, im assuming you capped twice giving you 20 kills and 21 deaths. So you didnt even break even...
I could be wrong, but you certainly didnt own and its hardly impressive.
February 17, 2004, 2:52 am
butt sex and no sleep make Blag a bad boy
February 17, 2004, 3:27 am
I like this Blag fellow... and his yellow pants.
Deleted User
February 17, 2004, 12:56 pm
gi.joe: Yellow pants <-- the screenshot, take a look at his trousers.
Ok, Blag? Lets look at this screenshot in detail. You definitely capped twice, as your team has 5 caps, and the distribution of scores amongst the players means the only combination could be 1 cap to DA DARK, 2 to Daniel and 2 to you. That means you only got 20 kills.
You are not registered, so therefore if someone is behind the Blag character from the forums, it is not any of the moderators (that means its not EnjoyIncubus, Hitman). It is also not those like TFS, Social Poison, Duke33. Does anyone know if Chakra is registered?
Your ping is hard to read, but it looks like 33 or 83 to me. A european player no doubt, quite possibly english.
Ok, you finished the game just respawned from a kill by a Barret, as you are at the top left section of the map. You're flag is taken. It is likely that the flag carrier had just escaped up the top patch, as you and your teammate are scambling to catch him up. This is further encouraged as you are aiming your MP5 to the top right, as if you are about to fire ahead to try and kill the enemy. However, any sensible minded player would have taken the middle route to kill the flag carrier, as it is faster than the top due to the contours of the map. You, therefore, aren't tactically minded.
Lastly, you are but 2 kills ahead of Daniel. I recognise a few players in there, however, none that I can say have especially challenged me in a match. Looks like you aren't THAT good a player, and you were just lucky not to be fighting someone like Outcast, Hercule Poirot or Jimmy Bones - the elite players (ie, those who kick my ass [:P]).
I think I pretty much rule out any players anyone would name as a 'veteran'. I also think I know who .Blag really is, that is, if he is really another member of the forums. There was one person who I told about my name changing topic, which could have given him the idea. He also lives in the UK, he also has been using the MP5 recently as I kicked his ass with it at one point in a duel, and he is not registered if I remember. He also targeted himself with a very harsh insult, and backed it up, so it would look like .Blag was playing rough without actually insulting someone. He could have even mentioned the fact his mother threw him out as part of this scheme.
I name HITMAN as the imposter.
February 17, 2004, 4:32 pm
Me? I think there are plenty of other people out there who use the Mp5. Also I don't think Blag was commenting on your change of name, but on the definition of it, just like he did with Chakra.
And my mother did throw me out, and I'm not lying.
Also, its only after I started using the Mp5 that you started to kick my ass.
And no I'm not .Blag....*laughs*
Deleted User
February 17, 2004, 6:07 pm
Stalky -
After a brief read through your post, one could conclude that I am in fact Hitman. However on closer inspection, your points are assumptions rather than actual facts.
Firstly,quote: There was one person who I told about my name changing topic, which could have given him the idea.If you?re trying to make the point that you informing Hitman about your change of name encouraged him to make ?me?, would result in you and Hitman, once again, being incorrect; because I am myself, not Hitman.
Secondly, as Hitman clearly states there are plenty of other players in the Soldat Community who use the Mp5 and are not registered. In addition as you yourself wrote that you kicked his ass in a duel, could also single you out as possibly being ?me?, seeing as you also use the Mp5 and reside in the UK.
Thirdly, do not underestimate my logic. Having just respawned, along with fellow team mates, after being killed by a Barret, two members of my team pursued the culprit through the lower passage. I made my way up through the upper passage, in order to try and catch the thief as he emerged from the lower. This is commonly known as ?Teamwork?.
Fourthly,quote:You're flag is taken. It is likely that the flag carrier had just escaped up the top patch, as you and your teammate are scambling to catch him up.Take a closer look at the screenshot my friend.
Deafbox ?
I am almost certain that I was the only person using an Automatic weapon, seeing as the others were using the infamous Barret. I was tempted to equip myself with a Ruger, but continued with the Mp5. In reality the only players who would have stood a chance against the hoard of Barrets would have been be the ones who did likewise.
February 17, 2004, 6:13 pm
quote:Originally posted by Stalky
Does anyone know if Chakra is registered?
Chakra is not registered. He said so himself in a
thread about a week ago where someone was asking how many people had registered. I specifically remember that because for some reason it really surprised me that he was not registered.
February 17, 2004, 6:46 pm
The fact that he is not registered could hardly be considered conclusory, however, there are not too many people on the forum who are unregisterd and possess such an intimate knowledge of the soldat community. Is it mere coincidence that Chakra reportedly "
chakra" when I suspect that very VERY few here know what it means (other than Chakra and Blag)?
quote:Originally posted by .Blag
Chakra -
Judging by the definition of your Nickname you appear one of the few intellectuals on this forum, subsequently it is not surprising that they perceive us to be the same person.
I do not claim to know the answers to these questions....
Edit: ok Hitman... I'm not moving it anymore [:P] I promise!
February 17, 2004, 9:04 pm
This is getting exciting. Looks like a band of imbeciles is closing in on the original impostor.
February 17, 2004, 10:56 pm
quote:Originally posted by BMF
This is getting exciting. Looks like a band of imbeciles is closing in on the original impostor.
Ahhh... but you're assuming they are not the same person. I haven't seen any real evidence either way.
that fuking sniper
February 21, 2004, 6:53 am
Hmm...Am I the only one who doesnt really give a crap who Blag or .Blag are?
Deleted User
February 21, 2004, 2:27 pm
This of course renders BMFs quest to prove that there is a old and new Blag pointless, and once again making a fool of himself.
February 21, 2004, 7:36 pm
Blag, have you tried a shocker? I think you would like that
Deleted User
February 21, 2004, 8:06 pm
February 21, 2004, 8:30 pm
Guess what bitches? I was on it from the start. Hitman can fool anybody, but good old Bad Mother[:-censored]er
my theory - Chakra is the original Blag.
February 21, 2004, 9:32 pm
..where the smeg did Hitman get that kinda vocabulary?
February 21, 2004, 9:37 pm
It's all in the head.
Nice change to Michal te Soldat Duck!
Deleted User
February 21, 2004, 9:54 pm
quote:Originally posted by Hitman
Nice change to Michal te Soldat Duck!
I agree!
February 21, 2004, 10:48 pm
ofcourse you do, your his b1tch =)
wee look at me i'm famous
Deleted User
February 21, 2004, 11:18 pm
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
ofcourse you do, your his b1tch =)
wee look at me i'm famous
You know, fantasising can only go so far.
February 22, 2004, 12:01 am
We should ban chacra and sk for not respecting siggy rules :P
February 22, 2004, 12:04 am
Nah, just ban Superd!ck for being gay.
February 22, 2004, 1:24 am
palloco- Shush, Chakras sig is right.
And has anyone noticed how these self-called 'Veterans' are all spawn killing barret users?
February 23, 2004, 2:06 am
Like who? I'm only spawnkilled by n00bs. :/