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ctf_flylands (1.10) | ctf_2dungeons (1.10)
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - New Maps
February 13, 2004, 3:45 pm
Here are one of the few maps ive created, actually the first ones im releasing

Download: http://www.marketzone.de/files/ctf_flylands.PMS
Screenshot: http://www.marketzone.de/files/ctf_flylands.jpg

ENGLISH: On ctf_flylands, good flying skills are needed. Hop on the small, floating islands to gain speed and capture the enemy's flag. Avoid shots and nades, as a crash into the map's border will be your end. If you love flying, you will love ctf_flylands.

DEUTSCH: Auf ctf_flylands braucht man gute Flugskills. Benutze die kleinen, schwebenden Inseln um schneller zu werden und hol dir die gegnerische Flagge. Weiche Sch�ssen und Granaten aus, denn eine Kollision mit der Mapgrenze bedeutet den sicheren Tod. Wenn du das Fliegen liebst, wirst du auch ctf_flylands lieben.

Download: http://www.marketzone.de/files/ctf_2dungeons.PMS
Screenshot: http://www.marketzone.de/files/ctf_2dungeons.jpg

ENGLISH: A fast paced map, inspired by ctf_voland. The only device is "be quick or be dead", because you have to steal the flag from an open corridor. Escape into one of the 2 tunnels (dungeons) and make your way back as quick as you can. Good movement and combat skills recommended :)

DEUTSCH: Eine schnell zu spielende Map, inspiriert von ctf_voland. Die einzige Devise lautet: "Sei schnell oder sei tot", denn du musst dir die gegnerische Flagge aus einem offenen Korridor klauen. Fl�chte in eines der beiden Tunnels (Dungeons) und versuche so schnell es geht zur�ckzukehren. Gute Bewegungs- und Combatskills empfohlen :)


Have fun with the maps, i hope many of you will test them, as im looking forward to improving/fixing them as your comments are posted in this thread.

There are no bot waypoints yet, and there should be almost no poly bugs, as ive been running around on every map for about 20 minutes, searching every platform and edge for bugs.

EDIT: I Just saw that the screenshot from ctf_2dungeons is from a slightly older version. The tunnels were the teams spawn are now the same height, and some polygons have been straightened. Except the tunnel heights the difference wouldn etven bee visible, so the screen which is online still gives a good impression of the map.

February 13, 2004, 11:14 pm
wow....lol.....hehehe....good times

February 13, 2004, 11:28 pm
good. Make waipont

February 13, 2004, 11:34 pm
looks weird
really weird

February 14, 2004, 5:35 am
ya both maps are a little plain but not bad at all

February 14, 2004, 1:25 pm
quote:Originally posted by Pr0ger
good. Make waipont

Yep, that'll be the next stop, if there are no poly bugs left. Could be a bit difficult on ctf_flylands. Let's see if i can manage it, cause ive never worked with the bot waypoints before :D

February 20, 2004, 11:57 pm
New Versions are online, Botwaypoints included.

ctf_flylands is now version 1.10
ctf_2dungeons is on 1.10 now too

download is the same, see first posting. Enjoy :)

February 21, 2004, 10:42 pm
hmmm it looks sorta pointy and out of place, but the idea is good

February 22, 2004, 4:43 am
flylands needs to be more neat, but dungeon looks great!