February 15, 2004, 12:33 pm
[:-censored], wtf is wrong with everybody.. wtf happend ?
it seems all the forum "1337 pwnz3rs" turned into faggot whiners.
i didnt played in a single match this week, that whining wasnt involved.
whining isnt a problem, i shouldn't give a [:-censored] about it..
but this case is just too much, its like playing against a 7 year old kid soccer and having to play weaker for his poor losing face.
its getting unbelievble now. countless times people have said "get a real gun.." "get some skill" "man come on, change that gun"
its not fun to play like that, back then it was killing and dying and whatever, yet fun was involved.
now its just killing WHINING dying WHINING killing WHINING winning\losing WHINING ... etc.
its not fun, and it ruins the game for the other people.
fresh example to show you it dont realy have something to do with the "gun balance problems"
i was playing with m79, even added |with m79
to my nickname.. some dude said "wow cant you use something else then m79 ?" so i said "yea i can use barret :p"
then another guy started "dont.."
and when it comes to clanmatches its the same thing only 50 times bigger..
February 15, 2004, 12:42 pm
some question: (something that i never asked and i have to ask)
1. what's 1337?
2. what's whining?
btw,what i understand is this:
quote:i was playing with m79, even added |with m79
to my nickname.. some dude said "wow cant you use something else then m79 ?" so i said "yea i can use barret :p"
then another guy started "dont.."
and i agree with you,there's so much people that must shut up if someone does not give him a word.
February 15, 2004, 12:46 pm
1337 is some numeric internet language that some bored clan from counterstrike invented (i think)
1337 is leet
leet is shortcut for elite.
whining is b!tching, complaining too much in an annoying way..
February 15, 2004, 1:28 pm
Yeah, I agree with SK. But those whiners are just noobs, any talking with them is wasted time. Just ignore them
February 15, 2004, 1:32 pm
they maybe are noobs but they aint new to the game ;\
February 15, 2004, 1:34 pm
I also Agree with SK.. And IF you cant beate some lameass spawncamping hotshot then just leave or accept the fact that U lost. Its only a game !
Bout the balance.. Sure, campers with barret are annoying, but they dont win the match.. to low killrate :) Play for fun not to win..
February 15, 2004, 4:10 pm
their whining just shows that you are superior and they cannot beat you.
February 15, 2004, 4:49 pm
Big steps big man, barret to m79. No wonder you stand so proud. Bet you just get right in their face and 'bam'... Anyhow, maybe they'd stop whining if you stopped sampling over-efficient means to playing a game. Come down to their level where the challenge is at and maybe you'd understand.
Incidently, how comes you're backing out from the duel you challenged Icarius to by the way? The one where he wields a barret, and you don't, just to show him that the weapons are indeed balanced. "ISP problems" I heard...well some people would even watch the Sharon Ozbourne Show just for a 166 ping on DNAGames.
Deleted User
February 15, 2004, 5:26 pm
I never tell people to change gun, but sometimes I ask them to stop using barret nicely, because its a deammatch, or something similar. Its all ok and nice if you just request politely.
February 15, 2004, 6:09 pm
i dont use barret on a 1v1 ctf or 2v1 ctf thats about it.
i dont see any other reason why i should change a gun, since i NEVER camp or prone.
February 15, 2004, 7:54 pm
Take whining as a complement as resume pwnzing.
February 16, 2004, 2:41 am
quote:Originally posted by Hova
Everyone whines, even you ;)
that sentence should end this topic :)
February 16, 2004, 6:25 am
It should be the end, but it is not, because YOU REPLIED! [;)]
February 16, 2004, 6:26 am
superkill, if u're too good... try spas, or knife only all the time... THAT's a challenge... even for you...
February 16, 2004, 3:13 pm
quote:its not fun, and it ruins the game for the other people.
Are you really that blind?
The reason they are whining is because you are ruining the game for them when you use lame weapons. But oh, how dare the complain about it. Voicing your opinion just makes you a whiner these days, it seems.
Which makes you quite the whiner as well. Get some perspective.
February 16, 2004, 4:46 pm
hell talk about the barret as much as you wont, but stop crying about it and bitching everytime you die..
everyone die tons to f*cking n00bs just spraying around with minigun or sg's, you dont see them spilling their guts on the forum.. damn roy you seem to be an idiot
February 16, 2004, 4:52 pm
maybe this "whining" is justifiable. . .
@Roy: guy, you sympathize me..
February 16, 2004, 4:52 pm
Spas is not that much of a challenge I used it during 1.1.4 all the time.
February 16, 2004, 5:18 pm
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
hell talk about the barret as much as you wont, but stop crying about it and bitching everytime you die..
everyone die tons to f*cking n00bs just spraying around with minigun or sg's, you dont see them spilling their guts on the forum.. damn roy you seem to be an idiot
That's because the minigun, and all the other guns, aren't overpowered pieces of crap. Didn't you stop to think about that? Plus, wtf are you talking about, dying tons to noobs with miniguns? I've died a grand total of - get this - 37 times to miniguns. Wow, that's something to complain about. By comparison, I've died 651 times to the over-used Barret. Add that to M79 deaths and that's 1050 deaths from one-hit-killers. Compare this to: 1202 deaths from all other primary weapons combined. Don't you think this is a little odd? Don't you think this is very telling on the state of Soldat?
By the way, nice method of dodging the subject of how you whine about whiners, hypocrite. Before you call me an idiot, buy a mirror, why don't you? Many of us are still eager to see that "Barret Vs Anything" duel. ;)
February 16, 2004, 5:36 pm
Well Roy you must consider, most people HATE the minigun, everytime someone uses the minigun you have about 3 people yelling at him to stop, AND alot of servers don't even have the minigun.
February 16, 2004, 5:54 pm
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
1337 is some numeric internet language that some bored clan from counterstrike invented (i think)
1337 is leet
leet is shortcut for elite.
whining is b!tching, complaining too much in an annoying way..
Thanks [;)]
I agree with SK another time. The barret is a weapon like others, when is used without camping or prone. So, if he likes barret and don't use n00b attitudes, he's free to use it.
February 16, 2004, 7:23 pm
it's not. especially when NOT camping it's overpowered, or in wich other game is the sniper rifle the #1 assault weapon? now any?
February 16, 2004, 7:33 pm
...and we descend ever deeper into the eternal barret debate. After all of the discussion about the barret and miniguns and whatever else we're back where we started: SuperKill is sick of people whining after he kills them. It doesn't matter what weapon you use, they will always complain... we're just sore losers by nature.
February 16, 2004, 7:37 pm
quote:Originally posted by Roy
Many of us are still eager to see that "Barret Vs Anything" duel. ;)
dont you get cocky on me newbie.. and dont ever doubt me ;)
Roy, i will duel you without a barret aswell if needed.
Misterx wow.. i'm touched to see my little thread got into your signature, great.
kevinth~ i'm not sure what do you mean, i didnt say that.. also i havnt mention the words "i'm better \ i'm good \ i pwn" in this thread
dont rush into dumb conclusions that will make me look like more of an asshole then some people think i am.
but as for your point where people whine when they get killed, yes that is my point
February 16, 2004, 7:56 pm
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
kevinth~ i'm not sure what do you mean, i didnt say that.. also i havnt mention the words "i'm better \ i'm good \ i pwn" in this thread
dont rush into dumb conclusions that will make me look like more of an asshole then some people think i am.
but as for your point where people whine when they get killed, yes that is my point
Lol my point was that I didn't think this was supposed to be another thread where we endlessly debate whether barret sucks or not. I just tried to restate your point in the thread (which I thought was a good one). Sorry if it came across as condescending or whatever. I didn't mean just you are sick of whining... we all get sick of people whining after we kill them.
Edit: SK, you posted while I was editing... lol. I'm just never satisfied [;)]
February 16, 2004, 7:58 pm
nvm, i'm just dumb and waiting for Roy to get into smartass mode now =]
February 16, 2004, 8:12 pm
The minigun is IMHO quite a fun weapon, and due to its long reloading, all you have to do is take cover until they run out (very soon) and then pop out and do what ever you please. It's hard and takes a strategic mind to actually pwn with the minigun because if you just charge with it you'll die very fast.
There should be an admin command to shut people up. /mute players name
February 16, 2004, 8:19 pm
quote:Originally posted by Josh1l6
There should be an admin command to shut people up. /mute players name
Often suggested, never implemented... yet.
February 16, 2004, 8:25 pm
Great. You won the duel. And this proves... what?
Nice job calling me a "newbie." Shows precisely how mature you are. Sure, I'll take you up on that duel, for the hell of it. As far as I'm concerned, this thread is otherwise over. You didn't propose anything to actually argue over in your first post - you just complained about something. So what are we supposed to be discussing? The Barret is overused; you can hardly argue with that. It's also overpowered; most people agree with that too. That's the reason people "whine" about it.
February 16, 2004, 8:31 pm
i am.. how to say ?
f*cking sure
that your comment would be slightly diffrent if i'd lose, wouldnt it ?
anyway, i'd like to slide over to the original barret debate thread and announce its over, since that was what the duel about; to show barret cant be a godly weapon with a player that is not skilled with it, complain how much you want.. you got the pure facts:
barret vs anything, anything won, and when it comes to using automated weapons.. i completley suck at it
February 16, 2004, 8:56 pm
SuperKill, can't you or don't you want to get the point of this discussion? It doesn't matter how good you are, even if you are a barreter, but the best nonbarreter, too, ok, but that's not what this discussion is about. ok?
and to my signature. yes, I'm proud to know that in my opinion i am completely right.
February 16, 2004, 9:58 pm
quote: The Barret is overused; you can hardly argue with that. It's also overpowered; most people agree with that too. That's the reason people "whine" about it.
Overused,yes. Overpowered only if it's used by a camper. People just have to whine with themself...i'm not a barretter becouse it's not funny for me. But if someone kill me without camp i shut up, that's just a nice shot.
February 17, 2004, 7:09 am
Well. There is winning, wich is good, then there is winning with style, wich is great. Get better with, like, two other weapons and switch to them when they complain about Barret or M79 abuse, and they won't be able to tell you to change. What about that heh?
It's not unbalanced weapons that ruins the fun, it's unbalanced players.
February 17, 2004, 8:18 am
i agree with superkill...too much whining and too little playing on the servers nowadays.
February 17, 2004, 8:34 am
Come on, your only sayign that to defend the barret :/
February 17, 2004, 9:33 am
dude i'm willing to prove it ffs.. just duel me barret vs barret
OR you get barret and i get ak.
February 17, 2004, 4:05 pm
SuperKill, your arguments just suck..
February 18, 2004, 6:20 am
Stop defending the barret, if you can use other weapons, then why defend the barret?
February 18, 2004, 8:54 am
m00 your getting boring..
why dont YOU use the barret ?
February 18, 2004, 2:07 pm
hey Sk you n00b, cant use anything good :P
February 19, 2004, 12:53 am
I occasionaly use my custom taunts (barretard, Minigun n00b) when things get out of hand.
I'll tell you all a story of a ctf match i once played. Twas mightily unfair, because all the veterans were on one side. When 4 of them started camping by thier flag with a barret, i knew it was time to request that they quit it. alas, they retaliated with petty "stfu" and "quit if you don't like it".
In other words, they knew they were being n00bs, they just didn't give a damn. I eventually left vowing never to return to that fateful server. :P
@ all you veterans and long time players out there: I have no problem with barrets from time to time, but when you go through 2 whole matches without changing guns, something's definitely wrong with you. There's almost no skill involved with setting the aimer on a guy and clicking.
But the most ironic thing of all is that the team i played on the fateful server won 10/0, and beleived it was done using skill.
*stops ranting*
*faints from lack of breath*
February 19, 2004, 8:15 am
"I'll tell you all a story of a ctf match i once played. Twas mightily unfair, because all the veterans were on one side. "
Then they are not veterans, they are n00bs. When Ï see I am in that situation, if someone cries I offer changing teams with him.
that fuking sniper
February 19, 2004, 8:41 pm
Hmm, I thought I might get some neutrality into this thread so here.
Veterans or not, players can choose whatever weapon they wish to chose, play however they wish to play, and say whatever they wish to say, regardless of the consequences, in a given game.
Now you guys can go back and forth about how to describe a veteran player, or a skilled player, or a n00b, but this is a matter of opinions; You cant dictate for everyone how to think, unless you have some wierd psychic abilities, which is unlikely.
Veterans are normally called so because they can proove their worth in a game. Be it only with 1 weapon or not, they do what they do. How *you* percieve that is your own matter, though, and, for example, you may judge a player to be a veteran because he wins almost every game he plays, while others judge him a rookie for only doing it with 1 weapon (barret, as it shows in this thread, although that may vary).
So what I'm saying is, you can define what a good player is by your own way, others may agree or disagree to their own liking, but this shouldnt be a matter of discussion, as it is based on personal opinions.
To me, a veteran is a player that can handle all weapons, in any team, in any situation, being versatile is a very important thing, and a veteran should have that. I personally dont value any braggers who say they are the best, even though they might be with 1 weapon, and cant use any other weapon but that given 1. Same thing for other limitations. But like I said, thats just how I see it.
February 19, 2004, 8:49 pm
i allow myself to challenge anyone to a duel (aka prove my worth) with an ak and m79 against barret from this moment and on. (i'm not gonna use them in ctf tho)
10 kills diffrence = owned
btw outcast, tfs is right ;P
edit - btw do you people consider m79 as lame aswell ?
February 19, 2004, 11:31 pm
quote: superkill, if u're too good... try spas, or knife only all the time... THAT's a challenge... even for you...
uhh people don't do that becuz what happens if you lose your knife...then what..use your fist?..
superkill SORRY FOR BEING ANNOYING its just a habit that i started and it hard
to stop, just like cracking my knuckles.
and i don't say they n00bs unless they really are, like those people who stand there and don't move while they shoot, it bothers me i dunno why, and when people don't crouch when shooting barret, that bothers me too.
btw nice siggy CHAK it pwns :P
February 19, 2004, 11:41 pm
oh yesh i forgot...SuperKill will PWN you all...
and roy i would't suggest a dual unless you like to be pwned/humilited.
February 20, 2004, 12:15 am
quote:I don't camp or prone
I don't mind the barret, as long as it is used as a sniper rifle. That is what it is. Running around and shooting with such accuracy is what gets me, but when I do run into trouble, I just say newb once and hunt them the rest of the time.
Deleted User
February 20, 2004, 9:44 am
SuperKill your getting boring..
why dont YOU use anything else than barret ?
February 20, 2004, 9:59 am
quote:Originally posted by Famine
quote:I don't camp or prone
I don't mind the barret, as long as it is used as a sniper rifle. That is what it is. Running around and shooting with such accuracy is what gets me, but when I do run into trouble, I just say newb once and hunt them the rest of the time.
i suppose you havnt played a 5v5 match with 3 campers on each team.. wow "the action on that" ..
you wouldnt believe how dull and boring it will be (yes 0-0 on b2b after a 10 minute match is BORING AS HELL)
quote:Originally posted by Dathker
and i don't say they n00bs unless they really are, like those people who stand there and don't move while they shoot, it bothers me i dunno why, and when people don't crouch when shooting barret, that bothers me too.
dude is there a diffrence if you just stand there and shoot, between just sitting (crouching) and shoot ?
crouching takes EVEN LESS skill because you get to have the scope.
both (standing still or crouching) while shooting [aka camping] takes little to no skill, and that is just too easy.
i mean i camped a whole match with 2 deaths and 45 kills or something just from camping on the top of the hill on ctf_viet, and took assload of cussing and swearing (i used a fake name just to camp ;P)
besides, camping is just lame and has no thrill for both sides (camper and enemy attacker...err victim), while soldat supposed to be a 'fast paced action game'
if barret would be made into a camping weaopn what will we get ?
a happy automatic guy that just got his least favourite weapon out of the way, running around shooting everywhere and gets shot down by a camper's bullet in no-time.
same thing over and over, multipile trouble if you got 2 campers, quad trouble if you got campers on each team.
think about it..
quote:Originally posted by Ville Mk.2
SuperKill your getting boring..
why dont YOU use anything else than barret ?
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
true its not my only weapon since that match, i even played with mp5 and ak on a clanmatch ;P
February 20, 2004, 1:24 pm
I shown have sk the way to the light, but the darkside got to him, yes it did...Still the dark is no match for the light, no it is not. hehe.... :)
February 20, 2004, 5:44 pm
If people complain that you keep using the same weapon, my usual action is to challenge them to a 1 on 1... Or start to knife everyone in sight.
(looks at Roy's sig)
Exactly like that.
February 20, 2004, 11:24 pm
quote:i suppose you havnt played a 5v5 match with 3 campers on each team.. wow "the action on that" ..
you wouldnt believe how dull and boring it will be (yes 0-0 on b2b after a 10 minute match is BORING AS HELL)
Been on a few matches like that. Just sneak around and kill the snipers as the try and turn around to shoot you.
February 21, 2004, 12:52 am
ok try my best, but whiners make the world a bettter place
February 21, 2004, 1:57 am
TIP: Anyone who is using the barret here is wht you do. Try to get in close and run back and force unloading bullets at them.
February 21, 2004, 7:21 am
The Barret is just not a fun weapon for the person on the other end of its barrel. Finding yourself suddenly splattered across the ground, from one lazy click of the mouse, is fscking annoying as hell. As soon as you come within LOS of the barreter, you have to worry about being instantly killed. It is not fun. In the end I don't give on fsck about how "balanced" the Barret is, or how people have every right to use it, what I care about is having fun in a game I like to play. And guess what? The barret often eliminates that. That's the bottom line for me.
What pisses me off even more is that many barreters know that they're ruining someone else's fun, and they don't care. They continue using the Barret, laughing in the faces of others, and fooling themselves into thinking they're superb players. But you know what these people really are? They're selfish little assholes. All they care about is making that easy kill and thinking they rock. Meanwhile, they're making their victim bored, helpless, and angry.
Soldat is about having fun people. If you have fun using the Barret, then great; but realize that at the cost of your own enjoyment, you're potentially ruining the game in a selfish manner for someone else. Disgusting.
So SK, you wonder why people can't "just play the game?" That's why.
February 21, 2004, 9:38 am
lol how the hell did you got to, barreters = selfish assholes..
let me remind you this still is a game.
anyway you have no point at all.. i hate to be sprayed with the "HARD-TO-USE" mp5 and minimi, i hate to die from m79 shells that doesnt even get near me, i hate how spas can kill me in dark backgrounded maps without even seeing the bullets, i hate invisible nades.. etc.
that's the game, barreters miss sometimes.. you got shot ? big deal..
btw i doubt ANYONE celabrates over a kill he makes.
February 21, 2004, 11:16 am
...SK, shut up already and go back to school. Countering arguements with such hollow bull[:-censored] is pathetic.
February 21, 2004, 11:24 am
the mp5 is not as hard as it used to be, Michal wrecked it ffs, I remember back when the mp5 actually required skill, but NO, Michal had to fregin make it a n00b friendly kill sprayer retarded weapon, and now im not counted as speical for using it the way I used to in 1.1.5, damn 1.2 and its damn n00b friendly atmosphere
February 21, 2004, 12:49 pm
oww chakra.. make me
i know your mad at me for beating your guy. but get over it ;P
"...Countering arguements with such hollow bla bla..."
as i said, do i care ? ;P
February 21, 2004, 1:04 pm
m00, stop whining about the mp5
February 21, 2004, 9:17 pm
Shut up, I bet you didint used to use the mp5 back in 1.1.5, atleast I know how much more skill it required back then :/
February 21, 2004, 9:32 pm
Well, i got into this argument a litttel late seeing as how i did a little prank, but lets see what i can say, ok first of all the player make the weapon the weapon does not make the player, and while i was playing at Thorin i used ak and law, and after a bout a few 15 -30 min matches i must say i was pretty good, and it took me teh same amount of time to learn the barret, and the m79 besides some payers just are naturally drawn to some weapons because it "fits them" and besides i see so many people use autos that i am suprised there is no "Nerf the ak" thread, anyway i guess everything i would say would go back to my first point , the player makes the weapon the weapon does not make the player, i have used every single weapon on soldat, each has its advantages and disavantages, what most peoiple in this thread is focus soo much on the advantages of the other gun and the disadvantages of their gun they forget to have fun, and part of teh fun its blasting the guy that is getting on your nerves to little pieces
February 23, 2004, 2:45 am
ALright just wanna clear things say we ruin teh game for you when we whine. Well you are using the barret which ruined it for us first. So looks liek we have teh right to whine.
February 23, 2004, 3:35 am
in which servers you guys play!! [:(]
February 23, 2004, 4:11 am
Barret is just as advantageous/disadvantageous as any other gun, don't go bashing Michal for using the barret.
February 23, 2004, 10:10 pm
ok, I have changed my mind a bit.. I still hate Barret, in my eyes it's unbalanced as hell, but now in 1on1 matches, if my enemy uses the Barret, I use it as well. And as I saw today it seems to work, even if I train with barret just since 2 days. That proves to me that the barret is really just too easy to learn. And on public CTF servers I just use barret if there are 2+ Barreters at the enemies team and not too many barreters in my team, and if anyone complains, I just change the weapon..
But I have to say matches with Barret are great fun, but just if you and your enemy use barret - I still hate matches Barret vs. Non-Barret.
February 26, 2004, 5:05 am
I can't really complain, but Desert Eagles > Ruger > Easy-to-use-autos > Barrets
Glyde Bane
March 12, 2004, 5:31 pm
I can use all the weapons except the M79 well. I use the player's weapon's weakness to my advantage. Minigun, barret and Law all have slow reload. Dodge the first shot or round and you'll be fine, charge up with almost any gun blaring or a knife. Or just dodge and shoot another slow reload gun.
March 13, 2004, 7:08 pm
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
[:-censored], wtf is wrong with everybody.. wtf happend ?
it seems all the forum "1337 pwnz3rs" turned into faggot whiners.
i didnt played in a single match this week, that whining wasnt involved.
whining isnt a problem, i shouldn't give a [:-censored] about it..
but this case is just too much, its like playing against a 7 year old kid soccer and having to play weaker for his poor losing face.
its getting unbelievble now. countless times people have said "get a real gun.." "get some skill" "man come on, change that gun"
its not fun to play like that, back then it was killing and dying and whatever, yet fun was involved.
now its just killing WHINING dying WHINING killing WHINING winning\losing WHINING ... etc.
its not fun, and it ruins the game for the other people.
fresh example to show you it dont realy have something to do with the "gun balance problems"
i was playing with m79, even added |with m79
to my nickname.. some dude said "wow cant you use something else then m79 ?" so i said "yea i can use barret :p"
then another guy started "dont.."
and when it comes to clanmatches its the same thing only 50 times bigger..
Couldnt accually have said it better...!!
March 15, 2004, 9:02 pm
Because i often and actually very often also whine about barrets , i'd wish to involve myself with this one :)
Barret often works on my nerves too , Because in less then a second u'r already missing a head .Iv'e trained and played with a barret to , altough I need a long warm-up before it goes well (but that's offtopic) . If you don't have a one shot death weapon at hand while ur fighting a barretard with a good aim ( wich isn't that hard with a barret) , ur just done for . No matter how good ur aim is or ur reactions , The time you have to kill him ain't enough to fire the necesary shots . It's just frustrating to be defenceless against it . People are just forced to use the barret to , many clanwars these days are completly barret ,because it's just the best gun around except when there are to many playes , but in clanwars that rarely the situation. Further Soldat is very good it's just the barret that works on many peoples nerves . Btw if you hear so many people whining , and so many people using it : doesn't that mean anything to you?
quote:let me remind you this still is a game.
Well , ain't a game supposed to be fun for everyone?
quote:dude i'm willing to prove it ffs.. just duel me barret vs barret
OR you get barret and i get ak.
Oh i'd really want to try that , but i will record it.
March 16, 2004, 12:46 am
OK, just for the record. A barreter ruins some people's fun. Then people whine and argument that barreters are selfish, still accepting that for some people, the barret IS fun. Excuse me if I misunderstand it, but if you whine and complain about the barret, demanding to change weapons, then you want to spoil the fun for the barreter. And then YOU are being selfish. I'm not accusing anybody, but still... isn't that a little tiny bit hypocritical? (and camping IS fun, if you die, your problem. I've seen EXCELLENT players that DESERVE to be called VETERANS that dodge bullets and I didn't even see them moving, so explain to me, are they hackers that dodge bullets, or is it that the barret isn't as godlike as you think it is). let me just make a little graphic about the people who whine about barrets:
EDIT: OK the graphic accidentally [:-censored]ed up, so anyways,what my point was is: PEOPLE CAN DODGE BARRET BULLETS
And if it as easy as you say to aim with a Barret, then I should have hit him. Yet, I didn't. AMEN to what brother SK said. Why people just doesn't play the game? As you see, there is NO reason to whine about anything.
March 16, 2004, 2:19 am
bla bla bla thats all i hear
March 16, 2004, 6:09 am
@ shade , so what you say is that Barret's are allowd to spoil our fun , and we shut just do nothing . And look how we are killed chancless over and over again
March 16, 2004, 5:30 pm
No, what I say is that if you are such an asshole to drive yourself to certain death don't blame into the others. "WHINE WHINE WHINE BARRET IS GOD INCARNATED WHINE WHINE WHINE". That's all I'm hearing. You get killed by a barret, that takes no skill? Of coooourse it doesn't. You can look all across the map, bullets go trough walls and they are also homing. And it has an instant hit, so you just point and click, and voilá, Multi Kill. If this is your case, then reconsider who's the noob here. The guy that calculates where you are, where he should shoot (cause barret has also an arch of trajectory, you know), must stay still for 4 seconds (if prone, he can't move), hides so well you cant see him, OR the guy that is jumping across the hills like "Heidi" waiting to be shot. I lose all respect for someone that keeps whining just because he can't avoid being killed. You are damn exagerating. "The barretard kills me everytime without me knowing it, but HE is the noob. It is just impossible to dodge a barret bullet, it could kill God. Barret is lame couse I am killed ALWAYS." Have you even tried fighting back? For all I read here, you just let yourself die, like if you wanted to have an argument against the barret. For crying out loud, this thread started about SuperKill complaining about whiners (and for all you azzes that believe that a whine and a complaint are the same, know that you are wrong. A whine is a unpleasant, annoying request about something quite often very subjective, while a complaint is a formal way to express about something that makes most people uncomfortable, and acknowledgly wrong by those who are with him. The difference, if you may, is in the way you express it. Sometimes, a "whine" could perfectly be a "Complaint" if it didn't include some serious bitching) It didn't even include the barret, SK said he was with M79 (which, according to most, requires skill unlike the barret). Play the game, you don't like it don't play it. If someone spoils your fun, then make your own fun. [:-censored] people, make a server with "No Barret" just for you and you're ready to have your fun. Let the others have theirs.
March 16, 2004, 6:05 pm
quote:Originally posted by Shade
blah blah blahWow that was a lot of difficult-to-read drivel. I have three comments:
1. It is virtually impossible to "dodge" a barret bullet. You have to try to bait the barreter into missing. Once he shoots, if you're in the path of the bullet, you're dead.
2. You sound like the typical barret-user that hasn't graduated to trying other weapons yet.
3. You're doing a lot more whining than anybody else (in fact that's all your post was), yet you complain about everybody else? Funny stuff.
March 16, 2004, 7:17 pm
@ Shade , Read everything before you start saying stuff , and think before you write/type
March 16, 2004, 7:55 pm
"If you don't have a one shot death weapon at hand while ur fighting a barretard with a good aim ( wich isn't that hard with a barret) , ur just done for ."
Exactly Mielos, I had fought against a team called FO and they were blatantly losing, I dueled with the leader and hewas killing me twice I killed him. The only thing he was doing was running away from me so he could barret me with me being unable to fire him.
March 16, 2004, 8:37 pm
quote:Originally posted by kevith
quote:Originally posted by Shade
blah blah blahWow that was a lot of difficult-to-read drivel. I have three comments:
1. It is virtually impossible to "dodge" a barret bullet. You have to try to bait the barreter into missing. Once he shoots, if you're in the path of the bullet, you're dead.
2. You sound like the typical barret-user that hasn't graduated to trying other weapons yet.
3. You're doing a lot more whining than anybody else (in fact that's all your post was), yet you complain about everybody else? Funny stuff.
1- I am not a natural english speaker, so if my english is hard to read for you, that should tell you something.
2- You say it is virtually impossible. Now tell me why.
3-FYI, I have my own way to play, which consists of changing weapons every time I die. So yout theory of me being a frustrated barret user should stay in your head, since I believe you never saw me playing. I play with any weapon as much as I play with the barret.
4- Maybe I need a definition of whining. If for you, everything someone posts against your idea is whining, then allow me to tell you that I will never reply to you. Please then don't read my posts, then.
5-@ Mielos: I read everything in this thread. And trust me, I've been thinking this since I registered in the forum and saw like 30 guys crying because they thought the barret was unfair. I'm not saying bull[:-censored], I have really gave a thought on this. I also DO want the barret to be nerfed. It gets to my nerves to get killed in 1 shot because someone runs around with it. I reckon the barret is overpowered. But do you see me arguing with people because it happens to me? As far as I'm aware of, you already have a solution, that is, the weapon modification program that will be coming out. And people still make threads like this, and they turn the twist of any other threads like this. SK talked about how someone "whined" for using the M79. Someone appeared and said "Barret is overpowered, it's lame, it's noobish, it takes no skill" and every other crap people ALWAYS bring up in these threads. I never said it was hard, or difficult to use the barret. I never did. Still, you keep telling me in quite an aggressive way that I must think before I speak. You know what? I'm tired of typing just to answer this things. I'm tired of you people who are so narrow-minded that can't accept that you effectively AVOID being killed by a barret. If you can't, well, then you are just not as good as you thought you were. You have mastered every other weapon? Fine. Now master the art of avoiding barret users. Even YOU said it, you CAN lure the sniper to miss. And frankly, anyone who said: "if you can't kill someone in 4 secs, then you deserve to die" is damn right. Noobface's logic about the Ruger may be right, but apart from the ruger, there are 9 more weapons (including the barret) with 4 secondary weaps.
As for me, I won't take any of your precious bitching time with my "hard-to-read" english.
P.S.: Just because you meet an @$$hole of a barret user, don't curse an entire sector of the Soldat Community. I am really tired of having to read pages and pages of people wishing damnation to all who uses barret. Including this one. Is it maybe possible to have 1 weapons or such thread without someone saying (or implying) to nerf or remove the barret? Is it that much to ask?
March 16, 2004, 9:01 pm
quote:you effectively AVOID being killed by a barret.
quote:you CAN lure the sniper to miss.
Show me
quote:SK talked about how someone "whined" for using the M79.
Well , i'm not complaining about m79 that much ( except it should also damage urself some more when fired from to close but eh that's not the topic) , Tough it somethimes irritates me to be instantly killed , But atleast fighting against a m79'er ain't so chanceless it ain't that easy weapon.
March 16, 2004, 11:28 pm
quote:you CAN lure the sniper to miss.
Show me
well, you could change directions if far enough away. like fly like you're going in one direction, then drop, fly straight up, or whatever. but at close range, the barret user doesnt need to anticipate as much so it's harder.
March 16, 2004, 11:39 pm
Shade, no se cuanto tiempo lleva jugando, y sobre todo, desconozco la calidad de los jugadores con la que juega, pero creame, existen unos cuantos que no fallan casi nunca, no importa como se mueva uno. Y con los jugadores normales que usan barret el mero hecho de tener lag impide que puedas realizar acciones evasivas. Esto lo he comprobado constantemente viendo como me matan cuando es fisicamente imposible que una bala llegara a mi posicion.
March 17, 2004, 5:20 pm
palloco, entiendo tu punto, pero si me disculpas, las reglas del foro dicen "English Only".
To clear your doubts, I have been playing for, say, 3 months now, everyday a couple of hours, mostly 2 or 3(Thank God I finally got broadband), and know that I play with all "barretards" as you call them. They are always with barret. If not, with M79, but they never leave the 1-shot-kill weapons range (some of then even use the law, but not that much): most of them with a "perfect" aim. I could have been discouraged from playing since every low-ping server I find (that is in the range of South America) is filled with barret users, but then I realized that I would never stop having fun from a bunch of asses that stick to such an overpowered weapon. They are also kinda n00bish in their attitudes, and are a little too big headed, so its not the best people to play with (at least not for you, I'm already used to it).
Either I adapted to survive, or I died. Sooner or later I learned to survive. It is just a matter of practice.
And if you die from high ping, I really recommend gathering with a few friends near you and making a server where you all play. The only high ping I have is when I play in International Servers. But oh well, that is that.
March 17, 2004, 7:45 pm
"some of then even use the law, but not that much"
So they are newbies, sure you can easily dodge them.