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Map request?
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - Mapping Help / Resources
October 15, 2002, 1:06 am
Well i have a map request...i guess...i had an AWSOME idea for a map and well i tried making it and it turned out bad...also i cant make bot way points...so anyways this is pretty much it...i was going for an rtb style game w/o one team starting out w/ the flag...

Map #1 Circle of DOOM

Red-Start for Red
Blue-Start for Blue
Black-Where polys are
White-Where polys arent


I know there are a ton of starting points all over the place but i think that'll make the game interesting

some one umm good please make this map...i guess some1 that can do RTB style...(I can't)

ive got more ideas for other maps...ill post them when i finish making the pic...

Map #2 Flagging Hell

Red-Red Starting Points
Blue-Blue Starting Points
You should know the rest...


I dunno if this map kinda exsists yet? if it does tell me and ill get it :-D, anyways i think this would be pretty difficult to flag if properly defended...teams have a low starting points to flank flaggers or can be a jump for offence...your strategic decision...

Map #3 Wine Glass

Same Key


this one well i thought looked like a wine glass or something of the sort. any ways another rtb style map without a base. however you can put a base at your spawn point. also there are spawn points outside of your base in the tunnel...thats there so just maybe you can have bonuses trickle down and its a head start on getting the flag. :-D

Ive got more ideas...i think im going to work on a ctf map next...

October 15, 2002, 1:25 am
Sry about the sizes of the pics...i thought they'd fit...

I'd like to point out that the maps dont have to be exact, the colors are up to you. I was just thinking kind of the same/similar layout, so you can add all the scenery you want additional polygons where u think sniping or camping would be nice pretty much whatever...the size varies as well you could make lots of different maps using these themes... on the second one...it doesnt have to have thin lines they could be like giant tunnels...i just didnt want to make them cuz it was too much work...as i said before it is just a basic layout...does not have to be exact...just so you know...

October 15, 2002, 5:44 am
Both maps look really fun. The RTB map would be difficult to bot path for if you wanted the bots to ever get the flag. The second map kind of reminds me of Pong ;) Would be hard for bots to capture the flag because they would always be distracted by enemies. Maybe when the new versions comes out, bot waypoints can be set to ignore enemies and flags. So the bots will just center on following waypoints.

October 15, 2002, 5:54 am
O_o i'd like that...hmm the first map could turn into a nice DM map tho i think

October 15, 2002, 1:05 pm
they really look great, hope someone will try, since i'm making my first expierieces w/ the map maker myself.. otherwise i'd try to do 'em ;)

October 15, 2002, 10:27 pm
humz, the second map will be hard, everyone will get hit constantly because of the grenade explosions, doesn't sound fun to me, but the second seems just perfect ...

October 15, 2002, 11:19 pm
u says second twice? which map? map1 or 2?

October 16, 2002, 1:24 pm
the second, the first is good :p

October 17, 2002, 12:06 am
well i made a ctf map but when i finished...comp decided to restart...sigh~ so im going to start over...it wasnt too good anyways...running out of ideas...need to reload...

October 17, 2002, 4:58 pm
Hmm there is flag in first map. But only one flag?
And what is RTB style? Interesting ideas anyway.

October 17, 2002, 11:04 pm
rtb is raid the base, think of it as art of defence or offence, in arcwolfs maps one team holds the flags and the other team trys to take it...you go back and forth till the end...theres probably a better discription somewhere...

October 18, 2002, 12:21 am
The best description I've came up with is on my site... And I might also add they are some damn fun maps too [:)]

October 18, 2002, 2:14 am
is anyone going to attempt making these maps? i mean my abilitys arent at that level yet...not even close...so yea...id like to play'em but i cant makem :(

October 18, 2002, 3:22 am
It doesnt take a master to make a map like this, just put one flag outside the playable area of the map. The bot pathing is the same as if it were a regular ctf map. Just design the map around the fact that one side has to be able to defend and one side has to attack. Those are the only requirements. I also think its much better if the map only has one way of getting to the flag. More realistic, and easier to defend. If you keep saying I cant... you wont.

October 18, 2002, 5:10 am
i am able to plot bot waypoints but the bots dont really follow them that well...can some one give me some tips an pointers? i think i might make the wine glass map...the others are very difficult...

October 18, 2002, 5:29 am
o yea...i forgot...flanagan can you tell me how u make ur maps sooo symmetrical? i keep on trying to do it but its sooo hard...and i always messup...is there a trick to that too?

October 18, 2002, 6:08 am
quote:Originally posted by ArcWolf
It doesnt take a master to make a map like this, just put one flag outside the playable area of the map. The bot pathing is the same as if it were a regular ctf map. Just design the map around the fact that one side has to be able to defend and one side has to attack. Those are the only requirements. I also think its much better if the map only has one way of getting to the flag. More realistic, and easier to defend. If you keep saying I cant... you wont.Yea, surely it is fine when only one team have flag inside but I dont thint that make sense if they cant cap it.

October 18, 2002, 4:11 pm
The point is not to CAP the flag, the point is to hold the flag. Your team runs into the enemy base, you take the flag and hold it. The team to be holding the flag after the game ends is the winner. The idea is to defend the flag from attackers, not to capture it because then the flag goes right back to the enemy base. If you are holding the flag everyone in the team has to defend you from the enemy who is violently trying to kill you. The fun part is trying to keep the flag away from the enemy until the game ends.

October 18, 2002, 4:37 pm
whehe :p yeah

October 19, 2002, 1:34 am
ive finished wine glass but i cant bot it...ive tried like 50x its soo hard...i dont really get it either :-/

October 19, 2002, 2:36 am
I dont know if the wine glass can be pathed for... The bots will all make it to the bottom but will be too busy shooting eachother to ever make it back to the top. I think it would make a better DM map then a RTB map. Even if you could path for it, humans or bots would always get wasted trying to fly up the stem of the wine glass. No one would make it back to base to defend the flag.

October 19, 2002, 3:16 am
i added some nicely placed coliders...i need some help doing bot waypoints still...

October 19, 2002, 6:12 pm
Hey Psylent, Send the map to me and I'll have a look at it... I think you already know my email. If not PM me and I'll send it to you.

October 19, 2002, 7:40 pm
Psyl3nt, I just take my time. There was a map that was completley symetrical. I PMed the guy, and he said that he made a screen to put over his monitor to create it. With the Map Edit Pro, it is easier to flip and rotate things, but it is a harder program to master. I think I am becoming pretty good at it. Meitzi, could you offer me a better explanation of the No Texture corection when Edit feature is?

October 19, 2002, 11:09 pm
ok...sent u an email...i hope i have the right one.

October 21, 2002, 1:46 am
ctf/rtb wine glass has been completed...check out the new maps section to see what ive come up with.

October 21, 2002, 6:33 am
quote:Originally posted by Flanagan
Psyl3nt, I just take my time. There was a map that was completley symetrical. I PMed the guy, and he said that he made a screen to put over his monitor to create it. With the Map Edit Pro, it is easier to flip and rotate things, but it is a harder program to master. I think I am becoming pretty good at it. Meitzi, could you offer me a better explanation of the No Texture corection when Edit feature is?

I tryed explain that texture correction and other things here in help:
With my english, can't do better [;)]

October 23, 2002, 12:46 am
i think im going to work on a variation of the second map when i have time...

October 25, 2002, 1:57 am
currently working on ctf_MiniDeath and ctf_MiniDeath2...
minideath looks like a battle in the sun...minideath2 looks like a jungle...it kinda has a ctf death theme but not really...im currently working on how to bot for them...

October 28, 2002, 10:56 pm
good pitures and good maps!

November 24, 2002, 8:29 am
i like maps a lot, especially ctf maps!