February 26, 2004, 4:33 am
That would so rule. I mean, pwning those damn snipers with the pimpest weapon ever.. whee. Just wondering, but uhh, if noone has, how do I?
February 26, 2004, 5:25 am
that's just some pointless random pistol. no real reason, but if you want, then there;s prolly a guide up in the FAQ shtuff. im too tired to explain it right now.
Deleted User
February 26, 2004, 7:20 pm
I don't think there is an existing mod, so...
That is the Modding FAQ section, read through that - it will teach you all the knowledge needed to mod (which files to change and stuff).
That is a modding guide written by Meandor, one of the best modders around. That teaches you how to mod with Paint Shop Pro. Read that, its very useful.