February 28, 2004, 4:14 am
im [:-censored]ing sick of it, why do they claim to be anarchist in the country that gives them so many rights and freedoms?
February 28, 2004, 4:39 am
I blame the anarchist cookbook, punk rock, and George Clooney.
February 28, 2004, 4:42 am
haha there are no anarchist in usa
only (I don't wanna use that word)
they borrow cars from their parents, their dressing in most expensive clothes, they listen to trendy music and all that stuff
so you can see all this "anarchists" are p....(I don't wanna use that word :P )
February 28, 2004, 5:13 am
lol i have no idea what u are on abt in that post karmazon....
February 28, 2004, 5:39 am
that this "american anarchists" are posers(there I said it...)
February 28, 2004, 7:19 am
all these anarchists as i call them are mostly in high schools
February 28, 2004, 9:17 am
Had u guys ever heard of an anarchist experience in Ukraine (dont remember where). When you hear about it you may discover why being anarchist.
February 28, 2004, 11:55 am
yea but they have a good reason to be an anarchists in ukraine or whatever (goverment issues or whatever.. i guess) in usa they are just bored and have their spoiled ass out of the house and start "rioting" about nothing ;P
February 28, 2004, 11:58 am
Its the barrets of course. Thats what they rebel against. Duh.
February 28, 2004, 12:14 pm
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
yea but they have a good reason to be an anarchists in ukraine or whatever (goverment issues or whatever.. i guess) in usa they are just bored and have their spoiled ass out of the house and start "rioting" about nothing ;P
That shows you had not heard about it. It was in Lenin times. Stalin had jsut destroyed it because it was succesful and feared that it expanded over the SSRU, therefore losing all his power.
February 28, 2004, 1:10 pm
didnt i say it has something to do with goverment ?
February 28, 2004, 1:10 pm
Here in my school there is the 'alternative' tendency atm, almost everyone dresses with clothes bought from stalls on the road or similar and puts on them anarchy symbols and punk rock bands.. but prolly they don't even have an idea of what real anarchy is =d
The funny part is that they all supposedly are no-global and half yuppies, but you can see them going to mcdonalds every day lol.. ( and other stuff a real no-global wouldn't do )
February 28, 2004, 1:32 pm
quote:in the country that gives them so many rights and freedoms?Rofl
February 28, 2004, 2:46 pm
quote:ehay oesntday akemay any ensesay
That doesn't make any sense?
Did I get it???
February 28, 2004, 4:45 pm
Why r u tired of them? coz they got something better to do then be a geek and play video games all day long? coz they got cars, girls, and friends? or just coz some of them kicked the sh!t out of u?
this is pathetic lol :D
February 28, 2004, 5:00 pm
weed they are just like the "frikim" in tel aviv in dizingov..
can they kick the sh!t out of anyone ? pff
February 28, 2004, 5:05 pm
eh weed he's tired of them because he thinks that they should not be against "great american government that gives them freedom...."
but they're not against anything, they just want to be cool and original ....
February 28, 2004, 6:12 pm
AMERICANS ARE PU55IES(said an american)
February 28, 2004, 7:17 pm
Everyone goes through the phase of government and general authority distrust at least once in their lives. Also, the government isn't really that trustworthy, just look at all the lying and bloodshed it allowed GW Bush to get away with. Call that democracy?! I call it democrazy.
February 29, 2004, 4:09 am
sometimes the government lies to us, but there are some things i wouldnt want to know. and bush's motives may have been unclear in iraq, but he did liberate the iraquis from a n00b leader
February 29, 2004, 4:33 am
quote:Originally posted by AerialAssault
and bush's motives may have been unclear in iraq
ok I'm ok now, after 10 minutes of laughing
uff americans are so funny
February 29, 2004, 7:47 am
Hi.. idiot.
February 29, 2004, 8:13 am
do you know what "pl" stands for ?
February 29, 2004, 9:13 am
As it is part of your name it could mean anything, such as..
P oor L oser
P enis L icker
P renatal L obotomy
However in the case of it means
February 29, 2004, 9:20 am
it took you long time to think about it
February 29, 2004, 4:49 pm
quote:Originally posted by karmazonpl
do you know what "pl" stands for ?
im just pointing out...
anyway, why are we fighting? everyone knows americans are very disliked. and if you're an american and you didnt know that, yer fueling the fire that you didnt know yer fool ass was standing in.
February 29, 2004, 5:03 pm
quote:Originally posted by peemonkey
anyway, why are we fighting? everyone knows americans are very disliked. and if you're an american and you didnt know that, yer fueling the fire that you didnt know yer fool ass was standing in.
Many USA people had posted here that they are not disliked out there,hehe , you are calling them fools. np, i support you.
February 29, 2004, 7:26 pm
well for one thing punk rock does not make these losers, they just wwant someone to blame for how crappy their life is, some choose people in general(goths) some choose God(atheists) some choose themselves(suicidal people), and if you haven't noticed hating the president is somewhat fashionable now, every tvshow, famous person or anyone that gets tv time cuts on bush, because no one has the balls to stand up for anything in america anymore
March 1, 2004, 1:19 am
Karma's just mad because Germany invades them everytime they get bored and the US has to come bail them out.... lol
Oh, and by the way, some people have better things to do than wait around in a forum waiting for a response all day( or night).
March 1, 2004, 3:02 am
quote:Originally posted by Aegis
Karma's just mad because Germany invades them everytime they get bored and the US has to come bail them out....
oh you know history wow
US joined world war II beacuse Japs attacked Pearl Harbor....
Us never joined any war just to help other country
and got they ass kicked by bunch of vietnamese farmers
Captain RibMan
March 1, 2004, 3:23 am
quote:Originally posted by karmazonpl
and got they ass kicked by bunch of vietnamese farmers
hey now, thats a cheap shot
March 1, 2004, 4:43 am
quote:Originally posted by ?
and if you haven't noticed hating the president is somewhat fashionable now, every tvshow, famous person or anyone that gets tv time cuts on bush, because no one has the balls to stand up for anything in america anymore
It certainly looks that way to the casual observer, that everyone is too cowardly to stand up against the bad things going on...but there are millions of Americans who oppose Bush, and alot of us have to kinda wait till the election to really make a difference. Because there have been many mass protests, but all Bush and Ari Fletcher do is ignore and censor the opinions of the public. Some White House officials got fired for saying things that were against Bush, now doesn't that start to sound like the Kremlin?! Also alot of people believe every word that comes out of Bush's mouth simply because they think that's what patriotic people do. Once I told someone that I didn't join the military because I didn't want to fight Bush's war and they said, "Are you crazy?" They thought I was communist or something.
March 1, 2004, 6:40 am
quote:Originally posted by karmazonpl
and got they ass kicked by bunch of vietnamese farmers
So? Poland got its ass kicked by a bunch of weirdos in trenchcoats and funny hats who speak a weird language...
March 1, 2004, 7:36 am
uhh what the hell does army issues have anything to do with this thread ?
incase they do, frog-boy almost any country with a millitary force can takeover australia in no time.. so spare the insults for other countries ;\
March 1, 2004, 1:32 pm
WTF SK? dont u know australia has the biggest army in the world?!?!?! even new zealand can win them in a war lol :D
anyway, i loved all the 2nd page, so funny to see how all those americans know so lil about the rest of the world :D so funny...
anyway, T, are u trying to say that goths and atheists are losers?
coz if u are, i feel sorry for ur minimal head and ur miniature brain, how can someone that doesnt believe in all that religion lies be a loser? ROFL.
and how can someone that lives his life in a different way from the "american way of life" be a loser??? dude, i feel sorry for all the ppl with shrinked brains...
and to go back to it.... SK, i know the freakim in Tel Aviv, actually some of them are friends of mine, and yes, as i proved myself too, freakim can beat the sh!t out off anyone who tryes ;)
and im not talking bout the lil wannabes in tel Aviv, im talking bout the real "freaks"
March 1, 2004, 3:32 pm
Why should a nation have an army? Is not USA out there to defend us ?
March 2, 2004, 7:13 am
quote:WTF SK? dont u know australia has the biggest army in the world?!?!?! even new zealand can win them in a war lol :D
NZ has no army, navy or airforce. There cheap asses that expect us to bail them out if they get in trouble.
This thread is not about anarchists but more about punks and goths. I dont think most ppl understand what punk music and the punk life style is about. Just because some1 puts logos all over thier cloths doesnt make them an anarchist.
That said im not a punk and if i could id move to sweden, cos its looks like a cool country.
SiB Danne
March 2, 2004, 8:23 am
I'm a goth and I think the topic went a bit off course lol But no worries, Nostradamus predicted lots of bad news for USA soooo... let them suffer in peace now.
weed we all have opinions man, you have just chosen thats yours is the only right one
March 3, 2004, 11:24 am
and thats coz i r god, and u r my slaves forever
March 3, 2004, 12:12 pm
quote:incase they do, frog-boy almost any country with a millitary force can takeover australia in no time.. so spare the insults for other countries ;\
Actually, we're allied with the US and UK... US because we got some of their crap stored over here or something, and UK because its their land anyway...
March 4, 2004, 1:12 am
USA pwnz j00 all, were gonna take over the world, i give it 30 years, u wait and see whaahahaha
March 4, 2004, 9:12 am
i would have a reply to that, but nah.. i dont wanna insult the whole USA just because of 1 retard
March 4, 2004, 10:43 am
quote:Originally posted by SuperKill
i would have a reply to that, but nah.. i dont wanna insult the whole USA just because of 1 retard
1... 1 hundred millions
SiB Danne
March 4, 2004, 10:59 am
quote:Originally posted by AerialAssault
USA pwnz j00 all, were gonna take over the world, i give it 30 years, u wait and see whaahahaha
[:X] come bite me baby!
March 5, 2004, 3:48 am
lol, gotta love those americans... they live in their bubbles.... they never had a war in their territory since the civil war, thats the only reason they got the big army.... but nah, i dont see USA conquering china... i dont see how can any country take over 1.2 million soldiers army.... anyway, i would like USA to try that, since jews control the American economy, that would put israel in the top of the world....
conclusion: Israel (and Jews in general) > USA.
thank you
March 6, 2004, 2:12 am
quote:if you haven't noticed hating the president is somewhat fashionable now, every tvshow, famous person or anyone that gets tv time cuts on bush, because no one has the balls to stand up for anything in america anymore
WHAT!? We dislike the president because he is a [:-censored]ing moron! And that he lies. Not to be hip or cool..
quote: gotta love those americans... they live in their bubbles....
Yea I love my bubble, it covers NY, NJ, CA, WA, VA, all other 50 states, then alost italy, britain, england, prague, germany, switzerland, ireland....Gotta love this little space I live in.
March 6, 2004, 2:59 am
and thats exactly what i was talking about, Famine is the perfect example for what i said before... so proud of what u r, so sure of what u r.... really funny, thats what will make the USA fall, ur lack of reality, or to be correct, ur over-self esteem... but heck, im not saying every american is ignorant, im just saying a big part of them are.
and anyway, i dont want USA to fall, coz then the jews over there will have to take control of some other country's economy... and that takes some time...
March 6, 2004, 3:42 am
Bleh...what the hell...
All I can say is it's really not funny to judge a whole country by the words of a few 14 year olds.
We've all got our opinions. I sure hope you all have opinions or the movement of goods and ideas would cease to expand.
Will there be turmoil (I mean a war) in the US within the next 20 years? I'm certain there will be. It's true that the US has never really had a "battle" on its own turf since the 1860's. In 1944, there was a TINY attack in San Diego...a Japanese sub put a big balloon filled with deadly poison in the air, and it floated onto land. A little boy ran up and kicked it and killed 3 people. WE LOST 3 PEOPLE ON OUR MAINLAND IN WWII...this country is in for it.
Many of you are going out on a limb with your "beliefs". I've done it before too. As Weed said, it's just a lack of reality.
I'm waiting for the US to face a big challenge. We need some REAL problems. We're so bored over here, most of our time is spent suspending 5 year old boys for kissing girls (sexual harassment), obsessing over reality TV shows (because we have no reality of our own), committing suicide (we're so depressed...our lives are very terrible [:-P]), etc.
I hope we face something...anything. Anything but our ordinary lives. I would not agree that the Jews control our country. We have many Jewish doctors/lawyers over here, but they are by far not the majority. :-/
March 6, 2004, 4:23 am
lets like declare war on russia or something, russians like war dont they?
March 6, 2004, 12:08 pm
quote:I hope we face something...anything. Anything but our ordinary lives. I would not agree that the Jews control our country. We have many Jewish doctors/lawyers over here, but they are by far not the majority. :-/
U FORGOTTEN ABOUT S11 ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, it must be really hard living normal, safe lives. U should be happy that u dont have to worry about being blown up on your way to skool. (not that i am). If u need a "battle" to take u away from your "ordinary lives" then there is something seriously wrong with you and your country.
It seems like u want America to attack other countries to keep yourself interested. Which seems really fcuked up.
U surely cant mean that???
March 6, 2004, 3:34 pm
Weed, I agree with you for the most part, but you seemed as if you just stereotyped every american. I am not proud to be one at this moment in time...and people who flaunt it is the exact reason why they hate us. I agree with the most part of what you said weed, but you misjudge me at first.
March 6, 2004, 9:03 pm
well, dont think i misjudged u, that was a generalization, i hate those, but sometimes they can make my ideas go forward, yeah, there is a problem with humanity, for some reason, we humans tend to love violence and war and pain and suffer, guess we didnt get that far on the evolutionary proccess, so every 10-20 years there is a big war, or maybe not so big, but they happen, the thing is, every country in the world, besides American and South American countries had wars on it for long times, had border confrontations, and had inner problems too.
I have to admit i really respect the USA for "liberating ppl" and all of that, but maybe someday they will notice that they gotta let countries have their own wars without interfering, USA can be the best ally a country can have, but the price aint a small one. take for example the issues over here, we got a terrorist group asking for lands, and we gotta give them to them, coz if we open war on them, USA will cut their contacts with us, thats USA's way of saying "we are helping both sides", well, i've seen many of those terrorists burning american flags too, so i dont get their side. anyway, thats also the terrorist way of fighting us, since they know that if the Israeli army gets in there and kills all of them, and then we move on to killing everyone in lebanon and syria (coz those 2 are just waiting for us to make a move so they can "legaly" attack us), all of the UN and then the USA will be against us...
anyway, bout the last part of my last post, yes, check the movie empire, check the top names of the producers, directors and actors, check the names of the big music/poetry/story writers, check whatever u want, and u will see, that most of them (or at least a big part) are jews, go take a walk in NY, go to that street where all the jewelry is, u will notice, how wonderfull, all of them are jews, go to wall street, look at the high places, all jews, search for big companies, the owner or at least the higher ranked guys in there are jews, well i guess my points is that one ;)
that fuking sniper
March 6, 2004, 10:54 pm
Everything and nothing is everything and nothing. This might mean something to you, or be complete nonsense. Yet it means exactly what it says.
Its your own perspective as to what goths, anarchists, athiests, reformers, or conservatives are. This goes for every single group of people. You argue about them, but this lies on perspective, who can you symphasize with more? Who'se position do you see more clearly? Or sometimes, who'se easier to insult and get more attention by doing so?
The questions vary. But in the end its all about perspective. We're arguing to change that, this means that arguement is to make others share your views. Dont mind my "offensive" words for that, but thats essentially what it is.
What I'm getting at is that we can all go on about this for weeks, months, years, till all of us share one perspective. Each has a good and bad way to look at, depends on how you look at it and how you judge that perspective. We can argue all over the place futilly in order to just make everyone share our views till we all get sick of them. But hey, punks, goths, anarchists or wahtever other group you want are themselves. To some they might look normal, to some freaks, to some unecessary, to some an answer. But they are what they are. They are that way for a reason, this might be a personal experience, opinion, their own perspective, or their childhood, again, it depends on alot of things. And whatever you see is that product. Now some argue that in a free country these people shouldnt whine so much, yet again in a free country theres some measure of freedom of speech, and thats their way of expressing it.
Before you go on insulting every view that doesnt go for you, try to understand it. To understand something you must define its opposite. And then correspond it.
March 7, 2004, 3:41 am
...leave it to a smart person to ruin a good arguement.
March 7, 2004, 5:14 am
chaky is so right... [sarcasm]THANKS ALOT TFS!![/sarcasm]
March 10, 2004, 4:31 pm dont even want to get me started on Bush in Iraq...
not real fimilair with anarchist (i live in cow country) but it seems to be, as every1 is saying, they just want to get attention.....
as for people wearing their expensive clothes and all that...they are posers
was it your that started all this aerial? well you ask them how they feel on anarchy, and they will fill u fulla [:-censored]
just ask them for some background on anarchy, i bet you the true colors show.
March 10, 2004, 9:19 pm
quote:Originally posted by LoGaN20216 dont even want to get me started on Bush in Iraq...
not real fimilair with anarchist (i live in cow country) but it seems to be, as every1 is saying, they just want to get attention.....
as for people wearing their expensive clothes and all that...they are posers
was it your that started all this aerial? well you ask them how they feel on anarchy, and they will fill u fulla [:-censored]
just ask them for some background on anarchy, i bet you the true colors show.
anyone mind translating this for me, i speak english not jibberish
EDIT: nevermind that i read it more closely
March 13, 2004, 5:20 pm
lol i dont get why you even care about "anarchists"
unless they are harming you some how, why should you care?
March 13, 2004, 8:13 pm
i said they piss me off, didnt u read that? i think there ingrates
March 16, 2004, 4:24 pm
jibberishjibberishjibberishjibberishjibberishjibberishjibberish lol aerial, i though it was quite easy to understand jibberishjibberishjibberishjibberishjibberishjibberish
March 18, 2004, 4:16 pm
dude, quit posting homade porn, lol