March 7, 2004, 5:25 pm
If U press Ctrl+Shift+Delete in Xp U get up a box, On 1 of the tabs U can view the currently running processes on ur computer, and kill them. is there anyway U can view this in text or somthing (To be used in a script\program)
Any1 knows `?
March 7, 2004, 6:14 pm
I once had a DLL for mIRC, it listed every process that was running.
if you need it for mIRC, I can look for it if you want.
March 7, 2004, 7:48 pm
Yup its for mIRC :) Tell me if U find it !
I'll look 2..
/me bows down and kisses his heor of the days feet !!
I found 1 that does the job, (I think) hehe, it also solvs an earlier problem I had ^^ Thx again for teh tip :)
March 7, 2004, 8:45 pm
works for Win2k/9.x
dunno about the rest
March 8, 2004, 2:55 am
when i saw microsoft in the name of this topic i just had to come in and insult it i mean thats my job but all i can say is its good you found that now you can rid of some of the crap they have running that you cant normally shut off gj i just may get it for my mirc too
microsoft blows i hope you go outta bussiness of get crippled like christopher reeves, you hear me Bill Gates you fag your going to punishmentland
apple is superior in almost everyway you know it i know it bill [:-censored]ing gates knows it they just need to do better marketing
March 8, 2004, 3:03 am
quote:Originally posted by societies_punishment
apple is superior in almost everyway
March 8, 2004, 3:46 am
I love how people have almost no idea what they're talking about when they bash windows. It seems all he can do is bash Bill Gates :o... Not to mention > You just said you used Windows, and need it for mIRC... why don't you get mac, huh?
Captain RibMan
March 8, 2004, 4:39 am
doesnt bill gates pwn some of apple anyways?
March 8, 2004, 8:01 am
I hate you all faggots that admire Apple and hate Gates. You are all idiots. When are you gonna learn that Microsoft and Mac are the same? Dont you see the contant treaties they have? Dont you see programs like Microsoft Internet explorer for MAc? If you buy a Mac you are giving money to Gates... you are giving him a lot of money
Oops, I wrote this and then I saw Ribman's answer lol
March 8, 2004, 8:59 pm
MruaH ! U can terminate [:-censored] using Ctrl+alt+delete or just remove them from the startups in the registery, but that doesnt help me !! The DLL for mIRC is what I needed !! Thx again B00sta :)
Yes Microsoft SuX ! Apple also sux !! lol I'll prolly get Linux or somthing ^^ hehe or just hang on untill they get even more [:-censored]ty !!