March 17, 2004, 8:08 pm
Im not here to complain about the barret, I just thought I'd ask the pros for a few ways to counter barreters, whether they are camping, rushing, or spawn killing. Can anyone help me out? seems like everytime I die its from a barret.
March 17, 2004, 8:12 pm
use an auto weapon, or M79 to piss em off, if you know where they are camping, use a barret urself to snipe them out, and use nades to discourage campers, and use ruger, it reloads faster than the time a barret takes beetween shots, so if he misses, you will most likely take him out...
Tha Doggfather
March 17, 2004, 8:23 pm
try to get exactly above or underneath the barretards, because shooting straight up/down seems to be the hardest.
March 17, 2004, 9:03 pm
Well that works good dogg if they are complete idiots, all they have to do is get off the ledge drop and shoot you, i have done it before with people that try to kill me like that, no diss to you though. Sometimes just moving the right way will be enough, other times jsut trick them, moving really fast don't hurt either
March 17, 2004, 9:08 pm
Here's a few things that I think have helped me in defeating barreters...
1. You can really only beat a barret assaulter if you can make him miss once and catch him before he can run away.
2. Use the terrain to your advantage as much as possible, like fly along the roof when it is uneven (like in ctf_run).
3. IMHO, one of the best ways to counter campers is experience. You just need to learn where they like to "hide" since there are very few places where they are invulnerable. They also become really easy to spot in bushes and stuff because you know what the vegetation normally looks like. Generally, don't move too predictably and vary your movement a lot. If you spend a round just camping with barret you will get to see how some good players can use these tactics to defeat you.
4. The best strategy: TEAMWORK. The weakness of the barret is they only get 1 shot and then have a decent reload time between shots. If you attack with 2+ people instead, one can take the hit while the other kills the barreter/grabs the flag/whatever.
5. Persistence. That camper might kill you 15 times in a row, but you only have to make him miss once so you can grab the flag. Nobody's perfect ;)
March 17, 2004, 10:29 pm
Yay, and let's not forget;
start verbally abusing them until they leave! Cuz most barret users are nice, honest and lovable people, that won't take that kinda [:-censored] from no one!
...Kevith 4 mod!
March 18, 2004, 9:08 am
Due to the advantage of the sniper scope, its impossible to kill a sniper before he kills you, so your only chance is that he misses (if you know theres a sniper nearby, try and do something unexpected) and then run in as fast as you can and kill him with grenades and whatever weapon you want (except barret), then laugh :).
March 18, 2004, 12:48 pm
quote:Originally posted by Tha Doggfather
try to get exactly above or underneath the barretards, because shooting straight up/down seems to be the hardest.
Or from down to up, and if youre above/under him, do not go prone
Go prone when your like <you>--------------<barretard> position of him
With auto, spray like hell
There aint way to beat even some good barretard in duel
March 18, 2004, 2:30 pm
If the sniper is camping on a platform of some sort (Storm) then go right under it and lob a couple of nades up there.
You can also avoid the sniper if you use your jet in a decent way. Don't ever fly/walk in the same pattern, cause snipers are quite good to predict your move. Use your jet, let 'em cool off for a sec, fly again.
If you are dealing with a camper then move towards his LOF but a sec before you enter, use your jet. The sniper shotes and miss, enter his LOF and finish him.
*LOF=Line of fire
March 18, 2004, 4:15 pm
quote:Originally posted by n00bface
Yay, and let's not forget;
start verbally abusing them until they leave! Cuz most barret users are nice, honest and lovable people, that won't take that kinda [:-censored] from no one!
...Kevith 4 mod!
lol, I try to refrain from using that all-too effective technique... but sometimes [;)].... Hey I'm only a man.
that fuking sniper
March 19, 2004, 1:25 am
Campers: Since they camp, they have more range, but no mobility, use that to shape your strategy:
Approach them from an angle or behind some obstacle that will put you out of their range. Sometimes this could be done to shorten the distance for an arc shot or a nade, it will freak them out and make them panic, at which point they will either shoot and miss, or get on their feet and start running away. Giving you an easy kill.
The problem with campers is that you cant rightfully know where they are up untill they shoot you. The only way is either to have possibilities in mind of where they can be, which is done by studying the maps for potential camping spots. Or the other way which is running straight into possible camping spots intentionally, most campers are stupid and wont relocate after they make a shot, thus when you respawn theres a good chance they will still be where you last encountered them.
Assault snipers: Not much to do here. Especially with the new aiming capabilities, there is no safe way of actually approaching a sniper. Whats left is tricking him. Try approaching from angles with nades or m79 close enough to kill hims before he has a clear shot. Do every possible thing depending on your situation to strafe into cover, out of their range. Make small popups that will trick them into shooting, and if they miss (they will if you pull a good trick on them) charge in guns blazing.
Relocating campers: By far the hardest ones to counter, the only way I see it is to get your own barret and try to outcamp them, but that's just tedious and not very fun for me.
March 20, 2004, 4:05 pm
What I do is just use a nade (hit with the nade) then use the 1337 AK. Also if your not a panzy just rush them and don't hide. Berret people tend to lose conatration when you do that.
March 20, 2004, 9:57 pm
Another good way to not get shot is to roll. When you know there is a person with a barret there just start to roll... usually you can be hit. Atleast this works for me... So try it.
March 20, 2004, 9:59 pm
quote:Originally posted by M.O.D.
Another good way to not get shot is to roll. When you know there is a person with a barret there just start to roll... usually you can be hit. Atleast this works for me... So try it.
Were it is underlined it is supposed to be ''Usually you CANT be hit''
March 20, 2004, 10:08 pm
Unpredictable movements help a lot, if you think when a barreter is about to shoot then stop, prone, jump, or something that breaks the pattern of your movement.
Campers are not to much of a problem, a nade coupled with a few shots of an auto usually does the job, you have to be accurate and fast though.
With barrets its usually a one shot kill which is fair enough, when your fighting them and if you do die you should hopefully have done some decent amount of damage, which will enable you to finish the job on your next encounter.
March 22, 2004, 9:26 am
quote:Originally posted by starmonkey
Also if your not a panzy just rush them and don't hide. Berret people tend to lose conatration when you do that.
Rushing in equals death in many more cases than hiding and using different methods to take them out. The nades are the best for when there is cover available. Teamwork, as someone pointed out, is kind of hard when you play DM, because if you are two people (let's say Cambodia, down in the tunnels under the bunker), the other guy (and you) will be very hesistant to drop down. Plus, it has to be really synchronized, otherwise the sniper/assaulter will try to make a run for it.
As TFS said, the hardest ones are the relocating campers. These people are usually experienced with the Barret, and can probably estimate a shot from far away. But this is what separates them from the bad snipers, they move. The easiest way is to try and pick them off as they change places, but this can be very hard if they have just shot you. Still, the mentality of a sniper, they will probably stay for 2-3 shots, if they have a good place. Some snipers even stay for 4-6 shots if they have a really good place (i.e. people don't see where the shots are coming from). (This is not to be confused with the ones that stay in the same position all the time).
Experimenting, using nades and not using the same patterns all over again. A cheap way is to lure another guy into the trap, then taking out the sniper when he reloads. Use alternate routes, if they are available.
Now go! [:D]
March 22, 2004, 8:44 pm
what kind of ass would use barret in a 1v1v1 deathmatch...?
March 22, 2004, 8:57 pm
what about assault snipers? the kind that rush out with barrets at you with no regard for their own safety, then, if they have it ready to fire, and if you are out of nades, you're screwed... but what if he picks up a second barret, that's been on the rise...
March 22, 2004, 11:05 pm
Assault snipers are easy. If they're on my server I kick them [;)] No seriously... same basic tactics apply: move unpredictably, use the terrain, bait them into firing when they can't possibly hit you like TFS said (they have to anticipate your movement a little bit). You just have to take advantage of their weaknesses.
March 23, 2004, 12:36 pm
The problem is, that who really wants make these moves in public servers where you go play just for fun and relax. Yeah then someone bounces you with barret and says that youre noob
In clanmatches its different, use your adrealine to make these moves.
Deleted User
March 28, 2004, 2:23 pm
The ways I eliminate most of Barrett- campers ( and them who are REALLY experienced! ) are among the other things like:
1.: Get a M72 Law launcher: it's powerful when retreating or assaulting or covering your teammate(s) when having a flag or something else important. If you are good to use it, more BETTER.
2.: Have Steyr AUG: AUG is fast and quite powerful, especially in REAL MODE: few shots to the head or the body should do the trick...
3.: Use M79 and cluster grenades: If you don't see enemies and the level includes LOTS of bushes, little trees etc. DONT RUN LIKE MAD when you see bunch of bushes behind of the hill, use your M79 to reveal all stalkers. If this don't scare them, use cluster grenades, because they spread even into VERY wide areas in right hands. It causes bad damage if you have MORE THAN ONE camper ahead. When you have teased enough campers, distract by making "fake-attacks and -moves" ( like jumping and rolling or even flying ) to get the to shoot and to reload. GO FAST BACK and take your M79, when reloaded, blast the stalkers into oblivion and BANG, that's it!
April 13, 2004, 8:19 pm
If it's a noob, just hunt him down all the time until he changes his weapons. Campers usually kill you once. After that you can get in from the back and knife him. And don't forget to ask him to change weapon.
April 18, 2004, 8:12 pm
AK or Spas against 'Ret, they're getting knocked all over so they can't shoot.
Deleted User
April 18, 2004, 9:43 pm
Wtf is with that pic, the red guy has already won from bottom right diagonally...[:P]
April 18, 2004, 11:09 pm
and the black guy played more turns than the asian dude! Sex that pic sucks!
April 20, 2004, 3:02 am
*bac to anti-barret*
i am a barret user first of all but i dont camp, i do de but i dont camp as much (the only time i camp is on KampF on the blue team on the edges , U CAN SNIPE ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE MAP!!!!!) anyway here r some tips i use to kill other barret users:
1.if u get sniped and are too at using barret, go about a screen away from the sniper and zoom in to him, c if he is there and if he is, shoot him, if he is in a barrier of some kind(such as a box/pipe), run towards him as fast as u can jumping and boosting at the same time and then go BEHIND him cuz how he has to turn around and stand up the shoot him cuz he is out of the barrier
2. to above him and throw a nade cuz it would b easier to aim at him and the nade will blow up as soon as it lands.
3. if he is a expert and step 1 and 2 fail to work, to AROUND the map and attack him from behind, cuz normal sniper only zoom forward so they wont c behind them at all so just use a knife a chuck at or something.
4. IF ALL FAILS, get cluster nades and throw like crazy and the camper will [xx(]
5. if he STILL doesn't die, run a hack check [;)]
April 20, 2004, 3:57 am
Well if you are tyring to out smart them then your a idiot, there just as smart as you and they will not be fooled usually by noob tricks.. the only way to beat them is to make them miss if they do then this is the only time you have to pounce
April 22, 2004, 8:16 am
quote:Originally posted by Element_101
Well if you are tyring to out smart them then your a idiot, there just as smart as you and they will not be fooled usually by noob tricks.. the only way to beat them is to make them miss if they do then this is the only time you have to pounce
Nope, I'm more cleverer.
But anyway, if faced with barrets and you have the wrong tools, just run away and let them chase you, then turn around and empty several magazines into them. Works for me...
April 22, 2004, 1:58 pm
however, most campers wont chase after u (or they wont be called campers lol)
April 22, 2004, 4:34 pm
quote:Originally posted by Se7enWolf
use an auto weapon, or M79 to piss em off, if you know where they are camping, use a barret urself to snipe them out, and use nades to discourage campers, and use ruger, it reloads faster than the time a barret takes beetween shots, so if he misses, you will most likely take him out...
too hard to piss off baretards if u cant like never kill them or try to kill them because u will get killed by another barretard right before you reach them "talking about public servers"
April 22, 2004, 4:40 pm
Speaking of not chasing after you... what is the deal with people sitting there camp/defenging the flag? I have no problem with the camping to defend part. My problem is that when somebody comes in and grabs the flag because the camper misses, WHY DON'T THEY GET UP AND CHASE THE FLAGGER!!! Of course this is a generalization (many (most?) will chase him), but I just can't figure out why anybody wouldn't think to chase the flagger. Ahhhh... I feel better now.
April 22, 2004, 6:26 pm
Yeah, it is nice when your 2 teamies are defending a base without flags, really common lately
April 22, 2004, 11:15 pm
that's what you get with noobs right?
April 24, 2004, 1:10 pm
quote:Originally posted by kevith
Speaking of not chasing after you... what is the deal with people sitting there camp/defenging the flag? I have no problem with the camping to defend part. My problem is that when somebody comes in and grabs the flag because the camper misses, WHY DON'T THEY GET UP AND CHASE THE FLAGGER!!! Of course this is a generalization (many (most?) will chase him), but I just can't figure out why anybody wouldn't think to chase the flagger. Ahhhh... I feel better now.
i think they dont chase after it cuz they r reloading (taks so LONG) or they r just too lazy to get up and run (tats wat happens to u if u camp too long, ur left hand with the WSAD keys has no skills while ur right hand can snipe some1 in 1shot)
April 25, 2004, 8:27 pm
In some recent experiments, nothing terrifies campers more than at least three chainsaws moving in their direction at great speed. If you can surprise them, chances are that nobody will get hit and you wil have them cut to bits within a split second, and if they somehow manage to escape, throw grenades in front of them. This will result in one os three things:
1. They will go straight into a grenade, killing them instantly
2. They will go straight into a grenade, knocking them backwards into your chainsaws
3. They will avoid the grenade, but doing so either slows them down slightly, letting you catch up and hack the to bits, or the explosion propels them forwards, at which point you whip out some autos and shoot them before they can get another shot in.
In case of grenades, spread out.
May 8, 2004, 10:38 am
Al old topic! But I'll post anyway..
Ya see! I'm a barret assaulter myself so I know allot about campers! I used to be a camper!
They are the basic barret users. They usualy wear green, dark clothes so they can hide in the grass and bushes! They will usualy hide in places that have a view of a large piece of map. Most campers as said don't change camper spots!
Since the camper has a big view of the map it is hard to take him out without him seing u! If he misses you, he will jump and jet! If the camper is a n00b he will run avay, and you can easily hunt him down and kill him! Most campers will change their weapon and try to kill you with it! Since they hide, their secondary will proboably be a knife or SOCOM. More experienced campers will jump, jet and throw nades! Offcourse they will only do this, if they miss you!
The best way to kill a camper would be to sneak behind him! That is actualy the safest way! Since the camper is looking trough the scope and doesn't see behind him! Other ways are to fly above him and drop nades on him OR to go below him, jump, and jet! But just before he's in your side of view, you stop jetting! Most campers will fire and miss! Then all ou have to do is take LAW and when we's running avay, send a rocket up his arse!
May 8, 2004, 1:15 pm
Droopy, go easy on the exclamation marks...
Anyway, a good way to remove campers is to countercamp! I usually wait for a teammate to run past me, and if they get shot in the head, I know there's campers about. I then fire a shot with the scope enabled to see exactly where they are, and crawl into a position from which I can fire at them without getting shot at first. Sorted.
May 16, 2004, 1:05 pm
quote:Originally posted by kevith
My problem is that when somebody comes in and grabs the flag because the camper misses, WHY DON'T THEY GET UP AND CHASE THE FLAGGER!!! Of course this is a generalization (many (most?) will chase him), but I just can't figure out why anybody wouldn't think to chase the flagger.
If im camping in a base with a barret (very rarely cause i cant aim with the damned thin) and the flag gets stolen, i tend not to chase it. Heres my resoning:
1: i cant shoot the stupit thing without being point blank or stationary
2: When the flag is stolen the rest of the team goes after it. now what happens when there is no one in a base... the flag gets stolen, as soon as the flag is returned by a player or via capture its gone again, if there is someone still in the base then its not so easy.
i tend to camp in bushs with a chain saw more than i camp in a base, much more fun and they seem to never learn
as for the best way to get rid of campers... play on servers with 1000+ ping, very hard to hit even a stationary target with a barret.
If you dont like laggy games, move fast, jump lot and nade every single little camper you see. basic but you will almost never be hit if your moving fast. as for them escaping after then miss, dont give em a chance, 1 nade +1 shot from almost any gun - minigun doesnt even give em a chance to get out of prone
assulters seem to always shoot from point blank so the grenade launcher is a key weapon for that, 1 kit KO and it arcs so you can lob it over things and hit the assulter.[:D]
1. duck
3. dodge the shot THEN kill them
4. roll like hell
5. get em with nades or the mighty law
May 20, 2004, 8:27 pm
you talking about campers, theyre no problem
the problem is the moving barretards like chakra
June 1, 2004, 7:34 pm
one "trick" that has helped me defeat the #8'ers is timing. Being an old fan of the barret, i got quite familiar with its' reload time. If the [:-censored] misses with the first shot, a "mental stop-watch" can help u get in a hard-to-shoot position right as they finish reloading. This is extremely true when you use the m79 which can blast you away from their proning eyes milli-seconds before they shoot.
unfortunately, regardless of all these tips & techniques, barret still remains a powerful force in the game and the only true way to overcome the "noobs" is to beat them at their own game. (ie - be better/faster/more accurate with #8). i cant tell you how many times my heart has filled with glee [:D] as i kill an oposing barretard with his own medicine 1/10 a second before he can shoot me...
like i said, timing is everything. [;)]
June 6, 2004, 9:50 pm
I used to be both a camper and a barret asulter! Now I'm something mixed! I camp and when the enemy is at short range I mutate into a barretard! And kill the son of a bitch! OH YEAH!!! WHOS DA MAN!!!!! I AM!!!! HAHA!! LOST YOUR HEAD!!! YOU WERE BEATEN BY MEEE!!! THE BARRETARD!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
Ok I'm done...
June 7, 2004, 8:04 pm
quote:If you are dealing with a camper then move towards his LOF but a sec before you enter, use your jet. The sniper shotes and miss, enter his LOF and finish him.
this tactic is very useful =) Above all I'd say that coming at a camper from a different angle with a nade is the best way to do it(ctf_kampf).
quote:Also if your not a panzy just rush them and don't hide. Berret people tend to lose conatration when you do that. I'd have to agree with whoever commented that this strategy does not work. I'm an agressive barreteer myself(though one who prizes fairplay above all, so don't start bashing), and I frankly laugh at the people who rush me. After I've removed their head from their body, of course.
June 11, 2004, 3:37 am
The best gun to counter the berret is the m79, this works best is they are camping then you can just shot it up and watch it hit them.
Also they will pay more attion on on the bullet then on you which gives you time to reload and regroup and if it not a noob he will prolly shoot you and you had better hope your shot hits him