Michal Marcinkowski
March 20, 2004, 6:08 pm
Just wanted to give this game a little publicity. It's called "N" and you control a little ninja jumping on a 2d map. Looks familiar?:) The game was inspired partially by Soldat and some of the sounds are from Soldat (the author contacted me for this and I said yes. Guess which sounds are from Soldat). I must say this game is great I got kinda addicted to it. It's an arcade/puzzle game (no shooting:)) a blend of Elastomania, Sonic the Hedghog, Lemmings (?) and of course our favourite game S:).
>> http://www.harveycartel.org/metanet/downloads.html
March 20, 2004, 6:12 pm
Cool, there's even a Mac version!
..*Nudges Michal*
March 20, 2004, 6:21 pm
wow, the physics feel very nice, although it lags like hell for me :(
on a PIII 450 mhz
gonna see if I can increase the frame rate ;)
thanks Michal
March 20, 2004, 6:47 pm
Whoa, first time Michal posts in Lounge. Be afraid! Next time he will compete with CC!
Anyways it is cool, and it does not lag in a 400 mhz(although it is not completely smooth it is faster than soldat)... maybe cuz i only reached 2ndlevel by the moment
Deleted User
March 20, 2004, 7:38 pm
Thats almost as good as soldat. :D It runs very smoothly and the physics are top notch. I got on the episode 2 and almost got thru it but then there was a labyrinth like level that i couldn't get pass.
March 20, 2004, 7:59 pm
so hard, but cant stop playing it...
March 20, 2004, 10:55 pm
excelent game! love the ninja man :D but i lag a bit :\ darn pIII
Captain RibMan
March 21, 2004, 1:15 am
im playing on a PIII 500 and it doesnt lag
that games fun, almost too fun...hmm...
March 21, 2004, 2:20 am
hmm does the continue game work for u guys, I type in my pass but it wont work???
March 21, 2004, 5:49 am
awesome ninja game reminds me of old school platform games with a dash of todays type of games ^^
March 21, 2004, 8:28 am
WOW, this game is great! I quit Soldat [;)]
March 21, 2004, 12:18 pm
Wow, nice game.
the physics are great.
March 21, 2004, 2:38 pm
Link no working at the moment. :(
Damn dial up.
Can't wait untill i get ADSL. Soon.
March 21, 2004, 2:45 pm
Thanks Michal, now I've got a new game to like, Soldat sucks, I'll play N instead of Soldat now. ;) Nah, but N is really, really nice, especially the physics. I've just finished Episode 1 now, but I hope the next levels will be a bit more diversified :) And damn it, I want to have a map maker! This game is made to have a Mapmaker! :)
ah, great, in the next release there will be a level editor :)
Episode 4 Level 13 now :)
March 21, 2004, 5:58 pm
i wanna make a level =O and i got lazy and went all da way to the last episode and beat the 1st lvl in an hour or less........ just the 1st lvl wow dat was fun ^^
March 21, 2004, 6:40 pm
too many campers, the first 3 lvls were fun tho
Deleted User
March 21, 2004, 7:36 pm
Episode 4-2 right now. :D Then i started to get angry. :P
March 21, 2004, 8:10 pm
I'm in 4-14 now. I've been playing this level for half an hour or longer now, and it's just [:-censored]. Sometimes I would have nearly made it, and then I die again. Levels like that are just frustrating. If there wouldn't be a "skip level" cheat I would have said that the creator of the game is dumb, but luckily the cheat is there.. All levels were ok, in some you had to think because they were a bit tricky, but none was so stupid like 4-14...
March 21, 2004, 8:26 pm
When you download the zip, there's a .txt file labeled "n_cheats"
<< Taken from n_cheats.txt in the N zip package >>
level skip:
to skip to the next level, at the pre-game prompt ("level loaded; press [spacebar] to begin"),
do the following:
-turn on capslock
-while holding shift and "z", press enter
this will beat the current level.. but it's soooo cheap!
can't you beat it the real way?!
<< End >>
Hope I helped.
March 21, 2004, 9:04 pm
quote:Originally posted by MisterX
If there wouldn't be a "skip level" cheat I would have said that the creator of the game is dumb, but luckily the cheat is there..
you should have read the entire post ;) but thanks anyway :)
March 21, 2004, 10:06 pm
This game is sweet. It says you need a pent 4 but thats not true. I got a pent 2 350 and it runs fine. Not the best frame rates in the world but it dosent hinder my play. and with it being less then a meg i can take it to school on a lil' floppy disk. YaY for N.
March 22, 2004, 6:59 am
holy crap
/me shudders
mike ... p-p-posted???? wow dude its been a while since i seen that
/me inspects midnight sky for a blue moon
crazy the download just finished too im gonna go play!![:D]
Deleted User
March 22, 2004, 4:23 pm
Level 3 of Episode 5. No levels skipped. :P
March 22, 2004, 5:32 pm
(i'm one of the game's authors)
thanks for the feedback!
sorry about the impossible level 4-4; we made the game for a contest, and arranging the levels was something we did very last minute, so sadly the difficulty sometimes isn't very even.
also, we didn't get a chance to test it on many PCs, that's why we said a p4 was needed -- just to be safe.
we're going to be releasing a new version, with level editor and more levels, pretty soon (a month or so); first we have to write some tutorials about the collision detection/etc.
anyway, i'm glad so many people here like it; when we made i we weren't sure if anyone besides us would get into an oldschool-type game with physics.
(aka Connection Problem)
March 22, 2004, 5:50 pm
Episode 5 - Level 14
Without skipping levels.. well, I skipped some I've already beat 10 times but was too lazy to beat 'em again when starting a new game. And I've beat one level after I skipped it. But I beat all levels until Level 14 ;)
March 22, 2004, 11:17 pm
Is it just me, or has anyone else started trying to jump off walls in soldat...
March 23, 2004, 2:03 am
I've been doing that for ages Chak....
Michal, you dippy sod, there is not even an indication of anything that links N to Soldat. I checked the site over and things and there wasn't a hint of a mention of Soldat.
March 23, 2004, 2:44 am
I just downloaded this from gamehippo.com
Is a great game, N1nj@ is always cool :D
March 23, 2004, 5:59 am
hey its connection problem long time no see man
/me high fives connection problem
you say you helped make it well good job i got to play it and it gets the punishment approval
here take this since i like you so much [:D]
March 23, 2004, 1:51 pm
ive tried to jump of walls on Soldat....
March 23, 2004, 2:23 pm
quote:Originally posted by Icarius
I've been doing that for ages Chak....
Michal, you dippy sod, there is not even an indication of anything that links N to Soldat. I checked the site over and things and there wasn't a hint of a mention of Soldat.
I think the sound of those chaingun robots are modified Soldat-Minigun sounds, and maybe the sound when you splash on the ground might be taken from Soldat as well.
And jumping off walls in Soldat.. well, I do it often at places where it's possible, but I didnt try to catch golden coins or to avoid homing-robots, yet.
March 23, 2004, 11:16 pm
solquote:Originally posted by Icarius
I've been doing that for ages Chak....
Michal, you dippy sod, there is not even an indication of anything that links N to Soldat. I checked the site over and things and there wasn't a hint of a mention of Soldat.
not to be contrary, but you're wrong -- soldat is the top "inspiration" in the credits page, and michal is credited for sounds. just try quitting from the main menu. ;)
p.s - there isn't much of anything on our site, it will maybe someday be a bit less minimal.
March 23, 2004, 11:39 pm
>.> should have recognition on the site. [:-censored].
March 24, 2004, 12:52 am
lolz anyway i want level editor now >.< i wanna make some =)
March 24, 2004, 5:38 am
*cough* Anyway, great game.
March 24, 2004, 12:19 pm
Well I've tried to jump off walls in real life.. Ouch.
March 24, 2004, 1:32 pm
cool, as I thought he even WAS inspired by Super Bubble Blob
March 26, 2004, 4:04 am
March 29, 2004, 3:06 am
w00t new version is out download it now (u can make levels now =O)
here's the level i made. (its pretty hard too took me a while to finish it w/out dying)
Download Attachment:
[IMAGE] Katsumaru's Domain.txt4.36 KB
my new version =O now bug free (i think o_O)
Download Attachment:
[IMAGE] Katsumaru's Domain.txt5.07 KB
April 21, 2004, 7:54 am
ure a bit late on the scene with that pearl of a post there buddy..
btw... good to hav another NZ'er here
April 21, 2004, 5:45 pm
had this game some time ago and idd ownz, but VERRY hard in late levels...
April 22, 2004, 2:17 am
Yeah. Im on the 9th episode, and christ its hard. Its a fun game though, just difficult.
Deleted User
July 10, 2004, 3:47 am
That game was alrite..it was sorta gay tho...it should be online tho..
July 10, 2004, 2:33 pm
no, it's not. this game owns.
July 11, 2004, 7:43 am
It does own. But this thread is 2 months old. Let it lie.
July 12, 2004, 12:03 am
*stabs topic in neck furiously with combat knife*
July 14, 2004, 3:38 am
New version of N is out!!!
1.3c ::: 02 July 2004
- fixed blurry text
- improved post-death ragdoll collision
- improved enemy AI refresh rate
- added "shuffled" mainmenu replays
- added online highscores
- added internal personal best system
- added practice mode (no time limit)
- added unlockable secret mode
- added deathlog
- added "boss mode" (lowers cpu usage)
- added visual quality selection
- added sound volume control
- added 150 new levels (30 new episodes)
- added numpad 0 or Insert accesses object editing in Ned
- added new episode completion images
- added new credits page art
- modified save player progress
Download it here
July 14, 2004, 2:58 pm
quote:added 150 new levels (30 new episodes)Holy [:-censored]!
..Wouldn't mind if we had 150 new maps in the next Soldat version...
July 14, 2004, 5:04 pm
quote:Originally posted by Hitman
quote:added 150 new levels (30 new episodes)Holy [:-censored]!
..Wouldn't mind if we had 150 new maps in the next Soldat version...
I mind
Unlucky 13
July 15, 2004, 9:55 am
Y would u mind???
PS: k, i no, more time etc...