March 24, 2004, 9:27 am
"The Jedi are often regarded as "Wizards" or "Mystics" by those who do not have their fantastic powers..."
...Master Vodo Siosk-Baas
This site is not meant to be a base for any kind of a religious belief. If you refer to the BBC news article, we were not asked to be mentioned there. In the end, it is pretty sad if you try to oppose people for their right of free speech and religious belief. You can believe whatever you want, however you may not dismantle those who believe something else. But you may of course read into that what is written on this site. Enjoy your journey to another land. And keep in mind - we all do have a life. Remember this site wasn't updated since August 2000. There is more to do in a life than to live on the web. Have fun with the philosophy that is told here.
Welcome, Seekers of Knowledge!
You have embarked upon a journey of self discovery. Here you can learn the ways of the Force. If you do not find what you seek, have patience. Patience is the key to understanding. May the Force be with you...
You cannot control the way the Force flows, but you cannot forget the other side - the light or dark. If it's a truth, you cannot tell, if it's a lie, you cannot judge. All you can gather is your knowledge if you listen to that what your heart tells you. Be enlightened.
Here we would like to provide an interesting, and yet realistic way to learn about the Force and the Jedi culture. We know that there are many people out there who would be very skeptical about the entire idea of the Force. For some, this may simply be a place to point your finger and laugh. It may be something that is passed by, and not given a second thought. But for other people who are interested in learning more about themselves, and the energy that leads them and is created by all living things, will be interested in this place - a place for learning and understanding. That is what we hope to accomplish here: To allow you to realize and gather the knowledge.
We would also like to explain why we said 'realistic' above. While the Jedi Creed website may seem like an RPG (Role Playing Game) based web site, this is not ultimately true. The Force is something that exists in all of us, and beyond ourselves. So, we wish to offer a way of teaching that can be used in your everyday life. For example: We realize that a Jedi's abilities today is not like in Star Wars, a tale which happened a long time ago in the "future". Neither we, the members of The Jedi Creed, claim that we can levitate things or read peoples' minds. Yet there are times which come to our notice, as when we are able to see the future, like everyone else can do. Some name it "Dejavu", others think of a "Vision"... there are many names for such experiences with the creation of life that surrounds us.
But that is not to say that it isn't possible. Anything is possible. It is the simple matter of believing. We may not be able to do things like this today, but think about the possibilities 100, 200, or 1,000 years from now. We are capable of so much more than we think. Remember that our human brain only uses about 15 to 20 percent of its capability. We must understand that we are capable of so much more than what we already know. Here at The Jedi Creed... We hope to inspire you into realizing your abilities.
...The Jedi Creed
The Creed
What is Creed?
Creed is a very important thing that we all must face within ourselves and others. Our faith...what we believe in. What our principles are. What we teach each other as well as ourselves. And simply who and what we are. We must understand that our Creed is what makes us, we don?t make it. We didn?t invent it, it invented us. We believe what we believe because we are what we are. Created from life itself.
The Jedi Creed is the faith in a Force that exists in all things. We are one with it. We can?t run away from it simply because it exists within ourselves. We are part of it, and we spread our Creed, our principles, our teachings, and our words of faith to others that seek it. Our knowledge is here so that others may that you may find your own answers. So that you can make the decisions for your own self.
To be enlightened is to understand your own Creed. To be educated and to be taught of the ways in which we are part of, in which we are made of. Ones who believe in perusing the truth. To be wise, to respect others and to listen and learn from those who live and has lived we do now.
We are the caretakers. We are the peacemakers. We are the truth, the just, the order of peace. We are Jedi.
...Jedi Relan Volkum
Light Unity Rising
The Jedi Connection
The Potential of Words
Language of the Spirit
The Mysterious Force
Use the Force
The Barriers of the Intellect
Infinite Faith
Your life as the Galaxy
A Hero Lies in You
The Tao of You
The All of Everything
Grasping The Imagination
"To grasp the cunning of the Force is to be fated with infinite enlightenment, yet also with desired uncertainty."
...Omicron, Jedi Mediator
Light Unity Rising
Most of you might know the saying, "The more things change, the more they stay the same." It may sound like a contradiction to you, yet there is much truth behind the words if you look beyond their typical meaning. First of all you will realize throughout history in which one will strive to change things for the better, yet it will also have a negative aspect--the aspect that many persons will be more willing to not change at all.
Is unity possible? Some it seems do not believe such, yet I do not conceive how that is so, due to the fact that there is no contradiction. Everything is provided for a particular reason, whether or not that reason will bring forth a valuable result. Sometimes, or rather most of the times, uncertainty will rise with the positive shed of unity. "Do we have the faith and courage to teach them the truth?" most leaders and followers ask themselves. When a Jedi finds corruption, one reacts in a way that can be rather disturbing, yet it must be done in order to shed reality into the matter. Sometimes we must do this through illusionary acts, such as portraying many unique personalities so that we can guide those that need our help.
Luke Skywalker taught us this perception rather well, when walking in the Palace of the Hutt. By viewing himself to others as a cunning, crafty Jedi Knight, many creatures, including Jabba himself, took him for granted. It practically saved his life.
Sometimes we are going to be forced into situations in which one must rise up to the challenge, creating a change that would lead persons out of tragedies and into enlightenment. It sometimes can cost that person's name to be tarnished, disrupting their reputation and creating a newer form of chaos. Yet for the chaos that shed, it will overall influence one Jedi gatekeeper to literally save a thousand souls.
For all of those who do not believe unity can exist, ask yourself what makes you different--what makes you unique? You see, we realize that unity can exist in ourselves as well as the outside world, in which we clearly realize that our distinctions is that which creates similarity and bonding. Opposites attract. So do uniqueness. If everyone was like you, would you want to always be with them? Not really. You are always looking for someone that is different and does things differently. It may sound like a contradiction, yet it is not. It literally creates unity.
So for those times that do bring about change, grasp the wisdom that it is always the person following the fool who is truly more foolish then the fool itself. Stand up for something when you find the fates disturbing.
...Jedi Relan Volkum
The Jedi Connection
Communication is a stamina that is exists in us all. We cannot exist without it. Every being must be touched, and must touch others, in ways of physical, mental, and spiritual involvements. To touch another with ourselves is to share universes, to share and switch different pieces to solve our own puzzles. Our puzzles cannot be solved with the pieces we are given. We must exchange. We must transact. We must give, and receive. It is what creates the resource for the machine, the invention of the cycle of life.
We must all come to join the feast. This is unity. Only as one voice are we truly free, and the only way to become one voice is to be united as one, to be connected, and to experience each and every ones life. Restrictions cannot stop it. The same as it is for a being to be the ruler of The Force. The Force is what rules, knows, and understands itself. Nothing is over it. It is it?s own sovereign, which lets us use a part of itself, to be part of what it is.
Our own mysteries lie within ourselves. We must question authority, as well as preserve it. We must trust, and we must share. We are all connected, and must stay connected, and will be connected, always. To be disconnected is to be lost, to be without. This simply cannot be.
We can?t cheat it, or swindle it. We give is what we pass and interchange. What we swap and barter. What we trade and converse. What we commune and what we connect with. We carry on. It is the key of our lives.
Unity is the key.
...Jedi Relan Volkum
The Potential of Words
Words are a part of connection - it is a way of expressing ourselves to others in a way we can express them. It gives meaning, it gives imagination, it gives warmth and comfort. To understand and comprehend the definition and the meaning of words, of language and speech, people will dare to listen. And will be given hope, faith, and love.
To listen is what a Jedi focuses on. To learn and to heed is our vision. And to gain literacy and to become literate, this objective will take place. To be impartial, unprejudiced, unbiased of discerning others? views. To listen and to recognize all aspects of the equation. The equation of truth.
We talk, write, and express-- yet we must also think before we leap. The matter and the element of illustration is to adapt to the phase and to understand it?s angle. It?s definition and it?s meaning. To the best of our ability.
Others will turn and notice, more will listen and learn. It can tear a compassionate heart or save a hopeless soul. People notice it?s flaws as well as it?s excellence, and notice it well. The potential of words is great beyond measure. It is a gift to us from The Force. Use it wisely.
...Jedi Relan Volkum
Language of the Spirit
As with all of us, we have a language in which we express ourselves. Even though we learn of other languages, we can mostly relate and give more feeling to the language we were raised in or more familiar to. Our mother language.
And just like any language, you can translate it for another language and give a meaning. Even though you can do this, you can never acquire a precise definition. In other words, every word from any language...has it?s own and exact meaning. And even if you use the same exact word to another, it may not come out the same way to another. The definition of the words is undefined or infinite...many answers. Same as it is with a language, which uses words to express feeling to someone else.
That is a physical approach. Now think of it in a spiritual comparison.
Think of language as a religion, a way of feeling and expression of an individual...and think of the words given from our apparent dialect as our way of life, or what we understand and fathom, in that religion. And as always, you can learn another language. Yet every word, every form of expression, remains perfect and unique. As with a group of people that speak a certain language, their are groups that believe a certain religion...and tell it to others so that they can also learn of it's meaning.
Religion...or our the language of the spirit. And as we find our own Creed, we find that we must find our own religion, our own way of life, unique, and like no other. These are the words of expression through our language...that defines it. And yet, to not believe is to believe in not believing. You still believe in something. We all have a religion, even if it is to not believe in religion. You see, it is still a religion.
We have our own form of expression, each and every one of us. We must all find our own Creed. Our own language of our own souls.
...Jedi Relan Volkum
The Mysterious Force
They say that the Force that can be named and spoken, is not the eternal Force. The Force is that which cannot be spoken of, or fathomed by the human mind. As ancient Tao Masters described it, darkness within darkness. The gate to all mystery.
You may say that this is all new to you. Everything you've learned was completely different from your normal life. But is it really? Is it really new? Or was it already with you? The knowledge of the Force. The depth of all knowledge.
Did you find the Force, or did the Force find you? Its guidance is there from beginning to end, yet is has no beginning. It has no end. But only when the realization is made once again, do you once again become aware of it.
The mystery behind the Force is enough to keep one philosophizing to no end. Instead of seeking for an answer to the mystery, embrace it. Feel the mystery and the incomprehensible nature of the Force.
When you have no answer, you will understand.
...Jedi Streen
Use the Force
The Mythology of Star Wars. The title of the PBS show scrolled up onto my television screen on the preview channel much like the opening to Star Wars itself. I immediately flipped to the channel and was rewarded with the smiling face of George Lucas. I had unfortunately missed most of the show, but after listening to the conversation with the interviewer, something caught my attention. They began talking about "a leap of faith". Mr. Lucas added by saying,"Well that's what 'Use the Force' really means, to take that leap of faith". This intrigued me. Never in my entire career as a Jedi had I been given this perspective on the nature of the Force.
Let's flashback for a moment. At the end of Star Wars, Luke Skywalker recieved a message from Obi-wan Kenobi to "use the Force". But what did this really mean? Like most people, I assumed this meant that he let the Force flow through him and guide his actions. However, I've found this to not be the whole truth. Luke was in esssence taking a leap of faith. To trust in himself that he could do what the Rebellion was counting on him to do.
Throughout your day, you'll probably have many oppurtunities to question yourself, and your abilities. Instead of being nervous and frustrated, turn off the navicomputer, and "Use the Force"..."Let go"...
Take a leap of faith.
...Jedi Streen
The Barriers of the Intellect
As humans, we each have a very unique perspective. We each look at the world in a completely different way because of our experiences, and our biases. It is something we should be greatful for. Individuality.
Yet, there is a problem. Along with individuality, comes opinion, and sides to an argument, and different version of TRUTH.
Relan taught me something very important. If we are ever to have unity, we must knock down these barriers that seperate us merely because of our point of view. Instead of only seeing a certain part of the picture, look at the whole thing. Come to understand other perspectives, even if you don't necesarilly agree with them. In fact, don't agree. Don't disagree either. Just look at it as it is, and the truth will come forth.
You see, the world has become very segregated because of stubborness, and unwillingness to at least listen to another side. Be the open-minded one. Open your eyes to the world. Remember, though, you need unity within yourself, before there can be unity in the world.
"I say it's time to knock the barriers down. I'm tired of seeing things only as one way. It's time to see it all." "I've been looked down [upon] for believing that. They say I'm not one of them sometimes. Some say I speak truth, yet I strive to see it in them." (Jedi Relan)
...Jedi Streen
Infinite Faith
Long time ago in Italy, a Greek named Zeno came up with an interesting situation which, in a logical setting, could not be solved. He called it Achilles and the Tortoise.
Using simple logic, he couldn't prove that Achilles, a great warrior, could ever win a race between a slow tortoise. Sure, Achilles was physically fit, yet could mathematics prove that he would win, even if we know he will win?
In order to get anywhere, Zeno would insight, you must get halfway there. However, to get to the halfway point, you must first get halfway to that point, and so on and so forth. In other words, in order to get anywhere, even to begin to move, you must first perform an infinity of other movements.
How do we move? Can we prove that we move from one place to another? Zeno gave a situation where it seems impossible for anything to move at all. Yet we move. Why? Do we assume that someone like Achilles will win a tortoise because of our experiences? Or is it believing? Can't we prove something that is so simple and elementary in or lives? A small infant could figure it out by just existing, yet still to this day, the greatest genius cannot prove why.
Achilles and the Tortoise taught me a valuable lesson. Some things, simple as they seem, cannot always be proven to another. Sometimes one has to experience and understand it for themselves. That is when they know it is true. We believe things happen as they do - that is why they happen. We call it Faith, or Creed... to believe in something that we can't comprehend nor fathom. It is when logic cannot solve all our problems. Sometimes we just need to believe in something. Something we know exist that can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
We believe that Achilles will win the Tortoise, so he does. Yet we must realize that it is possible that the Tortoise could win, if we believed it just the same as will Achilles. With Faith, we can move mountains - all we need to do is believe it is possible. And it is.
Things exist because we believe in something. With infinite Faith, anything is possible.
...Jedi Relan
Your life as the Galaxy
One day I was sitting watching a tree as it was gently fluttering in the wind. I wondered for a moment if the tree itself was moving on its own, or its movement was simply the result of the wind. I realized I couldn't tell either way. The cause was unseen.
As I sat studying it, I saw the simple profoundness in its movements.
The tree, as I saw it, was and is part of a grander picture. The movements were just as amazing as the turning of the Earth, or of the galaxy. The Force is of a whole, with no boundaries what so ever. The simple movement of a leaf comes from the same source as the grand movements of the universe.
Punch the air, and feel the power of a universe move with your hand.
...Jedi Streen
A Hero Lies in You
Looking back, becoming a Jedi has been a wonderful experience, and was probably the greatest choice I ever made. It seems, however, that the one thing that had always drawn me to Star Wars and the entire notion of the Jedi, has been the myth.
All religions, and societies of the world have them. It is the mystery behind them that has always intrigued me. The idea of becoming part of some greater, or more dramatic lifestyle, in which you are called upon to be the hero. That is something that seems to be the driving power behind many myths. Which, it seems, is not far from the truth in real life.
I am a firm believer that absolutely anything is possible. Something a lot of people have a hard time agreeing with. But I say, why not? Why can't we achieve whatever we desire? The lesson I have learned as a Jedi is that there is no reason that prevents us from doing so. It is a simple matter of having the strength of commitment. To focus on an objective, without ever straying, can be very difficult. It doesn't have to be, though.
If you can look deep inside, and find your inner strength (your inner Godness), then you will become today's hero.
...Jedi Streen
The Tao of You
Have you ever asked yourself, "What am I doing here?" and never quite got an answer?
Have you ever wondered, "If I really wanted to, could I fly?" and truly believed you knew the answer?
Have you ever read a book and become so inspired that you feel the need to meditate?
Have you ever wanted to climb the tallest mountain and gaze across the entire world?
Have you ever stood in the rain, and felt that it was singing to you?
Have you ever felt the embrace of the sun?
Have you ever swept a floor, and felt cleaner within?
Have you ever felt time stand still?
Have you ever known that you've done this before?
Have you ever felt the urge to create worlds?
Have you ever known your path, and taken it?
Have you ever lied to yourself?
Have you ever pleaded to know the secret to life, and realized the answer had already been given?
Do you know what you are doing here?
Do you know that you can fly?
Do you know that you are inspired?
Do you know you are on the mountain?
Do you know that the rain is singing?
Do you know the sun?
Do you know you are the floor?
Do you know, time matters not?
Do you know you have done this?
Do you know you have created worlds?
Do you know you are on your path?
Do you know that you cannot lie anymore?
You have been given the answer. Many times.
Listen to it!
...Jedi Streen
In any universe, the way we live is many times determined by whom we surround ourselves. When one decides to join a group or become part of something that the success of the one depends upon the success of the many. A togetherness that can be given adjectives, but never truly explained. We ask ourselves for a connection that will bind us through the dark times in order to see the light. An alliance that will re-direct the path.
Is it by choice or by fate that the group fighting for power during the first Star Wars trilogy was an alliance? A group of individuals with few cultural similarities, but one common foe. The threat of oppression, which evolves to survival causes many unique and otherwise extraordinary partnerships. Partnerships which may test your previous thoughts about reality, and the society that dwells within. We learn from those who are the closest to us.
At the Jedi Creed, this is the goal. The Force is a religion, entity, and control of self-autonomy that can be understood by few. As more Jedi and adepts enter within this circle, the knowledge will expand until another group grows. We must teach each other the skills that are necessary in order for the Force and the Jedi continuing their evolution along it?s natural course. It disturbs me when some of the greatest followers and carriers of the Force can be deterred so quickly. To the naked eye, the clues that the Force presents go unnoticed by the untrained. Life provides solutions to many of our daily problems, but these solutions may come in disguised forms. We understand that the patience in our observations allows us to assist each other with these hidden clues. Together, we see more.
The key to an alliance is trust. We must all believe that we are working towards one common goal, and if the goal is unclear, communication must be increased. We must all believe that we will always put the needs of the many ahead of the wants of the one. As we know, empathy is a core of the Force. We must all believe that a unified front is the most powerful assemblage. An alliance cannot survive with division. We must all believe that without the alliance, the goal is unattainable.
Enlighten us when you know...
The All of Everything
If you are not familiar with the term "mythology", then I shall explain. In most myths, you may recognize many similarities. There is usually one main 'character', from which comes the story of a path to greatness. There is also a teacher. One whom directs the main character, or ultimately the hero, onto this path, which eventually leads to either the vanquishing of a certain evil person, or to the level of a great warrior or wise man (yet we know now, that war does not make one great). Yet, many of these are told as stories, and are more often than not believed to be nothing more than fairy tales. Do not make this mistake for yourself. You, right now, are also living a myth. You ARE that hero. Trust in this truth, and the Force, and you will see where this can lead you. We are all the heroes. We are all the chosen ones. Yes. Believe it. You have been chosen for great things. If you choose to follow this path, and accept the opportunity that has been given to you, you will therefore see the grand things in life.
There is an old saying; one that seems to be over used among the Jedi today, and has led many apprentices to believe it is untrue. That saying is, "When the student is ready, the master will appear." The Master can come in many forms. Whether it is a physical teacher, or the realization that the true master lies within, it will happen only at a time that it was destined to. All things happen for a reason, and nothing happens outside of the Force's plan.
Destiny, however, is very misunderstood. It is said that destiny is that which is prewritten in past, present and future. Do not be led to believe though, that this means that you have no choice about the path of your life. The fact is that no one, and no-thing can force you to do anything except what it is you want to do in life. Of course, many would use that statement to justify horrible acts. No, you see, that statement is meant to free you from your indecision. Do nothing but what you love to do, and you will see how grand life can be. Choose nothing but love in your decisions, and the rest flows easily. But then what? What of fate? Let us come to a crossroads, just as an example. Imagine you are on the verge of making a very important life decision. Others encourage you to go left, while your feelings tell you to go right. What is your destiny? The answer is very simple. Whichever you choose, IS your destiny. No one in the realm 'beyond' has anything planned for you other than what YOU have planned for YOU.
Our Creation
The part of this philosophy that most will have a difficult time understanding is that the idea, which you have planned for you, as I stated above, works constantly. So not only are you responsible for the positive in your life, but you is also responsible for the negative. You (your soul) create every situation in your life according to what it (your soul) wants. Of course, some may argue that they didn't want to get sick. They didn't want to get into a car accident. This is true. A lot of the time, we do not consciously select these bad situations. But this is where our thought comes in.
Thought is one of the most powerful things we have in life. Learning this and experiencing the ability that we all have comes with some responsibility, however. Our thought races around the world and back again before you can even finish saying the word. The mind-set we are in determines greatly how things turn out in our lives. So not only can you create heaven in your life, but you can also, unfortunately, "put yourself through hell". So what do we do about this? A little something called thought monitoring. If you have a negative thought, recreate the thought into something new. But right here is where one can run into problems. Let's consider something that happens regularly to all of us. Let's say that you start feeling as if you are about to come down with a cold. The first thing that pops into most minds is to resist it. Resist it with all your ability. But what does this show to the mind? It shows that the cold is there, and you are then admitting to having the sickness, and then you will most likely become sick. If, however, you simply observe what it is that made you think you were getting sick, you will see it in a different light. You will see it simply as it is.
Our minds are very powerful tools. I'm sure that many of you have often hoped for the ability to heal yourself with the power of thought, or perhaps the ability to push yourself beyond your normal limits. These abilities are not far fetched at all, and are in fact quite common. However, they do not come with a price. They take a great deal of control so that you do not accidentally use that same ability to create more limits, as opposed to going past them. A negative thought pattern, coupled with a powerful mind, can be a dangerous thing. Instead of practicing your ability in the power of your thought, maintain control itself first. Practice an ability to control your thoughts. Concentrate, while being aware. For example: if you had the power to levitate things with your mind, yet had no control over any objects, what would prevent you from throwing a rock through a window? Practice keeping "the rock" steady first.
There is no pain for a Jedi
The more advanced concept of this philosophy (which would be wise to study only after you've maintained control) connects to the statement above: There is no pain for a Jedi. You may have heard or read this statement before, and wondered about how to actually go about implementing it into your life. There are many ways, but to stay on track with the current subject, we will discuss The Void. The Void, which has a very deep connection to Taoism, is what most Jedi ultimately seek. The Tao of all things is believed to be void, and therefore is the deepest mystery of all: "Darkness within darkness". To connect with this Void can be a very enlightening experience, which I feel can be most commonly reached through meditation. When one realizes that the reality around him is nothing more than an illusion, then where is there room for pain and suffering? The physical concept is only the surface of the greatest being, but is still, part of that great being. Therefore, admit that none of it is real and the pain melts away, for you begin to understand what is 'beyond' this concept: the source of all things. I placed the word 'beyond' in quotes for a reason. See if you can realize (that is, real-is) why.
This Void has a deep connection to our very being. The Void clings to nothing. It is neither 'here', nor 'not here'. It is everywhere, and it is nowhere (now-here). The Void is within, and the void is without. To enter into the Void is a very high level of existence, and is therefore, not easy to attain. In life, being of the Void allows to you be "not expecting", and therefore, never disappointed. It allows you to flow with your very being, and the existence of everything around you. Something very important to remember though is the Force is not simply a void. It is also that which is not void. It is existence and non-existence at the same time. The all of everything.
...Jedi Streen
Grasping The Imagination
Why are these believers doing the weird things they do?
There are some people that abetted me to perceive that what I am doing is very demented and senseless, to the point they want to reject my words and teachings entirely. I myself often wonder at times, when I truly begin to notice and observe the riveting things I am doing. Sometimes it is perplexing for me to grasp them. "Did I really say that?" I often say to myself. And I realize...that what I just said did not exactly come from within my own tongue.
Enlightenment advances from the eyes of your heart, the hands of your soul, and the voice of your mind. Our teachings here are very metaphorical and very soothsaying to the point that if one does not open the door to the other parts of themselves, and look always through the eye yet not with it, they will not understand the eccentric speeches and lectures that we speak of. We are here to open your imagination, in any way we can possible do so, however bizarre, in order for you to realize yourself and who you really are. When we use the abilities of the Force, and when the Force enters us, causing us to speak and perform things that are so peculiar to another, it is simply wanting to recapture us. Help us understand the mighty paradox we contribute to our fellow being.
We are not about telling the future as much as we are about telling the now. The changes of now. Our soothsaying and predictions lead us to comprehend what we are doing right now as we speak. Are we living the way we should live? Are we doing the right things that will lead us towards a convalescing future? Can we mend the wrongs, and improve the rights?
The Force is wanting us to wait, wait for it call, however long it may take, however hard it may seem. And when it is ready to use us, and mold us into its own liking, we will receive the knowledge and wisdom to succeed in our cause. You cannot lose. It is not just is the words that make us true...
Ask yourself if you truly, truly that is, want to find peace within your heart, soul, and mind. Do you want to be more then you are? Truly? Don't lie to yourself, for a lie will simply make matters worse as it spreads throughout your being. As a virus, it will corrupt you and it will ravage you. Realize what you truly want in life, and focus on that in everything you do.
I have realized, mostly from some of my peers, that the imagination which keeps me going and striving to expand the goodness beyond the shadows of death and sorrow, that seem to hide in unreachable corners that I can achieve, is vital to my survival. I cannot exist if I do not grasp and envisage the perfection that can exist...and will exist. And is existing. This is why I know I cannot give up so easy, yet evil will simply notice me more, and will take more evasive actions to silence me shut. Though I may be in pain, I will struggle to find the path of interpretation, the ways of wisdom, and of credence. I hope you will do the same.
Grasp your imagination. It is wanting you to understand its true meaning.
...Jedi Relan Volkum
The Force: The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. Do. Or do not, there is no try.
"It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together. For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire."
...Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi
"One will be enlightened, one will face their destiny... one will see, one will be blinded..."
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
"Concentrate. Feel the Force flow. Not outside or inside, but part of all it is. Through the Force, things you will see. Reaches across time and space it does. Other places. The future... the past. Old friends long gone. Always in motion is the future. Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not. For my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life it creates, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we... not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you. Here, between you... me... the tree... the rock... everywhere! In balance is the Force. The Dark and the Light. With out one, there is no other. The Dark Side, tempting it is. Quick, easy at first, but a trap is the Dark Side. Corrupting, evil. Once you start down the Dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. For the Light Side, patience you need. Control. Peace and harmony it is."
...Jedi Master Yoda
#1)Does the Force use the Jedi, or the Jedi use the Force?
#2)Development of Existence
#3)The path of Darkness
#4)A Jedi's greatest ally is the Force
#5)Feeling In Connection with the Jedi Code
A)The light side of the Force is the way of the true Jedi. To follow it is to follow the path to enlightenment, and to peace.
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B)Pure rage and hate-filled aggression are the essence of the Dark Jedi. They are the children of the Dark Side.
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C)The very nature of the Sith often defies any satisfying explanation. Their ways seem alien, and that in itself can be alluring to some. I hesitate to risk an in-depth discourse of their powers for that sole reason...
... more ...
1)Does the Force use the Jedi, or the Jedi use the Force?
To use the Force, one must be at harmony with it. Only when you are calm and at peace, then you can act with the assurance of control which is needed. When one - you - is at harmony with the entire creation of the Force, the universe, then you act as you must maintain the harmony of all - inside, outside. The will of the Force and of yourself are one way, the one who acts as an actor and the ones acted upon must be the same same. There is no contradiction: there is unity. You are. And because of this, that is the path of Light.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
2)Development of the Existence
From lifelessness came life, from dead matter came spirit. With life came perception: the perception of beauty and ugliness, serenity and fear. The Force grew strong as life grew stronger. Life is the universe's way of perceiving itself, the Force is the strength of its perception. As life grew, evolved, became more sophisticated, there came intelligence - and with it, the capacity of understanding. Intelligent beings questioned the universe, and when they were clever enough to ask the questions in the right way, the universe answered. The Force became stronger, more sophisticated, as intelligence spread and sapient's knowledge of the universe deepened.
Yet the nature of the Force is hidden and subtle. Questions about the nature of matter and energy are more easily answered. Intelligent beings developed a high technology by understanding of physical law - yet understanding of the universe's mystical nature lagging behind. Intelligent beings built advanced cultures which were cold, cruel, ignorant of the beat of reality's heart.
So stood the galaxy, until the rise of the Jedi. They studied the Force, they took first few steps on the road to universal harmony. As their mastery deepened, as their fame spread, and as their works began to bring harmony and freedom to the galaxy, they were betrayed. For the Force is not itself good or evil, it is a reflection of nature, and nature itself can be cold and cruel. Evil ones can harness the force to their will - and, by doing so, lose something of their humanity, becoming virtual avatars of the Dark Side of the Force. For the Master of the Dark Side, as for a Master of the Light, it cannot be said whether one controls the Force, or the Force the Master, to ask which is the actor and which the acted upon is a question of no meaning. It was inevitable that some would use the Force to slake their base lust for wealth and power. The Dark Side is easy and seductive, the first successes brought thirst for more. These evil ones brought the great Jedi low, hunting down and killing all of their ancient order. All - or almost all.
...Jedi Master Yoda and Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
3)The path of Darkness
There is another path of the Force - the path of Darkness. The universe is an angry morass of power. To release that power, one must harness one's basest emotions: hate, anger, fear, agression. By releasing one's own anger, one releases the anger of eternity. Only when filled with hate, can one perform the most hateful of acts. The will and the Force are one. That is the choice of the Jedi: serenity or hatred, peace or anger, freedom or tyranny, learning or power, the Light or the Darkness. Because the use of the Force and the way the Force uses its user are one, the choice is inescapable. A Jedi who starts down the path of the Dark Side will forever be dominated by it. That is why the Jedi must follow a strict code.
To use the Force, the Jedi must remain at harmony with it. To act in dissonance depletes one's power.
The Force is created and sustained by life. The Jedi acts to preserve life. To kill is wrong.
Yet it is often necessary to kill. The Jedi may kill in self defense or the defense of others. You may kill if, by doing so, life is preserved.
But you must know, always, that killing is wrong. When you kill, you commit a crime against the Force. Though you may know that you do so for the greater good, and the greater good justifies your act, you must also know that the death remains as a stain upon your spirit.
The Jedi does not act for personal gain, of wealth or of power. You must act to gain knowledge, to sustain freedom, life, and learning, to defeat those who would impose tyranny, death and ignorance.
Sometimes, wealth or power is needed to achieve the Jedi's goals. Money is required for the purchase of goods, power is required to obtain the help of others. To achieve one's goals, a Jedi may obtain wealth or power, but is not interested in it for its own sake, and will surrender it once those goals are achieved.
A Jedi never acts from hatred, anger, fear or aggression. A Jedi must act when calm, at peace with the Force. To act from anger is to court the Dark Side, to risk everything for which the Jedi stand.
...Jedi Master Yoda and Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
4)A Jedi's greatest ally is the Force
Jedi's use of the Force is his greatest skill and most difficult achievement.
The Force is a powerful field created by all living things, it surrounds and penetrates the entire galaxy... but it does not fall to everyone to use it as a source of insight and power.
A Jedi from the beginning must do what most men cannot, develop a sensitivity to this Force. He must actually feel it, feel his oneness with it, feel it tangible flow through him, then his conscious awareness must join the Force so that the knowledge through the Force will become his own.
At some point a Jedi learns to abandon reliance on his own mind and its effort. He learns to stretch out with his feeling, to let go of his limited idea of himself, and to move with the deeply instinctive levels of his being. By listening, by becoming peaceful, by turning his attention to the Force, he finds that place where his individuality is joined to the knowledge and power of the universe.
At some point a Jedi becomes one with the force. It consumes him, penetrates him, makes him part of all living things.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
5)Feeling In Connection with the Jedi Code
"Remember. Concentrate on the moment. Feel...don?t think. Use your instincts."
...Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn
"You must do what you feel is right, of course."
...Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi
"You must feel the Force around you."
...Jedi Master Yoda
"Search your feelings father. You can't do this. I feel the conflict in you."
...Jedi Master Luke Skywalker
As for a Jedi?s concern, one must strive to understand when the importance of feeling should be looked upon. Just a simple feeling can be a crucial weapon, either to save a soul or to slay a being. Feeling is a two-edged Lightsabre so to speak, in which you must comprehend when and how to use it. A Jedi involved with the Force should understand and know the balance of feeling.
Qui-Gon pointed this conception out when training Obi-Wan. Later, Obi-Wan used the that conception in which he learned from Qui-Gon, and pointed that out to Luke. Luke later pointed it out from Obi-Wan and Yoda to his father Anakin. You see, this realization was given at times when one was thinking and not knowing by instinct, having to much doubt and misconception that would lead them astray towards the path of the Dark Side. For Obi-Wan, it was not believing in his actions while in training. For Luke, it was a remembrance of how his Uncle Owen was preventing him from not getting involved. For Anakin (Darth Vader), it was the pride influenced by Emperor Palpatine (Darth Sidious) in not wanting to face the truth of who he was. Even Darth Maul's actions in the duel that cost him his death is another example that a Jedi should realize.
Obi-Wan, Luke, and Anakin were examples of when we use too much action and too much thought, in which we do not have control. We become like robots, as symbolized with Darth Vader, in which we cannot function nor give compassion, and the Force cannot affect us as much as it should. It is only when letting go of your fears and your disbelieves will the Force use you and live inside you, providing you the inspiration to find your abilities.
Remember, as said in the Jedi Code, "There is no emotion, there is peace...There is no ignorance, there is knowledge." Some can?t understand why it says this and some Jedi I find later on don?t agree with it, since Yoda, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Luke expressed that one should have relied on their feelings, not as much on thoughts and actions. Yet you have to also realize why they said that when they did. The reason for them stating such in that certain moment of time.
You see, feeling for a Jedi is used to control doubt. And once you control that doubt, you then should have reliance upon your knowledge and actions in which the Force will guide you with. In other words, when you balance the comprehension of feeling upon your other abilities such as thought and action, you are in control.
By understanding this concept, the Jedi remind each other when they are to lost in doubt upon only thought and action to rely on feeling. It is for the sake of equilibrium with the Force. Yet, to obtain feeling, we should realize when to use it. How much of it we use in our decisions, our choices, and our commitments. Remember that the Jedi uses balance. If you are troubled, it is probably because you have lost that balance, whether it be only thought, only action, or only feeling.
Know and realize the truth. Let your instincts remind you of what is right. You will always, always know a Jedi when you look upon how that person controls his feelings, his thoughts, and his actions. Remember the power of feeling, and when it should be used and pointed out to another Jedi, as with Obi-Wan, Luke, and Anakin. Realize the truth and connection. And lastly, understand how it gives balance to the code.
When you do this, you will again step into a larger world.
...Jedi Relan Volkum
A) Follow the path of the light to learn and prosper.
The light side of the Force is the way of the true Jedi. To follow it is to follow the path to enlightenment, and to remain at peace. Unlike the dark path, the light path is a long and difficult journey. It takes patience, and control. While the dark side is quick and destructive, the light side is life giving, and powerful. It is in no way weaker than the dark side, the Jedi simply needs to work harder for it, and therefore is more understanding and helpful.
...Jedi Streen
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no death, there is the Force.
This is the Jedi's code. And to use the Force, the Jedi must remain at harmony with it. To act in dissonance depletes one's power. The Force is created and sustained by life. The Jedi acts to preserve life. To kill is wrong. Yet it is often necessary to kill. The Jedi may kill in self defense or the defense of others. You may kill if, by doing so, life is preserved.
A Jedi never acts from hatred, anger, fear or aggression. A Jedi must act when calm, at peace with the Force. To act from anger is to court the Dark Side, to risk everything for which the Jedi stand.
For the Light Side, patience you need. Control. Peace and harmony it is that gives a Jedi the strength.
...Jedi Master Yoda and Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
"You will know. When you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack."
...Jedi Master Yoda
"Search your feelings, you know it to be true."
The answers are there. We spend our lives day in and day out... asking... pleading... begging to know what our purpose is.
For some it leads to depression. We find that we have become lost, and that the world makes no sense anymore. This is a great tragedy, for we need not know where hell exists, because we have just experienced it.
Do not forget, my friend. For you see, you cannot. All that is needed is within you. You know the answers already. You know what your great purpose in life is. Now you must fulfill it. Heaven is where you now stand.
We wonder if we are alone in the universe. But we already know the answer.
We wonder if we are 'the chosen one'. But we already know the answer.
We wonder if someone is helping us. But we already know the answer.
We wonder about that which cannot be spoken of... the great mystery of the universe... the silence within you that you have felt all your life... but you already know the answer.
The answers do not lie in the great beyond. They are held in the hands of the greatest keeper: you. There is no great beyond. There is simply the great within.
You are not alone, my friend. You never have been, and you never will be. Your guiding light is there to show you what you've been pleading to know.
Stand my friends, and reach up to it.
Enter into a universe unknown.
Can you see yourself there?
Not long will it stay, and once again it will be born,
Taking another breath.
An explosion of joy and creation
And it begins again.
In the blink of the eye of Eternity,
Will you stop to look?
Shall you venture to its great reaches?
...Jedi Streen
B)Beware the Dark Side...
Pure rage and hate-filled aggression are the essence of the Dark Jedi. They are the children of the Dark Side. The Dark Jedi seem unbound by code or rule. They do as they wish in order to fulfill their dark desires for themselves or, in turn, for their masters. Fear, anger, and hate are what power the Dark Jedi. The Jedi themselves have a code, yet in fact, the Dark Jedi have a code of their own as well:
There is no peace, there is anger.
There is no fear, there is power.
There is no death, there is immortality.
There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side.
A Code only used by the strongest of the Jedi, the Darksiders. Their abilities and powers prove opposite of their counterparts, but without one, the other would cease to exist. For Millennia the Jedi have been the guardians of peace and justice until the reign of Palpatine. His plans proved as wise decisions. With the extermination of the Jedi, those who challenge the Dark Side of the Force have no chance to win such a conflict. Without the Force, one is weak and easily crushed. If there are less of those who are Force attuned, then those few are virtually superior. In order for the Jedi to be defeated, their powers must be stricken from them and then turned against them. Then the true nature of the Dark Side will once again shadow this galaxy, as it was meant to be.
...Lord Darth Scorn
The Focus of the Dark Side
Unlike the Light Side of the Force, which embraces the whole, the entire focus of the Dark Side is the self. The appeal of the Dark Side is its very destructiveness and its isolation. Those who seek power for selfish reasons find comfort in its narcissistic gaze. The Dark Side emphasizes aggrandizement of self to the exclusion of others. In this way, rage and anger are turned into sources of strength.
Many are attracted to the Dark Side because its selfish nature allows great and showy deeds. The ease with which power is summoned belies its danger, for anger and hatred consume the individual even as one dominates one's surroundings. Ultimately, the Dark Side rejects the very celestial nature of life itself. To the Jedi, the Force is not a part of their existence, it is their existence. To a student of the Dark Side, this is incomprehensible.
It is not uncommon for Dark Side students to go into the wilderness, much as their Light Side counterparts do. The crucial difference is that the Light Jedi goes into the wilderness to commune with the wild. The Dark Side follower goes to separate himself from the community of life. There, in isolation, a Dark Side follower can perfect his or her own oneness with the Dark Side, and revel in that corruption. Yet in the Dark Side are anger and hatred and isolation and... fear. That fear drives the Jedi to isolation, jealousy and desire to be the most powerful of all.
This very predatory nature sparks battles of dominance when several Dark Jedi or Dark Side Adepts gather. Sometimes these are violent confrontations, other times they involve subtle mind games or diplomatic discussions, but make no mistake, there will be some attempt to assert control over each other. The violent nature of the Dark Side often leads to betrayal and bloodshed.
Not only does this fratricidal tendency discourage long term cooperation among Adepts, it has also hindered the passing of knowledge. Whereas the Jedi and other servants of the Light Side have established great libraries and oral traditions to advance their work and educate succeeding generations, those of the Dark Side have few such institutions. Many never record their knowledge for fear it may aid an enemy. Others are too arrogant to allow others to learn from their mistakes.
...Master Vodo Siosk-Baas
Beware the Dark Side
The Dark side is very powerful. To use it even once, would be to become its slave. The dark jedi use their anger, and their hatred to fuel that power. When walking into the wilderness, a light jedi does so to commune with nature. To rediscover himself. The dark jedi, however, does so to be away from civilization. To concentrate on his selfish desires.
Be cautious... those who are dark, may appear to be light. It applies the other way too: the light may appear to be dark. One may smile... and smile, and be a villian. Dark jedi are, by reputation, good at manipulation.
Many places are domains of evil. They seem to be focuses of the dark side. Luke learned of this during his training with Yoda on Dagobah, when Yoda told him to enter the cave by odd looking tree. There have been speculations about the reason for the strange - as for the dark side emanations from the cave. One has been that the Dark Jedi Master once lived there. Whatever the reason, Yoda sent Luke into it, telling him,"Your weapons... you will not need them".
Luke's mistake was he did not trust his Master and took his weapons anyway. Within he had a battle with a vision which appeared in the form of Vader, his father. However, it turned out to be himself he was fighting. He learned this unfortunately after he had already failed the test that his Master Yoda had put him through. All Jedi take this test. It decides which path will be taken. Kyp Durron took a similiar test if you recall. Luke sent him into the temple of the one who had convinced Kyp that to learn the Sith ways, was the right path... Exar Kun. If you have not heard this story, tell me, and I can tell you. Or you can just go out and buy the book. On your journey, expect to be tested in this way. It is different for everyone.
...Jedi Streen
Who shall succeed?
The darkness that is within us all must be nourished and set free before the time comes when it will be extinguished. Withought the darkness that we each carry, we are but weak vessles in this a universe with stronger individuals.
Only the strong survive, and if you intend to live within these worlds I hope you can fight and fight well. If you are lucky enough to have the Force at your side... use it.
There are those that say the dark side of the force is not the correct way. I can only dissagree. I was born into a world where there was nothing but the dark side, and that is how I have chosen to live. If you dissagree, then I can only pity you.
The Universe is but a code of systemetic graphs and numbers in which you can unlock codes. To unlock these codes is to know the secrets of life and death. If the dark side of the Force has already succeeded in living beyong normal length, and destroying thousands of Jedi, who do you think shall succeed later?
...Matoaka Luna Kenobi
Oath of the Dark Jedi
I am the Heart of Darkness.
I know no fear,
But rather instill it in my enemies.
I am the destroyer of worlds.
I know the power of the Dark Side.
I am the fire of hate.
All the Universe bows before me.
I pledge myself to the Darkness.
For I have found true life,
In the death of the light.
...Matoaka Luna Kenobi
A Dark Apprentice
The darker side of the Force is your need, your desire, your thought. It makes you, it will construct you, it will give you the power to feed your mind with the life of the universe.
With the dark side of the force, you are stronger. You can act faster, lighter and more powerful than others.
Tempting it is, luring it is, seductive it is. This is the Dark Side of the Force. Consume it if you can, lay it off if you cannot. It is always present, there is no escape of your destiny. Be warned of the dark side, it makes you so strong. And in time you shall learn more, my young apprentice....
...Lord Darth Rawn
The Jedi Test Phenomenon
The dark side can be a very tricky thing. Many believe that it is restricted to the temptations of anger and hatred, but this is not necessarily so. For the dark side can assume many forms.
Throughout a Jedi's training and development, many obstacles may arise. I do not speak of the physical. Leading a spiritual life can be extremely difficult at times, and many an apprentice has been unprepared for this, including myself at one time.
Because of the difficulty of leading such a way of life, you may find yourself more than willing to give up. Or you may at one point feel that you've lost your energy, or your inspiration to continue. In other words, you may forget why you are doing what you are doing. This is something that I've come to notice occurs with many apprentices, and Jedi.
These "tests" as I've come to define them, can occur often. They do not get easier as you progress. This is the dark side of yourself (or the Force, however you wish to believe it), tempting you. This temptation will not come in the form of anger or frustration most of the time. More often than not, it will feel more like a depression. However, don't let this fool you! If you ever had any energy to be spiritual, it does not go away. Unless you give in, which is what I am warning you not to do. Don't let the dark side win. Ride it out, so to speak. It passes, and in the end you will find that you've learned something from the experience.
Each time you remain strong, you win a small victory inside yourself. You may not understand now, but you will in time.
...Jedi Streen
To Jedi, the Sith ways may seem alien...
March 24, 2004, 9:30 am
"The very nature of the Sith often defies any satisfying explanation. Their ways seem alien, and that in itself can be alluring to some. I hesitate to risk an in-depth discourse of their powers for that sole reason..."
...Jedi Master Ood Bnar
"Time and again throughout the eons, the power of the Dark Side has advanced with the fury of a storm, sweeping up star system after star system. Only in a great conflagration were the forces of the Dark Side defeated..."
...Jedi Master Odan Urr
C)The Sith
The Sith were an ancient race of insect-like humanoids, characterized by its dark, red skin, cranial horns, and long bony chins. There were several subspecies of Sith, each with its own place in their society. Some were slaves, other were warriors, and the highest caste of all were the magicians. They lived in a remote sector of the ancient galaxy, and were unknown to most until a group of Jedi Knights discovered their existence. The early Sith regarded the Dark Jedi as gods. The Force-sensitive Sith magicians proved to have control over the Dark Side of the Force, and the Jedi took many of their tomes and teachings back to study. They hoped to determine ways to avoid the Dark Side, but a group of Jedi found the allure of the Dark Side and the Sith teachings too powerful. They rose up against their Masters, but were not yet powerful enough to defeat them. The Dark Jedi were banished from the Old Republic, and chose to flee across the galaxy to the worlds of the true Sith. Over the millennia, the two groups intermingled, until very little pure Sith blood remained. One of the early Dark Lords of the Sith was Marka Ragnos, who was succeeded by Naga Sadow. Freedon Nadd was a later Dark Lord who was caught by the Jedi Knights on Onderon and entombed there. Nadd's spirit invaded the body and mind of Exar Kun, who eventually became a Dark Lord himself. They developed a rigid hierarchy of magicians and warriors, with the leadership of the brotherhood falling to the current Dark Lord of the Sith. The Sith wrote expansive volumes on the control and use of the Dark Side, and described incredible manifestations of power. Later, they were able to created amulets and weaponry that could assist the user in controlling the Dark Side. These devices amplified the Dark Side, making the user incredibly powerful. Much of the Sith lore was hidden on various worlds when the ancient Jedi Knights first sought to eradicate the Sith. Some was stored on Korriban, some on the moon of Yavin 4. Since that time, the term Sith has come to represent this ancient brotherhood which learned how to harness the Dark Side of the Force and twist it to perform many evil acts.
A new breed of Sith Lords was founded some 2,000 years before the Battle of Yavin by a rogue Jedi Knight who yearned to learn more of the Dark Side of the Force. Together with about 50 followers, this rogue fled the Old Republic and established his own Sith order. With galactic domination on their agenda, these new Sith Lords quickly became distrustful of each other and abusive of their dark side powers. In a short time, they had nearly wiped themselves out again. One Sith Lord remained, a man by the name of Darth Bane. He swore that the Sith would never again vanish from the galaxy, but also made certain that they never grew beyond their means. He established a rigid code by which there could only be a single Sith Lord and a single Sith apprentice. When the Lord finally expired, his current apprentice was promoted and allowed to take their own student. This pairing continued for the next several centuries until Darth Sidious rose to power as the Sith Lord. Sidious eventually took Darth Maul as his apprentice, and hoped to take control of the galaxy by bringing the Old Republic down from the inside. However, Maul was destroyed by Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Sidious? plans were thwarted. Decades later, Emperor Palpatine established Darth Vader as the last Dark Lord through the rigorous training he gave Vader.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
Sith History
The Ancient Path
Little knowledge of the Sith Empire remains. Much of Sith history before the time of Naga Sadow, before the time of Marka Ragnos - 1000 years before the time of Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun - remains masked in shadow, hidden by Sith devotees before the war, or in its aftermath by the Jedi. Only a few Sith strongholds were allowed to survive, and from these the Jedi hoped to gain an insight into Sith powers - they wished to learn the weaknesses of these dark magics so the Sith could never resurrect their fallen Empire. One artifact recovered from one of the few remaining Sith libraries was a Holocron created by Naga Sadow himself. From it the Jedi discovered details of the Sith people, their philosophies and teaching methods, and of their belief in the power of the Dark Side.
Though the Sith held great power, they were primitive and seldom gathered in large groups, and so knowledge of them remained hidden from the Jedi through most of their existence. Then, a catalyst. A fallen Jedi arrived on the homeworld of the Sith and took particular interest in their techniques of drawing power from the Dark side. The fallen Jedi gained control over the Sith and proclaimed himself the first Dark Lord of the Sith, a title which was to plague the galaxy for millennia... his name was Exar Kun.
But this history can be reviewed by reading through the ancient books which illustrated this history.
After these Sith were destroyed, the Sith left this galaxy for another two thousand years. But then, a new struggle arose where a disbanded Jedi found out about the weakness and the strength of the Sith powers.
Recently, new caches of Sith knowledge have been unearthed by new Sith devotees. Should these fanatics learn to use Sith artifacts such as the Sith talisman - then there is no telling what evil spectres may reawaken to spawn a new Sith brotherhood... let us hope it never comes to pass as it did with the second Sith Empire which ended with the name of Palpatine.
The New Era
The Sith originally were a race of people, led by the dark warriors as described previously. I shall continue with the moment that described the new era of the Sith.
About two thousand years before the birth of Anakin Skywalker, a small segment of the Jedi decided to follow the Dark Side of The Force. The new Sith era began to exist when a number of Jedi Knights defected to study the Dark Side of the Force. But these Jedi were banished by the Jedi Council and - as it was reported through ancient documents - found refuge on the planet of the Sith in the same way as the dark warriors did before the rule of the Sith Empire arose.
These Jedi were thought of as gods by the Sith and they easily conquered the planet and enslaved the Sith. This group of Dark Jedi later became known as the Sith and were led by the strongest of their number, who were given the title "Dark Lord of the Sith."
The members of the new Sith clan believed that personal power was more important than anything else. The followers of the Sith soon began to train their own apprentices in the ways of the Dark Side. They formed small groups within the larger order in order to better teach the ways of the Sith. Each of these groups had a leader who had risen to power in his particular clan.
The leader of the clan was given the title "Dark Lord of the Sith". There was only one Dark Lord in each clan at one time. Many Dark Lords were chosen for leadership by the higher Sith Lords and many of them had to defeat their opponents to secure the position. Often, the losers would resort to violent acts in attempt to seize the title and claim revenge. In total, there were 12 Dark Lords of the Sith from the beginning of the cult to the death of Darth Vader. After the cult had reached about 50 members, the Sith Lords began to fight for pure control over the clans. There were many battles for the leadership of the clans and the rank of Dark Lord.
At the same time, the Jedi and the Sith were at war as the dark Sith fought among themselves for leadership. The result of these internal and external battles resulted in a nearly extinct Sith order. In the end all of the Sith coups were supposed to be wiped out by the Jedi Order for another thousands years.
But at the end of this war, one Sith Lord named Darth Bane survived to carry on their order. He remembered the ways of the Jedi who act in a passive, controlled and patient form, and he embeded this strength in the lore of the Sith. He reinvented the Sith to consist of one Dark Lord and one apprentice. This should have made it impossible that inner conflicts would again destroy the Order from inside. They operated in secrecy, waiting for the chance to defeat the Jedi and seek revenge.
About eight or nine years after the birth of Anakin Skywalker, a man called Darth Sidious and his apprentice Darth Maul made their first overt attempt of hostility toward the Jedi. Darth Maul was ordered to hunt down and destroy Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan, Obi Wan Kenobi, but he failed the final goal as he was killed by Obi Wan Kenobi.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
Sith Powers
What are Sith? Sith is an ancient species of lower mindful creatures which lived in the Outer Rim Territories.
But the Jedi see the Sith as a strong opponent in the struggle of life and of the Force. Sith once were fallen Jedi, those who were unable to believe in the light side of the Force. They fell into the darkness, a molten pit of fear, anger, hate and aggression.
But as always, failure leads to enlightenment, and in this way, the dark beings of the Sith Order were able to realize their mistakes. Their inner struggle, the fight against each other made them weak. They assassinated each other until only one was left, and this one was hiding well before the Jedi could destroy him, too. This one learned that the powers of the dark side of the Force made him strong, but the powers of the light side made him much more powerful than the other Sith ever were.
Since knowledge of patience, the control and the ability to stay calm were gathered by this one, he created a new order of Sith, a new generation. There were only two, a master and an apprentice. Before this time, there were many apprentices and followers of the dark leader, and now they were hidden amongst the Jedis to wait until they were able to reveal themselves to the Jedi.
By now, the Sith were able to use the two sides of the Force, some powers of the light, and some powers of the dark realm - which both lead the life of the galaxy. But do not misunderstand this, a Sith is not a god, yet, it is a powerful and dangerous twisted creature.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
Sith Lore - An Encyclopedia
Battle Hydra
This alchemical beast was created by Exar Kun during his years as a Lord of the Sith. The Battle Hydra was a two-headed, winged dragon with a whip-like tail which is tipped with a hooked stinger. The stinger is coated with an acidic poison. The hydra is mindless and shy when left on their own, and do not willingly attack unless goaded by the Dark Side of the Force.
Brotherhood of the Sith
This order was formed by Exar Kun. Its members were disillusioned Jedi Knights who chose to learn the dark lore of the Sith.
This planet was part of the ancient Sith Empire. The planet - continually bathed in red light from its nearby sun - was the site of Shar Dakhan?s fortress.
Dark Eye
This was the name used to describe the small, black patrol droids used by the Sith shortly before the Clone Wars. Each eye had a pair of camera lenses and a communications package, along with a compact repulsor drive. Weaponry could be mounted in a number of configurations. In many respects, the Sith dark eye was a predecessor to the Imperial probe droid used during the Galactic Civil War. In addition to the basic probe droid package, the dark eye was plated with energy-absorbing stealth armor, which allowed it evade most sensor scans.
Denarii Nova
An area of the galaxy characterized by the exploding stars that spread arcs of stellar fire throughout its environs. It was created when the ancient Sith Lord Naga Sadow tried to elude the pursuit of the Old Republic, some 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Using the Sith stones set into his unique starship, Sadow harnessed the Dark Side of the Force and tore the two Denaari stars apart as the Old Republic's fleet moved in. The fleet was destroyed, and Sadow was able to escape. Aleema tried to use the same technique a thousand years later, during the Great Sith War, and created the Cron Drift. She, however, failed to escape the destruction and was killed.
Dxun Beast
The Dxun Beast is a huge, winged reptile native to the Dxun moon of Onderon. They have flat, wedge-shaped heads with 10 horns, two short arms, a huge wingspan, and long tails. They are extremely territorial, and will violently defend their lands. The Jedi Master Arca hoped to use them to protect the Sith knowledge obtained from Freedon Nadd by placing all Sith artifacts on the Dxun Moon. Exar Kun was able to use the Dark Side of The Force to strike the Dxun down and gain entry to the storehouse.
Dxun Devourers
Another winged denizen of the Dxun moon, these flying creatures are somewhat smaller than Dxun Beasts, but doubly vicious. They also have two arms, but they lack the horns that the Beasts have. Instead, they have a long, jutting lower jaw, which is pointed. This lower jaw is used as a attack weapon.
This moon is one of four natural satellites of the planet Onderon, Dxun was the closest to the planet, and the home of the Dxun Devourers and Dxun Beasts. In a precise balance of nature, the Dxun moon orbits extremely close to Onderon on a regular basis. Its orbit is so close that the atmospheres of both bodies begin to mix, allowing the vicious beasts to migrate from the moon to the planet. For this reason, it was known to the Onderonian natives as the "demon moon." At the order of the ancient Jedi Master, Arca, a tomb for Freedon Nadd and his Sith artifacts was built on the Dxun moon of Mandalorian iron.
Empress Teta System
This seven-world system is a source of carbonite. Known in ancient times as the Koros System, it was renamed when Empress Teta unified the seven surrounding systems. It was also home to the Krath, a group of young nobles, led by Satal Keto and Aleema, who rose to power using the lore of the ancient Sith Dark Lords. They assumed control of the system when they murdered their parents, and were forced to fight the combined troops of the Old Republic, the Jedi Knights, and the Tetans that opposed them.
This planet was the site of an ancient Old Republic shipyard. The shipyard's engineers removed raw materials from the planet and transported them into high orbit for delivery to the shipyards. It was attacked by Aleema and a cluster of Ulic Qel-Droma's Krath starships and some Mandalorian warships. Qel-Droma then stole nearly 300 of the Republic's starships to add to his vast galactic armada. He took them to Coruscant, where he attempted to eliminate further resistance to Sith domination.
Freedon Nadd Uprisings
A series of revolts which occurred on Onderon prior to the Great Sith War. They were initiated by the followers of Freedon Nadd's Dark Side teachings, and furthered by the rise in Dark Side energies on the planet. The uprisings ended just after the death of the Onderonian King Ommin.
Galactic Museum
This huge museum, located in Imperial City on Coruscant, has survived the various political changes that have swept around it. The museum is the home of many records detailing the Old Republic's growth as well as that of the Empire. There are a number of Sith and Jedi artifacts stored there. The Emperor Palpatine cut all funding for the museum during his rule, keeping the knowledge contained within from the public. He did, however, leave enough money for the museum to carry on his legacy. When the Rogue Squadron pilots infiltrated Coruscant following the Battle of Endor, they found a vast holographic display in which Darth Vader lamented over the death of Palpatine at the hands of the treacherous Rebels. Vader's image claimed that Palpatine was visiting a new "planetary ore extractor" - another name for the second Death Star - when the Rebels attacked. The image went on to claim that the Rebels were going to steal it in order to destroy Imperial planets, when Palpatine offered them forgiveness. The Rebels then killed him and stole the extractor. Much of this pro-Imperial propaganda was removed by the New Republic, following the liberation of Coruscant from Ysanne Isard, and was replaced with fairly neutral depictions of the Galactic Civil War.
Goluud Corridor
This risjy hyperspace route was discovered by Jori and Gav Daragon, a thousand years before the Great Sith War. It involved a jump past the unstable red giant Primus Goluud, but was approved by the Navigator?s Guild. It was deemed too dangerous, however, when the Cha?a drone ship Zeta Five was drawn too near Primus Goluud and exploded. The Daragons were discredited because of this, and were forced to flee Cinnagar.
Great Hyperspace War
An ancient battle between the minions of the Light and Dark sides of the Force, the Great Hyperspace war erupted on the heels of the First Unification Wars fought in the Koros System. The ancient Sith lords, led by Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow, fought for control of their minions while Sadow attempted to take control of the galaxy. Meanwhile, the Jedi Knights Odan-Urr and Ooroo tried to use Jedi battle meditation on the advancing Massassi forces, but the Massassi mind was too primitive to be persuaded. The Massassi, under the control of the Sith, swarmed the planet Coruscant, but the Jedi soon realized that the majority of their army was illusional. The Jedi quickly dispatched the true Massassi and free the planet. Meanwhile, Sadow had defeated Kressh in an epic interstellar war in the Sith Empire, but his forces were unable to defend themselves against the might of Empress Teta?s forces. As his commanders began to surrender, Sadow used the Dark Side of the Force to communicate with his Massassi spies. They executed Sadow?s enemies and took control of their ships, drawing Teta?s forces into the Denarii Nova. There, Sadow?s forces were eradicated, along with many of Teta?s ships, but ultimately the Old Republic was able to eliminate the Sith threat. Sadow was forced to flee, and later established his own base on Yavin 4.
Great Sith War
A battle in which Exar Kun rallied his Brotherhood of the Sith against the Jedi Knights. The Jedi won the battle, but at a great cost. They had to unite as a single force, and wipe out much of the jungle on Yavin 4 in order to destroy Kun's body. Kun, however, managed to escape to the spiritual plane by draining the life-energy from the enslaved Massassi.
This was the name used by the Force-weilding population of Suarbi 7/5. They were trained as Jedi, and even taught how to create their own lightsabers, but were taught that Obi-Wan Kenobi was one of the greatest users of the Dark Side of the Force. There are three ranks of Jensaarai: Apprentices, Defenders, and Saarai-kaar. When they became Defenders, the Jensaarai created a unique form of personal armor created from cortosis ore and modeled to make them appear to be a vicious creature. Of the Saarai-kaar, there was only one member of that rank at any one point in time. When Leonia Tavira suddenly landed on the moon and executed its Imperial governor, thereby "freeing" them from Imperial control, the Jensaarai quickly grew to trust her. She betrayed that trust, and twisted them into a position in which the only way they could protect their people was to serve as her personal warriors. They were forced to accede, and joined her aboard the Invidious. She also told them that there was a being named Halcyon who would be their undoing, so she forced them to kidnap Mirax Terrik in order to draw Corran Horn to Suarbi 7/5. When they all met in battle, Luke Skywalker made quick work of the Jensaarai while Corran battled the Saarai-kaar. He did not kill them, though, a fact which surprised most of them when they came around after the battle. It was later revealed that the word Jensaarai is a Sith term that means "hidden followers of truth." The last of the true Jensaarai Sith magicians died with Nikkos Tyris, but the new Saarai-kaar continued to train her young son and the other survivors in the ways of the Force. In a strange twist of fate, she taught them that the Jedi Knights were evil, but she also taught them the use of the light side of the Force, since she lacked the ability and education to comprehend the Sith teachings. Thus, when Emperor Palpatine's Jedi purge sent Darth Vader to Suarbi 7/5, Vader killed the Saarai-kaar's son because he felt only the light side emanating from him. When Luke and Corran defeated the Jensaarai and Leonia Tavira, the Saarai-kaar understood what had happened, and agreed that the Jedi weren't any more evil than the Jensaarai. She agreed to consider sending a delegation of her followers to Yavin 4 for formal training under Luke.
This weapon was used by the ancient Sith warriors. It was extermely complicated to use, and favors those users who are left-handed.
A Dark Jedi weapon created by Lumiya as the final step in her training under Darth Vader. She created it from information found in an ancient Sith tome.
This remote planet was the seat of the ancient Sith race. Located across the galaxy from Cinnagar and Koros Minor, it was unknown to the Old Republic before the rise of Naga Sadow. It was to Korriban that the ancient Dark Jedi fled, after they were exiled by the Jedi Knights. Korriban was a desolate world which, under the pall of Sith magic, became more hellish and dangerous. The native life there was twisted by the Dark Side, and the ghosts of Sith Dark Lords roamed everywhere. The Sith Lords erected huge palaces and burial complexes, which honored not only the dead Lords but the current magicians as well. Exar Kun was led here by Freedon Nadd's spirit, in an effort to recover certain Sith manuscripts. The Emperor Palpatine often visited Korriban, to help him center himself in the Dark Side of the Force.
A society of Tetan Elite led by Satal Keto and Aleema, it was based on the Dark Side teachings of the Sith.
Mandalorian Iron
A metal that is virtually indestructible, even to a lightsaber blade. Jedi Master Arca hid Freedon Nadd's Sith artifacts in a storehouse built from Mandalorian Iron in an effort to seal it forever, but Exar Kun used the Dark Side of The Force to penetrate it.
The former natives of Yavin 4, they had smooth, grayish-green skin and large, lantern-like eyes. They were extremely primitive in nature, timid and weak, when Exar Kun came to Yavin 4 to seek out a Sith power object. It is rumored that the Massassi are savage, Dark Side creatures descended from the Sith themselves. They were the offspring of Naga Sadow's alchemical magic. They were also red-skinned humanoids. However, Kun later enslaved them, and made them build the temples that dotted the forest, as focusers of the power of the Force. They were exterminated when Kun, in an effort to defeat the Jedi Knights, consumed their spirits in order to trap his own spirit in the Obsidian Temple during the Great Sith War. Their bodies were destroyed by the Jedi Knights who tried to defeat Kun.
The followers of Freedon Nadd's teachings based on the planet Onderon. They feel that Nadd was their savior, and that he gave them the strength to drive out the wild natives and beasts, which allowed them to settle the city of Iziz. Their belief in Nadd leads them to believe that the Jedi Knights are the cause of all their problems, since it was the Jedi who were called in to bring Nadd down and recover the Sith artifacts.
Night Beast
A huge, humanoid creature left behind by the Massassi to keep Yavin 4 safe until they could return. It is depicted in The Sith War as a huge, red-skinned humanoid with skied scales and horns, while Classic Star Wars depicts it as a large, fish-like humanoid with sharp claws and fangs. Classic Star Wars holds that the ancient Massassi created the besat to guard the temples against an enemy takeover, but The Sith War simply showed Exar Kun and the Massassi placing in the depths of the Great Temple as a guardian. It was held in suspended animation until Admiral Griff launched his atack on the Alliance base on Yavin 4. A TIE Bomber crashed on moon, penetrating the Great Temple's lower levels and cracking the beast's suspended animation capsule open. It then began to roam the tunnels of the temple, destroying Alliance equipment in what it believed was the fulfilment of its purpose. It had some use of the Force, and used it to shield itself from energy weapons. When Luke Skywalker discovered the creature, he and R2-D2 were able to drive it away by using the Force to lure the beast into a space transport. They had programmed the transport for auto-jump, and once the night beast was inside, they initiated the launch sequence. The beast was sent into hyperspace. One of the random jumps performed by the transport brought the beast back to Alliance space. This time, through the Force, Luke explained that the beast would eventually find its former masters by getting onto the transport.
Obsidian Temple
Located on Yavin's fourth moon, it was the site of a huge, obsidian temple shaped like a huge split pyramid. The temple was shaped this way to help concentrate the Force and enhance the Sith rituals that took place inside. Atop the split pyramid is an obsidian statue of Exar Kun.
This planet is the primary planet in the Onderon system of three planets. It has a temperate climate, and was home to a primitive race of humanoids. It has four moons. The primary moon, Dxun, orbitted very close to the planet millenia ago, and the various Dxun beasts jumped to the planet. The Onderonians struggled against the beasts, eventually gathering new technologies and building a huge walled city to protect themselves from the beasts. The Onderonians then threw their criminal out into the wilderness without any protection from the beasts. The outcasts soon learned to defend themselves, and a second civilization grew out of the outcasts. They two groups remained at war with each other for many years, and the Old Republic asked the Jedi to watch over the world. When Master Arca took over its watch and assigned Ulic Qel-Droma to the planet, the war was ended when the Onderonian princess Galia married the Beastprince. Onderon was also the planet on which Freedon Nadd tried to set up his Sith Kingdom. Like many other fringe worlds, the Onderonians have a distrust of aliens.
The third planet in the Adega system, Ossus was home to the site of an ancient Jedi stronghold and training center thousands of years before the Freedon Nadd Uprisings and the Great Sith War. Following the Freedon Nadd Uprisings on Onderon, Jedi Master Arca planned to send the ancient Sith artifacts recovered from Freedon Nadd's ship there for examination, but Exar Kun was able to retrieve them first. In the chaos surrounding the Great Sith War, Aleema and Crado destroyed the Cron System, located near the Adega System. Ossus was caught in the wave of destruction radiating from the supernova. The Jedi attempted to transport the artifacts and lore from the libraries there, but were only able to take a fraction of the wealth stored there over the millennia. In an attempt to preserve a cache of lightsabers, Master Ood Bnar initiated his lifecycle change, becoming a gnarled old tree with the lightsabers engtangled in his roots. He was nearly destroyed by the radiation from the Cron System. Over the ages, great cities grew out of the planet's rough, irradiated terrain. In modern times, the planet was nearly wiped out during the Clone Wars. The enemies of the Jedi Knights struck there, attempting to destroy the stronghold and root out the Jedi. Although the planet was devastated, the Jedi survived. Later, following the death of Emperor Palpatine's first clone on Byss, Luke Skywalker and Kam Solusar discover the planet's ancient Jedi connection, and are directed there by Master Vodo's holocron just before Sedriss executed Operation Shadow Hand. There find the Ysanna tribe and the ancient Jedi Master Ood Bnar. The planet's atmosphere is laced with electrical storms, probably resulting from the near-devastation it suffered during the Clone Wars. It orbits the Adegan stars in a figure-eight orbit.
This planet was part of the ancient Sith Empire, and was the site of Ludo Kressh?s private retreat.
This was the highest rank any of the Jensaarai Force users could achieve. At any point in time, there could only be one Saarai-kaar among the Jensarai, much the same as there was only one Dark Lord of the Sith. Like the other Jensaarai, the Saarai-kaar wore cortosis-covered armor. Nikkos Tyris was one of the most powerful of the Saarai-kaar, until he was defeated by Nejaa Halcyon. When Leonia Tavira twisted the Jensaarai to her uses, she made them believe that a Halcyon would be their undoing unless they served her. How she discovered Corran Horn's true identity is a mystery, but she kidnapped Mirax Terrik and made the Jensaarai hold her on Suarbi 7/5 in order to draw Corran into her trap. The Saarai-kaar believed the charade whole-hearted, especially after Tavira shot the former Imperial governor and claimed to be liberating the natives of Suarbi 7/5 from Imperial control. When Corran and Luke Skywalker assaulted suarbi 7/5 in an effort to free Mirax, they came up against Tavira, the Saarai-karr and the combined might of the Jensaarai. Luke took care of the warriors while Corran battle their female leader. She nearly had him, until he recognized the fighting style she used from his vision of Halcyon's death, and implanted an image of Tyris in her mind. Her momentary lapse in concentration dropped her defenses, and Mirax stunned her with several blasters from her own weapon. When she awoke later on, she accused Luke and Corran of prolonging her death, but Elegos A'kla used his memnii of her husband's and Nikkos Tyris' deaths to try and convince her of the truth in their words. She chose not to believe, revealing that the Jensaarai were descended from Force users who had learned of Sith magics, but their number died with Tyris. The new Saarai-kaar continued to believe the Jedi were wrong, but actually trained her disciples with the light side of the Force. The word Saarai-kaar is a Sith term meaning "keeper of the truth." When Emperor Palpatine began his Jedi purge, his discovery of Force users on Suarbi 7/5 led him to send Darth Vader there. Rather than accept the allegiance of the new Saarai-kaar's son, Vader killed him as a Jedi, since he lacked the Sith magic.
Sith Infiltrator
One of Sienar Advanced Projects Laboratories? prototype designs, this ship was eventually modified for use by Darth Maul. Originally designed as a courier ship, the 26.5-meter-long Infiltrator was given advanced weaponry, propulsion systems, and a full-effect stygium-based cloaking device for invisibility on command. The sublight engines were X-C 2 ion arrays, while the hyperdrive was an SSDS 11-A powerplant. Weapons included six prototype laser cannons. The craft had a long, main fuselage to which was attached the ball-shaped control center aft. The wings of the craft were used to radiator the intense heat of its engines, and could be folded down during landings. The designs of the control center and the wings were later incorporated into the TIE Advanced prototype produced for Darth Vader.
Sith Sanctuaries
No Sith construction is ever based on another in any way. The Sith consider each structure a work of art, an extension of the personality of the builder. It has therefore proven futile for Jedi to map Sith installations, and any raids on Sith libraries, palaces or temples requires much tactical planning and conjecture. It comes close to insanity if you wish to conquer the knowledge of the Sith and wish to remain neutral or in the same way as you were before this task.
Sith Speeder
This was a specialized, circular, one-man speeder developed for use by Darth Maul. Designed to be compact and fast, this speeder resembled a circle with the upper arc removed. The rider sat in the concave section of the speeder, and had hand and foot controls with which to maneuver the speeder. This speeder was unarmed, something that was not a deficit for its rider due to their skills in the Dark Side of the Force. This speeder was also easily stored in the forward section of Maul?s Infiltrator starship.
Swords of the Sith
These alchemically reinforced blades are virtually indestructible, and can parry a blow from anything including a Jedi lightsaber. Such weapons may survive thousands of years, with their blades still sharp and straight.
Valley of the Dark Lords
This valley, located on the planet Korriban, is the site of the tombs of the ancient Dark Lords of the Sith. It was dominated by huge funereal temples and tombs, with an ornate altar at the far end.
This cold, icy world is dominated by rocky mountains and fierce storms. Much of the planet?s crust is imbedded with ice. In ancient times, this planet was part of the Sith Empire, and was used as a base by Ludo Kressh and his faction.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
Sith Talismans
Which enables the wearer to focus during the long rites necessary to be able to channel large amounts of Dark Side power. Jedi are also able to use these talismans to boost their concentration, aiding them in their long struggle with the Sith. The Sith realized this and developed..
Talisman of Ensnarement:
This talisman operates in much the same way as one of concentration, especially to the Dark Side user. However, in the hands of a Light Jedi, it will gradually entrap the user into the Dark Side. Only the most powerful of Masters could use these Talisman?s without danger, leading to their widespread destruction, along with almost all the concentration talisman?s (which they greatly resembled), during the Fall of the Sith Empire, and later, at the end of the Sith War.
A fairly self explanatory entry, with one difference - unlike Jedi healing, the recipient feels great pain as his wounds are healed. Use one at your peril.
Force Mask:
These are very rare indeed. When worn by a Sith Sorcerer, these send out anti-Force-ripples (much like a Ysalamari, but more portable). This disguises the natural aura of a Sith Adept, making him virtually undetectable for Jedi using his natural emanations to track him.
Another fairly explanatory object. This talisman protects the wearer from anything energy based (blasters etc.), and from Force attacks. Somewhat risky research suggests the talisman does this by taking the energy from the attack and using it as its own source of fuel. In order or remain viable however, the talisman requires an infusion of energy at least once per standard week. (It has been suggested that these Talisman?s have a certain vulnerability to lightsabers however)
The tomes containing Sith lore and technique are written in their ancient language, which is virtually extinct since the fall of their empire. This talisman, created by a fallen Jedi, allows the wearer to read and speak the Sith tongue as if it were his native language.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
Lords of Sith
Here you will review several replicas from ancient documents, found through holocrons and other lore from the remaining facilities of the Great Jedi Library on Ossus or datacards that were gathered through the search of Skywalker and his new Jedi Order.
The old, ancient Lords of Sith were magicians, alchemists who used the powers of the Dark Side of the Force to create their rulership over the Sith Empire - and later the galaxy about 5,000 - 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. The New Era of Sith was founded by failed Jedi who wished to explore the Dark Side of the Force for their own advance. With about 50 members, this group was hunted down through the Jedi Order nearly 2,000 - 1,000 years before the Dark Times. The last Order was formed by Darth Bane, who was the last remaining Dark Lord of the Sith as the Jedi eradicated the last remaining Sith in the galaxy about 1,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. However, you can only see information about the first and third Order of the Sith. The information about the second Order remains hidden from our sources, but it might only take little time until we discover it - be warned, young apprentice.
The Ancient Sith Empire
Marka Ragnos
Naga Sadow
Ludo Kressh
Freedon Nadd
Exar Kun
Ulic Qel-Droma
The New Era of the Order of Sith
Darth Bane
Darth Sidious - Palpatine
Darth Maul
Darth Vader
The Ancient Sith Empire
Marka Ragnos
This ancient Dark Lord of the Sith ruled the galaxy with an iron fist some 5,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. Ragnos controlled the Sith Empire for more than a century before he finally died. Funeral preparations were underway when the Daragon siblings happened upon Korriban, and interrupted the burial ceremony. Ragnos was buried with his predecessors in the Valley of the Dark Lords, with numerous living slaves entombed to assist him in the afterlife. His death led to a great uprising among the two major Sith factions, as each of them tried to promote their candidate to the vacant position of Dark Lord. Both Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow believed that they were the next Dark Lord, and came to blows shortly after Ragnos? burial. Ragnos spirit - angered by the proceedings - returned from the dead to counsel them about choosing their battles wisely. Ragnos? spirit foresaw that their battle would bring about the end of the golden age of the Sith magicians.
This ancient Sith Lord was one of the most powerful of his era. He trained the Sith magician Naga Sadow while in his prime. However, he was defeated in battle by Marka Ragnos and fated to die. Simus had other plans, and used the Dark Side magic of the Sith to preserve himself. His head was encased in a specialized, crystalline container, and he existed this way for another century before Ragnos died. When Ludo Kressh and Sadow began fighting over the rulership of the Sith Empire, it was Simus who urged Kreshh to consider the possibility that Jori and Gav Daragon were truly hyperspace mappers, and not advanced scouts for the Old Republic. When Kressh refused, Simus gave his support to his former student, Naga Sadow. This trust proved to be short-lived, for Sadow had Simus killed as part of the deception surrounding his plans to become the Dark Lord of the Sith.
Naga Sadow
An ancient Sith magician who practiced a thousand years before the Freedon Nadd uprisings, Naga Sadow was one of the strongest Sith Lords at the time Marka Ragnos died. Trained by the old mage Simus, Sadow was an intense individual who wished to bring the Sith Empire to the forefront of the galaxy, a viewpoint not held by his contemporary, Ludo Kressh. Upon Ragnos? death, Sadow chose not to attend the huge funeral. Rather, he plotted how he could obtain the position of Dark Lord of the Sith. At the close of the procession, Sadow confronted Kressh, and the two Sith Lords battled for the position of Dark Lord of the Sith. This clash of Sith energy brought Marka Ragnos? spirit back from the dead, and the spirit warned both of them that conflict within the ranks of the Sith would further no one?s plans. With the appearance of Jori and Gav Daragon, Sadow discovered a way to further his own goals. Ludo Kressh believed them to scouts from the Old Republic?s advanced forces, so Sadow freed them and staged a rescue attempt in which many Sith warriors were killed. Sadow claimed it was Kressh?s inability to mobilize the Sith forces that caused the deaths, and claimed himself Dark Lord of the Sith in order to guide the Sith into battle. He then took the Daragons to his two fortresses and hid them, playing upon their emotions and their latent Force abilities to gain their confidence. He built up Gav?s strength, teaching him Sith magic while manipulating him into a position where he would obey any command. Sadow recovered the Starbreaker 12 and returned it to Jori, telling her that Gav had been killed and that Sadow could no loner protect her from the other Sith Lords. Her flight provided Sadow with all the hyperspace coordinates he needed to begin attacking the Old Republic. When Kressh finally mustered his own forces to attack Sadow, he attacked at Khar Delba. This expended much of his resources, while Sadow hid on Khar Shian. From there, he launched a massive counterattack, decimating Kressh?s forces and nearly killing the rival magician. Sadow then retired to Primus Goluud, where he entered a mediation sphere and launched his attacks on the Republic, augmenting his forces with illusory warriors and monsters. When Gav Daragon disabled the sphere, Sadow?s concentration was broken. The Jedi Knights and the Republic were able to see through the illusions, and eventually defeated the Sith forces. Sadow, under attack by the Republic?s fleet at Primus Goluud, chose to rip the star apart and destroy them all. Gav was able to provide the Republic fleet with an escape vector, saving them from the conflagration but dooming himself. Sadow limped back to the Sith Empire, where he was confronted by Ludo Kressh?s restored forces. In the opening acts of the Great Hyperspace War, Sadow used the Dark Side of the Force to coerce one of his starship captains to ram Kressh?s ship, destroying his chief rival and securing his position as Dark Lord. However, this left his forces vulnerable to Empress Teta?s fleet. In a last-ditch effort, Sadow drew Teta?s forces into the Denarri Nova in hopes of destroying them all, but the Nova flared up and destroyed much of Sadow?s fleet and part of the Tetan fleet. Sadow himself managed to survive, and fled to Yavin 4 to begin rebuilding his empire. Note that some references claim Naga Sadow was an insectile beast of pure Sith blood who learned how to give life to the dead. The ruling Dark Lord of the Sith did not appreciate Sadow's bold attempts, and sentenced him to die. Sadow took his knowledge and his followers and fled to the moon Yavin 4. He was eventually hunted down by the Old Republic, who branded him an outlaw and chased him to the Denarii System. There, Sadow used the powers of the Sith to rip the cores from the two Denarii stars and fling them at the pursuing fleet. The fleet was destroyed, and the stars exploded to form the Denarii Nebula. Sadow survived the encounter, but later passed into legends. He and his followers are now extinct, but their knowledge and powers remain behind on Yavin 4.
Ludo Kressh
This ancient Sith magician was Naga Sadow?s contemporary rival for the position of Dark Lord of the Sith. It was Kressh who was chosen to lead Marka Ragnos? funeral procession. Kressh?s faction believed in maintaining the status quo within the Sith Empire, rather than attempting to expand it, as Naga Sadow thought. Their opposing viewpoints led to a skirmish at Ragnos? funeral. The ghost of Markos Ragnos foretold of the impending downfall of the Sith Empire, should the two continue to struggle. Neither heeded the former Dark Lord?s words, and a civil war erupted within the Sith Empire. Ludo Kressh believed that Jori and Gav Daragon were advanced scouts for an Old Republic war force coming to eradicate the Sith, a position which gathers some support among the Sith lords. As Sadow took control of the Empire, Kressh rallied his supporters in an attempt to overthrow Sadow. They fled to Ziost to plan their attack. A timely discovery of the treachery with which Sadow took control of the Empire led to further support, until Kressh was ready to launch an attack on Sadow?s base on Khar Delba. However, Naga Sadow?s real base of power was on Khar Shian, and Ludo Kressh?s forces were drawn into a battle against an undefeatable foe. Kressh was believed to have been killed over Khar Delba, where Naga Sadow?s fleet destroyed Kressh?s forces. However, he managed to survive, and returned to the Sith Empire to take over as Dark Lord. Sadow would have none of this, and began his own assault on Coruscant. The inner strife between the rivals grew until it erupted into the Great Hyperspace War. Kressh and Sadow drew their starfleets into the Sith Empire and fought valiantly against each other. In the end, though, Sadow was able to use the Dark Side of the Force to coerece one of his own starship captains to ram Kressh?s flagship, destroying the ship and killing Kressh in the explosion.
Freedon Nadd
A Jedi Knight who succumbed to the Dark Side of the Force and took up the teaching of the Sith. He became proficient in the use of the Dark Side Sith magic, but could progress no further than apprentice, since the reigning Dark Lord was still young (by Dark Side standards) and the Sith had declared that only one Dark Lord could rule at any time. This frustrated Freedon Nadd to the point that he rebelled against this basic Sith tenet and, desiring his own Lordship, he took a wealth of Sith artifacts with him from Korriban to Onderon. On Onderon, he began to teach the Sith lore to the Onderonians at Iziz, and he used his Sith knowledge to help the Onderonians repel the Beast Masters time and again. (This has been passed down by the Naddists in the form of a truism that Freedon defeated "the wild beasts and aborigines" of Onderon.) As his power grew, the Jedi Knights learned of his atrocities on the planet, and sent a task force out to bring his reign to an end. There was a pitched battle, and eventually Freedon Nadd was defeated. However, his Sith teachings had been accepted by the Onderonians, and Nadd's bloodlines were extended during his stay, so the power of the Dark Side has never left Onderon. Nadd himself managed to preserve his spirit, locked away with the Sith artifacts he worked to obtain. His spirit was released when Exar Kun discovered Nadd's tomb, and Nadd's spirit led Kun to Yavin 4. There, Nadd tried to use Kun as a way to progress further down the dark path. However, when Kun became the wearer of the Sith amulets hidden on the moon, Nadd's spirit was obliterated by Kun's rage.
Exar Kun
A Jedi student of Vodo-Siosk Baas on Dantooine, Exar Kun used Vodo's holocron to learn about the ancient Sith. Exar Kun didn't like the fact that Vodo, not to mention his fellow students Crado and Sylvar, were not human, and he continually goaded them. He nearly killed Sylvar during a lightsaber training exercise, and she clawed him on the right cheek. Vodo stopped the duel before someone was killed, and challenged Kun to a duel between Kun's skill with a lightsaber and Vodo's skill with a walking stick. Vodo nearly defeated Kun, but Kun snatched another lightsaber and attacked his Master. Vodo's stick was broken, and Kun's rage passed as he felt he was victorious. Exar Kun then left Dantooine to try and obtain the Sith artifacts that had been found on Onderon. He entered the tomb of Freedon Nadd and was controlled by Nadd's evil spirit. Nadd led Kun to Korriban, where Kun discovered a pair of Sith scrolls that tantalizingly led him further down the path to the Dark Side. Kun tried to resist, but Nadd nearly killed him before offering assistance. However, the assistance required Kun to give himself to the Dark Side. Kun chose to live, and was drawn into the Dark Side's power. Then, Nadd directed Kun to go to Yavin 4, where he should complete the work of Naga Sadow. On Yavin 4, Kun again tried to renounce Nadd's teachings, and was captured by the Massassi. They tried to sacrifice Kun in a blood ceremony, during which Nadd's spirit goaded him down the Dark path. Exar Kun called out to the Dark Side in anger, and a Sith amulet was drawn to his power. It fused to his arm, and he was suddenly endowed with the power of the Sith. He took control of the Massassi, and exterminated Nadd's spirit. As the months went by, Exar Kun found Naga Sadow's works and began to gain more and more Sith power. Once he felt that he was powerful enough, he went to the Empress Teta System to defeat Aleema and Satal Keto and claim his position as Sith lord. When he arrived, Keto had already been killed by Ulic Qel-Droma, so Kun tried to defeat him in battle. The ancient Sith masters were drawn to the pair's incredible Dark Side power, and halted the battle. They named Kun the Dark Lord of the Sith, and Qel-Droma his Apprentice. They went into hiding, and continued to gain power. Kun was able to lure several young Jedi Knights to his cause, including Oss Willum and Crado. On Yavin 4, Kun showed them the Sith holocron, which he destroyed in a display of power. The shards exploded outward, piercing the young Jedi and possessing them with Sith demons. When the time was right, they exploded into the galaxy as Sith warriors. Kun ordered his young disciples to exterminate their Jedi Masters in a fiendish pogrom. Thus, the Great Sith War was started. Kun and Qel-Droma's forces killed millions in their rampages. When Qel-Droma was captured and put to trial on Coruscant, Kun and Mandalore arrived to retrieve him. In a show of power, Kun put the entire court into suspended animation, killing the Old Republic's highest official and eventually murdering Master Vodo. Kun later raided Ossus, in an attempt to steal the ancient Jedi and Sith lore stored there. This effort was cut short when Aleema destroyed the Cron System, and Kun was forced to flee back to Yavin 4 to regain his strength. The war would have continued, but the end of the war was quickened when Qel-Droma was captured on Ossus by Master Thon. He was cut off from the Force by Nomi Sunrider, and betrayed Kun by providing the location of Kun's power - the temples on Yavin 4 - to the Jedi. The Jedi then met Exar Kun on the jungle moon, where Kun drew on the Massassi spirits in an effort to gain strength and make a last stand against the Jedi. Exar Kun was defeated by the Jedi, but only his body was destroyed. Kun consumed the Massassi in an effort to lock his spirit away in the temples on Yavin 4, where it remained until Luke Skywalker started training his new Jedi Knights there more than 4000 years later. Kun tried to control the emerging Jedi Knights, but his hold was tenuous. His first attempt at controlling one of them led to the death of Gantoris. Kyp Durron was his second attempt, but Kyp used Kun's power in an attempt to destroy the Empire. In a final battle with Luke's Jedi students, Kun was defeated by the combined strength of all the students. At his final death, Kun's former teacher Vodo Siosk-Baas appeared to claim him. Several months later, after escaping from Leonia Tavira and the Jensaarai, Luke Skywalker allowed Corran Horn to destroy Kun's statue and temple with a series of proton torpedoes, utterly wiping out the primary source of dark side energy on the moon.
Ulic Qel-Droma
An ancient Jedi Knight, Ulic was very powerful in the use of The Force. He was born on Alderaan, and raised in a family of great warriors. Along with his brother, Cay, they were apprenticed to the Jedi Master Arca on Arkadia. When they had completed their training, Arca sent them - along with fellow student Tott Doneeta - to Onderon to help put an end to the fighting between the city dwellers and the beastmasters. When they tried to defend the city dwellers in Iziz, they discovered the Dark Side energies flowing there. They also discovered that the dwellers of Iziz were the real enemy, and strove to defeat Queen Amanoa. They eventually overcame the Dark Side threat, and later found the tomb of Freedon Nadd. They tried to rid the planet of Nadd's influence, but Arca was captured by the hidden King Ommin. Ulic sent for more Jedi and help from the Old Republic, and their combined forces were able to defeat Ommin and recover Arca. The Jedi then helped Iziz rebuild itself, during which time Ulic fell in love with Nomi Sunrider. When they were cleaning up the Dark Side artifacts, the spirit of Freedon Nadd reappeared and told Ulic he would become one of the greatest Sith Lords. Ulic and Nomi were assigned to assist in the retaking of the Empress Teta System from the Krath, who had declared war on the Jedi. Ulic proposed that he should join the Krath and attempt to defeat it from the inside. He made himself heard at the Great Council on Deneba. However, the Jedi Masters feared that Ulic would be drawn into the Dark Side, but during their discussions the Krath attacked. He fought bravely, only to see Master Arca killed while he was distracted. This hardened his resolve to eradicate the Krath, and he set out to discover the Dark Side of the Force first-hand. He hoped that by becoming a Dark Side follower, he could find its weaknesses and use it against the Krath. He was seduced by Aleema, and his despair at Arca's death only made him an easier target for the Dark Side and the Sith magic. His brother, Cay, and Nomi Sunrider went to Cinnagar to return Ulic to the Light Side, but their combined love for Ulic could not sway him from the Dark Side. At this time, Exar Kun intervened and severely injured Aleema while trying to overcome Ulic and recover a Sith amulet. Their combined fury released an ancient Sith spirit, who claimed both of them for the Dark Side. Exar Kun was named Dark Lord of the Sith while Ulic was named his apprentice. He became caught up in Exar Kun's plans and became a Dark Jedi himself. He joined forces with the ancient Mandalorian warriors after defeating their leader, and conquered star system after star system with the power of the Dark Side. He was captured by the Jedi and brought to trial on Coruscant, but was freed by the intervention on Exar Kun and the Mandalorians. They then travelled to Ossus, in an attempt to take possession of the Jedi and Sith knowledge stored there. Ulic was again captured by the Jedi, this time by his brother, Cay, who challenged him to a duel. In his Dark Side fury, Ulic cut down his brother in a bloody battle. Some part of the Light Side still remained, and Ulic was brought ot his knees by the import of what he had done. Nomi Sunrider, enraged by Ulic's actions, used the Force in anger and cut Ulic off from the Force. Thus weakened, Ulic felt no more need to support Exar Kun and the Sith. In the end, Ulic led the Jedi to Yavin 4, where they were able to defeat Kun and quell the Sith uprising.
The New Era of the Order of Sith
Darth Bane
This ancient Sith Lord was the last of his kind to survive the catastrophic struggle that consumed his order, some 2,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Recognizing that the Sith order was doomed to fail if it became too large, Bane waited until all the other Sith were destroyed by their brethren or the Jedi Knights, then established a set of rules that were dominated by the pretense that there could only be two Sith active in the galaxy at any time: a Master and an apprentice. Eventually, Bane took his own apprentice, and set his new order in motion. Future Sith Lords were taught the virtues of patience, planning, and secrecy.
Darth Sidious - Palpatine
Darth Sidious
This Dark Lord of the Sith was the driving force behind the Trade Federation, during the time it tried to subjugate the world of Naboo. He had control of specific elements of the Galactic Senate, and put in motion an intricate set of schemes to take control of the galaxy. He had trained his apprentice, Darth Maul, and was ready to bring his plans to fruition when Chancellor Valorum dispatched two Jedi Knights to Naboo to negotiate a settlement. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi thwarted his initial plans, and forced him to send Darth Maul after the pair. Meanwhile, Sidious continued to manipulate the Neimoidians, pushing the situation at Naboo as far as he could. When Queen Amidala returned to Naboo to deal with the situation herself, Sidious saw his carefully laid plans fall apart as the Neimoidians were defeated and the planet freed of its blockade, and Darth Maul was killed in battle by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Palpatine served his homeworld of Naboo as a Senator in the Old Republic, and was instrumental in the rise to power of the Trade Federation. A student of the Dark Side of the Force, Palpatine used his political savvy to develop alliances with other power-hungry individuals to begin his own bid for power. He used the Trade Federation - with its cowardly Neimoidian leaders - to force the Old Republic to see its stagnant ways. After manipulating his Queen, Amidala, to call for a vote of no-confidence in Supreme Chanceller Valorum, Palpatine put himself at the forefront of the coming elections. In a vote which was based on sympathy for Naboo and the many alliances Palpatine had forged, he was voted to replace Valorum at the age of fifty. While remaining unobtrusive and often helpful, Palpatine manipulated the Old Republic until it began to crumble from within, at which time he took control and named himself Emperor. As Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Empire. A student in the ways of the Dark Side of The Force. He was a xenophobe, though he used aliens when it suited him. Through his use of the Dark Side, he gained a large body of knowledge on the use of clones to become virtually immortal. The fresh supply of new bodies ensured that the destructive power of the Dark Side never killed him. Early in his tenure as Emperor, Palpatine recognized the strength of Anakin Skywalker, and twisted the young Jedi to the Dark Side of the Force. The Emperor used Sith powers to recover Anakin's body, following a duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi, and revive it. The new spirit discarded its old name and became Darth Vader. Palpatine taught Vader in the ways of the Dark Side, but was always wary of the possibility that Vader might have had children. Palpatine ruled the galaxy as Emperor for nearly 25 years, until he was killed by Darth Vader aboard the second Death Star, over the Forest Moon of Endor. Palpatine's body was consumed by the fierce power generators in the battle station, but his spirit survived. It took the disembodied Palpatine so long to reach the planet Byss that he was nearly drained of any power in the Dark Side. Once on Byss, though, he was able to contact Sate Pestage, who readied a new cloned body for the Emperor. Palpatine spent years recovering his powers in the Dark Side, all the while watching the Empire crumble under the sheer luck of the New Republic. He had hopes for Grand Admiral Thrawn, but the alien's death only helped Palpatine gain more power. When he emerged from hiding on Byss, he sought to retake the galaxy using World Devastators. He was also trying to turn Luke Skywalker to the Dark Side, which he nearly succeeded in doing. However, the presence of Luke's sister, Leia Organa, and her unborn child pulled Luke back to the Light Side. Together, they turned the Emperor's rage back on himself, and destroyed yet another incarnation on the evil Emperor. Since this last body was killed on Byss, Palpatine had an easier time placing his spirit into a new clone. However, Luke managed to destroy all of the remaining clones Palpatine had ready for use, and so when his body began to deteriorate, he started searching for Anakin Solo again. He quickly began launching new attacks against the New Republic, this time with a weapon known as the Galaxy Gun. Skywalker enlisted the aid of the Ysanna - a race of Force-sensitives descended from ancient Jedi stock - as well as the assistance of Empatajayos Brand, to confront the Emperor on Onderon. There, Palpatine's dying body tried desperately to reach Anakin Solo. Brand intervened, though, and consumed the Emperor's spirit within his own. Both Brand and Palaptine died on Onderon. Later, during the rise of Second Imperium, a group of former Imperial Royal Guards began using their experience with Palpatine to actually pretend to be the Emperor reborn. Using carefully spliced holovid segments, they were able to project a perfect image of the Emperor, and were also able to synthesize speech from recordings. Whenever they traveled, they used droids to carry a large isolation chamber which ostensibly housed the reborn Palpatine. Their ruse fooled Brakiss and the leaders of the Shadow Academy, until they were discovered in the aftermath of the battle over Yavin 4. However, it is known that Palpatine was able to duplicate his spirit into several entities. It is unknown if the last spirit of Palpatine was destroyed or if the remaining entities remain hidden in patience, waiting for their new rise of power.
Darth Maul
This Sith Dark Lord was the apprentice of Darth Sidious, the mysterious force behind the Trade Federation?s blockade of Naboo. Darth Maul was born as Khameir Sarin, a Zabrakian, on the planet of Iridonia. He showed great strength, power and a strong ability with the Force. When Darth Sidious was searching for a n apprentice, he discovered Sarin at the age of 12 living on his home planet Iridonia. Sidious began to train him in the ways and traditions of the ancient Sith. Sarin showed great progress and soon he was declared a Dark Lord of the Sith by his master. He took the alias Darth Maul and had his face tatooed in fearsome designs of red and black. The horns, that were trademark of his species, added greatly to his fearsome appearence. On the side, he also studied martial arts intensely so he could obtain his dream of becoming the best fighter in Sith history. As he improved his fighting skill he learned how to fight with a lightsaber after he made his own. He was a very close follower of Sith traditions but he also wanted more power. He soon built a deadly double-sided lightsaber and incorporated it into his mastered fighting skills. He soon learned to wield the double-saber with deadly accuracy and Darth Sidious was very proud of his apprentice. Maul was entirely loyal to his master, never hesitating to take on any mission assigned to him. That is why Sidious entrusted him with the mission of tracking down the runaway Queen Amidala. Maul?s lightsaber was actually two lightsabers fused together. Each had its own separate components, allowing him to use a single blade if the weapon became damaged. Darth Maul was obvious by his heavily tattooed, horn-studded face, piercing yellow eyes, and rotting teeth. Sidious dispatched Maul when he learned from the Neimoidians that two Jedi Knights had been dispatched to negotiate a settlement to the blockade. When the Jedi - Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi - fled with Queen Amidala to Tatooine, Darth Maul followed at a safe distance. He nearly defeated Qui-Gon, but was unable to control him before they fled for Coruscant. Not to be outdone, Sidious then sent Maul to capture them on Naboo. There, while Queen Amidala?s forces attempted to capture Nute Gunray, Darth Maul confronted both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon in the Theed palace?s power generation station. In a fierce battle, the three swordsman battled to a draw before they were separated by the station?s laser defense systems. When the defenses dropped, Maul and Qui-Gon were left alone to battle, and the Sith Lord defeated the Jedi with a quick jab of his blade. However, his victory was short-lived. When Obi-Wan was able to escape the laser system, he attacked with a renewed sense of purpose. His exuberence nearly cost him his life, when Darth Maul forced the young Jedi over the edge of a power shaft. Obi-Wan recovered and, using the Force to recover Qui-Gon?s lightsaber, caught Maul off-guard. The Jedi sliced his lightsaber through Maul?s midsection. The fatally injured Sith Lord toppled into the shaft and was lost forever.
Darth Vader
When Anakin Skywalker came under the tutelage of Senator Palpatine, he was led down the path to the Dark Side of The Force. Despite the teachings of his friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin felt that the teachings of Palpatine led to quicker realization of the powers of The Force. This forced Kenobi to confront Anakin, and in a lightsaber duel, Kenobi forced Anakin into a pit of molten rock. It was at this point that Anakin Skywalker was consumed by the Dark Side. He was rescued from the fire by the descendants of the Sith, and reborn as Darth Vader. In order for the Sith to keep Anakin alive, they had to create a life support system that encased his entire body. It had to recreate certain limbs, as well as keep his lungs functioning. At the Emperor's direction, the Sith made the life-support suit as evil-looking as they could. The all-black body armor became Vader's main weapon, as it instilled fear in all who saw it. The Sith also began training Vader in the ancient Sith lore, and Vader became the last of the Sith Dark Lords. As such, he became even more Palpatine's tool, able to create fear just by the mention of his name and the mysterious Sith teachings behind it. Palpatine sent Vader to support Grand Moff Tarkin during the time when the first Death Star was being readied for use. Vader oversaw the mission to recover the stolen plans, but was unable to get Princess Leia to divulge their location. He used the Millennium Falcon as a guide, and followed the fleeing ship to Yavin 4, only to lose the Death Star to the Alliance. Vader's ship was disabled during the battle, but he regained control. When the Emperor heard of the destruction of the first Death Star, he removed Vader's living right hand as punishment, and replaced it with a cybernetic prosthesis. Shortly thereafter, Vader went to Circarpous V to investigate the appearance of Leia Organa on the planet, as well as to locate the Kaiburr crystal. In an amazing duel with Luke Skywalker, Vader was hard-pressed to defeat Luke. Luke succeeded in defeating Vader, and even cut off the Dark Lord's right arm with his own lightsaber. In his dazed state, Vader fell into a sacrificial weel on the Temple of Pomojema and was lost. He survived, however, drawing on the Dark Side of the Force for support and strength. Once Palpatine was aware that Anakin Skywalker's son had survived and posed a possible threat to the Empire, he told Vader of the existence of Luke Skywalker, in an effort to completely gain control of any vestiges of Anakin Skywalker and convert them to Darth Vader. However, this plan backfired on Palpatine, as the remnants of Anakin began to surface. Following the relevation of Luke's relationship to Anakin, and the loss of Luke at Cloud City, Palpatine began to give Vader menial tasks, and tried to keep him away from Luke. He could not, however, and the part of Vader that was still Anakin continued to assert itself. The Battle of Endor was a turning point for Darth Vader. It was then that Luke Skywalker surrendered to Vader, and began to try and turn the Dark Lord back to the Light Side. The darker parts of Vader resisted, but Luke's love and devotion to his father strengthened the spirit of Anakin. When the Emperor was forced to kill Luke, Anakin was awakened, and with Vader's mechanized strength, he threw the Emperor into a power shaft, destroying Palpatine and the Empire. Darth Vader also ceased to exist at this point, as Anakin was able to return from the Dark Side. However, the struggle with the Emperor left the life support systems inoperable, and Anakin died before Luke could save him.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
Slaves and Peons of the Sith
Satal Keto's cousin, and partner in the overthrowing of the Tetan monarchy just prior to the Sith War. She and Satal Keto learned much from their tutors, but became curious about the Sith magic during a trip to Coruscant. They stole a book of Sith lore from a museum on the planet, and returned to the Empress Teta System. From the book, they learned many ways to harness the power of the Dark Side of the Force through the Sith incantations. Aleema soon discovered that she was adept at the creation of illusions. She was instrumental in bringing down the Lord Keto and his supporters, tricking them with horrible images of Adegan Eels and terrible lizards. She later put her powers to a grander scale, creating illusions of space grazers to fool the combined Jedi-Republic forces during their battle to recover the Tetan system. She was mortally wounded, however, when Nomi Sunrider detected the use of the Dark Side and tried to stop her. She recovered from these wounds, to help her cousin continue the Krath struggle for power. She eventually became the mistress of Ulic Qel-Droma, seducing him as he was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. Ulic's desire for power and glory overshadowed Aleema's attentions, and she was scorned by him when he launched his attack on Coruscant. She then turned the ancient Mandalore warriors to the Krath, but they too left her to fight along side Ulic. Near the end of the Great Sith War, Aleema and Crado tried to destroy the combined Old Republic and Jedi fleets in the Cron Cluster. Her knowledge of the Sith lore was augmented by the use of certain Sith weapons, one of which was the ancient starship used by Naga Sadow when he eluded the Old Republic in the Denarii System. She attempted to use Sadow's crystals to rip the core from a star and hurl it at the fleet. Although she succeeded in destroying most of the starships, she failed to control the power she wielded. The liberated solar core ignited the cores of the surrounding suns, and created an intense, multi-star supernova. The supernova engulfed three Auril Systems and the planet Ossus. It also killed Aleema and Crado, along with Dace Diath, Shoaneb Culu, and Qrrrl Toq.
This Cathar Jedi was apprenticed to Vodo Siosk-Baas, along with his lover, Sylvar. He idolized Exar Kun, seeing Kun as a strong source of power and skill. When Exar Kun rose to power as a Dark Lord of the Sith, he took Crado as a possessed apprentice when the Sith holocron exploded and sent shards of Dark Side energy into Crado. Under the spell of the ancient Sith, Crado accompanied Oss Willum to Ambria to kill Master Thon. In a vicious battle with Nomi Sunrider, Thon, and his lover Sylvar, Crado and Oss Willum tried to use the Dark Side creatures of Lake Natth to do their bidding, but were defeated. Crado nearly killed Sylvar because of the Dark Side influence, then fled to escape them while Oss Willum was captured. Crado returned to Exar Kun, then accompanied Aleema to the Cron Cluster, where they tried to use an ancient Sith weapon to destroy the arriving Old Republic fleet. Aleema succeeded in decimating the fleet, but could not control the weapon. In the end, she caused ten stars in the Cron Cluster to explode, killing herself and Crado.
Daragon, Gav
A native of Kirrek, Gav and his sister Jori charted the ancient space lanes for traders and haulers some 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. They had been orphaned at an early age when their parents were killed in the First Unification Wars fought by Empress Teta, and brought up under the watchful eye of Aarrba the Hutt. Gav once tested high in Force-sensitivity, but never was able to obtain full training. The lure of interstellar travel called to Gav and his sister, and they were able to obtain a ship with the help of Aarrba. However, luck was not something the Daragons were endowed with. They were continually in debt to Aarrba, and thought that they had finally broken even when they discovered a risky route known as the Goluud Corridor. They were black-balled by the Navigational Guild and disowned by Aarrba, and tried flee Cinnagar through the Starswarm Cluster, damaging their ship and forcing them to land on Korriban. They were then thrust into the middle of the power struggle between Naga Sadow and the Sith Lords when the Sith Lords thought they were advanced scouts from the Old Republic?s Navy. Gav was swayed by Naga Sadow, who held the young man on Khar Shian in order to "protect" him from the other Sith Lords. Sadow allowed him to explore the ancient Sith magics, encouraging Gav?s Force potential to grow. Sadow allowed him to train in the use of a huge wall of automated systems, giving him just enough information to lead Gav to believe that he was controlling Sadow?s fortress. In reality, Sadow was training the young human in the use of several weapons systems linked to Sith magic. When Ludo Kressh attacked Khar Shian, Sadow told Gav to use the systems to cut off transmissions to the renegade Sith Lord. What Gav actually did was activate a remote detonator on Kressh?s ship, causing the craft to explode in a brilliant fireball. It was at this point that Gav realized he and his sister had been manipulated by Sadow. However, he was gaining power with the Force that he never thought he?d have, and when Sadow offered him a position of power in his fleet, Gav agreed. He led part of the assault on Cinnagar, but was confronted by Aarrba. When his Massassi bodyguards cut the poor Hutt down, Gav was shocked at the brutality. When he discovered that his sister had witnessed what he had done, he fled in terror to Primus Goluud, hoping to confront Naga Sadow. There he disabled Sadow?s meditation sphere, causing the Sith Lord to lose his concentration. The images Sadow had been projecting into his forces dissipated, giving the combined Jedi-Republic forces new hope. Sadow was furious, and tricked Gav into the failing sphere. Gav?s distraction allowed the Republic to launch an attack on Sadow?s forces, but Sadow used Sith magic to rip apart Primus Goluud. Gav remained in the sphere, providing the Republic fleet with an escape vector to avoid the explosion. He was killed in the disaster.
Daragon, Jori
A native of Kirrek, Jori and her brother Gav charted the ancient space lanes for traders and haulers some 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. They were orphaned when their parents were killed in the First Unification Wars, and brought up under the watchful eye of Aarrba the Hutt. Like her brother, Jori had some Force sensitivity, but was the weaker of the two siblings. Also like Gav, she never pursued any formal training. The lure of interstellar travel called to Jori and her brother, and they were able to obtain a ship with the help of Aarrba. However, luck was not something the Daragons were endowed with. They were continually in debt to Aarrba, and thought that they had finally broken even when they discovered a risky route known as the Goluud Corridor. They were black-balled by the Navigational Guild and disowned by Aarrba, and tried flee Cinnagar through the Starswarm Cluster, damaging their ship and forcing them to land on Korriban. They were then thrust into the middle of the power struggle between the ancient Sith Lords, who believed they were the advanced scouts of an Old Republic war fleet. Naga Sadow managed to sway her allegiance, and held her on Khar Delba in order to "protect" her from reprisal by the other Sith Lords. Sadow later returned the Starbreaker 12 to her, telling her that Gav was dead and that she needed to return to the Republic before the other Sith Lords launched an attack on the Republic. Sadow then used the information from the Starbreaker 12' navigational computer to gather information on the Old Republic. When she returned to Cinnagar - which was the only destination she had stored in the ship?s computer - she was arrested and charged with every conceivable crime in relation to her escape from Cinnagar. No one believed her claims that the Sith Empire was about to attack, and she was shipped off to Ronika as punishment for her crimes. She managed to escape on an ore drone ship, but was shot down over Empress Teta?s palace on Cinnagar. Once captured by Teta?s guards, Jori produced a Sith amulet she took from Korriban. This persuaded Odan-Urr and Teta to believe her story of an impending Sith attack. She later was reunited with her brother Gav, but only after he and his Massassi warriors had killed Aarba. She tried to talk to him and bring him back from the Dark Side of the Force, but was unsuccessful. She followed him to Primus Goluud, but was unable to rescue him from the failing meditiation sphere he?d taken from Naga Sadow. As Gav provided an escape route from the unstable star, Jori tearfully said goodbye to him as the exploding star consumed him. Later, she stood by Empress Teta?s side as they attacked Naga Sadow?s forces near the Denarii Nova, in the final act of the Great Hyperspace War. Upon defeating the Sith and returning to Cinnagar, Teta gave Jori the rights to own and operate Aarrba the Hutt?s starship repair facility for her assistance in the war.
Dor Gal-ram
This ancient Sith warlord sided with Naga Sadow following the death of Marka Ragnos, although he believed Luda Kressh had the best interests of the Sith in mind. Working with Horak-mul, he became one of Kressh?s secret agents, and was instrumental in uncovering Sadow?s treachery in assuming the position of Dark Lord of the Sith. They later led the attack on Sadow?s fortress on Khar Delba, which was a decoy base. The lack of retaliation made Dor Gal-ram overconfident, and ordered further attacks. It was at this point that several of Dor Gal-ram?s crewmen - still loyal to Naga Sadow - mutinied and killed Gal-ram. This marked the end of Kressh?s attack on Sadow, leaving Sadow firmly in command of the Sith Lords.
This ancient Jedi Knight fell from the Light Side and began learning anything he could about the Dark Side and Sith teachings. When he felt a strange disturbance in the Force, he sought out its source and discovered the Cthol race and their Codex. Greedy and evil, Halbret exterminated the Cthol and took the Codex for himself. Halbret was later killed in a space battle with a group of Jedi Knights, and the Codex was lost for several millennia.
This one-eyed Sith warrior was loyal to Naga Sadow, although he was unsure of the Lord?s true motivations. Horak-mul sided with Ludo Kressh following the death of Marka Ragnos. After Kressh discovered that Sadow had tricked the Sith into believing an Old Republic war force was coming, Horak-mul and Dor Gal-ram followed Kresh to Rhelg to plan an attack on Sadow. They led the Sith fleet to Khar Delba, and were extremely confident when the fortress put up little resistance. Horak-mul , however, was unaware of the deception of Naga Sadow, who was hiding on Khar Shian. He was also unaware that many of Sadow?s spies were onboard his ship. When Sadow gave the command, the spies attacked Horak-mul and killed him just before Sadow defeated Ludo Kressh.
Keto, Satal
A member of the Tetan Elite, Satal Keto and his cousin, Aleema, were drawn to the Dark Side energies that were present in the galaxy some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. They formed the Dark Side worshippers known as the Krath. They were drawn to the Dark Side so fully that they crossed the galaxy to Coruscant, where they entered the Galactic Museum and stole a number of Sith manuscripts and artifacts. They then traveled to Onderon, in an effort to learn more about the artifacts from the Naddists there. Satal was shown how to use the Sith artifacts by King Ommin, who was later killed by the spirit of Freedon Nadd. Nadd's spirit then chose Satal and Aleema to be his new living emissaries, providing them with Sith swords. The two returned to the Tetan star system, where they overthrew the Carbonite Mining Guild with help from the Dark Jedi and the military just before the Great Sith War. He and Aleema froze their parents in carbonite after they overtook the guild. When Ulic Qel-Droma infiltrated the Krath in an effort to eradicate the Sith warriors, Satal poisoned him with Sith drugs in order to keep the Jedi from turning on the Krath. However, the poison only focused Ulic's powers, and in a pitched lightsaber duel, Aleema tells Ulic that it was Satal who ordered the attack on Deneba which killed Master Arca. Ulic's fury rose even higher, and he killed Satal before turning on the Jedi.
When the Imperial operative Shira Elan Colla Brie was trained in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force by Darth Vader, she shed her old name and became the Dark Jedi Lumiya. Lumiya's weapon of choice was not the lightsaber, though, but a new weapon known as the lightwhip. She discovered the lightwhip while searching through an ancient Sith tome during the Battle of Endor. Following the death of the Empire, Lumiya tried to defeat the New Republic with the help of the alien race known as the Nagai. She also tried to use their enemies, the Tofs, in a similar effort. Each time, she was defeated and left for dead, but her incredible strength and cunning allowed her to escape and survive. She was a force that skirted the New Republic, striking when it pleases her against remote locations. She had control of a small fleet of warships, and was supported by a contingent of crimson-armored stormtroopers.
The name taken by all of the commanders of the ancient Mandalorian warriors. An ancient Mandalore was defeated by Ulic Qel-Droma, and agreed to help Ulic during the Sith War. He helped Ulic realize that Aleema was misleading him, but continued to fight for the Sith. He sent his forces to Kemplex Nine, while he himself went to Coruscant to rescue Ulic and Exar Kun. After regrouping their forces, the Sith Lords ordered the Mandalorians to descend on Onderon. Mandalore agreed to the mission, and attacked Iziz. However, his forces were overcome Onderon during a pass of the Dxun moon, and fled to the moon for refuge. There, Mandalore was killed by one of the Dxun beasts.
An Onderonian street philosopher and Naddist who helped Exar Kun to find the hidden Sith artifacts on the Dxun moon.
Nikkos Tyris
This Anzati was one of the most powerful of the Saarai-karr leaders of the Jensaarai, who discovered some ancient Sith teachings during the Clone Wars. He and his companions were dispatched Nejaa Halcyon and Ylenic It'kla, but not before Halcyon was mortally wounded when Tyris drove his azure lightsaber through Halcyon's chest. Halcyon, though dying, absorbed all the energy from Tyris' lightsaber and used it to create a fist-like projection with the Force. Halcyon used it to crush Tyris. The other Jensaarai accompanying him was the husband of a Jensaarai who would become the next Saarai-kaar on Suarbi 7/5 and confront Corran Horn.
Nobam Nol
This charlatan once posed as a Sith Lord to dupe the inhabitants of N?ildwab. The natives hired Boba Fett to kill the magician, which he successfully did about five years after the Battle of Yavin.
An Onderonian functionary working for Queen Amanoa at the time when Ulic Qel-Droma tried to mediate the planet's civil war. He later served King Ommin after the wasted Naddist returned to power and captured the Jedi Master Arca. Novar was placed in charge of copying the Sith manuscripts stolen from the Galactic Museum by Satal Keto and Aleema.
King of the planet Onderon about 4,000 PE who became enthralled by Freedon Nadd's teachings, and allowed the Dark Jedi to grow in power. When the Jedi Knights were forced to remove Nadd from power, Ommin was revealed as Freedon Nadd's descendant. He carried some of the Dark Side ability with him, and his marriage to Queen Amanoa helped to bring out the Dark Side in him. Following the death of Amanoa during the intervention of Jedi Master Arca and his Jedi Knights, Ommin went into hiding, and was kept alive by mechanical means. Only his daughter, Galia, and a few trusted advisors knew he was still alive. When Arca came to Ommin to request help in recovering the stolen remains of Freedon Nadd, Ommin drew on the Dark Side of the Force to capture Arca. Ommin used the Dark Side to reach out to Satal Keto and Aleema, who had stolen Sith artifacts from the Galactic Museum on Coruscant. However, the artifacts couldn't save Ommin from the pureness of the Light Side, which had led Ulic Qel-Droma to his underground lair. Qel-Droma defeated Ommin with a swift slash of his lightsaber, crumpling Ommin's mechanical armatures and reducing the withered king to a formless mass of flesh. The spirit of Freedon Nadd, set free by the use of the Sith artifacts, finished what Ulic had started by taking Ommin's soul.
An Onderonian street philosopher and Naddist who helped Exar Kun to find the hidden Sith artifacts on the Dxun moon.
Shar Dakhan
This ancient Sith magician was one of Naga Sadow?s supporters. He was one of the primary planners and organizers of Sadow?s naval fleet, which was created to attack the Old Republic and expand the Sith Empire.
Zona Luka
A humanoid Jedi Knight who served with Cay Qel-Droma on Ossus, Zona was recognizable by the thick tendrils that covered her smooth, cone-shaped head. Her skin was yellow in color, and her tendrils were orange. Zona Luka had three toes on each foot, and three fingers on each hand. She was the apprentice of Jedi Master Dominus, and was later captured by Exar Kun's Dark Side spells. She was turned to the Dark Side, and killed Dominis during the Sith War.
March 24, 2004, 9:32 am
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
The journey
A Path to Enlightenment
Is what has been described by more than one person as "ancient religion..". But it is more than that. It is an energy field of sorts, the thread in the weave of time. It binds the galaxy together. A Jedi will learn to control and surrender to the Force.
The greater the Jedi's understanding of the Force, the greater the Jedi. The Force is a natural thing in itself - neither good, nor evil, but capable of being turned either way by those who use it. The two areas of the Force are clearly defined - The Light, and The Dark. Commentary of both will be found in another section. For now, suffice to say that some thought the boundary lines blurred, into a "gray" area where some things were neither Light, nor Dark Side specifically. Unfortunately for at least three Jedi Masters and an unlucky Jedi Knight, they were wrong.
Let us now embark into the knowledge that leads us through the Journey of the adepts of the Force.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
"You can search for years and years, through mountains and desert, and you will never find it. That is because it is always with you."
...Jedi Streen
1)Color Theory - Lightsabers
3)Are you a Jedi?
A)The Ancient Jedi masters knew that Jedi training must proceed at a slow pace. Too much power gathered too quickly can corrupt even the most selfless and devout Jedi apprentice.
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B)Even when Knighthood is achieved, it is a difficult life. As a Jedi Knight, you must never forget what you have learned, and never forget who you are even as a Jedi.
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C)The path to Mastery begins as soon as the path to becoming a Jedi ends. The unknown is near...
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1)Color Theory
The Lightsaber: an elegant weapon of a Jedi Knight. We all remember that moment when Luke Skywalker ignited the blue blade of his father's lightsaber. Since then, we have all wished we could have our own to battle the forces of evil. Beyond this though, there was a pattern. One we could not yet see clearly, yet it was there. One which became much clearer as the Star Wars universe expanded. Why was Luke's saber blue, then green? Why was Vader's original saber blue, then red after he turned to evil?
To answer these questions, we have to consider the concepts of good and evil, and merge them with the color wheel. In the beginning, Luke owned his father's saber, which was Blue. This was at a time when Luke knew little of the Force, and had not yet chosen his path. He was still vulnerable to the power of the dark side. This continued until the end of Empire Strike Back, when his Blue saber was lost, and he chose his path, denying Vader's offer for ultimate power. However, we could not be sure of Luke's real choice until the next movie when his saber color changes. In Return of the Jedi, Luke's newly contructed lightsaber is Green. Of course, at this time, Luke has not yet become a true Jedi Knight, and his fate is still unclear. The Green blade, however, is a clue to which path he will take. Looking at the color wheel, one may find that Red and Green are on opposite sides, and therefore opposite colors. Red is the signature color of the Sith lightsabers (Darth Vader, and Darth Maul). Naturally, the Jedi then must be the balance for the Dark Side. Those who have chosen their paths, then carry Green lightsabers. Good = Green; Evil = Red.
This can also be seen clearly in The Phantom Menace. Qui-gon Jinn, a Jedi Master carries a Green saber, while his apprentice, Obi-wan Kenobi, whose path has not yet been discovered, carries a Blue saber. Then, at the end of the movie, when Obi-wan's mentor is killed in battling Darth Maul, he happens to lose his Blue saber. Using great concentration, Obi-wan then destroys his opponent by using his master's saber... with a Green blade. His path is chosen.
This entire theory seems to fall apart, however, when one considers the fact that Obi-wan Kenobi, in his later years (A New Hope), now carries a Blue saber. This can be supported by several theories. One: he loses Qui-gon's Green saber in either Episode Two or Three and constructs a Blue one. This could symbolize many things, yet we will not discover this until those movies are released. Two: in certain martial arts, a white belt signifies beginner level, then black belt signifies Master level. However, once that Master has earned it, he/she may move onto the highest level, which is a return to the white belt. This return is based on the philosophy that the great masters enter into a state of "No Mind", therefore forgetting the knowledge they have gained throughout their experience, and being as a beginner once again *. The fact that Obi-wan carries a Blue saber at an older age could signify his return to this beginner level, even though he never openly admits to reaching a level of mastery: "I was once a Jedi Knight the same as your father." Three: some believe that George Lucas has played a trick on us all, and in fact, the old Obi-wan, is actually the real Anakin Skywalker, and the young Obi-wan is the real Darth Vader**. This would make sense as to why he picks up his master's Green saber, then carries the Blue saber later on.
Basically, it seems that the Blue symbolizes apprentice level. The next color blade then depends on the path chosen. It seems that Mr. Lucas is creating a pattern here which will not be entirely clear until the last two movies are created. Perhaps there is a greater message.
*The concept of "No Mind"/wu-hsin/mushin can be understood when considering the manner with which a baby can concentrate with a great deal of focus and appear to be completely entranced by things that appear very simple to us. It is usually this state of mind that many martial arts masters seek to acquire.
**This theory was one that I found on a web site which I cannot remember the address of. The theory in general is that the young Obi-wan Kenobi becomes Darth Vader, and the young Anakin Skywalker becomes the old Obi-wan. For some reason, Anakin (when Young Obi-wan becomes Darth) decides to take on his former teacher's name and then become the Ben Kenobi we know in A New Hope. Of course, this does not exactly fall into the stories told in Episodes 4 through 6. Ben Kenobi's original story to Luke was that Darth Vader betrayed his father. Then in Episode 6, he came out with the truth (supposedly). According to the theory, Ben/Anakin tells Luke yet another lie, simply so he would feel compelled to face Vader/Obi-wan and bring him back to the good side, therefore, ending the Emperor's reign. In other aspects, the theory holds together: Young Obi-wan's recklessness = falling to the dark side (Vader); Anakin's good natured selflessness = kind old Ben Kenobi; Anakin the chosen one = Ben Kenobi teaching Luke which brings balance to the Force, just as prophesized; The contradiction between who Young Obi-wan's actual teacher was (Yoda, or Qui-Gon?) = Young Obi-wan's fall to the dark side and inability to teach young Anakin = Yoda becomes Anakin/Ben Kenobi's teacher. As for my personal opinion, I don't really think that Lucas would complicate the story so much. It's an interesting theory though, and I would love to see it all actually come true. It would be nice to see that good old Lucas has some more tricks up his sleeves.
...Jedi Streen
You don't have to belong to any specific religion in order to believe in heaven. Nor is there one concept of what heaven actually is.
We go about our lives, doing whatever needs to be done. Some of us feel guilty in a way, for not doing a good deed. Or we worry that we might be punished in a life after this for doing something bad. The point is, we worry so much, that we forget one very important thing. That is, that heaven is right where we stand.
This is a very controversial concept. A lot of us have been taught that heaven is a place we go if we are good in this life. Or we are taught that we will have a better life next time around, if we are good now. So, consequently, we experience and create our own hell here on Earth so that maybe we will be rewarded for it. But I ask, why would we want to suffer all our lives? We don't have to. It is a conscious choice. To live in pain so that we may live a joyful existence later on.
Like I said, we don't have to do this to ourselves. Heaven is here and now. Look around you. Look at the chance you have been given. Of course, some may be harder to see than others. You can do what you feel. You can experience life in the grandest way. Don't be fooled into thinking that enjoying that feeling of freedom is bad. You will not be anymore selfish. If you want to be kind and generous (as is a common desire among Jedi), then you can be, and still delight in the heaven you have been given.
There is no destination. There is no path to follow. There is no where to go, and nothing to do. You are ALREADY THERE.
...Jedi Streen
3)Are you a Jedi?
"Why must you become Jedi?"
...Jedi Master Yoda
The Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice, the caretakers, the peacemakers, the founders of truth, the order of peace, the believers of serenity, the unified elements of faith. Those who think of others before thyself.
As said in the Jedi Creed, the path to becoming a Jedi is a path of self-discovery. We begin to realize, some sooner then others, of our distinguish abilities that might help shape the world to a more peaceful and understandable setting. The Jedi is merely a title, a label intended to provide a grander perception of the men and women under the banner of a spiritual existence. We are here to respect those who want to be inspired of a truth that lies between the light and dark, giving them an opportunity to be encouraged into choosing their own path of destiny they yearn for.
Some of us may never be able to levitate objects, be involved in a sabre duel, or even make a very accurate prediction. Yet we must realize the first steps into our larger world, the world in which we want to live in. There is always a beginning, even if it must start out as a simple illusion or myth. The future might hold a significance for our kind, even if we don't believe we are truly what we call ourselves to be. Whether we like it or not, our nature is all about changing, and even though our names may be altered as well as our interpretations, we will always be who we are. We will always believe what we believe in.
For every illusion, there is a certain realism about it. That realism may connect with a simple significance, or a simple set of morals or principles.
We must all realize that things happen for a reason, and that we should strive to understand that reason. Sometimes that reason is very close to the reason why we are fascinated with the illusion, the truth behind the simple mask. A truth that makes it so real that some of us take it very seriously to the point of fixation.
So ask yourself a simple question right now. Are you a believer? Are you a person who believes there is something out there beyond the physical barriers that we as a human race may have taken for granted? Then please, join us. Join us and become a seeker of knowledge, let us all embrace and be unified. Do not let a simple story or label lead you astray. Please, I beg you, do not prejudge the truths we cling to, for they may be of your own. We are all running the same race--it is only that some of us are going on different paths and shortcuts to get to the finish line. Some are even running the extra mile. Acknowledge and admit to yourself that we are striving for the same thing--truth.
Be a partaker and join us, for their might be a time in which we are needed. Let us prepare for the storm, and believe in a faith unseen.
...Jedi Relan Volkum
"Will he finish what he begins?"
The Ancient Jedi masters knew that Jedi training must proceed at a slow pace. Too much power gathered too quickly can corrupt even the most selfless and devout Jedi apprentice. A Jedi student must be properly humble in his powers, and mature enough to embrace the tremendous responsibility that comes with wielding the Force.
A student impatient with the slow pace of the tutorship, a gifted student eager to dispense with "pointless exercises" and embrace the true power of the Force misses the entire point of being a Jedi. The Jedi does not crave power, but seeks to serve others, without the expectation of becoming "great in the Force." The true Jedi is cautious, and reluctant to learn too much too quickly. Overeager students run a fearful risk of opening themselves up to the temptations of taking the deceptively easy path of the dark side.
In the days of the Old Republic, the Jedi teachers kept a careful watch on their apprentices, ever alert for the telltale signs of the headstrong apprentice who wanted more than they were ready for. Every Jedi disciple soon heard the dreadful cautionary tale of the gifted Jedi Exar Kun, and how he was lost to the dark side by the arrogant belief that he could embrace Sith teachings and not be dominated. If a great Jedi Master could fall, their teachers told them, they themselves must tread with special care.
While Jedi teachers in the past could draw upon centuries of tradition an experience in training Jedi, now fewer resources available. But with each new generation of Jedi the New Republic's Jedi Alliance can become more powerful to defend each living being in the Galaxy...
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
The Lightsaber
"This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight, an elegant weapon for a more civilized time."
...Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi
A Lightsaber is a concentrated "Hard light" weapon, focused by Adegan crystals. It is constructed by a Jedi many times during his or her lifetime, often marking a change of state in the Jedi himself as he progresses in the ways of the Force.
A Jedi will make several Lightsabers during his apprenticeship, one on his passage from Apprentice to Jedi Knight and another when he passes from Jedi Knight to Jedi Master. More may be built as the Jedi sees fit, to replace inefficient, outdated or a lost Lightsaber. A Lightsaber will gradually become part of a Jedi as he uses it - the loss of a lightsaber can be felt by a Jedi almost as the loss of a close friend...
The Lightsaber is more than a weapon... it is part of what makes a Jedi a Jedi.
The lightsaber is a product of an ancient, once-forgotten technology. It is an exquisite weapon, one that flows and moves as its master moves. The skillful wielding of its legendary blade was considered the true mark of a Jedi, right up until the reign of Emperor Palpatine and his Empire began - at which time the Jedi were hunted down and eliminated.
While the order of the Jedi is all but extinct, a few of their elegant weapons remain. One lightsaber, constructed by Anakin Skywalker, belonged to the last of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker. The saber was roughly 24-30 centimeters long and featured a handle body of polished durasteel. An inner shell contained the incredible energies generated within, without transmitting their heat to the device's outer surfaces.
Using what Luke Skywalker had learned from the detailed examination (and skilled use) of his father's saber, Luke Skywalker, like all Jedi before him, built his replacement lightsaber himself. This new, self-built unit shares those elements common to all sabers: It houses a power cell within its handgrip, crysallite lenses are faceted to perfection, a focusing core channels the intense energy of the cell into a coherent beam that bends circumferentially back upon itself to create a cutting "blade".
A lightsaber can be wielded properly only after years of extensive training and disciplined use. The Jedi can deflect blaster bolts and particle beams by the skilled use of their blades. Often the mere sight of the intensely-luminous blade and the unique, indescribable hum of that same blade slicing the air served to scatter most opposition.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
The Gray Jedi
The Gray Jedi are neither Light nor Dark, but rather both. But the problem here, Gray Jedi are those Jedi candidates who did not decide to follow either the Light or Dark side.
These Jedi are known also as Jedi Apprentices who are able to use both sides of the force. Luke Skywalker in "Return of the Jedi" was able to use the Force Grip on the Gamorreans to compel them unconscious, but not dead. He also used the Force Jump to escape from the Sail Barge. Another Force Power allowed him to levitate See Threepio in the Ewok's throne on Endor.
He was "still" an apprentice. However, after becoming a light Jedi as he rescued his father from the Dark Side, he was drawn to the light side - away from the darkness.
Yes, Gray Jedi are existing, but it is often misunderstood - such Jedi are called Gray Jedi in correct term, but they are only the apprentices, not full developped Jedi. Many people who believe in this paradoxon, that the Jedi - the most powerful of the Jedi or "Force users" - are able to use both sides, do not realize that those who use partly both sides of the force are the Gray Jedi, and with this, only Jedi Apprentices.
They cannot master the Force, the Force masters them. They become stronger, but they become strong in the end when they decide for the Light, or the Dark Side of the Force.
They have limited powers, not full developped skills, not fully trained they are.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
The Specter of the Past
A Holocron is a repository of all the knowledge a Jedi has learned. But it is more than just a repository of knowledge... as a Jedi places knowledge in a Holocron, he also places part of his Self - part of his very being - inside it, to aid users and to dispense knowledge as needed. A Holocron will contain only one Jedi's knowledge, and so the subjects in them vary considerably. One may see extensive coverage of a subject in one Holocron, and no mention of it in another. Holocrons were once used as a teaching device, but are now extremely rare. Only one, now in the care of Luke Skywalker, is known to have survived the Great Jedi Purge.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
B)The Knighthood
"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment. The most serious mind." These were the words of Jedi Master Yoda speaking to Luke Skywalker as he explained the requirements of a Jedi. While these words may seem simple to act out, it may be decieving to a young apprentice that this is all that is needed.
This is not so. To reach the level of knighthood is a grand achievement. Many an apprentice have been led to believe that such an achievement does not take much time, and that it is an adventure. Training can take many years until the Padawan became the Knight, and the apprentice became the Jedi. Many years of learning, discussing, reading, listening, and studying. Many years of self-discovery until that pride that most feel when beginning training, becomes true self-confidence.
It is a difficult path to travel. An apprentice is faced with many tests. Many of which are self-imposed, and not at all devised by the master. That's right, self-imposed. While the Force is what guides the Jedi, and the Master guides the Apprentice, it is the Jedi which, for the most part, leads him or herself to a certain point at which the Apprentice will be tested.
Even when Knighthood is achieved, it is a difficult life. As a Jedi Knight, you must never forget what you have learned, and never forget who you are even as a Jedi.
Before reaching Knighthood, all Jedi make a sacrifice. It is not required by the Master, nor is it a part of the Jedi Code to do so. It happens naturally. A sacrifice which shows your dedication to the Force, and to a new life, based on selflessness. This may be someone close to you, that you come to realize you must let go of in order to follow your path. It may be a certain addiction, or passion for something that would inhibit your abilities. It is not necesarilly your choice as to what you give up, and it is also a mile stone at which will decide your destiny. Choose wisely, and may the Force be with you.
...Jedi Streen
C) One is with the Force...
The path to Mastery begins as soon as the path to becoming a Jedi ends. The Master is humble in his actions and his words. He feels no need to show off his abilities what-so-ever, or even use them unless it is absolutely necesary.
The Master understands balance well. He knows when certain things should be taught to the student, and when things should wait.
The Master also does not interfere with the students' actions. He makes suggestions and guides the students along their path, but does not tell them that which they can or cannot do.
Searching for a Master to be taught by can be a long and difficult journey. You must be sure that he or she is a truly good person. This is very important. You should be comfortable with the Master and also trust him as you would trust a very close friend.
...Jedi Streen
True Mastery
The last step to true Mastery is the step when you will become one with the Force. This goal is an achievement, a honorable time when one will be enlightened and become more powerful than you can imagine. This time comes to the living Force, to us as Jedi, when the shell ceases to exist, our bodies die and when we will join the energy that binds the universe together. Then, there is true Mastery.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
The Lesson
How the Force flows
Welcome to the physical training section of the Creed. Here you learn mostly about your physical self, and how to take good care of it. We must warn you of course, that practicing certain techniques may result in injury, in which case we cannot be held responsible. It is your choice. For some of these articles, it may be wise to consult your doctor before performing. Others, are simply there to help guide you, in which case the only injury you may sustain is a headache...
...Jedi Streen
Unlearn what you have learned...
"References to ancient beings might occur in history while time passes to the extinguished existence." Would you consider such a phrase as a useful piece of knowledge from which you can learn?
Yes, you can definately learn something here. It might be a lesson, it might be another style of language, it might be a code to shadow a true meaning to a watchful eye that keeps considering you as the "little bother who needs to be watched".
If you found out what I wrote there - and I am sure you will be able to tell me - feel free to contact me. Now embark to the other studies that were made in reference to the Force... or something else?
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
Physical Training - Martial Arts
The Basics
Basics of Jeet Kune Do (JKD)
The Philosophy of JKD
Energy Management
Good Diet
The Empowerment of Self Confidence
The Sphere
Jedi Pain Suppression
The Art of Breathing
Vomitting - Disgusting, or Lesson on Life?
Balance of the Force
Find Your Center
The Jedi is but a poet
Seeing the Perfection
Disturbances in the Force
Accuracy and Precision
The Role of the Family
Proving The Paradox
The Majority
That Jedi?s Got Zorch...
Singing Sunsets
Faith and Fluidity
Jedi in everyday Life
Act as the Universe
The light of truth awaits you...
Is it common for you to realize the importance of the soul? It is the soul that provides us with the understanding of how we live, what we perceive, and why we believe what we believe. A vital part in our lives to accept is that our spirit holds many keys to our potential as a Jedi.
Our spirit is the beholder of our lives, for it is one with The Force. Without the soul, there is no being. Without believing in the Force, there is no energy. It is crucial for all those who deem to be Jedi to never lack in the importance of the soul... and to understand its significance.
...Jedi Relan Volku
The Art of Living
The Liturgy
Once Upon A Time...Once Upon Another...
This Time
Falling Down
Do nothing
Eye of the Beholder
Arrival Of Truth
The Basics
This is an introduction to what will be a series of articles on physical health. I would simply like to say a few things that you may want to keep in mind if you practice any of the methods I will be writing about.
First of all, don't push yourself too far. You don't want to injure yourself. Besides that, you need to be patient about how long it takes your body to develop. Don't try doing more exercises than you know you can do, just because you think you can get bigger muscles faster, or lose weight faster.
What you should do though is push yourself. You can do more than what you sometimes think you can, and when you go beyond your limits is when you are really accomplishing something.
Second, see your doctor if you are unsure of any exercises, especially if you have any health problem, heart conditions, etc. You may prevent any possible injury, or even death.
Third, I am not a professional. The following articles are merely the cause of my experience. I will not be held responsible for any injury, or harm caused by practicing any of these methods. You are doing this strictly by your choice, and at your own risk!
A note of terminology: I'll do my best to describe these methods, and I'll use very basic terms and no complex muscle group names. A couple of things you might need to know though are 'sets' and 'repetitions'. A repetition, or rep, is simply one movement of whatever exercise you are doing. A certain number of repetitions divided up (so that you can take a break in between) is a set.
...Jedi Streen
A good cardiovascular workout (aerobics) is probably one of the most important, if not the most important, thing you can incorporate into your training. It's great for over-all endurance and are great confidence builders. There is a very long list of reason why you should use these, but it would be a waste of time to put them here. Basically, if you do nothing else, then use these. If you lift weights, or do any other kind of muscle strengthening, do these exercises every other day, opposite of lifting weights.
Jogging is probably the simplest form of aerobics and can be done virtually anywhere, anytime. If you have a treadmill collecting dust somewhere in your house, then get it out! They are very convenient since you can jog anytime you want. There is so special way to jog, except to make sure that you do it at a regular rate. If you go a long time without jogging, you'll find it harder to get back into the process. There are a few ways you can run. Those being on the ball of your foot (which strengthens your calf muscles quite well, but is much more tiring), from your heel to toe (probably the most used method), and flat foot (almost like heel to toe, but your whole foot hits the ground at the same time). Make sure you stand up straight and makes sure you take deep breaths.
Jumping Jacks
Yes, that's right, Jumping Jacks! Doing a hundred of these babies will not only work your leg muscles but will also improve your endurance quite well. Of course, if you haven't done any in a long time, you may find a hundred to be a little challenging to say the least. Work your way up. Do 25 at first if necessary. With practice, then try 50, then 75, then 100. Keep going! If you honestly have no idea what a jumping jack is, here's how you do it: start with your legs together, and your hands at your sides. Next, hop, and spread your legs, while raising your hands above your head. Hop again, and return to your original position. That's one! Of course, you should do these a lot faster than I can explain them (approximately one per second).
Good "luck"!
...Jedi Streen
Your abdominals (stomach muscles), are one of your more important muscles groups, especially for martial artists. These muscles are the physical center of your body, and therefore should be taken care of. Here I have a few exercises that are very helpful to strengthen and shape these muscles.
The very root of all stomach exercises, sit-ups are the most important. These can be done anytime, anywhere with a minimal amount of floor space. Lay on the floor and bring your feet in close to you. Then simply "sit up" all the way. There are many variations to this. You can either cross your arms over your chest when doing these, or interlace your fingers behind your neck, sit up, and turn, touching you right arm to your left knee, and vice-versa. Make sure you don't put your hands behind your head. This may result in a neck injury. Then, there is also the stomach crunch, which only requires you to lift off the ground several inches. This is good if you want to focus more on your stomach muscles, and not on your back, which the full sit-up utilizes. I would suggest for beginners to go through these exercises first to find out how much they can handle, and which one works best for them. From there, simply workout a goal each time you use these methods. I would further recommend using a slant board for sit-ups. This gets the job done much faster, though they are much more difficult to do. When using one of these, you should use the sit-up and turn method I explained above. Doing any of these exercises more slowly will work more on strengthening the muscle groups, while working faster will increase endurance.
Leg Raises
Leg raises mainly work your lower stomach muscles, and also work your lower back . If you've never done these before, you may find them quite difficult, especially if you have not done any other stomach exercise. Take your time. Simply lie flat on your back, your legs extended. With your legs pressed together, lift them a off the ground until they reach about a 30 degree angle with the floor, then set them back down. Do as many of these as you can.
Frog Kicks
A rather uncommon stomach exercise, frog kicks work your upper stomach muscles. These can be done if you have a chin-up bar handy. However, the counter top in my kitchen has an "L" shape corner to it, where I can hold myself off the ground. However you manage to do this, hold your legs together, and bring your knees up to touch your chest. Whatever you do to hold yourself off the ground, make sure it's sturdy!
These are a pretty good cool down stomach exercise. You need only a stick of some sort, such as a broom handle, or a bo if you happen to have one. Rest it across your shoulders behind your head, and hold onto each end. Next, simply twist to the left, touching the right side of the stick/broom handle to your left foot, and vice-versa. These are not very strenuous at all, so I would recommend you do at least 50 (one repetition would be twisting to the left, then to the right).
...Jedi Streen
The Philosophy of JKD
Along with some very interesting ways to defend yourself, there is a greater philosophical side to Jeet Kune Do.
The Direct Line
In JKD, Bruce Lee placed great emphasis on the directness of self-defense. He did not support the fancy movements that did nothing more than put on a good show. The stuff you see in the movies can be quite misleading. When your life is your concern, you have no time to think about a certain defensive maneuver. You have to act. Which is why, if you study martial arts for the sake of self-defense, you should learn to flow with the situation. Accept what your opponent gives you, and allow 'it' to react. Do not conform to 'fixedness'.
Pristine Simplicity
Martial Arts can indeed seem complicated at times. This is something you should work to prevent. When defending one's self, do not allow your mind to freeze. Do not focus on yourself, or worry about self-preservation. Do not fight against these, however. Simply let go. There is no 'I'. There is no 'opponent'. That is when Martial Arts reaches its highest meaning.
The Connection to Art
Art is that which you feel, that which you know, and that which you understand from within. Art is then the outward creation of what you have within you. It is the spiritual and conceptual place in the physical world. Do not confine yourself to that which is not an expression from within.
See the Truth
Allow your mind to empty of such concepts of good or bad. Easy or difficult. Correct or incorrect. Doing so will allow you to see everything as it is, without the mind's influence. This is your soul telling you the truth.
"It hits all by it self" --Bruce Lee
Energy Management
Almost everyone wastes energy once in a while. We might get mad, or frustrated, or we might not use our daily energy to its greatest extent. There are ways to prevent this, and to live with more energy. It is simply up to you.
Let's start with the morning. A lot of people have difficulty getting up in the morning, and especially getting out of the slouching and droopy mode after waking up. The way to change this is to get into motion the minute you get out of bed. Instead of going right into your morning routine, stand up straight, and take a few deep breaths. Use the method for "Finding your Center". Now, you must start moving. If you know Tai Chi, or any type of martial art, then using it here would be helpful. If not, allow the Force to guide your actions. Do not think about how you will move, just move. Imagine these movements flowing from your center, which is said to be located somewhere a couple inches below your stomach, in many martial arts and philosophies. Focus on this for at least a minute, and you will feel much more awake. Keep going until you feel you are done. Remember to keep breathing.
Other ways to manage your energy are to use only that which is necesary to use. That means that you should not waste your energy in anger or frustration. This also means that while exercising, you should focus yourself on that task, and you should not cheat on your exercises. Above all, DON'T BE LAZY.
Good Diet
Eating healthy is just as important as exercise. Although I know that most people would just as soon skip this article, I would hope that you take into consideration what I say here. I'm not going to throw out a bunch of technical food terms at you.
Eating good foods is not as hard as it seems, and once you get into a good routine you'll find out what's good, and convenient for you.
First of all, avoid the sweet cereals in the morning. Eat something with some grain or bran in it, and some dried fruit if possible. For lunch, have at least one piece of fruit. I would recomend two, however. You should be careful about how much bread you eat. Pay close attention to that. Be lenient on the amount of butter or salt you put on things as well. I would actually recomend avoiding adding them, as much as possible.
To make sure you get enough fruits and vegetables, I suggest you get a blender. They are easy to use, and it can be extremely helpful to put various things into one drink and to have that once in a while between meals. Personally, I like putting an Apple, Carrots, Grapes, and then some orange juice into mine. You can be pretty creative with this sort of thing, so use your imagination.
Avoid sweet food in general, as much as you can. You'll notice that the more real, oraganic food that you eat, the better you will feel all around.
Of course, I'm no expert on this sort of thing, which is why I'm simply making suggestions. This is merely what I learned from personal experience.
Breathe when you are tired.
Breathe when you wake up.
Breathe when your are angry, or frustrated.
Breathe when you are at peace.
Breathe when you are excitied.
Breathe when you are anxious.
Breathe when you are scared.
Always breathe, for your breath moves with the many breaths of the universe.
Everyone needs a hero. The trick is to not become that hero.
Discipling oneself is the way of the Force.
As a Jedi, you must be able to bend in the wind, go with the flow, and roll with the punch. In other words, you should accept the situation and adapt to it. However, if you wish to master this, you must not only achieve it mentally and spiritually, but also physically. This involves a simple, yet spiritual act of stretching. The following is a list of techniques for stretching the various parts of the body. After utilizing these, you may begin to notice that your mind setting will begin to change, very much like your physical flexibility will.
You must keep in mind that it is very possible to be hurt if done improperly. You must ease into the stretch. Take your time. Don't go right into being uncomfortable. Slowly feel the tension. A lot of people turn stretching into an aerobic exercise, but this does not have to be true. Stretching should be a quiet, spiritual act. A time of meditation. You don't even have to break a sweat, or breathe abnormally. You should take deep breaths as you stretch.
If you're a beginner, start by holding all positions for approximately 20 seconds, or however long you choose. Do not push yourself to a point where you think you should be. Only push the stretch to where it is mildly uncomfortable. This is enough for the desired effect. You must have patience. As you progress with your flexibility, you should gradually increase the length of time you hold a position, up to 1 minute.
There are many times you can stretch. It can be used as a cool down after exercise, or you can do it before you go to bed, which has been said to help you sleep. A complete session can take you about 15 or 20 minutes, depending on how long you hold certain stretches, and how many you do. What I've provided are some basic techniques to enhance your flexibility. These are certainly not all of them. With a little practice, you will no doubt find some on your own.
Go through each stretch and find out for yourself what part of your body it is working on. Use this to get a better feel of your body.
Hurdler's Stretch: This can be done a couple of ways. One is to sit with one leg extended in front of you, with your other foot up against the inside of your thigh, while you reach to touch your toes. Make sure to do so with both hands then switch legs and repeat. The other way to do this stretch is to have one leg extended in front, while the other is bent and brought behind you until your legs form a 90-degree angle with each other. This way is more difficult, and if it is very uncomfortable, then you should either decrease the angle of your legs, or push yourself off the ground slightly with your hands. As you progress, gradually, increase the angle.
Hamstring Stretch: Simply sit with both of your legs together and in front of you and reach for your toes. This can be simplified if you have a partner to push on your back. Or you can push on the floor behind you, bringing your chest toward your thighs. Another way similar to this is to lie flat on your back, and stick you legs straight out above you making them perpendicular with the rest of your body. Straighten your legs until they are either perfectly straight, or until you feel the tension. If need be, bring your legs closer to your body (with them straight still) making less of an angle to get more of stretch.
Groin Stretch: Sit with the bottoms of your feet pressed together, and bring them in toward you. Gently bring your knees closer to the floor to the slightly uncomfortable point. I've also heard this called the Butterfly, because of the "bouncing knee" technique, giving the impression of a fluttering butterfly. In this case, just hold your knees in one position for the duration. It may help to keep your feet placed firmly on the floor, and then bring yourself closer to them.
Thigh Stretch: Stand erect with your feet together. Then bring your foot behind you, and grab onto your ankle until you feel the pull in your thigh. Repeat for you other leg.
Hip Stretch: Do the same as the thigh stretch, except, bring your knee up in front of you and grab onto it, bringing it closer to your chest.
(Both the Thigh and Hip Stretches require a bit of balancing. If you have trouble with this, I will be doing an article on Balancing to help you with this.)
Side Stretch: Stand erect with your legs together, your arms at your sides. Raise your left arm above your head and extend it completely. Bring the lower part of your arm slightly behind your head and bend to the right. Do the same for the other side.
Lunging Stretch: Stand erect with your legs shoulder width apart. Bring your right leg out in front of you, far enough to bend toward it. Keep your left leg straight and bend your right leg until it is perpendicular with the floor. Let your left leg slide back until you feel tension. Hold your self in this position with your fists pushing on the ground to make sure you are looking straight ahead. Repeat for the other leg.
Split: This is no doubt one of the more difficult flexibility exercises, and should be done carefully. You can really hurt yourself with this. You can use a table or a chair to balance yourself, so stand in front of what you choose to use, and slowly spread your legs to the left and to the right. Make sure to keep your torso facing in the same direction (essentially perpendicular to your legs). Rest on the sides of your feet, basically keeping your whole foot on the floor, except for the bottom. Ease down until you feel uncomfortable, but not too much.
When you are finished, do a couple of front and side leg swings. Hold onto something like the back of a chair, point one foot to the left, and swing your right leg to the right as high as you can go (side swing). Do the same with the other leg. Next, stand where you have enough room, with your legs shoulder width apart. Bring your right leg back, and swing it up as high as it will go (front swing). Make sure you don't lower your head just as you're bringing your leg up.
If you have any question about any of these techniques or how they should be done, feel free to contact me, just in case I didn't describe these position clearly enough. Be sure to do this at a regular pace, whether that is everyday, every other day, etc. You can lose your flexibility if you don't keep up.
The Empowerment of Self Confidence
I've come to notice that most of us that lack in self-confidence, would truly like to be otherwise, but have difficulty discovering how without simply putting on the air of being confident.
Such a task is not simple. This I know from my own experiences. I was never the popular kid at school, nor did I have many friends, nor the strength to stand up for what I believed in. I probably met my low point in my freshman year of high school. I'm sure that a lot of you can understand what that year of high school can be like for some kids. Anyway, 5 years later, here I am, now in college, and I now have a new strength: the strength of self-confidence. While there is still a little bit of that timid, shy, person left in me, I used my experiences to gain this strength, and have, for the most part, conquered it. This does not mean that I gave into anger. No matter how frustrating those experiences are, becoming angry about them accomplishes the exact opposite of what you would want. Now, you may ask, "How can I do that?"
Like I said, it is not easy, and may take a long time, but for everything there is a first step. That first step in simple: Stand up straight, and look ahead! Most people with a lack of self-confidence lower their head, and do not look up, as if afraid of what lies in front of them. Don't do this! Stand up. Hold your head up and look in front of you. Do not slouch. You'll be surprised how much this can change your whole attitude.
Here's an experiment, just to test how well you can do this. On a day when you have to go out, for whatever reason and it happens to be raining, see if you can do the same thing without cringing from the rain. Don't hide your head. Just accept the rain, and hold your head up. Just don't get yourself sick :)
This is the empowerment of self-confidence.
There are many different types of storms, ranging from mild snow storms to raging hurricanes. But the beauty of the storm remains to the watchful eye. The might and power of storms are a beautiful balance with the wonderful mild or "calm" days. Storms are needed for the balance of nature just as we have day and night.
See, storms help renew life and get rid of old. For example: A palm tree has half of its fronds (the leaves) dead and the other half growing. In order for the tree to continue its survival it must rid itself of the old fronds. Naturally a hurricane might occur and the force of the hurricane would eventually rid the tree of both old and some of the new fronds. (fewer of the new fronds because they are stronger and more durable)
In bad storms, families tend to put aside their differences and help one another. Thus storms also pull people together, unity. The low, bromidic pressure of the storms also bring new life into the world. Trust me I know, I was born in a blizzard. Storms are dangerous just the same as bringing new life into the world but just as beneficial.
As Jedi we must understand that everything happens for a reason. Balance is essential for all life. If we loose balance then we will fall. Nature is a great example and to learn from nature we can learn a lot about ourselves. Remember what may seem ugly and horrible may really be beautiful and helpful.
The Sphere
Many times during your life, you may feel vulnerable, or as if you do not have control over your own life. This can be a very difficult thing to deal with, so I'd like to share something with you.
Your Sphere is the area around you which you have an affect on, and control of. It is the area in which no one may enter without your allowance. It is the space which you, and you alone can see, and understand.
To come to know your Sphere, find a room where you can move freely without bumping into anything. Stand straight, and keep your legs shoulder width apart. Stretch your arms out to your sides, making sure you are reaching as far as you can. Move your arms behind you and grasp your hands together. Do the same above your head, and in front you. Now you should have a feel for the top half of your sphere.
This next part may be a little tricky so be careful. Hold your leg out in front of you, keeping it as close to being perpindicular with your body as possible. Now, rotate in a circle using your other foot. You might lose your balance a few times, but don't get discouraged.
When you've done all this, you should be able to feel the area around you. With practice, you will be able to sense things within your Sphere. Whether it be someone moving toward you, or something on the ground you were about to trip over. Remember, you have the right to protect yourself and your Sphere, and no one can take away that right.
Awareness is the key.
Jedi Pain Suppression
As you may have learned, the mind is a very powerful thing. The body always follows the mind. Remember that.
There are many different techniques for letting go of pain. Perhaps suppression is the wrong word to use. You should not be balling it up and pushing it down into the pit of your stomach. You should feel as if you are setting it free, and letting it drift away to be absorbed by the stars. This is one of the simplest ways of going about it.
Think about how infinite the universe is. Feel the extreme size of it. When pain persists, know how small you are compared to the universe. Then how small the pain is, compared to you. Then how small the pain is, compared to the universe.
The Art of Breathing
All Jedi Masters teach their apprentices in one way or another how to breath properly. If not, the student will eventually learn on their own. You see, it is believed that there is a mysterious power in breathing. Allowing yourself to breath regularly, and deeply, can do more than just provide oxygen.
Start by either lying down or sitting comfortably. You may want to where loose fitting clothes. This helps for you to let go of your physical self.
Now, take a few deep breaths, and begin by inhaling for 4 seconds. Hold your breath for 4, exhale for 4, and hold again for 4. If this is your first time doing this, you may find it difficult to hold your breath after exhaling, so gradually work that in, until your breath is on a count of 4-4-4-4 all the way through.
When Inhaling, allow your stomach to expand before your chest. When exhaling, do just the opposite. Make sure you fill your lungs completely, but not to the point where it begins to hurt.
Close your eyes. If you've ever had difficulty meditating, using this breathing technique will allow you to focus. After some time and practice, you will actually forget to count, and the breathing will become natural.
If you start to get dizzy or short of breath, make sure to change the length of time during one of the 4 second counts. It's all about practice.
This can be applied as well if you ever become overwhelmed, or even afraid. Regulating your breathing, is like alowing the Force to flow through you regularly. This all may sound complicated, but it really isn't. You'll forget all about this lesson once you know how to do it.
?The Breath of the Force?
Take a deap breath...
and feel the wind brush past you.
The tree sways in the wind...
as a mother gently rocks her child to sleep.
The river flows on...
as we let go of our regrets.
The sun shines warmly...
as we care for others.
The snow falls quietly...
as we close our eyes
and meditate.
March 24, 2004, 9:34 am
Vomitting - Disgusting, or Lesson on Life?
We all know how unpleasant throwing up can be, and I promise you I won't get into the details about it. The night before I write this article, I experienced something I don't believe I'll forget.
Yep, you guessed it, I threw up. But that's not the whole story. From the moment I woke up in bed and felt that nausiousness, I knew I must have ate something bad. For about a half-hour, I kept denying the fact that I may just be sick. I did whatever I could to prevent it. From drinking a ton of water, to taking anti-acid medicine, I held back that feeling and did my best to push it away with my mind.
All of which, ultimately, failed. The interesting part came just ten minutes before my unchangeable fate. I finally admitted to it. I recognized that it was going to happen, so why hold back. I said to myself,"I'll just get it over with." That was when I could really feel something. I'd never experienced it before in such a way. It was acceptance, and possibly awareness. I understood what couldn't be prevented, so I didn't worry about it anymore, which was a great relief.
I know what you're thinking,"Couldn't he have come up with a better example?". Well, no. Remember this. The next time something bad is about to happen to you and you know it can't be prvented, then just let it happen. Stop worrying, and accept it. You'll feel a lot better, trust me.
Balance of the Force
To create balance in one's life can be difficult. So it can be with physical balance. As I said in my flexibility article, this can be learned from a simple physical technique, which will help you to understand the philosophical side of it.
Stand either with one leg straight, much like if you were using the "Sphere" technique, or you can use a stretching position to practice balance. Or, simply stand in such a way that you feel unbalanced. Now, do not attempt to balance yourself. Don't flail for arms around so that you don't lean a certain way. In fact, do not do anything at all.
Instead, allow the balance to happen through you. Become the substance of balance. Feel balance. You may want to imagine the Force flowing up through you and giving you balance. It is a very simple task once you feel it. Then there will be no need for effort.
Find Your Center
Many times one may feel unable to go on with a certain way of life. Things may seem hopeless, and you may want to give up. Go ahead. That's right, I'm telling you to give up, if only for a moment. But wait, there's more to it than that. You see, when the caring ends, and the struggle within vanishes, you will feel the freedom of life once again. Just like if you wanted desperately to be able to break a board with your fist. Once you stop caring so much, you will be able to do it. So, when you feel you have lost hope, for an amount of time that you choose, do just that. Give up. Just sit down, and for that moment enjoy who you are. Enjoy just being there. Look around and exist in the present. Things will start to feel more real to you. Do not give up your life, however. That is a most precious gift.
Sometime after you've done this, once you are feeling quite normal, find a quiet spot and kneel or sit on the floor. Close your eyes and once again exist in the present. Take the palms of your hands and press them together tightly. Begin taking deep breaths. In and out. Nice and slow. Open yourself to the Force. Now, push your hands out in front of you and exhale.
Bring them in, and inhale. Push them out above you, and exhale. Bring them back, and in hale. This movement is not simply a movement. Do you notice something about the movement? Apply this philosophy to your life.
Find your center.
The Jedi is but a poet
While following his/her path, a Jedi comes upon many things, which conventional thought and philosophy cannot contain. Thus enters the poetry.
Poetry is an expression that cannot be set by rules or styles. Not for a Jedi. It is as a painting in words. Feelings and emotions represented as an image. Truth represented as myth. Because no ordinary words can embody the Force, there is poetry for the Jedi to free themselves with.
Any words presented here are but a tool. No discussions can bring you closer to the Force. No articles can reveal to you the truth. No documents can contain the solution. Let us leave the philosophical words for a moment. Allow the Force to free you as it was meant to.
One being, was the universe,
Until that moment of wonder.
Who am I?
Thus came a great explosion of joy,
And once again
The All of Everything
Knew itself.
I gaze out into the distance
Where the sky gleams
over a hill.
I cannot see that mystery.
Yet I know what lies there.
It lies inside,
Until I free it,
and the joy floods out
like the rays of light above.
Seeing the Perfection
Many of us in our everyday lives wish that circumstances were different. We become frustrated even at times when things are looking particularly grim. However, things are not as bad as they may seem, or as bad as some of us make them out to be.
Life is Perfect. Let us start with that. We are perfect as well, yet many refuse to even believe that. All of which occurs in our everyday lives has meaning. But life matters not, for we must place importance on what we see to be important... what we want to matter. There is not a moment that occurs that is not useful, that is a "waste of time". It is not easy to see during hard times, but practicing this will help you to go with the flow in a sense.
As I said, Life is Perfect. Every situation where you feel saddened, frustrated, heartbroken, or depressed, by, understand that it is simply not as terrible as it seems, for there are grander things in life. In accepting this you may find that whatever emotion you were feeling, may simply vanish.
Along with the situation! If you spend your time in despair over a situation then it won't go away. Wanting it to go away is accepting that it is still there! So simply let go. Let go of the anguish, let go of the need to change, and things will change.
This is the great paradox that accompanies emotion. In wanting, it will not come. In seeking, you will not find. In fearing, you experience what you fear! In all of these, your mind is then accepting the fact that what you are after, you do not currently have. So, you may wonder, how does one change this so that a situation occurs, as you would actually like it to. This is very simple. You cannot give what you do not have. In giving, comes the realization of having.
If you seek happiness, give it to another, so that in doing so you realize that you had happiness in the first place.
If you seek love, give it to another, so that in doing so you realize that you had love in the first place.
If you seek inner strength, give it to another, so that in doing so you realize that you had inner strength in the first place.
If you seek wisdom, give it to another, so that in doing so you realize that you had wisdom in the first place.
If you seek basic needs, give them to another, so that in doing so you realize that you had them in the first place.
Of course, there is a flaw in this method. If you give simply so that you can receive, you are once again accepting the fact that you do not have it, because your goal is getting it. The trick to getting what you want is not in putting all your effort into getting it, but in realizing that you had it all along.
This is the Perfection of Life that we have been given.
Disturbances in the Force
Feelings come to our mind when we are attuned through the influence of reality. Yet, feelings arise even without an influence on the first look, but while looking deeper into the matter, there you will notice that it is always a small factor of this existence which does take a great influence on your mind.
The place where we live is a part of a planet in this empty space. This planet again is a part of a solar system which is hidden amongst other stars in a galaxy. And this galaxy in which we live is a part of a universe. From there on, our current state of knowledge does not allow us to think greater or smaller. This appears as a logical construction.
But what happens if there is a new knowledge? The majority of the people who hear of this new lore will believe that it is untrue. Or they will defend it against all opposing thoughts to trim them down to a small irrelevant thought. New ideals which rise within our minds often affect a large group of individuals.
How do you feel about something new? Do you adapt it and accept it once you gathered its meaning or sense, or will you find a way how to prove your (old) opinion against the new thoughts? Personally, I do rate things. Rating as a judgement, not a scaled definition table.
Yes, I dare to judge about things and even individuals. It depends on your point of view when judging. Some of you might probably want to judge me without no mercy now. There I say, you may do so. Others will perhaps continue to listen, as even you should do.
This article is entitled with the words "Disturbances in the Force". Yet, I am not directly telling a tale of the Force while you read these words. But you can realize that a new thought or ideal is indeed a disturbance to the Force, a torn that is punched into a working system.
If you face a new myth, look at it. See it, gather and combine your past knowledge with the current one to be able to judge a matter correctly. You might ask who determines the next cause of evolution for us people. The answer is that it is only our own mind that can create and even destroy. Yes, we all fail or succeed at least once in life. Correctness is a relative evolutionary part of existence... mostly, the living creatures are incorrect. Failures lead the life, but you learn out of them. I do not see the importance in a success or in a loss. We will learn out of both. One will succeed now, the other not - and tomorrow it will be different yet again. Time flows.
It is similiar with the Force. From a certain point of view the force is a game between the dark and light. One will succeed for now, while the other will seek revenge. Once there are dark, once there are bright times. But they come and go in the same way when the night changes to day - and vice a versa. That is why there are disturbances, too. A normal flow is changed. In a drastical or smooth way. The dark side of the force uses the Jedi, while the light side allows the Jedi to do, or not to do certain things which will keep to bind the universe together, to a piece of existence. The darkness will plan to control such, destroy such, or manipulate it for its own good. I never said that the one can be without the other. Without light, there is no shadow. Without a night, there is no day.
I once told a friend the following: "One will be enlighted, one will face their destiny... one will see, one will be blinded..." Can you see the revealing thought in this small essay that hints to the disturbances of what I speak?
Accuracy and Precision
A goal must always carry two things for it to be obtained - it must have accuracy as well as precision. It has to be to the point, as well as constantly so. To obtain full respect, honor, and to be fully noticed - you cannot run a race by winning only once, and never win another. Or to continually lose and never learn from you mistakes. You must learn how to subdue and to discern these two fields, these tools of comprehension.
Let us take Science for example. To receive data, you must have relevant information that is both precise and accurate. Data that does not have these two aspects will be looked upon as false, or as waste--unused. It has to have an answer, as well as to perpetually remain the answer. The same as how a world turns in cycles, or as how a sun burns and gives off light. It is intact and complete.
Accuracy and precision is like the compass. The needle that has the direction as well as the constant provider of direction, a north and a south pole. The same as it is with the Master and the Apprentice. The Apprentice is the direction, the Master is the constant. The focus of an apprentice is to be accurate, to follow things the rightful and truthful way, while the focus of the master is to be precise...and to constantly maintain what is expected of his or herself. This is the way of the Jedi.
The same as a master has once existed as an apprentice, accuracy must be obtained before precision. Accuracy comes first, precision second. To have an answer is what is prime, to maintain an answer is what is absolute. It is an undivided bond, as with deity and man, man and woman. So it must be for a master and an apprentice. Our destines must keep accuracy and precision, just as our lives live...and keep living. It is the graceful quality of life. It is The Force.
The Role of the Family
There are three parts to a family: The father, the mother, and the child or children.
Each one has it?s role. One cannot exist without the other, or the chain of connection is broken. The father represents the mental side, or the decision maker and enforcer. The mother represents the spiritual side, or the comforter and protector of right. And the children act as the physical side, or the listeners and doers of the family cycle.
All must act a certain way. The same as it is with beliefs, religions, governments, countries and "isms". They act as a body, or a family. Three is a group. A form of unity. Let us explain it with this example.
The Jedi believe in the New Republic, acting as servants and guardians of peace and justice to the galaxy. The Jedi look at the Republic as...their Mother and Father, taking charge of the family, keeping things in line. They provide the Jedi, their humble servants, duties, rights, and privileges in which they execute. For they will be just like them. This is the structure of the family...or, in this case, the unification of the galaxy.
Of course, as anything that happens with beliefs, religions, governments, countries, and "isms", the structure of the family can change...for better or for worse. Some of these ways a Jedi has foreseen and admire, as for how a role of a family works. We look for the family to be stable, and remain stable, for all to be happy, and for all to have a crucial position.
As you can see, it is very simple. And it is true. It remains balanced, and perfect. We, Jedi, all have a role to execute, and others, the ones that need our help, to be our guest and our employer, our overseer. The same as it is with The Force. It sees us while we execute our performance of life and what we are.
We are family.
"Who controls the past, controls the future; who controls the present, controls the past." (George Orwell?s novel, 1984)
Why do we seem to only recall the past, yet not the future?
Well, the mind is something we count on and rely on. And apply with. We realize that we understand such, from a certain moment in time. The simple question is this...does our believing of what is and what isn?t depend on our perspective of what we already know and understand?
Looking at all the past mistakes and glories we have had in our days, we see that we make it such... through our own recollection. The past is what we percieve, yet we relate it to present terms. Yes, there are those who would not want their future to be known, for decisions would already be decided, and the point of living would literally be worthless. Or would it? Only in the eye of the beholder.
Yet the future can be seen upon, and predicted. For time holds no boundaries. Things that we see we see in present terms, yet our eyes also focus on such a perspective of the past and future. Today, we can recognize the present, and we can recognized what has past, and with that, we can create the future...and actually make it come true as we have foreseen things to be possible.
By balancing what is and what isn?t within our own viewpoints, we see that we all have a role to play. As time will tell, we tell time as well. And we enforce it upon our own selves as well as others.
Though we recollect what we have done we have done, we must also realize the possibility of how the subject deals in both present, and especially in future terms. Prestige is ONLY a gamble. What lies ahead are the true figures.
Proving The Paradox
The there an answer? Or is life a simple paradox?
Inconsistent, yet in fact true. Consistent, yet in fact false. It is what we experience in our own lives--and once in a while, we run into puzzles like these many moments in our lives in which we say something is true... or something is false. Any statement is correct...yet foreseen as incorrect by others. We know that it?s right...yet others swear that it is wrong.
Is this a similar situation in your own life? Well...let?s find out...
Okay, here is a simple example:
Let us pretend that if we give the truth to these questions, we will receive the meaning of life. So let us answer these to the best of our ability. Again, this is only pretend. Trust me, this is not all that bad.
1. Is the character "A" the first letter of the English alphabet?
2. Is one plus one equal to two?
3. Are two questions from this example answered as yes?
Our answer sheet:
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Um...?
If you had said yes, 3 would have been false, since there would be three questions that are answered yes. If you would have said no, it would be false, since there are two questions that are answered yes. Yet if you said yes or no, it would also have been true, since it is true that two questions that are answered yes, and it is true that three questions that are answered yes. A simple paradox.
Yet a paradox can also be a paradox to one person, yet simply a yes or no to another. Here is another simple example:
1. Are you a male?
2. Is green one of your favorite colors?
3. Are two questions from this example answered as yes?
Relan Volkum?s Answer Sheet:
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Um...?... " "
For me this example would be a paradox....but what about you?
Other Answer Sheets:
1. No 1. Yes 1. No
2. No 2. No 2. Yes
3. No 3. No 3. No
Whoever you are, these are possible answers. And there is no paradox for these particular answer sheets. A simple yes and no, and the are all correct. But they can also be incorrect, since you can answer one of them as false...and get the wrong answer. Simple. Yet, you could have the same as me, and have a paradox. In other words, there can be a correct answer, a wrong answer...or another paradox...which is an answer itself. Whoever you are, you fall in similar terms.
(A third answer you say...if you can even call it an this Relan guy crazy...or pretty much sane? Or is this just another one of those simple paradoxes in itself? Whoa, that is deep...)
Well, now think about what this is telling you. In life, people have answers and know what is the right way to live...and what is the wrong way to live. Yet to some, the answer is a mystery...or in other words, a paradox...because whatever you feel is right and what you feel is wrong can seem to be the exact opposite. We must understand that sometimes there is no right way...and there is no wrong way. It is what it is. Part of it?s perfection. I can hear you saying, " this The Force you are saying Relan?" can see The Force this way or not this way, that is for your eye to behold. I am just giving you what is. Or is this another paradox? ((Power surge... :) ))
Here is something for you to think about:
Did I prove to you what a paradox is? Well, if that is so, I thought it was impossible to prove a paradox...
The Majority
"I?m the majority; the majority of one." (Henry David Thoreau)
We find that we cling onto our own is only natural for our being. We see that life can be shared with, that we can connect with some one else, as a group or a bond. We find things that are popular, and those that are not popular. Sometimes we want things because others like them, which makes us want them. We seek others for hope...and for guidance. We live in well as live in privacy.
Let us look at it this way. It is the same with a brand or a non-brand. Brand names are expensive because of well as buying the brand name itself, or in other words, the advertising and knowledge of the product. Yet, we find non-brands, that cost much less...they don?t advertise as much, yet it isn?t that popular, so you might want to think twice before you can ruin your reputation.
Which is better? You never know if you never attempted such. We don?t know if a brand is better or worse than a non-brand, we follow the crowd, and what it tells us to buy. And we find that is what we want to buy as well.
It is the same for ourselves. Some of us cherish well as treasure community. Some of us are popular, some of us are loners. Some of us are in between, and some of us mode in both phases at different times. Since we, as one being, is a society ourselves.
A majority. A universe. What exist in our own mind, is a rule we all follow. What is popular for our own individually, as well as what is not popular. Inside each and every one of us, what lies inside is what counts, as well as what lies outside. We follow are own government, our own "isms". Inside us, lies family, control, logic and reason, faith and feeling. Our own realm of illusion.
Learn your own universe, and you will learn the universe of others. The majority of one.
That Jedi?s Got Zorch...
Every time you place in a single character from the keyboard, eight of these little ones and zeros is being placed inside the computer and translated...and is outputed back on to your screen as you see now. This is a simple language a computer can understand, as you understand your own language.
This information can create more than just text, but also pictures and graphics, music and sound, and even animation. It can be read from a hard drive, a disk, and a CD. It is a language of precision. Actually, one of the only langauges to be so precise in translation. what is Relan going with this?
You see, we all fill ourselves with information. We need it to being our part of living. And sometimes we are simply handed data--a large mixture of raw, unorganized facts--which we must put together and solve for us to get the proper information that we need to execute a command, a instruction, or a want. This information is the language we understand...producted into a meaningful form. If it isn?t, it?s not information - it?s still data. And sometimes we still have to mess around with the characters before we understand what it is telling us.
As we have all kinds of languages, we are required by birth to be interpreters. Information for one person can be only data to another, and must be put together and solved again to understand the facts, organized so that we can interpret them. Sometimes it can take an enternity...yet other times it can be done at the speed of light. Yet, we learn that this is our lives. Our occupation.
You see, whenever we talk to each other, we translate a language. Their language to our language of meaning. When we are talking in other languages, one must learn the meaning of the words...or execute a command, a intruction, or a want. Even if we are all speaking the same language, as English or something, we interpret the meaning of the word that the person is giving to us. We all have our own way of interpreting a word...a different meaning exist in us all.
In other words...we all have our own...unique language...which we and only we can interpret in our own souls.
When we translate and interpret...we find that we can never truthfully get the presice meaning of the word. Take for example..."Hola". We interpret it as "Hello". Yet is "Hola" the same idiom, or the same meaning as "Hello"? They mean the same thing, yet the feeling of expression is used differently. One word in one your mother language...can give more meaning--or feeling of expression--then another word in another language can ever do.
Yet we realize that computers live in a universe where they interpret with precision as well as accuracy. Can we do the same in our universe?
Anything is possible. Let?s learn to, shall we.
Singing Sunsets
The day was beautiful with its crisp coolness and warm colors of the early morning sun rise. The young apprentice marveled and smiled as she walked though the small farm community. As she walked, she came upon a man who was sitting on a bench facing the sun rise but not looking, just sitting. She walked up to him, he did not turn but kept staring off into the sun rise, occasionally closing his eyes. "Sir. ?"
The man continued to face the direction of the sun rise but answered her. "Yes, is there something you want?"
Winter Heart sat down next to him and looked at the sunrise, then looked at him. She noticed that his eyes were dull, and then realized that he was blind. "...Why do you sit here, when you can't see the sun rise?"
The man smiled and turned in Winter?s direction. "Who says that I can't 'see' the sunrise? I might not be able to 'see' it with my eyes, but I can feel its warmth upon my skin, and tell how far up it is. I don't need to see it with my eyes for the imagination has a much wider field of colors..." He turned in the direction of the sunrise and continued. "...I'm not saying that I don't miss being "sighted" but I have learned many other things by not being sighted."
"Thank you Sir., you made me realize something." Winter smiled and they talked about other events. Then she left the town near dusk with a new feeling and smiled.
The next day she walked into the next town. As she meandered though the small town she came upon an aviary of birds. A fascination of birds drew her towards the aviary. An old man sat at the entrance with two birds on his shoulders. One on one side and another on the next side.
The man got up and smiled, but when he spoke it was a little choppy so she had to listen a little more carefully than usual. "Ahh, good day, Mizz. Mah eh Help you with sommethin?" She paused and watched the two birds on his shoulders.
"I was wondering if I could take a look at some of your birds?" Just as she started to talk she noticed that his eyes darted to her lips. Then he smiled and nodded.
"Wite thiz way." Winter followed him into the large aviary. The two large birds on his shoulders almost immediately started to squak at the top of their lungs, hurting Winter?s ears, but the man did not seem to notice.
A small bird flew down and landed on Winter?s shoulder and looked up at her, she smiled. After discussing the price Winter walked out of the, aviary with the small bird and turned to the man to pay him. As she gave him the credits, she asked something that had been bugging her as she first got there. "Are you deaf?" As he read her lips he nodded.
"Yes, eh ham deaf, but eh did not used to beah. So eh know what they sound like." He smiled as he gestured to his large variance of birds. "Eh do at times misz havin mah hearin buah so iz life." He laughed "Eh think dat somethn' funny es eh can jus' pretend eh did not hear 'em say somethin' when eh did." They talked for most of the day and the she headed out to the next town by night fall.
As she sat under a tree, she reflected on the past two days. Each man could have been rude or dwelled on the past where they knew what they had. But instead they lived on and learned new things. She also noticed that with this, they can use excuses, that nessiarly did not need to be used. She shrugged and sat back, closed her eyes and felt the cool breeze flow accost her skin. She was glad to be alive.
Faith and Fluidity
As I've mentioned many times before in other articles, flowing with the situation is very important. To be unsatisfied or hesitant can lead to disaster at times. There is more to it, however. Let us examine Episode One for example.
Throughout the entire movie, no matter how difficult or awkward the situation, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon never hesitated to keep moving. Even when they were required to follow Jar Jar deep under water, they did not stop and think. They immediately plunged in. And so should you.
This comes with time and training of course. Only after much practice through awareness, will you begin to trust in the Force to guide you and your actions. The basic principle is faith. We've all heard this word, but do any of us really know what it means? I will not claim to, for I believe that faith operates on a level far beyond our understanding today. Even so, we need to constantly hold onto it, for it is all that we truly have that cannot be taken away.
Come to feel the fluidity in your life. Watch for "coincidences", for we all know that there is nothing that happens by accident. Trust in the Force to provide that fluidity, and everything will happen, as it should.
Jedi in everyday Life
The Straight Path
Being a Jedi does not necessarily involve adventure, excitement, lightsaber battles, and levitation with the Force. Some students of the Force enter into their training either expecting, or fantasizing about these, which can lead to disappointment.
Being a Jedi may be difficult, but it certainly isn't complicated. At least, it is not meant to be. Simplicity is the way of the Jedi: a straight path with little distraction. Like sculpting with clay, do not add the clay. Strip away what is not needed, until you find the core.
During your everyday life, do you often feel unhappy? Frustrated? Dissatisfied with a certain turn of events? If you answered 'yes', then you are a ver y normal individual. We all have these feelings, and you must learn to accept them. A metaphor I often use when teaching a lesson about the Force is of a leaf floating down a stream. If you push the leaf, it will sink. If you hold it back, the stream will flow on without it. If you let it be, then it will continue with the flow, and nothing can bother it.
Don't hold back your emotions. Don't push them away. Just accept things as they are. Then you can feel the peacefulness that the Force offers.
Look Up
Where does the rain come from? Where do you here the crash of thunder? From where does the sun shine? Where to the clouds rest? In which direction do the trees and plants grow?
Up. The answer to all these questions is 'up'. So what is my point? My point is simply this: look up once in a while, if not all the time. Understand that while we are amazing creatures, there is still something much greater than ourselves. Understanding this is a lesson in humility.
If you asked a child, "Which way is heaven?" where would he or she point?
Like all martial artists who bow to their teachers, one should bow to their creator. A Jedi is not a slave to the Force, nor is the Force a slave to a Jedi. They are partners. They are one. A Jedi's strength is not his own. It is borrowed in a sense. Which is why one should learn to return the favor. Offer yourself to it, and it will offer itself to you. Bow to it, and it will bow back.
The Spiritual Life
You may or may not know that leading a spiritual life is very difficult. It is easy to just sit around and watch television all day. It is easy to eat unhealthy food. It is easy to listen only to your own needs. However, it is difficult to keep learning, and to attain wisdom. It is difficult to take good care of your body. It is difficult to think of another, before yourself.
That is why becoming a Jedi is a great accomplishment. Do not expect anyone's help. Do not expect someone to support your way of life, because more frequently, you will not receive it. The life of a Jedi can be a lonely one, because the Jedi's path is based on self-discovery. No one can assist you better than yourself on a journey of self-discovery.
Act as the Universe
You have within you
the source of creation.
The source,
the beginning, the end,
that which holds onto neither side.
That is the true mystery.
The answer
is contained in something
which only you hold the key.
Who else has this key?
Shall you give this key to another?
That key is given by " ".
That which cannot be spoken.
The mystery within
is the creation of itself.
Act as the Universe my friend,
and all the pieces will fall into place.
The Liturgy
Liturgy is the form, or order, of worship in a religious service. The way we show thanks to what we are, and what has created us. This is performed in many ways, some, as a moment of silence or peace, meditation, or prayer. It is a small time we give to realize the awe, the order of the universe.
It is an interval, a moment of shifting, a part of the change we recognize, that we are willing and ready to experience. Something fresh. Something newer, cleaner, purer. And we worship that privilege given to us. To glorify what is.
Every house must have it?s builder. So is it that every universe must have its own creator, its own admirer. I remember an old poem from a small philosopher, who said that one cannot determine or simply predict everything, to map out the entire mind. The same as the universe. The Jedi are merely astrologers. We can only map what we know, yet...there is so much more that creates the beauty of a hidden realm we never, ever fathomed before in our days.
And to this, we respect, and give reverence and honor to what we know, and to that what we do not know. That the creator, whatever that is, is part of us, and that we are part of it. We serve as it?s servants. The princes and princesses of peace.
We are the councilors of liturgy.
Once Upon A Time...Once Upon Another...
The role of The Force is something mystical as well as recognizable. It has always exist, is existing, and always will exist. It is sometimes hard for us to understand and to grasp such, since we merely recognize ourselves going though stages that have a beginning, and an end. It is the way society taught us, and it is the way we taught ourselves throughout our lives.
Yet we must realize that the beginning is the same as the end...that you can see it as not always being a start and not always being a finish. It is, always have, and always will. It simply exist in a never-ending cycle, repeating itself over and over so that we can see relationships as to how things relate and connect to each other.
Think of a real number line as the life span of the force, and then think of it attached together as a circle. Infinity and beyond. We realize that time is a tool in which we create our own boundaries, yet we sence how things are established and re-established--that we find that a simple clock cannot be in play here. It loops around when the cycle is finished...and does it again.
I like to look at The Force as a precision device...a machine...and yes, even an energy or even a really makes no difference. Like a computer, we input the data or the instruction, we processes this data and make information out of it...and then we output it, giving out the information. Same with a being...we put food into ourselves and consume it, inside our bodies the food is processed, and then we use that energy from the food and give it to other parts of the body. And as all energy cycles, this resource supply must be constant, or the cycle will end.
Life is that resource.
In other words, we depend on The Force, as our ally and strength, while the Force also depends on us, for believing in it and accepting it?s truth. We are it?s resource that keeps the cycle stabilized and constant.
Would The Force exist if life didn?t exist? And if life did not exist, would the Force be recognizable and believed?
It is exactly parallel to a question such as these:
A tree falls in the forest, and since no one is there, does it or doesn?t it make a sound? Is a sound only a sound unless someone IS THERE to hear it?
Just a intriguing thought for you.
This Time
Have you ever wondered why insects live for only a little they can move so fast, so quickly, so precise and accurate? Did you ever wonder why it seems to take so long when we have to go to the bathroom or work on a chore, or when it goes so fast when we are reading our favorite book or watching our favorite movie?
You see, what may seem a short time to us, can actually be a long time to them. Their conception of time. To them, a day can feel like a year, and their thought process is so unlike ours, we see them do things like make very accurate and precise moves. Something so amazing, yet true.
Like animals. How birds can fly to one point to another just like that. How fish swim in so precise movements with very well maneuverability at a lightning speed.
When you begin to understand that time is an interval of many other different intervals of time, you find how to control it. Time is infinite, always will have, always will be. Yet time is also infinite as in measurement, in other words, infinite points. A minute to someone can be a hour to another. Just like when someone dies and lays their body to rest. A better example is when a person is sleeping and rests his or her mind. Time goes faster. And before you know it, it's morning. Go to my lesson Infinite Faith to learn more about that ideal.
You see, I believe that time goes faster when you are relaxing...or don't have much in your mind. Just like animals and insects do. They just do it. Just like sleeping. You just sleep and time goes faster.
Just like when you want to go to sleep but you're stressed out. You see, your mind is busy. So time goes slow. And you find that you can't get any sleep.
Yet, you can use this to your advantage. In order to percieve more time, and have time to do more things, think very fast. Very fast. Constantly activate the mind. You will find you have more time to do things, and do them much faster. Like when you have a favorite moment in your life. The same as it is when you are waiting for the new year. That's why I and others like to keep ourselves busy simply because we find we get many things done that way in a shorter amount of time. It is how time is concieved in our minds. As with great accomplishments and so forth.
If you want time to go fast, like when you have a chore or something you don't want to do, just relax...take it easy. Do it and don't worry about it. Just relax, and keep basic thoughts. Let your mind think slow. And you will see the time flow by like seconds compared to minutes. Actaully pretend you are having a good time, and do your best to take interest in it. You will begin to realize how the day flies by.
Time is a wonderful tool. And we can create our lives through time, life will get easier and more things will be completed. Wonderful moments will be remembered. Accuracy and precision will be your skill. It is all how you, the beholder, realize the truth.
Time lies in your hands.
?Infinite Faith?
Long time ago in Italy, a Greek named Zeno came up with an interesting situation which, in a logical setting, could not be solved. He called it Achilles and the Tortoise.
Using simple logic, he couldn't prove that Achilles, a great warrior, could ever win a race between a slow tortoise. Sure, Achilles was physically fit, yet could mathematics prove that he would win, even if we know he will win?
In order to get anywhere, Zeno would insight, you must get halfway there. However, to get to the halfway point, you must first get halfway to that point, and so on and so forth. In other words, in order to get anywhere, even to begin to move, you must first perform an infinity of other movements.
How do we move? Can we prove that we move from one place to another? Zeno gave a situation where it seems impossible for anything to move at all. Yet we move. Why? Do we assume that someone like Achilles will win a tortoise because of our experiences? Or is it believing? Can't we prove something that is so simple and elementary in or lives? A small infant could figure it out by just existing, yet still to this day, the greatest genius cannot prove why.
Achilles and the Tortoise taught me a valuable lesson. Some things, simple as they seem, cannot always be proven to another. Sometimes one has to experience and understand it for themselves. That is when they know it is true. We believe things happen as they do - that is why they happen. We call it Faith, or Creed... to believe in something that we can't comprehend nor fathom. It is when logic cannot solve all our problems. Sometimes we just need to believe in something. Something we know exist that can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
We believe that Achilles will win the Tortoise, so he does. Yet we must realize that it is possible that the Tortoise could win, if we believed it just the same as will Achilles. With Faith, we can move mountains - all we need to do is believe it is possible. And it is.
Things exist because we believe in something. With infinite Faith, anything is possible.
Falling Down
We fall down. It?s life. We see problems occur, we face them, and we deal will them - through life and/or death, externally and/or internally. Yet what if I told you that falling down was a blessing? No way, you might say, yet think about it. Let?s see the contradiction as well as the similarity.
Think of a cultural war, a religious war. A war between two sides. One side prays and meditates for the other side to loose. And visa-versa, the other side does the same. Well, one occurrence is going to happen it seems. One?s going to loose, one is going to win...right. One is going to have to be granted. So if both sides believes in the same belief, and is faithful and true to their cause, how must it be solved?
This means that one that is true and faithful to what they believe in...yes, is going to fail and loose the war. So, they perceive it as their religion not being enforced? Wrong. They believe, and they stay strong with that they focus on. And since one side has lost, they realize their faults for losing the war. It was meant to be. Could this have stopped an even greater war? We don?t know if this war has actually saved more lives because the other side has won.
Who is to blame? No one. Life goes on. Failure can be a blessing, only if we want it to be. Since our failure help us realize that yes, there is a passing, and that we can understand the situation better, we can see that it was better off this way.
So, if you see yourself as a failure...think of it this way. That we are serving our purpose, that there is another chance, that we actually pass by failing. We PASS through life. And we are part of it. No exceptions.
That is part of how wonderful we all are. That we are beings, and have the decision and mobility to succeed, even if we do fail...and keep on failing.
I know I fail. A lot. And I?m proud of it. I?m part of life, and I served my purpose. And I am blessed for it to be this way, to even have a chance to live the life I always dreamed of. Remember to not be afraid of mistakes...but to understand them.
Do nothing
Very rarely do we all get much chance to just sit and not think about life's little worries. We all want to do so much, but have very little time to do it and find that much is left undone. I would like to teach your how to stop this from happening.
Taoists teach that the proper way is to do little and leave nothing undone. This can be interpreted in more than one way though. The obvious one being to do that which is necessary. There is another way to see it though. Find a quiet room and sit on the floor, in whichever position is comfortable for you. A normal reaction to meditation, while emptying the mind, is to force your mind to quiet itself, conflicting with its flow. Instead do just the opposite.
Do nothing. Just sit. If you find yourself thinking, do not immediately come to a halt. Just keep flowing. It takes time and patience, but after a while you should find that the thoughts diminish on their own. If you do not fight off thought, then if won't have a reason to fight back.
Eye of the Beholder
Force visage. You may wonder to yourself what that means. I for one find this technique used by the wisest and humble of Jedi. Basically, I define it as the ability of allowing a person to believe in a certain quality you are portraying to represent, and not of what you really are. This is used simply in order to teach lessons that inspire people, not to trick them.
The first time I really notice it from was Yoda. He mainly used it with Luke Skywalker to clarify an important ideal of the Jedi - you shouldn?t base one?s ability by looks alone.
When Luke first met glance with Yoda, his first thoughts of the Jedi Master was that he is a curious brute hanging around wanting to cause trouble. Even when he began to get to know Yoda, Yoda kept his patience and maintained an elementary trait which one could not easily sense a great being as himself to portray. Even when Luke walked inside the hut and went to eat a meal there, Yoda still was silent about his true identity - only to let the Force adept realize for himself who Yoda really was, not Yoda himself.
You see, what all of us need to realize is that one should at first get to the point where ability doesn?t always come from those who allow themselves to show their skill. Many of us know and understand many things, yet we do not always reveal them so that the people we are performing it to do not get so overwhelmed all of the sudden. That is why the Jedi believe that one should only teach a little at a time to allow a Force student to adapt to the changes given to them.
The way this is done varies from teacher to teacher. Yet really, the main point of it all is that even though one may seem to be weak, one can be strong. When one may seem to be ignorant, one can be knowledgeable. Yet after constant practice, a person can interpret another person very obviously. That is why it is easy for some people to glance at someone by their actions and believe that person is a Jedi without he or she saying it.
In order to discern a the person really is, you should first be patient and notice the reality of the character the person is portraying. If you do that, then you will know by contemplating the way they are truly represented - and learn the lesson being taught
Arrival Of Truth
He hurts himself who hurts another man,
And evil planning harms the planner most.
...Hesiod?s Works and Days
There are times in which we question the truths we cling to. Sometimes we wonder if we are leading the right and virtuous path to light, and look upon another?s path to see what they have overcome. Are we going the right path? Due to that fact that we have problems it seems we can?t solve or cannot discern, is that evidence that the journey of our pilgrimage is leading down a passage of despair and desolation?
When you find yourself in the position of giving up since you seem to have more and more obstacles and restraints burdening you and the lode you carry within the thresholds of life, realize that you are very close to what you are after. Evil tends to become more and more bothersome simply because it wants you kept upon its leash. It is after every one of us, you and me, and will fight to acquire our spiritual contracts. The Dark Side is a powerful magnet which doesn?t give up so quickly, and strives to reach your wants and interests. It is the Light Side and its perplexing interpretation that gives you the inspiration to know and understand more about yourself and the universe that exist around you. Remember that the Force is your ally and strength, and that you must give all you are--your ambitions, your prestige, and your desires--upon its favor.
Yield to the refinement of knowledge that you do not have the power alone and that you cannot survive on your own. Realize that your body is only a tool, not the source of its own power. The Force is the energy that uses the tool of its own will. Let it have the power and authority over you to make the right decisions that you must provide, for once you strive to point the finger in attempting to obtain too much pride, you will fall. The more you struggle to get ahead of your own merit and not another, you will have a negative effect. This is a simple law of the Force. Don't take to own, but give to receive.
Power and authority of one is pure, yet when there is a part of that unity which becomes corrupted, the rest will fall. We have seen this to be the intention of what Obi-Wan and Yoda was explaining about considering the days of the Old Republic. Be patient to understand your position, yet don?t use that as an excuse to not fight for what is right. For a lion may come to devour you at any moment. Be ready for what is to come. If you are not ready to make your move, that opportunity to resist its open jaws may never come at all.
Change your interest to be a interest of others. Do to others as if others were of your own flesh and of your own blood. Realize the truth that another may provide you, and never shut the opened door upon one?s face. Leave it open, for it might be the gateway to the destiny you have been seeking for, even if you do not want to accept it at first. Illusionary paths may seem to stretch upon your understanding, yet go beyond and witness the truth and realism within a place of light.
It is waiting for your arrival.
The Challenge
For a Jedi, there are many ways to use the Force.
Dark or light, and sometimes close to both sides, these powers below are the essence of the Jedi's doing.
But be warned: Before you act, understand this knowledge. Acting without thinking will be dangerous, either this or the results will dominate your life in the end. Knowledge is power, power is nothing... but for a Jedi the knowledge is not only power...
A Jedi's destiny lays in the path of him or herself. The life in this universe is short, and we all need to find our own path. The light side seems to have less stronger powers than the dark side, but in return the dark side gives only you a small advance... the loneliness...
A light Jedi will always know what his or her destiny is, the dark Jedi's life will always be a mystery.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
The Jedi's Abilities
The Power of the Force
Light-Fire Meditation
The Path of the Jedi
The Learner of the Jedi Council
The Long Road to Enlightenment
The Jedi Hand Book
The Greatest Challenge of All
Role Models
Ways of the force
It is our greatest ally. Our strength, our knowledge, our wisdom. It is supreme. It effects us all differently, yet all the same. It lies within us as well as with us. It is one with us. We are one with it.
... more ...
The Jedi's Abilities
A Jedi can perform many maneuvers which can not be performed by any other being.
To name an example, the Jedi is able to jump higher than any normal being:
Luke Skywalker uses this ability several times as he fell into the carbon freezing chamber in Cloud City. Suddenly after realizing what happened, he leaps himself stright up into the air and finds a hold on a coulpe of pipes around 20 feet above the pit's ground.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is able to jump about 30 feet high to continue his battle with Darth Maul. Note that he jumps that high that he can land on his feet at the higher level of the catwalks without the need to climb it up or get a hold like Luke had to do. And besides this, he moves for about 15 or 20 feet again through the air over Darth Maul to surprise the dark lord and eleminate him.
Another ability is to have extended senses and a visionaire sight of the future.
You heard that no human being is able to conduct a podrace, but Anakin Skywalker does this as a hobby - not being aware of his abilities.
Qui-Gon Jinn himself used to snatch the long tongue of Jar Jar Binks in Anakin's home while eating dinner.
Luke Skywalker was able to deflect the blaster shots from his enemies on Jabba's Sail Barge and in the woods of Endor. He was not perfect in doing this action, but he was still learning. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn performed this action high-skilled through their hard training.
To see the far future itself is more difficult than to realize and grasp this intuitional knowledge of the living Force. Yoda had not much success in seeing the future of Han and Leia on Dagobah, while he had a straight idea of the future of Anakin as "no good". But then, if you remember, Yoda was able to fore-shadow the future when he was on Dathomir as he spoke of Luke Skywalker as he would return a sort of order to the planet in several hundred years.
But there are more general abilities like the moving and alternating the nature.
A Jedi has the ability to move practically any object through the use of the Force.
Yoda moved Luke's ship on Dagobah out of the swamp.
Luke was able to propel his lightsaber several times into his hand - in the ice-cave on Hoth, and on Jabba's Sail Barge on Tatooine.
But the Force movement power done by the Jedi applies differently sometimes.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn were fighting the Battledroids on the Federation Commandship. There, Obi-Wan used his powers to push the droids hard away, resulting in the destruction of the droids as they smash into small pieces even before they hit the ground.
As Qui-Gon Jinn is nearly finished with the rescue of Queen Amidala in the streets of Naboo, he disarms his lightsaber and raises his hand to throw two Battledroids against the wall. There he does it smooth and calm, but hard in the result because he allows the Force to penetrate the droids longer than the quick strike of Obi-Wan Kenobi. The droids break when hitting the wall, and not before it.
You see that there is a quick and hard way, but as well a long and calm way to use the Force.
In the end, a Jedi can push or pull objects using the force.
Even the darkest knights like Darth Maul used this power to push opponents a few times during the duels. Maul used a destroyed Battledroid to trigger a doorlock, and Luke used the stone (or skull?) in the Rancor pit to throw it straight at the doorlock, too.
Darth Vader himself used to rip several devices and parts out of the walls and floor to throw them at Luke Skywalker while he stood silently and calm while watching over his son in Cloud City on Bespin.
Mind Tricks, as many people call this skill, are used quite frequently by the Jedi. It is often seen as a step to the dark side when you push the mind of another being too far, and that is the reason why Jedi must use this skill only when there is no other way. You see Obi-Wan Kenobi waving his hand at the Stormtroopers in Mos Eisley as he ordered them to let them pass.
Qui-Gon Jinn used this skill several times in Ooth Gunga and on Tatooine.
But these mind tricks do not work on everyone. It is apparent that some races of creatures such as the Hutts or Toydarians are immune to the mind tricks and that they only work on the weak-minded.
As Obi-Wan Kenobi said, "The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded." However, the Hutts might not be resistant to mind tricks. It appears that Jabba was definately not a weak-minded being...
There is one question that remains: Why do Jedi use gestures when ordering the weak-minded? Personally, I believe that this is just a sign that George Lucas used in his movies to show that the Force is used, but of course, people disagree with me here and say that it is required for a conjunction of mind and body, because one cannot be without the other. This reminds me of the Dark and the Light... one cannot be without the other.
But as next, there is a way to empower the body:
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon used an incredible speed to evade the destroyer droids on the Federation battleship.
The ability to deflect the blaster shots requires a high concentration of your body, too. Without this inner strength, even the sight of the future would not be helpful.
Now there is the ability to have a strong Concentration. It will allow the Jedi to concentrate hard and focus on a task at hand. It is in the category of the empowerment of your body, it will give the Jedi more ability to accomplish a task.
To Magnify Senses is already self-explanatory if you understood the examples given above.
The ability to Transfer Force, or a healing method is seen when Obi-Wan Kenobi quickly brings Luke back to consciousness in the desert of Tatooine. Another path is to transfer a Jedi's personal life force into someone else... as one of the highest healing methods that exist when there is no combined power of Jedi behind it but a single one.
The Hibernation Trance allows the Jedi to go into meditation, and when he finishes this trance, the Jedi will be much stronger in his abilities and healed as well if the Jedi concentrated on this specific part - self-healing.
To induce a powerful dizziness and nausea in a Jedi's enemies is Oppo Rancisis' major ability.
This technique is completely incapacitating the enemy's body, but does not cause any lasting physical damage but instead great tiredness and weaking.
The Jedi Yaddle is skilled at all techniques and the dangerous knowledge of Morichro. This is reported as a forbidden Jedi art that rapidly slows the body functions of other beings, easily resulting in death. It is very close to the dark side. Today this ancient ability is seen when a powerful blast of energy evalutes through the body at another being. It is named simple as it is - Destruction.
However, a Jedi is not perfect. Corran Horn is not able to move objects, or the ability to alter the minds of others. Instead, Corran is able to have an Energy Absorbtion which allows him to consume and redistribute energy from other attacks - such as the Morichro powers. The Mon Calamarian Jedi Cilghal became specialized in healing other beings - even through the life-force transfer. Jacen Solo is highly skilled when communicating with animals, his brother Anakin Solo is able to understand machinery and to repair them at once. At last, Tionne was not skilled at the major Jedi's powers but more able and skilled at the way of training and teaching others.
There you can see, that Jedi tend to specialize in one art and region of their training, which makes of course a single Jedi very vulnerable, but a combined force of Jedi can be very strong and unbeatable. Perhaps this was the reason why Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine were able to take out single Jedi...
But what happens once a Jedi is no more?
When a Jedi is strong with the Force, then he can live for very long time.
You remember that Yoda said "Ohhh, strong am I with the force, but not that strong." as Luke told him that he can't (meant as a "must not") die.
Grand Moff Tarkin himself thought of Obi-Wan Kenobi and mentioned that he must be dead by now as Vader spoke of him on the first Death Star. Remember what Vader replied coldly... "Don't underestimate the Force."
In general, you can see that Jedi are very old beings. For example, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Oppo Rancisis, Yaddle and Yoda are ancient and venerable Jedi. As you take Obi-Wan Kenobi, he surprised Darth Vader, and Qui-Gon Jinn was reported to be over 60 years old before he died - and he still looked young.
On the other side... there is Emperor Palpatine, who was already an aged man as he became Supreme Chancellor and continued to reign an Empire for nearly 20 or 25 years.
But there is one thing that gets a high attention: Why do Yoda and Obi-Wan disappear when they die, while others like Qui-Gon Jinn and Anakin Skywalker do not? We'll find out one day, but you can find our answers somewhere else at this website...
Light-Fire Meditation
First, you have to get comfortable. I suggest you lie down, it will make it easier. You must calm your mind and relax your muscles. Now, there are three parts of this.
Part one involves fusing the Force to your insides. Yes your guts. First, imagine a bright white star floating 6 inches above your head. This will serve as your "medium" as it was called. Now, think of your brain, imagine a white band of light shooting from your brain to the star. (I now this sounds weird, but stay with me) Feel your brain, imagine it now emitting a white light of it's own. It should also emit a feeling of being weighted and all tingly. Do the same with your heart and liver. Then, imagine your blood pumping through you veins. Give it a white light and bind it with the star, it should also have a tingly feel to it. Do the same with your bones. Hold those feelings.
Part two is covering your body with the Force. Make your star (which should still be above your head) open up with white light onto your body, do it one part at a time. Start with the head. Imagine it emitting light and it should have the same tingly feeling of before. Do your whole body. Go to your neck down to your feet. You may need to spend more time "lighting" an area than others, but it will work. If an area starts taking in the light before you get to it, work on that area, don't fight it. Make your whole body covered with the Force. Just lie there and feel it for a few minutes. Don't question it, just know it.
Part three is to expand your field of energy. Take your star above your head (still feeling the Force from parts one and two) and move it up to 3 feet above your head and make it expand to about 3 feet in diameter. Move it down below your feet and make it start to spin, which it will do immediately. Make it spin slow at first, but increase it's speed till it goes super fast. This is to expand your field. You should feel a vibration in the Force as you do this. Now make the star stop. Move it slowly up your body, through your feet, legs, and stomach to your chest, neck and head. Feel the Force getting stronger where the star goes. When the star gets above your head. Make it spin again and repeat the whole process.
After you are done, you should still feel the Force. It will stay with you for a while, say 20 to 30 minutes. I'm assuming it will stay longer as you get more experience. It takes a lot of effort to do this exercise, and it may also feel at times that you will be torn apart by the Force, but it won't do that I'm hoping to get so good to be able to just call on the Force in a second. Stay faithful.
A Jedi chooses his own path...
Remember, patience is the key to understanding. You must have patience. Now then, you must combine what you've learned so far--patience, your knowledge, your calmness, peace. No hesitation, and no rush. Slowly at first it will come, and then you will recognize. Concentrate and let the Force flow. Feel it, since it is you, and me, everything. It is life itself. Your inner spirit. The true you. For example, look at a small piece of wood, feel it, know it, what it is, how it is. Feel its place in the universe, what it is and will be. Not what it was, though--the past is unchangeable. The future is changeable, with you, or without you. Remember, as Yoda said, "Do. Or do not. There is no try." It is not only the doing itself, but the combination of your calmness and patience, and your inner peace, that is what's important.
Think about how Luke began his journey. When he went to look for R2-D2 - this was when he found Obi-wan Kenobi. During this time was when his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru were brutally murdered by the Empire. Was this coincidence that he happened to not be at his home at that time? Was it coincidence that had he been there, he'd have been killed too, as Obi-wan said? No, because you see, there is no coincidence. Everything happens for a reason.
Listen. Water is one of the softest materials in existence, and is the base of most living things. It can fit in any container. It seems weak, yet it can penetrate rock. Be like the nature of the water. I have given you the keys, you must unlock the doors to the depths of the universe. I cannot do this for you.
With life comes the existance, with existance comes the cause. The cause is the greater thing created by you. We have an amazing gift in life--free will. Use that gift to its highest degree. With exceptions, of course. Don't let greed and anger take control of your life. That would be a waste. You are part of the Force. Become one with it. You have many choices: to continue with the Light--which I hope you will--or to fail me and yourself.
Every Jedi Apprentice goes through a test. A test of strength. Not necesarily in the physical sense, but emotionally, and mentally. Luke failed his test in the cave. He chose to carry his weapons into the cave, and fight the vision of Vader, who turned out to be himself. This test decides which path is to be taken by the Jedi. Expect it during your journey.
Those who follow the light path, will be. Those who do not, will perish in time, and the universe, and will become a dark spot.
When peace is finally attained, and you finally feel free, you will be faced with a challenge. Something will stand in your way, and you will find it difficult to feel the peace that you once felt. You must not let this take control of you. Hold on to your calmness, your patience, and your peacefullness. Remember who you are, and truely feel things once more. Let it flow...
The Learner of the Jedi Council
This place, as you might see, is the illusional area where you are an item with that what exists beyond your imagination. If your desirable thoughts lead you to this place to learn more about the Force, then you will. And if your feelings told you already that you have the adequate knowledge, then you will have it. Those who will not, pitiful they are and possibly will be, unless they will learn...
The terrain, delusory it is. The area, treacherous it is. The illusion comes to a certain perfection if you use your imaginative thoughts to lead this game, the life. It is not only simple playing, however, it is still the reality... only far beyond that what you know and want to know at all.
Be on guard, watch your back, prepare to fight if neccessary. But always keep in mind, those who fight dishonorable will loose their reality and their life. Destruction is a part of the cause. It is always a way to the darkness. The general part of your knowledge should be kept safe of what you are of course, of what you will be in future... your life and your destiny.
Knowledge is power, power is nothing... but knowledge is not only power. Revive or perish. The life and death will be one with the Force of your mind.
The Long Road to Enlightenment
Why is there so much skepticism surrounding this thing called the Force or Tao (depending on your belief)? Is it that unbelievable? Things happen so often that cause us to drop our jaws and hide our eyes because of their level of disgust or because of their violence. Yet, we believe it because we see it on TV, or hear on the radio, read about it in the newspaper. So if we are capable of believing such horrible things, then why not good things? Things that could, in time, lead to the enlightenment of all civilization. Things that could help is realize what is really important, and to be more kind. But no, most people don't see that. Most believe that such a power is only good for moving objects with their minds, or for influencing people, or for gaining wealth and power, instead of using it to spread peace, and help others. Power is nothing. What good does it do? It is corrupting, and utterly destructive. So what if you have power for a time? If it has not helped anyone, then what's the point? I see none.
For the most part, people don't believe in such things because of movies, and television, and how their greatness has been turned into science fiction, doing it the greatest injustice. It cannot be bought. It cannot be used in such a way. So much has been lost. So many people have missed the point. They have become ignorant and fail to see the beauty of it. They have lost the way. What is the way then? I don't know. I hope to find it, however. I also hope to find ways of letting others know. But again, few listen. I cannot make people listen. They have to do it on their own free will. If they don't want to learn then why should I bother to teach them? But now I sound as if I am some great teacher and that I know something no one else does. Maybe I do, maybe I don't. There are others who have seen it, who that something lies behind the think wall we call reality. But how do I know it exists? I don't really. This whole thing may be completely pointless. Maybe I'm wasting my time on some idealistic crusade. What is the answer? What am I really supposed to do? Am I here for a specific purpose? What is the point? Should I bother?
Yes. You should. Everyone has their place, and you must discover what that place is. For some it takes years. For others it may take months, or days. You are one. You are your self. Not what's on the outside, but what's on the inside. What can't be seen with your eyes. Learn to know that. Do what you feel is right. Not what looks right.
Sometimes you must stop and think. Other times you must act. Have patience, but do not waste your time. Lead a simple life. Rest when you are tired; excersize when you have time; meditate when life is confusing and let the answers come to you (but do not let meditation have priority over everything else); eat when you are hungry (that doesn't mean unhealthy food); do not force people to do things, only make suggestions; help another when they are in need.
It will be a long road. Take your time and remember what is important. The old Chinese symbol for Tao represents a person running along a path. That is you. That is everyone. Everyone makes the journey. Use wisely what you have learned. BE.
The Jedi Hand Book
As a regular visitor to the Jedi Academy Discussion Forums ( I began to notice a sudden rash of posts about "The Jedi Hand Book". Curious, I clicked on the message and was surprised to see a very (VERY) long post with a lot of information haphazardly thrown together to form what was supposed to be a summary of what a Jedi should know. I was skeptical, but I downloaded it anyway. What I found after some reading was a lot of good information, but nothing basic that could be considered as a summary, or a guide, more importantly. I do apologize to the people that may have put it together for tearing it apart like this, but I have to make a point. If there is to be a hand book, there should be no complications. It should be simple. Small quotes, and passages that can help to guide the Jedi, and not explain so thoroughly, the ways of the Jedi.
However, I am not here to offer one that I have written, or accumulated, because the only Jedi Hand book any Jedi needs is the one that he/she writes. Instead of using information that someone else gathered for you, do the work yourself. Write down your thoughts on a daily basis. Not only will it help you to understand how you have developed as a Jedi, but it will allow your thoughts to flow out onto the paper. It is a spiritual learning experience.
When the day comes for all Jedi to obtain true Mastery, after the body dies, those whom you leave behind can benefit from your wisdom. Go ahead. Grab a pen and a notebook. Start writing. Make your own Jedi Hand Book.
The Greatest Challenge of All
As you may or may not know, there are many challenges to being a Jedi and leading a spiritual life. The ones I have mentioned are only a few, such as living simply, and learning how to act in accordance with nature. Yet none of these compare to that which is learning to be yourself.
This is a very difficult task. It is a path to enlightenment. If you can see things in such a way that no one else's thoughts or opinions can get in your way, then you've really accomplished something. It is the ultimate freedom. And like usual, anything worth your time and effort is a difficult road. One which has many winding turns. One which can be very rocky, and bumpy.
Instead of explaining the solution to this problem as I have in the past to many other challenges, I can only leave this message as it stands. For I have no solution. The way through can only be experienced, not told. It takes much time, for which you need patience and courage. It takes a lot of heart to be yourself. But once you can open your eyes to the larger film of life, then you will stop acting different parts.
Go and be strong in life. Carry on and don't look back. The greatest challenge awaits you.
Role Models
Everyone talks about the importance of role models, yet there is little explanation as to why it is so important.
It begins with a vision. Usually it is something sub-conscious. This vision is of what we all wish ourselves to be some day in the future. We all have some sort of an idea what we want to be, but we lack the courage to undertake the challenge of becoming just that.
So, when we attempt to become our ultimate vision of our better self, we run into difficulty, because we find ourselves to be unworthy of grandness. This is when the role model appears.
Because there are many accomplished people out there, we search for someone who had a similar past, and/or someone who is like us in some way. Therefore, we are able to see ourselves as that greater vision, even if that vision appears to be like another person.
As I have come to experience it, this situation is okay. As a beginning. We all need some kind of inspiration, or a boost of energy, or willpower to start us off. After this has begun, then we gain something we call self-confidence, which is turn, helps us learn to be who we really are, and who we want to be, without the false image, or "role model", which helped us get there.
Ways of the force (more)
Ways of the Force
There are many ways to see things. Interpretation and opinion give us many questions and answers. The Force can be looked upon as a religion, a spirit, an energy, a god, and even the unknown. Fate, luck, mystery, faith, hope, love...there are many names we give to what we experience, a feeling that gives us the power, the want to do well as evil. We must learn to use it wisely.
These ways of believing are all the same thing. The Force is only a name, a name we use to understand that these feelings and beliefs all connect to each other, like a circle, all part of the same thing, as one. One cannot exist without the other. It was made by the same thing...and is the same thing. It is a universe that is awesome and full of illumination.
It is our greatest ally. Our strength, our knowledge, our wisdom. It is supreme. It effects us all differently, yet all the same. It lies within us as well as with us. It is one with us. We are one with it.
A Jedi should understand these ways to understand The Force itself, for it all is a cycle of knowledge that our mind should grasp. To experience The Force we must experience other ways and other points of view, not to be afraid to discern the unknown. To not be bound by restrictions, yet to expand to something something purer. To know that we all are life forms that bear a soul, and deserve respect and attention. For we are all equal. And all have the right of freedom, of life, and of communication.
...Jedi Relan Volkum
1Ways of the Force
2Renewing Yourself For Change
3The Overcomers
4The Battle Zone
5Frozen In Carbonite
6The Meditation
7One way of Enlightenment?
8The Rock, Tree, River, and Sun
9The Jedi's Generosity
10"All his life as he looked away..."
11The Chivalric Code
12The Rushing Waters
1"That is why you failed..."
"The ancient Jedi Masters knew that Jedi training must proceed at a slow pace. Too much power gathered too quickly can corrupt even the most selfless and devout Jedi apprentice. A Jedi student must be properly humble in his powers, and mature enough to embrace the tremendous responsibility that comes with wielding the Force. A student impatient with the slow pace of the tutorship, a gifted student eager to dispense with 'pointless excercises' and embrace the true power of the Force misses the entire point of being a Jedi. The Jedi does not crave power, but seeks to serve others, without the expectation of becoming 'great in the Force'. The true Jedi is cautious, and reluctant to learn too much too quickly. Overeager students run a fearful risk of opening themselves up to the temptations of taking the deceptively easy path of the Dark Side."
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
The first and most important thing that I feel one must learn is to believe. If you don't believe that you can accomplish something, then you won't. See yourself accomplishing your goal. Feel how right it is. For example: on Dagobah, after Yoda lifted Luke's X-wing out of the swamp, Luke said, "I don't believe it!". Yoda replied, "That is why you failed." For if you don't visualize yourself accomplishing your goal and believe in yourself (a Jedi believes in himself and his abilities), then you may fail. However, do not be afraid of failure, for the only true way to learn is from your own mistakes and others'. Do. Or do not. There is no try. To try is to fail. When you have it in your mind that you are only going to try and put half effort into something, then you are more likely to fail. To do is to accomplish. Keep this in mind.
Patience is one of the most important values of a Jedi. I can't stress this enough. As Mitth said above, becoming a Jedi is not about becoming "great in the Force". An apprentice cannot rush through his training in order to learn how to levitate things, or to influence others with the Force. He must first understand the Force. The better the understanding a Jedi has of the Force, the better the Jedi.
Many apprentices have been foolish enough to think that they could embrace both sides of the Force, and not be consumed by the Dark Side. Among them were Kyp Durron, and Ulic Qel-Droma. They both thought they could use the Sith knowledge for good. Both were mistaken. The two sides of the Force are clearly separated. To use the Dark Side of the Force would be to become controlled by it. Very few were strong enough to be released from its iron grip.
Death is an unfortunate and tragic aspect of being a Jedi. A Jedi is sometimes forced to use his abilities to kill. One must always remember that killing is wrong, but in the defense of another's life, it is in some way justified. Now, you may ask yourself... who is to judge whose life is more important than another's? This I cannot answer. One might say that one who does evil could be killed in the defense of one who is good. However, does a Jedi not practice forgiveness? Never forget, that the death of another by your hands leaves a stain on your soul that is never wiped clean. It is indeed a complicated matter. One which you must discover on your own. You may say that I've already explained it, so what is there to discover? No... my words have little ability to explain such things. You must experience them yourself.
"Evil ones can harness the Force to their will - and, by doing so, lose something of their humanity, becoming virtual avatars to the Dark Side of the Force. For the Master of the Dark Side, as for a Master of the Light, it cannot be said whether one controls the Force or the Force the Master. To ask which is the actor and which the acted upon is a question of no meaning. It was inevitable that some would use the Force to slake their base lust for wealth and power. The Dark Side is easy and seductive; the first successes brought thirst for more. These evil ones brought the great Jedi low, hunting down and killing all of their ancient order. All - or almost all.
Time must be used wisely. Patience must be attained for the Jedi to progress along the path to the light. Every Jedi progresses at his own pace, regardless of the pace of the people around him. Some take years. Some take months. However, to gather knowledge quickly and easily would be to court the dark side of the Force. In time, knowledge would then be forgotten, and the Jedi would be lost. A Jedi who increases his strength, and his knowledge in the Force too qiuckly, even with good intentions, is heading down the path to destruction.
A true Jedi is selfless. He does not pride himself in his achievements, nor does he take credit for assistance he has given, nor does he ask for anything in return. Therefore, he who is selfless, can achieve enlightenment.
A Jedi does not take advantage of chances to show off his abilites. He only uses the Force when necesary. If a friend was injured, and you were far from civilization, in the forest for instance, what would you do?
2Renewing Yourself For Change
We all must except that we are beings, and that we do make mistakes. That the cycle of life demands for us to change whether we like it or not. We expect so much of ourselves to be absolutely right in every way that it leads us astray. There is a time when we must admit to ourselves that yes, we fail, yet we must not hide from our failures, but to overcome them...and to learn from them.
The Force allows us to restore and to revitalize our ways of life. To pass through stages, just the same as a child breaks into adulthood. We all must be willing to step into a larger world, and to know that we still have more to pass through. That this is not all...there is so much, much more than this.
To be renewed is good for all of us. It is good for our health, and for us to succeed and help others succeed. If we accept our changes, it will become easier to cope with. To change as the change develops. Yet there are times when we are forced into change, and if we are not ready for it, we learn the hard way. Yet other times it come gradually, and again it is easier to accept. Whatever the rate of change, one must be prepared for the transformation.
We must always be willing, willing to prolong ourselves for the road ahead. Anyway you look at it, you must be willing to accept who you are, and that we do change, that it is all for the best, that it is part of nature...our instinct. It is part of our lives.
3The Overcomers
There are some that are never willing to overcome their fears and their imperfections to strain forward to one?s destiny. Yet there must be realization that indeed, we all have a destiny that is planned for us, and that there are many ways it can unfold. It is your own self that must choose the right path from the wrong path, the rigid path from the informal path. For your destiny to be benefited, and for your goals to be preserved, we must overcome them, and make a fateful decision sooner or later.
We will all overcome our hurdles in life, though we either learn it the easy way or the hard way. It?s our choice, and our choice only. We have to decide what we should overcome, and when we should overcome it. Sometimes the hard way will give you the destiny you most desire, yet the price you pay will be great, and your obedience and sacrifice towards your goals will be drastic in measure. Yet it will be worth it in the end.
Many times we must perceive that it will happen...the time for our determination has come, and that we are going to conquer the obstacles of life so that we may live our dreams. For some, it is only at the end of our moments of life until we understand that we do indeed UNDERSTAND...that we can appreciate ourselves, that we are people with purpose. For others it happens earlier. We all run the race. We all will cross the finish line sooner or later. We all must accept the paths we must take, for the will of The Force, and for the will of others. A destiny must be and will be...completed.
There are many Jedi that take the long and hard path. Yet other Jedi in the past decided that it was better to take the wrong and easy path, so that the will, the balance, and the attainment of The Force would be fulfilled as was written in prophesy. All must take the steps that was foreseen of them to take. They chose their path, no one can choose it for them.
To overcome something we must let go, let go of the past mistakes, our past flaws, even our be courageous and to take the next step. It is the only way to serve our purpose. It is the way of the Jedi.
4The Battle Zone
Think of a place they call "No Man?s Land. A site for fighting, a realm where lives are lost...and that?s the bottom line. An abandoned waistland, where no life can dwell and remain without being destroyed. Constantly looking out, waiting for an apparent blow to strike you down...and destroy you. Imagine yourself breathing your last breaths, recollecting your past. You contemplate over what your last words will be before you die. And they you ask yourself, "Who will conquer over who? What shall I do?"
"What is the reason?"
You?re in the Battle Zone.
We find that there are those who are on one side, a light side, and there are those on another side, a dark side. Yet there are those few souls who lie in between. Indecisive. People who want others to do the thinking for them. Those that can?t make up their mind, or don?t even care which side is which. Yet sooner or later they must choose a side, or they will be lost. They find that there is no in between, that it is one way...or the other. And that it is just the way it this universe was and is constructed.
The Force respects both sides, the ones that have chosen which side they will fight for. That they believe in. That have made a decision. These sides are constantly looking upon those in the battle zone, viewing to what they will do and how they will do it. And some will want them to come to their side. We tell them that there IS a choice to make. You won?t stay in the zone forever. If you don't make a choice, you will die...lost.
I beg for all of you out there to make a decision. To realize where you are, and what you must do. For your sake and others.
Which one will you choose? Which one are you near?
5Frozen In Carbonite
Sometimes we feel that we are frozen...and we can?t move...that we are being ridiculed of all who know us, as well as those we don?t. Sometimes we wait and stand patient for someone to come and unfreeze us. Sometimes we feel that this person to set us free...that our only hope...may never come.
Carbonite is a useful element...used to carry and transport resources, objects, and beings easier and more well as less hassle. Things can go wrong in the freezing process...and sometimes we must test it on others. As we wait under the intervals of instanty, time carries on without us, as we stand there in the frozen monolith...becoming someone?s favorite decoration... a symbol of faith...or even a prize for a powerful being to train and control you...a piece of what was and what can be.
And until we are awaken from carbonite, it takes patience to adapt to the new change. When we finally become unfrozen, there are times when we can?t see that clearly...and simply a "blur" is noticed. There is heavy shaking and maybe some mild unconsciousness, adapting to the new temperature and of the new surroundings.
Stuck in the past, carbonite seals us from the outside well as protects us. Yet we don?t want to live in there, though some of us seem that we must, and some see it as being no being a torture, or a punishment. It seems that we are the product. The one to be sold for credits...or to be trained for another?s plan to succeed. Yet we find that we may even be the one that will train others and show them the light of truth.
At the time of our release, from being unfrozen, returning to reality, we accept the new changes. Wonderful things might happen...and maybe, just maybe, in the process, yes, we may find love and happiness waiting for us. A love. A hope. A faith.
Are you frozen in carbonite?
March 24, 2004, 9:42 am
6The Meditation
Meditation has been a part of life for the Jedi for many years. It has been used as a way of recieving premonitions, reaching across time and space, and as a way of becoming more focused, and for improved concentration.
During meditation, you must let go of everything. Everything. You must empty your mind. Let your thoughts drift away. This can be a very difficult thing for most people. While we are attempting meditation, for some reason we have thoughts about not thinking, and when we think we are not thinking, then we are thinking, and we must start over. Confusing? Don't worry. Give it time.
Look at your arm. What comes to your mind when you see it? Most likely the word "arm". This is logic. In order to empty your mind, and let go of your conscious self, you must also let go of logic. Think not of your arms and legs, or any part of your body. They are what they are, and nothing more. If you lost all of your limbs, wouldn't you still be who you are? If you then lost your torso (and were still alive), wouldn't you still be who you are? You see, none of it is you. Not even your brain is YOU. That part of you which can't be seen with your eyes, the part that is aware that YOU exist, is who you really are.
Let go of the room you are in... let go of the things around you... let go of the building you are in... let go of the things outside... and float comfortably.
Do not think of the things that you see, hear, smell, and touch. Think about seeing, hearing, smelling, and touching. Empty your mind of the names of things around you. Experience them, do not think, "I am doing this", just do it. Know it and feel it. For example: pick up a small stone. Don't let the name of it come to your mind. Just pick it up, and feel it between your fingers. Feel it's texture, it's shape. Experience things, do not name them.
7One way of Enlightenment?
Water is flowing. Every drop is made of the same substance. Water never fears being divided, because it knows it will flow back together in time. It is eternal.
Water is powerful. Although it can be soothing, comforting, and cleansing, it can also be enormous, mighty and overpowering. It's nature is constant. It is true to itself at any extreme.
Water is profound. In the depths of the lakes, in the darkness of the oceans, it holds all secrets. It is dangerous. It is mysterious. Yet life came from those depths.
Water is unafraid. From any height, it will plunge fearlessly down. It will fall and not be injured.
Water is balance. No matter what the situation is, water will seek its own level as soon as it is left alone. Water will always flow downward to the most stable level. It conforms to any situation in a balanced way.
Water is nourishing. Without water, no plant and no living creature could survive.
Water is still. It can be completely still, and in it's stillness, mirror heaven perfectly.
Water is pure. It is transparent, clear, needing niether adorment nor augmentation.
...Excerpt from "Everday Tao" by Deng Ming-Dao
For the Jedi to attain enlightenment, he/she needs only to emulate water in everyway.
8The Rock, Tree, River, and Sun
The Rock
The rock sits. In perfect meditation. It is still and silent. It knows all because it does not speak. It only listens. Can you sit as silently and calmly as the rock?
The Tree
The tree stands stiff and straight and withstands against the weather and the seasons. Its roots go deep. It will not lose its balance. Could you stand so strong for such a length of time?
The River
The river flows on and on. It does not stop and look back. It continues. It willingly changes its direction over time. It is swift and powerful, yet it is life giving. Can you be like the river?
The Sun
The sun is warm and embracing. It is not prejudiced. It gives life to all.
9The Jedi's Generosity
It is a Jedi's duty to be a protector of peace and justice. "So how does one do this?", you may ask. By being kind and generous. When you have suffered injustices, do not turn around and do it someone else just so you can feel better. Remember how you felt and make sure that no one else feels that way.
That is the key. It is not simply thinking about someone who is less fortunate, but knowing how they feel. If you can accomplish this, then you can be kind. If you have known loneliness, be company to someone who is lonely. If you have known poverty, share what you have with those who are poor.
If you can know selflessness, then you can gain a better understanding of yourself.
Remember though, that a Jedi does not help others for something in return, or for that good feeling that comes when you are generous to another. A Jedi does such things simply because it is right.
10All his life as he looked away..."
"When I was six or seven years old, growing up in Pittsburgh, I used to take a precious penny of my own and hide it for someone else to find. It was a curious compulsion; sadly, I've never been seized by it since. For some reason I always "hid" the penny along the same stretch of side walk up the street. I would cradle it at the roots of a sycamore, say, or in a hole left by a chipped-off piece of sidewalk. Then I would take a piece of chalk, and, starting at either end of the block, draw huge arrows leading up to the penny from both directions. After I learned to write I labeled the arrows: SURPRISE AHEAD or MONEY THIS WAY. I was greatly excited, during all this arrow-drawing, at the thought of the first lucky passer-by who would recieve in this way, regardles of merit, a free gift from the universe. But I never lurked about. I would go straight home and not give the matter another thought, until, some months later, I would be gripped by the impulse to hide another penny.
It is still the first week in January, and I've got great plans. I've been thinking about seeing. There are lots of things to see, wrapped gifts and free surprises. The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But -and this is the point- who gets excited by a mere penny? If you follow one arrow, if you crouch motionless on a bank to watch a tremulous ripple thrill on the water and are rewarded by the sight of a muskrat kit paddling from its den, will you count that sight a chip of copper only, and go your rueful way? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop tp pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted in pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get."
...Excerpt from "Seeing"
The small things in life are also the grand things. Those who have little, have little to lose, and therefore appreciate them.
11The Chivalric Code
Prowess: To seek excellence in all endeavors expected of a Knight and otherwise, seeking strength to be used in service of Justice, rather than in personal aggrandizement.
Justice: Seek always the path of Right, unencumbered by bias or personal interest. Recognize that the sword of justice can be a terrible thing, so it must be tempered by humanity and mercy. If the right you see rings true, agrees with others, and you seek it out without bending to the temptation of expediency, then you will earn renown beyond measure.
Loyalty: Be known for your unwavering commitment to the people and ideals you choose to live by. There are many places where compromise is expected; Loyalty is not one of them.
Defense: The ideal knight was sworn by oath to defend his liege lord and those who depended upon him. Seek always to defend your nation, your family, and those whom you believe worthy of loyalty.
Courage: Being a knight often means choosing the more difficult path, the personally expensive one. Be prepared to make personal sacrifices in service of the precepts and people you value. At the same time, a knight should seek wisdom to see that stupidity and courage are cousins. Courage also means taking the side of truth in all matters, rather than seeking the expedient lie. Seek the truth whenever possible, but remember to temper your justice with mercy, or the pure truth can bring grief.
Faith: A knight must have faith in his beliefs, for faith roots him and gives hope against the despair that human failings create.
Humility: Value the first contributions of others; do not boast of your own accomplishments, let others do this for you. Tell the deeds of others before your own, according them the renown rightfully earned through virtuous deeds. In this way the office of knighthood is well done and glorified, helping not only the gentle spoken of, but also all who call themselves knights.
Largesse: Be generous in so far as your resources allow; Largesse used in this way counters gluttony. It also makes the path of mercy easier to discern when a difficult decision of justice is required.
Nobility: Seek great stature of character by holding to the virtues and duties of a knight, realizing that though the ideals cannot be reached, the quality of striving towards them ennobles the spirit, growing the character from dust towards the heavens. Nobility also has the tendency to influence others, offering a compelling example of what can be done in the service of rightness.
Franchise: Seek to emulate everything that has been spoken of as sincerely as possible. Not for gain but because it is right. Do not restrict your exploration to a small world, but seek to infuse every aspect of your life with these qualities. Should you succeed in even a tiny measure then you will be well remembered for your quality and virtue.
12The Rushing Waters
The ancient Taoists taught to be like water. It becomes what ever you put it in. It always seeks the lowest levels. Much like the river, one should push on with much Force and overcome the challenges.
If you feel apprehensive over something you must do in the future. Do not allow yourself to become timid. Imagine a tremendous rush of water coming behind you. Hear the rushing of the water. Allow this water to become your support. The Force that keeps you going.
You see, if used properly, the Force can be very powerful and awesome thing. Of course, this is where some run into trouble with the dark side. If it is used simply for the sake of accomplishment in great things, then it will give you exactly what you need. If used while angry, or in frustration, then you may be disappointed by the conclusion.
This same concept can be applied to martial arts. Many are led to believe that the use of the natural tools (those being hands and feet), must be restricted to proper placement and direction. Your opponent, however, may not be in the same spot that those martial arts teach. The simple fact that these movements can be done without the complications is what needs to be understood. Instead of contemplating on how to kick, or how to punch, and where, I say just KICK! Put the Force of that river behind it. Just go through with it. You may miss, but that's the risk. If you are defending yourself, or another, you have no time to remember proper stance, or technique.
The most important thing to remember though is what came from Bruce Lee. "I said emotional content... not anger." "Don't think." "It's like a finger pointing away to the moon. If you concentrate on the finger, you will miss all that heavenly glory."
The Philosophy
We all have our own point of view...
This place is designed for the thoughts of the Jedi. Those who want to speak, may raise their voice here. Let your spirit engulf the ones and share your knowledge with them, but do not expect to recieve something in return. Misunderstanding and confusion will be a result until you understand.
The Enlightenment of Truth:
1aBelief about Good and Evil
2aHe Said I Was
3aThe Greatest Illusion
4aTime, Destiny, and Creation
5aThe Force at your side - Use the Force
6aThe Balance of the Force
7aThe Living Force - Triangle of Time
8aThe Secret Story
9aTime As Our Dictator
10aThe Breath of the Force
11aThe Calm
The realization of Insight:
1bThe Talent - A Jedi can change
2bThe Philosophy
4bAcquaint Yourself To Martin Luther
5bThe Tin Man: Do Droids Dream of Electric Sheep?
6bLet Go
7bStreen's Journal
8bYour Focus Determines your Reality
9bKnow Thyself
10bThe Mosaic
12bPaper Tiger
We must seek the principles of assurance...
Life is full of promises. It is when someone or something reveals to us what has been granted. There are times when we know what there is to know, though we seem to be apprehensive towards grasping the knowledge and wisdom of the situation. And while we remain in slumber, we rely on the Force to provide us the answers to our existence.
Yet we must also assure ourselves that we fabricate our own lives. Sometimes the answer does not come out so obviously in the beginning, and that we must give devotion to ourselves that we will seek what needs to be found. There are many points of view to discern what life has bestowed upon us which captures our spirit...and by teaching others our principles in life, we find the goodness in which The Force has promised us. That life is a pledge of doctrine.
Live the awakening...
The pledge of doctrine:
1cLost and Found
2cThe Perfect Equation = Goodness of All Things
3cA Simple Game of Chess
4cBalanced or Neutral?
5cOak and Reed
6cThis Crude Matter
7cThe Land of Nod
1A)Belief about Good and Evil
A belief that the Good can in fact live without Evil.
A belief that the Evil can in fact live without the Good.
A belief, as we see now, that Evil and Good can live together.
You might ask how...
Pure Good can live without evil because there would be no need for evil...everyone would do what was needed and be happy. Many describe this as a Heaven.
Pure Evil can live without good because there would be no need for it. Destruction, chaos, as well as other feelings would rule them. Many describe this as a Hell.
Evil and Good living can live together in a balance because no one is Pure Good or Pure Evil. Except for in some religions there have been "Pure" people to walk this earth. Those who choose to start leading a path towards "Purity" will be tempted from the opposite side and as their path grows "Purer" the temptation might grow stronger.
A Visual
Picture a, white painted, spherical room. And on the inside it is completely smooth. There is a light hovering in the exact center of this room. Turn it on with its brightness and do you get any shadows? No. This is a visual on the Good without Evil.
Picture the same room. The light not turned on. Is there any light? No. This is a visual of Evil without good.
Picture the same room but with parts of the walls sticking up at various lengths and various angles, like pointy shards. Turn on the Light. What happens? You get various shades of black, white and gray. This is a visual of Evil and Good living in the same place.
This is the simple version of a belief about Good and Evil.
2A)He Said I Was
"There was never a more clearer man then that which gave me the opportunity to become more like him."
...A Jedi Unknown
There are a few people in my life which has given me what I have now here on the Internet, as well as helped me become inspired into what I am today. These few people are the ones that created me, and by creating me, I also created them.
A personal situation in my life has always conflicted with my works as a spiritual guide, and that was to hurt one of my friends who I trust with my life to love another life in whom I trust. There has been many dark times for this group of people that I am talking about, and some of us seem to have been in better positions than others. Yet really why I am writing this is the fact that I had failed to realize how much my friends have helped me to what I am today - and though you may say this factor out loud, sometimes it takes a lifetime to understand that.
I know that we all have personal lives, yet I find that sometimes one must tell a certain understanding of a situation and blend it into something one can comprehend without having to know secretive happenings. This life of mine has really only one purpose, and that is to serve, rather it be to serve myself, my fellow man, or my maker. I have been called a what I have been called first from those that gave me my stardom, and it is for this point I make up now that I still go on with my Jedi duties.
If you search for bad things, you will easily find it. Yet if you search for the good, it will take all your life.
This is the reason why I strive to find the good in those that I care about, even when I had experienced childhood moments that have given me a bias against certain friendships. It is that desire to show someone that you are worth being a friend, even if they don't like you - and that journey is a path to self discovery.
Thanks for the one that helped me see this. You will always be my brother, whatever may happen, and for that which does not meet my outcome, I hope that you will have it instead. For it is I that owe you.
3A) He Said I Was
"There was never a more clearer man then that which gave me the opportunity to become more like him."
...A Jedi Unknown
There are a few people in my life which has given me what I have now here on the Internet, as well as helped me become inspired into what I am today. These few people are the ones that created me, and by creating me, I also created them.
A personal situation in my life has always conflicted with my works as a spiritual guide, and that was to hurt one of my friends who I trust with my life to love another life in whom I trust. There has been many dark times for this group of people that I am talking about, and some of us seem to have been in better positions than others. Yet really why I am writing this is the fact that I had failed to realize how much my friends have helped me to what I am today - and though you may say this factor out loud, sometimes it takes a lifetime to understand that.
I know that we all have personal lives, yet I find that sometimes one must tell a certain understanding of a situation and blend it into something one can comprehend without having to know secretive happenings. This life of mine has really only one purpose, and that is to serve, rather it be to serve myself, my fellow man, or my maker. I have been called a what I have been called first from those that gave me my stardom, and it is for this point I make up now that I still go on with my Jedi duties.
If you search for bad things, you will easily find it. Yet if you search for the good, it will take all your life.
This is the reason why I strive to find the good in those that I care about, even when I had experienced childhood moments that have given me a bias against certain friendships. It is that desire to show someone that you are worth being a friend, even if they don't like you - and that journey is a path to self discovery.
Thanks for the one that helped me see this. You will always be my brother, whatever may happen, and for that which does not meet my outcome, I hope that you will have it instead. For it is I that owe you.
4A) Time, Destiny, and Creation
Time does not exist. The only reason we even understand time, is our perception of movement. In walking from one place to another, one can count the seconds it takes a person to move. But in the realm of the absolute, namely the Force, time does not exist, because there is no movement. The Force is already everywhere so it has no place to go.
Think of the universe as if it were a rock. A rock resting on the ground does not appear to be moving at all when percieving it from the outside. But inside, there are atoms bouncing around like crazy in every direction. The rock is moving, yet not moving. Just like us. We may think we are moving around, but we are all one giant "rock" and really not moving at all. We, like the Force, are already EVERYWHERE. Therefore, time does not exist. Nothing has happened, nor will happen. It just IS. Everything is in a moment of NOW.
Our lives have already been lived. Nothing happens in this world that goes against the flow of the Force. But what does that mean? WE ARE the Force. Nothing goes against the flow of us! This is where a lot of people have trouble with the concept. To make things clearer, here are what I believe to be the Three Realizations on the path to Enlightenment.
The first realization is that "the Force and I are one". Once the mind stops thinking of Force/God/Tao and the Self as two seperate beings, philosophy becomes so much simpler.
The second realization comes right after the other: if the Force/God/Tao is the creator and creation of all things, therefore, the Self is the creator and creation of all things.
The third realization: Self is all there is, and is the ultimate creator of reality.
Of course, these may help you on your path to enlightenment, however, they will not reveal the truth to you. You must experience it.
So, to say that everything is predestined would be correct, and to say that everything is the product of our own creation would also be correct. Thus enters the contradictory nature of the universe: two things existing side my side which appear to be opposites, yet are both a part of one larger truth.
5A) The Force at your side
The Force is a profound and complex thing to understand. I have not yet even grasped it completely. However, to the best of my ability, I can teach you what it is to be a Jedi. The Jedi's purpose is not to become good in the Force, and to see how skilled the can become, but it is to preserve life, and to protect and help those that need it. Their purpose is not to seek happiness, but to become more kind. Remember, a jedi does not seek aid, aid seeks a jedi. The Force is what helps and guides the Jedi to protect others. Only when calm and at peace ~level~ with himself and nature can the Jedi act with the assurance of control. To act from anger would be to succumb to the powers of the Dark Side. Remember, as Yoda himself said, "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny." There can be a return to the Light, however. But a difficult process it is, and very few have ever done it. Allthough, the darkness does not ever leave. It remains with you, to tempt you every step of the way, to draw you away from your path........"forever will it dominate your destiny". One must realize that the Force is not in itself good or evil, but instead it holds a mirror up to the spirit. If one is naturally evil inside, then he will most likely use the dark side, because that is what he knows. One that is naturally good will use the light side of the Force. I have also learned that perception is a key. If you perceive something or someone as dark, without first finding out more about the thing or person, then it may be a reflection of yourself that you are seeing. If you don't quite understand, it's okay - you will understand in time. Remember, don't see with your eyes... with the Force and knowledge at your side, you will see with truth.
Use the Force
The Force is a tangible energy field of sorts. It flows through everything. Everything. Nothing is outside of it's reach. It connects us all. Many have dismissed it as a redilculous belief for fools. Do not also make that mistake. You do of course have the right to your own opinion, but I must tell is there. In some form. Yet, it has no form. Open up to it. Do not run away, let go. When you are ready, it will come. Everyone has doubts. It is part of our nature to doubt such things. When you say something strange, or new to a person, something they don't quite understand, their reaction is usually fear. If you teach that person the beauty of that thing, it becomes part of them, and they are no longer afraid.
6A) The Balance of the Force
In one of Lucas's first scripts of Star Wars, he refers as Luke being "the Son of the Suns", describing a "Force of Others" which one can percive and experience. One of the most asked questions that The Phantom Menace sites have is this: Windu talks of a prophecy that there will be one who will provide a "balance" the force. He asks if it is Anakin. Yet is the prophesy refering to Anakin, or maybe his son Luke? As I view these lives from the old trilogy, I see that the Jedi Windu is is Luke. I've looked at the earlier scripts, and I see an example of my claim.
In the third draft, the one with the quote "The Son of the Suns", Deak, the brother of Skywalker is claimed to be this savior of conquering the Sith to bring back the Old Republic. That is what was spoke of in prophecy to "A balance to The Force". Yet, while captured by Darth Vader, he is seen to not be the redeemer. It is a young boy named Luke Starkiller, a person who seems so helpless forces himself to save his brother, as well as destroying the Death Star, etc. Return of the Jedi is suppose to be the climax of the films, to which Vader is changed back as Anakin with help of his son Luke. This alone proves that balance The Phantom Menace refers to. This is the true prophesy. Where good stares at evil to show to evil what he truly is.
Obi-Wan knew that he was to be a mentor to the person who would provide the balance of The Force, relating to the prophecy. He thought he was Anakin, yet he was wrong in teaching him, as mentioned in Return of the Jedi. Luke though became his hope, to bring "The Balance of The Force" the prophesy talked about. Obi-Wan knew that Luke would prevail his destiny. By seeing Wan's eyes in A New Hope when he died by Vader's blade, proved that he knew the future from the force. He looked at Luke, then back at Vader, and saw right then in there that it was not his fight, that it was Luke who would kill Vader and bring out Anakin. Obi-Wan's fighting would not change this. It had to be someone more personal to Vader, his own flesh and blood.
That is why he put up his lightsabre, and died with dignity. The Force told him that he had served his purpose. And that is why a Jedi exists - to serve his purpose.
7A) The Living Force
You may have heard these words spoken recently: "Be aware of the living Force". Confusing, yes? While the Force is the power within all of us, and is what guides us day to day, you must not forget the living Force. No, there are not two seperate "Forces". This is merely a way to better explain it.
Life is all around us. The trees, the birds, the river. They are all connected to one another, and to you. You must open yourself to them, and feel life around you. Some time, go outside and look at a tree. Close your eyes and become aware of the tree. Feel it swaying in the wind and listen to its sounds. Open your eyes. Look at the tree. What does it remind you of? If you like, contact me and tell me when you've done this.
Many think that humans are superior to nature. Do you believe this? Has the thunder ever frightened you when it was close? Have you heard stories of the terror people feel during an earthquake? Have you experienced it yourself? If you have, you understand what it is to be humble.
Never forget the living Force. If you do not rise above it, then you will be one with it.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: "Master Yoda said I should be mindful of the future."
Qui-Gon Jinn: "But not at the expense of the present. Be mindful of the living Force, my young Padawan."
That is the key. HERE and NOW.
...Jedi Streen
Triangle of Time
In reference to the other piece of information that you just read: Yet again, you must realize that Yoda and Qui-Gon are correct. Yoda expresses that the Jedi should be aware of the past through the words that Obi-Wan used. Qui-Gon himself concentrates on the now, but yet he uses the past still to learn, i.e. not to do something that would lead to the same happening which might be considered as failure. Yoda himself told about Obi-Wan as he spoke to Luke Skywalker that the "dead" Jedi always looked at the horizon and not at the now and the past.
This teaches us that the Jedi must realize that there is no linear time that follows a straight way. Time is not relative, age is not relative. Only character traits and abilities make you, not the time and age.
8A) The Secret Story
Each of us share a piece of the truth. Every single one of us. Do you feel it?
They say that the truth shall set you free. What we see what we know that exist within our universe. We are all connected to the truth, and share a story...a story so old and so flawless...that even today we keep them within ourselves...and sometimes, we tell others a small sliver of the story. Some of it is still being passed around to this day.
A story is hidden within us...time and age has made it different. We share it...can?t you see it? Some see the story...through a distinctive culture...through a unique religion. They see the story. They believe in the story. Can?t you see...that it is all the same thing? That it is all the same story? A story of hope, of peace, of love, of happiness, of joy, of faith, of goodness, of reverence, of mercy, of salvation, of kindness? You can see it...playing in your head...that moment in time in which you hold a key to the truth. And it will open a door for others...if you let them use it.
Unity is the key, my friends. And we unify to tell the greatest story ever known. The story of our LIVES. Of our universe. Of how we came into being. It is still being written to this day, as others are existing to share the story with us. We are all the authors as well as the readers of this awesome non-fiction masterpiece. The #1 bestseller...the five-star achievement. An 11 from a scale of 1 to 10. Filled with craftsmanship...and workmanship. Nothing else can top it. Complete and intact.
Isn?t it cool!
It?s perfection as best as I know it. Share your secret story...tell others. Give them peace. Don?t let it stay a secret any longer. There are those that want to know you...those that want to like you. You only have to want to...and believe that anything is possible. Anything. And it will be. It will be.
Lay down your fears. Pick up you courage...and carry on. Keepers of the promise...hold your head up high...and be thankful for what life has given you.
We are the reason to live.
9A) Time As Our Dictator
What is time...a tool or a lesson? We find that we rely so much on time, that it seems to control our every move. Everything we do, it seems, we are always watching out for the minutes that go by. Slowly and surely, time dictates us, and calls us to attention.
We must understand that time is a protector, not a preventor. To control our own selves, we must realize that we control time, and not the other way around. It is the way we use it. Sometimes we must let time go as it may, and simply not worry about it, not to think about the next deadline. It?s about now, and how we preserve it. The rest will take care of itself.
By letting ourselves control the next move, not the clock, we control our own destiny. By facing the fact that life goes on, and that we are part of it. The Force gives us a tool, teaching us that we--yes we--are our own dictators and decision makers of what happens next.
10A) The Breath of the Force
Take a deap breath...
and feel the wind brush past you.
The tree sways in the wind...
as a mother gently rocks her child to sleep.
The river flows on...
as we let go of our regrets.
The sun shines warmly...
as we care for others.
The snow falls quietly...
as we close our eyes
and meditate.
11A) The Calm
Can you touch the sunset?
Bathe in its warmth,
and feel its love?
Can you hear the rain?
What does it say to you?
Can you reach,
reach and touch a cloud
and bring it back down with you?
Can you see the wind?
Let its embrace
carry you away?
It is above you.
It is within you.
Walk to the horizon...
..and leap.
1B) The Talent
Every Jedi has a special talent in the Force. It is something that I have not yet come to understand. In time, you will discover what that ability is. You may have already noticed it, but have either taken it for granted your whole life, or have simply dismissed it as coincidence. I know how difficult it can be to believe in something like this, but there is more to us than the flesh and bones. We are not made up of matter. Our bodies are only shells which are used to affect, and react in the physical world. Let go of your conscious self, and truely be.
A Jedi can change
I once asked my master, Mitth, if there are so many things in a person's life that can aggravate them, then how do you avoid falling to the dark side? He simply replied, "A Jedi can change." At first, I was confused, but he told me to think about it and I would understand eventually. I did. If you have also been asking yourself this question, then I suggest you remember what he said - think about it.
2B) "Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows it?"
We create so many complexities in our lives, it's time we step back, take a look at ourselves, and figure out what is really important.
One of the biggest problems that most people have is they are always dwelling on the past. The past has no meaning. If something bad has happened, don't hold on to the memory, let it go, and flow with the present....what is. There are exceptions of course. A criminals actions cannot be simply forgotten. Only when that person is truely sorry for his actions, can he be forgiven, and should be forgiven.
When you dwell on the past, you create "friction" between yourself, and what is, and things become even more difficult. Flow like the moon reflected in the river. The waves in the water are oneness... totality... life... and you are the moon. The past and present can't be changed... only the future can be changed. Learn from your mistakes of the past, and use that knowledge in the future. Do not let the past over-power the present.
It is also important that you do not tear yourself up over injustices, corruption, and wrongdoings, simply accept things as they are! That doesn't mean though that you should just sit back and have no compassion for others. As I said, just don't tear yourself apart over things you truely can't do anything about. This can be applicable to many things. Flow with the disease, only then can you rid yourself of it.
If you want the truth to come forth to you, do not see things from your point of view, do not like or dislike, do not be for or against... see things as they are. Do not live in a "state of denial"... all will then become clear for you.
When you do not let your mind and your thoughts flow, then it is no longer the mind.
As even Obi-wan said,"Let go of your conscious self". Open up... flow freely... your true self is your soul. Do not merely be with everything... be a part of it. Do not see things... feel them. Forget about the matter you are made up of... forget about your pride, your ego, your desire for victory, and simply be! Do not be bound by techniques... do not limit yourself... truely be who you are. When you learn that... then, and only then...can you fully realize the totality... life... the Force, or whatever you might call it.
Remember... things happen, because they happen. There is no 'why'...
Drop a pebble in a pond, and let the ripples form. Do not reshape the pond. Do not dig another pond. Following the Force seems to have been misuderstood by many. Many have said that they are the Force's servant, or that they surrender to it. This is wrong. Think of it as if you were controling a boat traveling down a river. Those who would surrender to the flow would eventually hit a rock. Those who do not flow with it at all, and attempt to travel upstream against that flow, will not get anywhere. Those who keep control of their boat yet let the river take them to their destination, are truely wise.
3B) Awareness
Complete and total awareness is not simple to achieve. First of all, you must forget what you have learned about concentration. Concentration creates conflict because you are attempting to shut out everything else around you to single out one thing you actually wish to become aware of.
Through meditation, awareness can be achieved and perfected. When you do not discriminate anything, and take in everything, you are becoming aware. When you do not see things from your own personal point of view, then you are seeing it as it truely is. You must also forget about logic. Forget about "I am thinking this now" and "I am closing my eyes now". Let go of the the logical, and accept the absract. When you have quieted your own soul, then the voices of the Force can be heard.
When you are aware, you can understand peoples' feelings. Once you have actually felt a person's pain, or their joy, then you know awareness.
As for how to begin learning awareness, I would suggest being outside. Having a nice place to sit during a cool part of the day is ideal because you can relax and feel comfortable. If weather doesn't permit this, then I would suggest to simply find a quiet room and make sure you don't have any distractions. Some suggest lighting a candle or insense, but those are not really necesary. However, they do allow the mind to realize it is time to relax.
4B) Acquaint Yourself To Martin Luther
"The Just Shall Live by Faith." (Martin Luther quoting from the Bible)
Martin Luther was an interesting individual. He lived in the 16th century, and was raised in a particular religion as a monk, a teacher as you may call it, teaching others the truth that he was taught of.
Yet, he began to realize the flaws of his religion, even though he still believed it. That they were doing things that him just didn?t feel right. They thought that they were the only right way, and that there was no other. He began to question the Bible and studied it, to see what was so wrong.
One day he stumbled upon a text that knocked him out with clear realization.
"The Just shall live by Faith."
It meant to him that the honest and the virtuous people shall live in confidence, and with assurance. To believe what they can?t see. In other words, Creed. That you shouldn?t never chase physical things and say that yes, this is the ONLY truth out there.
And he started his own thing. His own way of life with his own answers, believing that anything is possible if you believe in it. Of course, other monks and other long admires of him did not like his new way of life, and they tried to stop him...and get rid of his new ideals. Yet they couldn?t. He believed in connection, and to stay in contact to others that kept the Faith. And he became well known.
So must we also do the same. As Jedi, we must study for ourselves the pieces of knowledge that we have, and come up with our own answers, even if others don?t see it the same way and want to destroy you. It will never be taken for granted. This is the way of the Jedi, to stay firm and to believe in what you feel, even though you cannot see it.
The Just shall live by Faith.
5B) The Tin Man: Do Droids Dream of Electric Sheep?
"Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man, that he didn?t...already have." (The music group America, referring to the movie The Wizard of Oz)
What do we consider life...a living, breathing entity that expresses feelings and thinks for one?s self, enforcing a decision as well as putting it into action?
Androids, droids, or whatever you may call them...are they living things? They may not breathe...yet they are operational...they think for themselves...they enforce a decision...and yes, they put it into action. Yet someone has programmed them...are they being told to do something which they do not have the decision to override? it possible that they have the be unrestricted from the regulations from their user?
To be free?
Remember the Tin Man in The Wizard Of Oz? He told Dorothy that he didn?t have a heart, so he went off with her to see the Wizard. Yes, the Tin Man did indeed find the wizard with the rest of the bunch, yet he was told that he must do a task first before he could receive his heart. Yet...throughout the rest of the movie...he cares and loves others...expresses feelings.
All of them could have got what they wanted without the Wizard. They all had the power...within their own selves. They had it already. Inside themselves. All they had to do was believe...and have faith...and it became truth.
Even the Tin Man had the power....within his own self.
So what about clones? It may not seem moral to us...yet we see them. Are they still human? Do they carry their own individual soul - and only rely on themselves - not from the original?
How about those that are Forced attuned? If they are cloned, is it possible that they are still prone, adept?
Past all the morality of what can be, we find a certain feeling from the heart...never experienced exactly the same way with the Tin Man. And we start to realize...if we are androids or droids...if we are just a bunch of humanoid and unhumaniod clones. We have been procreated, born to live a purpose. Someone, something, gave us our Genesis, whether it be a programmer or a clone original. A user, a creator. The knowledge is passed on, and others can learn from it. A lesson is learned, a patron...our discoverer... is taught from our existance.
And we carry on.
I remember when I acted as the Tin Man did...and was looking for a heart...a heart that loves and cares...until I was already in me. Thanks to that special someone that helped me understand that...yes, you know who you are :)
6B) Let Go
Imagine this: a little child, learning to ride a bicycle, falls, and scrapes his (using "his" for sake of reference only) knee. He can either get up, clean out the wound, and go on - or he can sit on the ground, crying, bemoaning his injury.
Are you with me so far? Okay... then picture that same child, now a teenager, working up the nerve to ask a girl out on a date - and being turned down. He can swear off the opposite gender entirely, or he can spring back, and ask the same girl again or find someone new.
So far, so good? Excellent. Now imagine that your best friend, whom you have trusted for many years with your deepest secrets, has been telling those secrets all along. Will you hide in a hole in the ground and become a hermit, or will you push forward, and let go of the betrayal?
You see, I was once told that you can let life skewer you to the wall, or you can grab the bull by the horns. This is the question I want to ask you, as well as the point I am attempting to make: will you be skewered, or will you grab the bull by the horns, and move on? Will you be captive to misery - or will you let go?
7B) Streen's Journal
Pride is a sense worth that comes from something that is not actually a part of you. It is a false identity. Self-esteem on the other hand comes from achievements that you have made in your life. Pride can be your downfall. When you are proud, you usually are thinking of yourself as what you are not. You become over-confident and you put yourself up on a pedestal. Remember, war does not make one great! It seems that the less confident people have a greater need for pride. This is, unfortuantely, because of self rejection. There is, however, a good side to having pride. If it inspires us to achieve something, it can turn into real self-esteem. Sometimes pride can sneak up on you however. Such as people insult others, degrading them, even if not directly to them, you would still be raising yourself above that person.
Before you can change, you must first realize what, and how you are now. Only then can you understand what it is that needs to be changed, and then you can move on. Remember though, if you no longer recognize the reflection in the mirror, it's time to figure out who you've become.
Totality, oneness... can be realized only when you have discovered who you are. You will not flow with what is, if you remain rigid, and you are without open-mindedness. Life is like a leaf floating down a stream. If you push it, it may sink. If you let it be, the leaf will remain with the flow of the stream. There is more in getting there, than being there. The highest form of thinking is none at all. Your eyes are always the first to fool you... don't trust them. To see something uncolored by one's own personal beliefs and ideas, is to see it as it truely is. Art is the reflection of the soul. What is created outwardly, is what exists inwardly, in art. You are letting your soul come forth. It is the connection, or gateway between the totality and the physical world. Without complete freedom in art, there is no art. Those who know, do not speak; those who speak, do not know. Dwelling on the past complicates matters because your mind is freezing. You will only be truly free once you have let go of the concern over how people see you, or what they will think of you. Do not see with your eyes. With knowledge at your side, you will see with truth.
Concentration is not generally the right course of action. When one usually concentrates, he/she creates a focus from which there is distraction. This creates conflict. Do not concentrate, be aware. Awareness excludes nothing. It includes everything. Becoming is a denial of being. Simply let go... free yourself. Not all enemies take the physical form. They cannot be defeated through violence. Many of the demons we fight take another form. We call them, fear, anger, and hatred. If you do not defeat these demons, a life of a thousand years would be a tragedy. If you do, a life of a single day would be a triumph. There is no truth. The truth that we accept is only opinion. Nothing is known, only believed. The real truth is that which cannot be seen with the eyes, heard with the ears, or touched by the hand.
In contradiction to the beliefs of the Force, our destiny is not prewritten. We are responsible for our own futures. True destiny is what we create. Why does it seem that it's easier to say what we should not do, than it is to say what we should? We have all forgotten where we came from. Nature. Become a part of it once again. One can truely express himself/herself only when there is complete freedom. An artist can fully express his inner being when he has complete and total freedom of movement.
A good artist is always improving his work. Let your cup become empty so that it may become full. Be empty, yet whole at the same time. Let go of, and you shall gain. Become opaque, and you will be clear. Lower yourself, and you will rise. Give, and you shall recieve. However, do not give in order to recieve. Those who do not oppose, will not be opposed. Good implies evil; ease implies difficulty; soft implies hard. Let go of both sides, and things are simply done. Why does it seem that most conflicts must be settled by violence? Why is violence the only thing that certain people will listen to??
Why does suffering plague the world? Why is it that the ones that care about what's going on in the world are the most unhappy people? Why is it that the ones who don't, are happier? Is it selfishness? Why can't there be peace, instead of war? Why can't there be love, instead of hate? Why can't there be friendship, instead of enemies? I often think about this. Also, I wonder why good people are put through such pain. Some say it is because of desire. If we didn't desire, then we wouldn't suffer for not having it. There must be more to it than that.
Most of us cannot say we don't complain, that we don't desire. I'm not any more innocent than the rest. I ask myself, why do bad things seem to always happen to me? Is it a test? Or am I just selfish? Why do the ones I love not seem to return the love? Is someone out to get me? Do I in someway deserve it? Will things ever change?
Is there a right path to follow? Or do we create our own paths? Everyone says that their way is the right way. Who do I trust? Am I utterly lost, or will I eventually find my way? Is there really a reason for it all? I feel like I shouldn't bother trying. Should I? Will I ever be happy? What am I missing? Why am I not strong enough or smart enough? Why can't I seem to make people happy? I do not have an answer.
Knowing about things, is called knowledge; understanding them is called wisdom. We all fail during our lives. However, it is only considered this, if it is not learned from. You can only succeed if you are prepare to fail. Remember this. Be more... think less of yourself If you feel that something can't be expressed in words, don't attempt it. To do so would be to do it injustice. Those who know, do not speak; those who speak do not know. You might wonder that if we should remain at peace, and not desire, and lower ourselves to rise, then how are we to remain social? The only answer I can give is that you must find what feels right for you.
You drop a pebble in a pond... soon the ripples cross the whole pond. You drop many in a pond, and the ripples blend... conflicting with each other.
Some say,"Seek, and you shall find". This is an attachment. Meaning it restricts you to this. This statement implies that you must seek in order to find. This may be true to a certain extent. However, to do so for too long would be to push it further away from you. A leaf is floating in a pond... do you move your hand through the water to bring it to you? Or do you let it come to you... let the wind carry it to you.
Have patience. It will take time, but it will come to you when least expected. Which is more important to you: to have people know you, or love you? To have great amounts of money, or to have great amounts of love? To be happy, or to make others happy? This is something we should all consider. Nothing matters... therefore, everything matters. Those who have little... have little to lose. Life is a river... ever flowing and changing... always emptying into the sea... always being filled again by the rain from the mountain. For one to see the motion, one must remain still. To hear the sound, one must remain quiet.
Let go of yourself... let go of who you think you are, and what you think you are... let go of who you think I am, and what you think I am... let go of the room you're sitting in... let go of the building you are in... let go of everything.
You alone exist. Who is to say anyone else does? How can you prove it to yourself that anyone else is real? How do you know I am real?
When you are walking through the rain, do not wince from it. Do not hide your head from it. Stand up straight and accept it. Become a part of the rain.
Enlightenment is not attained easily. After all, if it was attained easily, who would seek it? If the truth was obvious, who would want it? In the mysterious lies questions. That's what makes things so interesting.
While you should not be the Force's servant, and pretend you have no effect on your own path, you should remember to offer yourself to it. You cannot expect to recieve things from the Force without being dedicated.
Brush away the dirt that clouds the mind. Clean it away until there is nothing left to know. Then you will be able to flow freely.
Forgetting what you've learned can be a spiritual act. Let go of thinking so it can become a part of you.
All the processes and techniques you learn are only useful for a brief time. Eventually they make things even more difficult, which is why you must let go. Let them become you. Your body, mind and soul.
Letting go, implies holding onto. Free it, and it will stay.
Instead of thinking about body, mind and soul as three seperate parts that make up you, let them become one so that there is no division. There is no seperation. No doubt. Then, acting, knowing, and feeling, will all become the same thing.
The beauty of the waterfall is that it flows on without our assistance.
Being of no mind is the highest way of thinking.
When you know how it really feels, you cannot speak it. For the wisdom has no words. The real purpose... the symbol, cannot be explained. Life, humanity, the Force. Everything cannot be taught. It can be shown how it is learned. But not taught. It is even a struggle now to write this after the experience. When you know not how to tell it to another... when you know not how to describe it in your own mind. Then don't. Let it go. That is the secret. The secret of the Force. Something that has no definition, nor a category.
Happiness and joy. Which has substance? Which is the condition?
When discussing Force, a Jedi might say that we are at one with the Force. But there are two things there: "we" and "the Force". To think of the Force, is to unthink it. The True ONE cannot be realized.
Isn't it interesting that there seems to be more emphasis on the physical self presently? This may simply be because we have come to understand our bodies better than our minds. We use such a small percentage of our brains; it's no wonder. But as far we can tell, we use every part of our body. Which is why I believe that you actually are exercising the mind as well as the body in martial arts. The circles overlap when they are balanced. However, a lot of people who exercise and workout constantly don't understand this which is why they end up with great looking muscles that they don't know how to use entirely.
An isolated spider web will catch no flies.
Breathe when you are tired.
Breathe when you wake up.
Breathe when your are angry, or frustrated.
Breathe when you are at peace.
Breathe when you are excited.
Breathe when you are anxious.
Breathe when you are scared.
Always breathe, for your breath moves with the many breaths of the universe.
Everyone needs a hero. The trick is to not become that hero.
To discipline oneself is the way of the Force.
Do not analyze endlessly. Let things be as they are.
After reading, and listening, and training for so long, on must realize how complex we allow things to become. Such is not the way of the Jedi. Sometimes, we must consciously "forget" what we have learned and let it become a part of us. Be simple, and people will recognize it.
Some battles are fought from without. All battles are fought from within.
To focus one's energy, one needs emotional content. However, you must be very careful, for just beyond that lies the dark side. Consume you it will. For once the dark side has you once, it will always be there to haunt you, even if there is a return to the light.
If you feel as if you can't hold onto life any longer, then don't. Stop worrying about everything little thing, because every little thing is of no importance.
Zen, as I have come to understand it, is the cancellation of symbolization in the human mind. Reading a Zen koan, one would find that there mind cannot grasp, the logical has been abandoned, and it would seem as if the ground has been pulled out from under you.
I grow tired of the many distinctions and segregation existing within the Force and the Jedi. Unity is my friend.
Condemn not, my friend, for All is One.
The Sage is a disciple of heaven. Its mind clear and smooth, reflecting the great wonders.
Peace is not met with a clenched fist, but an open hand.
It's better to be a hypocrite and know it, than the other way around.
The Real Jedi Code:
Emotion and Peace are one.
Ignorance and Knowledge are one.
Passion and Serenity are one.
Life and Death are one.
8B) Your Focus Determines your Reality
What most people seek in life is not terribly complicated. We want only the peace of mind that is so hard to achieve. To not have to worry would be a blessing. To hope and to dream. To have the freedom to choose however we wish without outside influence. This is the ideal situation. However, life is simply not so. Why is this? Because we make it that way. The lack of these qualities is what makes us strong. As unfortunate as it seems, we gauge our lives by our suffering, and the suffering of those around us. It is how we choose to deal with these sufferings that makes us who we are.
However, do not let society lead you to believe that these freedoms are inaccessible to you. You can get these back. But it is up to you whether or not you will allow another to influence your decisions, or whether or not you choose to waste your energies on worry. Go out there and dream. Dream until you're tired of dreaming. Even if your logical mind tells you otherwise, do not believe for a second that what you believe can be, will be anything other than your future. What you intend to do, directs the flow of your destiny.
9B) Know Thyself
When I first began to learn of the ways of the Force, there was nowhere for me to turn. I had to learn completely on my own. This was the case for three years before I met my Master, Gedi; in that time, I developed my own Code and the philosophy which has become the basis for my learning.
First and foremost, a Jedi must learn to know themselves in every aspect of their being--from the mundane to the esoteric. When you interact with another person, ask yourself why you say what you say, or why you do what you do. Examine your interests, your likes and dislikes. Why are you interested in particular activities? Why do you like or dislike something or someone? If you go into chat rooms, ask yourself the same thing my Master asked me: why did you choose the name you did? What signifigance does your name and the color of the text you choose have for you? You'll be somewhat surprised at the depth of the answers. For example, I chose the name "Tionne", because I related strongly to the character in the Jedi Academy trilogy. I am a musician, poet, and scholar. I know of my weaknesses, but I also turn them into my strengths, as Tionne did. She could have crumpled when Exar Kun belittled her lack of Force talents, but instead, she concentrated on her strength--music--saying that she would be the one to sing the songs of his defeat. So it is with me. All my life, I have been belittled for one reason or another, ranging from the color of my eyes to scathing opinions about my music. But my music and poetry are two of my major strengths, and I concentrate on those and not weaknesses. As for the color I normally use in either the Cantina or the Jedi Creed chat rooms, it is a medium silvery-blue, like the ocean on a sunny day. To me, that color means joy... peace... love... stability; this is doubly significant, because I grew up two minutes away from the ocean. Examine yourself closely. The Force is comprised of all living things, including yourself. When you begin to understand yourself, you are well on the way to understanding of the Force.
For now, I leave you with this, the Code I developed over years of training. It is so simple, yet it took me so long to realize:
Trust yourself.
Believe in yourself.
Be patient with yourself.
Keep your cool.
10B) The Mosaic
A mosaic is a picture comprised of many different colors and materials, all forming one picture. A shard of yellow topaz could form the center of a flower, with bits and pieces of green glazed tile for grass and leaves, and bits of white porcelain for the petals. Around that could be lapis lazuli for the sky, and perhaps diamonds for stars. Terra cotta tiles could form the trunk of a tree, or perhaps a rock. Yet all these many pieces comprise one picture, with no one segment any more or less important or useful than the rest. We are all a mosaic. We are all the lapis lazuli sky. We are all the diamond stars, the terra cotta rocks, the green tile grass and leaves, the topaz and porcelain flowers. We each have our own color and texture to add to the human experience. We all have our own different lives to add to the bigger life Force. We are all different, and yet we are all one. Our differences unify us, just as many different colors and textures form the mosaic.
11B) Inspiration
"We hope to inspire you into realizing your abilities."
...The Jedi Creed
It is inspiration which creates life. To realize what it is that we seek, the conquest of our journeys. We are inspired to exist and to pursue our destiny, whether it be of wisdom, of courage, of knowledge, or of anything we aspire to obtain. Motivation is what helps us accomplish our dreams in order to become realities, encouraging ourselves to be of goodness and contentedness.
One of our main goal as Jedi is simply to inspire people, to inform individuals of their true being. In connection with being a Jedi myself, I wish to allow for those who want to learn these eleven simple steps for receiving the inspiration to do the probable as well as the impossible. I modestly call them The Keys to Inspiration.
1. Integrity:
This is one of the most important keys to inspiration. Integrity means to be complete, comprehensive, to be honest of thyself. To be of principle, and to have simple morals of good. As I have said many times before, unity is the key. Yet in order to acquire unity, you must have a common distinction of what is right and what is wrong. If this is not the case, corruption and mistreatment will come from within.
2. Nobleness:
Nobleness means to be majestic and of high quality. This does not mean you have to be famous celebrity to the public, yet simply to be respectable, seeing yourself worthy to be who you are. Its accepting who you are and knowing that you are unique, distinctive, and unlike no other. If you place yourself in that frame of mind, then you will start acting noble towards others around you... and their respect towards you will come your way.
3. Significance
Significance is almost like nobleness, yet it refers more to how you insight the universe you are part of. Significance means to that which has meaning and importance in ralation to beholding the hidden splendor and brilliance of the world around you. If you begin to look at things in a deeper sense, you will begin to realize the connection of all effects in nature - as with viewing a simple insect, smelling a daffodil, hearing the sound of falling rain, or feeling the breeze flow past you. It is significance which broadens your capability to hold the infinite knowledge and wisdom of our galaxy.
4. Passiveness
Passiveness means to acted upon without acting in return, to be calm and patient in awaiting for your moment to encounter a spectacle. It is to be nonresistant when others would enforce action. To be passive, you must achieve why you must do so at a certain point in time. If you are too careless into constantly acting upon something without knowing the consequences of your actions, you will obtain the risk of fighting for the wrong cause. Yet if you are constantly inactive, nothing will be taken into effect. You must discover balance between them and to discern how much dosage is suitable for your personality.
5. Imagination
Imagination is extremely meaningful when seeking inspiration. It is the act of forming mental conceptions of what is not present nor experienced, to create new images and ideas with your experiences. Imagination is the projection of your true self, the picture of an existence without actually existing in relation to a physical sense. This is what completes your own ideals, and expresses them in a way never done before by others. It is finding the want of overcoming the barriers of a falsified reality which gives you the motivation to be inspired in finding liberty and peace from within.
6. Responsibility
This is another crucial key for anyone who wishes to be encouraged. Responsibility means to be obligated of a function, to be accountable for one?s behavior. It is when your way of thinking, feeling, and acting are dependable and reliable to others as well as yourself. To be responsible is to take action when others would not, to take charge of the situation. This comes in connection to passiveness, in which one must balance them self between these two abilities. It is responsibility which develops experience and guidance towards your destiny.
7. Affection
Affection is simply to affect someone or yourself with tender thought and sympathy. It is caring for something which provides the influence to defend what is right and what is just. Such examples can be of simply giving your attention to another who is depressed, in which you will yearn to help the individual into perceiving a better existence of themselves. This implies to the individual self as well. If you are not concerned about yourself, it will be extremely hard to be concerned for other people.
8. Truth
This is the core of inspiration. It is truth, the accuracy and precision of the universe which surrounds us and penetrates us, that assists us to quench the understanding of the realities of life. It is the answer that we search for which keeps us intact as a being. Truth will always lead you towards who you are, for it is the key to your fate. Sometimes you must be careful of how much truth you are to perceive at a certain point of time. If you are not, the alteration of your enlightened destiny may be at stake.
9. Interest
It is interest which gives us the encouragement to carry on. It the want to be of existence, the breath of life, which keeps us in constant reach of our goals. You have to want to do something in order to do anything. If you are indeed interested in seeking what you are after, you will find the motivation to find it. In my opinion this is the basics, probably one of the first steps you must master to receive inspiration.
10. Optimism
Similar to interest, optimism is believing that this is what is meant to be, in which goodness prevails and hope exist within the galaxy. Yet to be interested in anything you have to believe that it is possible, not improbable. It is to know that you will uncover what you were meant to find, and doing so with confidence. This is what will lead you to success, and to overcome the fears and stubbornness of an individual as well as an entire community which exist beside you.
11. Naturalness
Be you. Be free from the burdens that are regulated upon you. All you have to do is be in control of yourself and you will find the urge to do more. It is independence and freedom which captures the human spirit, in which helps those to strive become what they are craving to become and to spread it to others around them. It is the naturalness of being which keeps balance within the universe.
I am sure you have noticed how all these keys interact and relate to each other. In fact, if you have even one of these keys, other keys will come to you. Yet you may seem to find that you do not even have any of these keys to inspiration. Well, to those who see it in that sense, I remind them of a key guaranteed to be within them as a being. That my friends is faith. The faith in believing in something will lead you towards finding the first of these keys.
We must constantly remind ourselves that our reason to live is to believe in living. If nothing was to believe in us, then we could never exist. It is creed which leads us to stimulation, to be inspired into realizing our abilities... the stir to fabricate your surroundings into a better atmosphere. Though we might fail, motivation will keep us going until we have prospered. This is the reason why The Jedi Creed has succeeded where others have failed - it is inspiration that will lead us home.
12B) Paper Tiger
A long time ago, in a distant forest, two tigers lived. One was of flesh and blood... claw and sinew... hide and breath. The other was only made of orange and black lines on paper cut to look like a tiger. One day, they went out hunting together. The flesh-and-blood tiger said to his companion, "See that deer over there? You distract him from the front, and I will circle around behind him for the kill." The paper tiger agreed to this.
So the two tigers executed their plan to bring down the deer. The paper tiger began roaring and growling and generally raising a ruckus, trying to hold the deer's attention long enough for his companion to spring in for the kill. But the deer could see the shadows of branches through the paper tiger's body, and knew there was not much more to him than noise. The deer charged the paper tiger and trampled him into the ground.
At this, the flesh-and-blood tiger sprang at the deer's throat and latched on with great ferocity. Chaos reigned as the deer struggled for its life. But the flesh-and-blood tiger won out; he tore out the throat of the deer, thus avenging his slain companion. He let the deer drop to the ground, and padded over to where the paper tiger lay on the ground. "You should have put some substance into your roars, friend."
* * *
This tale is based on a comment a former karate instructor made to me many years ago. To this mentor, I owe a great deal, and pass the same lesson along to you: "Don't be a paper tiger."
13B) Unity
"Unity is the key," he says
But once opened the door, what lays?
Is this old book, that of spoken unity?
I open the book and at first sight
The information was surprisingly light
The words so simple and clear
Who would have thought it was so near
But as I read on
I see the pages start to turn
And as I come to the end, the burn
A bright blaze of fire
Devours the book as if to say "liar"
But even though the book is gone
The truth remains in my mind
I refuse to fall behind
A understanding takes over
This was no luck like a four leaf clover
This was truth
A truth that was meant to be shared
I shall go to those depths so many have dared
Helping others is in my blood
They already have the wood
Let me help them fuel that wood and give
A spark of understanding
So that they can do their own standing
So that the truth wont die with me
But instead live on and let others see
What that book so simply said
Our souls that soar
Hold the key to that door
It?s that courage to fine the key
That will eventually lead us to see
What was truly meant to be
That we are all connected
for this is not something that can be elected
Just simply that even our differences
Is not the fences
That keeps unity broken
For deep down inside our heart
Its pure hate that keeps us apart
A hate like that of none other
A hate that would make brother kill brother
Which eventually leads to suffering
Even in suffering, there is a certain unity
Hate, love, a common bond of believability
In the very end we are all the same
There is at least one thing that brings us shame
Those little things that come back to haunt us
Mistakes that can never be erased from the books of man
Its is this which brings us unity because of being human.
1C)Lost and Found
"They say the man that finds his life will lose it, and mine was slipping away. But Oh the man that has the faith to loose it, will find that his life is saved." (David Meece)
Sometimes though it may seem that we loose, we actually win. So is it that sometimes it may seem that something is lost, it is actually found. So must a Jedi understand to not be afraid of failure, and if one chooses so, to see failure as passing. That if you never fail and loose some, you will never succeed. Sometimes it is better to fail, and to review our mistakes and learn from it, then it is to pass, and to never put thought into it again. Passing and failure is an ingredient composed within ourselves, and remains part of our completion.
All things happen for the best and are always meant to happen. Even the worst of things can turn out to be the best of things. Another man's curse can be another man's blessing. Another man's trash can be another man's treasure. It is the same for the lost and found. One may seem lost, yet is found. It is all on how we inspect things, and our points of view.
Things are not always as they seem. That is not to say that there is one definite answer, yet to say there are many ways of viewing that one answer. The answer of truth. The same as it with a crystal. A crystal is perfect, pure, and of infinite worth, and as we look at it?s perfection, we see different perspectives of the same thing. From one?s view of shape, size, and gives the admirer a unique viewpoint of the crystal. So is it with truth. There are many ways and tales to tell from one point of view to another, and that there are many points of view we still must consider. There is much more then we already grasp within us.
We must find our own answers - seeing the truth in all things, even from falsehood. Because to someone, to another being, it is crystal clear...and makes perfect sense.
2C) The Perfect Equation = Goodness of All Things
It is The Force, and is comprised of a good and of an evil. A dark side, and a light side. It is part of it?s perfection. It is good, and balanced.
It is good, and it is made for a reason. Simply because the balance of the Force exist, it remains stable, and pure. To demonstrate this, I will show very simple techniques using mathematics. Look at it like this:
1. 1 = 1; 1 + 2 = 1 + 2; 3 = 3; ...
Now keep this in mind as we go along.
As with anything that maintains stability, it sometimes gives more to one side, and gives less to another. And sometimes it goes visa-versa to rebalance the equation. Still, even though the equation has changed, it remains the same. And perfect. It?s still true.
2. 3 > 1; 1 < 3; 1 + 2 < 6 - 2; and so on and so forth.
Yet, as with all equations we experience in mathematics, it can have many changes and variables, yet the equation, and the balance of it still remains stable:
3. ? - 2 = 1 ( ? = 1 + 2 = 3)
In other words, the unknown, or the answer we must find out, must be found, brought about and solved to find it?s balance. Yet there are many other signs and symbols to keep it in balance and perfect:
4. ? - 2 = 1 ; X - 2 = 1 ; Y - 2 =1...
So, what does this mean? Look at it now, what is it telling us.
5. ? = X = Y = ...
The variables and names given differ, yet it is still the same. So is it with The Force. All things connect to each other, and are part of the equation, or part of the universe. And as there are many equations... there are many universes. Many conceptions of the mind. Many ways to see the truth. Again, look at it this way.
6. (6 + 1) = (1 + 6) = (3 + 4) = (7 - 1) = (5.5 + 1.5) =...
It?s all true, yet from a different point of view. So is it with the way we believe, view religion and non-religion. We may see things as 1 + 2 = 3, yet others may see it as 4 - 1 = 3. And the 4 - 1 = 3 people say that they are the only true way of telling what is--and that there is no other interpretation. Is that right? You tell me.
So, we again look at the variables. The ?, the X, the Y again. Put them in place of the 3. So, in this case:
7. 4 - 1 = ?; 1 + 2 = X; 2 + 1 = Y; ...
It all equals the same, and is 3.
We see that the left side of the equation is the way we were brought up, the way we do things, the way we see the truth. The right side is what we call it, the variable, the name that we give to our ways of life.
And now we look at it in real life. Mind you, it is the same as example 1 and example 4.
8. The Dark Side + The Light Side = The Force; ... (it is balanced, and it is perfect)
So, now that we have a key, or a type of legend, let us now go back to what we were talking about. We are going to put example 7 in real life terms and call it number 9. Compare them and see the similarity:
9. This way (4 - 1)= Tao; That way (1 + 2) = Ki; This other way (2 + 1) = God; ...
You get it. They are all true. They all equal the same thing. They all have different ways of bring up the truth, but hey, it?s still the truth. It?s the way they look at things. They are all right. All balanced. All perfect equations.
So what do you think I?m going to give you now. The same as example 5. Again compare the two, and see the similarity.
9. Tao = Ki = God = ...
So, as a conclusion, and through simply looking and reading this through mathmatics, we find can be seen as truth. All of them. We can give it any name we want, any variable, anything we see fit. Here, at The Jedi Creed, we give it also a simple name, The Force, which is to represent all of them being equal or being the same thing. We are all equal.
Now, for your equation:
10. The Force = " "
Can you figure out this one?
3C)A Simple Game of Chess
A simple game really. A pastime that is simple to learn from, yet it can take a lifetime to master. For generations upon generations, chess has been a game of wonder, of intrigued interest. A simple game where there is only one winner. A game of strategy, never chance. Everything is thought of beforehand, every piece counts for something. Everyone has a price, as well as a price to pay. It can take a long time or a short time, yet it will be finished sooner or later. Patience is a virtue. Every action and every thought--counts.
As with any game of Chess, the Pawns are the first in line and are used for sacrifice. The soldiers. All those in the playing area, or the battle zone, those who suffer first, and take the blows. As with any match, sometimes the Pawn reaches to the other side of the board, and then chooses it?s shape, or to change to a new piece, when it reaches it?s goal after a long and hard journey traveling towards their destiny. It can be anything it wants...except for one piece - the king - in which it must defend and spread its glory. It can become a unique piece, to serve a vital function. It can turn the game around. Even though Pawns are weak, they are a must in a Chess game. And somehow, carry an urge of power so great and mighty...that we can never take them for granted.
There are others, such as the Rook, the Knight, and the Bishop. They are precious pieces, yet are willing to sacrifice themselves for others. All having an unique function. All having a choice. All with one objective in mind: To win. They know the rules; they know the risk--and still, they put themselves in danger, all working as a team, together, protecting their King from the foe's attack.
And there is also a Queen. The main enforcer. The one who keeps control, and keeps everything in line. Sometimes it is sacrificed, yet doing so is extremely vital. Yes, there can be more than one Queen. A Pawn has the ability to do so when it reaches the other side. And some, yes some, have done it, even though they seemed at one point to be so weak.
The King. The whole point of the game. It has a simple move...and it can never be destroyed. The King never dies. It surrenders to the other, submits it?s powers, and changes form. And all is well.
Yes, there are Draws and Stalemates. Yet this doesn?t stop the urge, the wanting to spread and take over. And yes, the game can be renewed, as the will of a cycle, and is played all over again. And as with any other game, it is played again. And again. And again. Until the urge and motivation stops.
In the game of our universe, the battle between good and evil takes place. There is our main faith, The Force. The belief in which can never die, only to be changed into something purer and magnificent. And their are the enforcers and the main pieces...who defend it. And there are those that sacrifice all, and are willing to be destroyed...and risk it all for what they believe in. We exist as one of these pieces of our game of life. And we go on...until the game is over.
Yet the mind has it?s own game of chess, where the player, the owner of the mind, becomes and exist as all the pieces of one side. Yet there is another side. May it be our conscience, or another side urging us to do something, our mind goes against this resistance, and your conscience goes against it?s doubt. We keep playing, and even when we win or loose, we sometimes find that urge and motivation to play again. Every move counts. It all means something, and we decide who will win or how we play the game.
A simple game of chess. Intriguing it is.
4C)Balanced or Neutral?
This is a subject I have pondered over many times around. The conception between balance and neutral. Balance, by definition in general is a state of equilibrium, or equal relationship, a mental or emotional stability, a harmonious proportion, as in the design or arrangement of parts in a whole. Or simply, to be equal and constantly stable in a balance for weight.
To be neutral by general definition is to not take the part of either side, belonging to neither...having no decided color, grayish. Indefinite; in the middle, not associating or aligning to a particular side. Or simply, to be in between sides.
For me, this has always been a touching issue for me to face. Since, the Jedi believe in balance, yet I see how sometimes they give the more distinctive meaning of neutral...and not in particularly the meaning of balance. What we sometimes mixed up with what we call neutral. Yet, I am asked this question: Is being neutral, a balance to The Force?
Again, this is your decision. To what you feel is right for The Force. Yet I believe that it is not the same, as for my own personal meaning of both of the words. This is my own answer. The true answer lies in what you choose it to be...and how you perceive such.
Yet understand what the words mean in your own perspective of interpretation...and to not let it cloud your judgement. This is extremely important, for I have seen those that have suffered for not doing so. This is simply a word from the wise.
5C) Oak and Reed
What makes a Jedi what they are? That is hard to tell. If it were just Force talent, then many more would be Jedi. Some beings would say that it is hardship that makes a Jedi. Some would say the exact opposite thing. Myself, I believe a Jedi is the composite of all their experiences, good or bad. Hardship strenghthens, true--but it can break a being with the force of a supernova. Love lends its own brand of strength, more like a reed bending in the breeze than the mighty oak that falls to the storm. Yet even the oak endured. Those in whom the hearts of oak and reed meld are the ones that become true Jedi.
6C)This Crude Matter
The general belief of the world is that your body is the real you. This is not so. You remember what Yoda said to Luke.
Your body is a part of you, yes, but it is merely a shell with which you can demonstrate and communicate. Those who have felt the Force for what it is, have no time for concerning themselves with the words that attempt to describe it. Words do have some power, as Relan has noted, but it is limited.
So, the idea is, you should not wince at the thought bodily harm, because it may just come. Bruce Lee called the hands and feet, "tools" which were your weapons of defense. If you were to punch a punching bag and were to worried about hurting your hand, you would not strike as powerfully as you would if you simply thought of your fist as a weapon. Something you are sending at the punching bag. Act with "emotional content", as Bruce Lee also said once. Not with self-preservation.
Simply take care of your body. Eat healthily. Exercise. Keep it in good shape, because doing so, ultimately allows your mind and spirit to heal as well.
When meditating, be aware of your body, but do not allow it to become you, because you will then be too preoccupied by it.
"Luminous beings are we..."
7C)The Land of Nod
We live amongst a field of poppies...a field of dreams. Rest hovers over our shoulders. We snooze, and we snore. All is comforted by The Force itself. It gives this land to us. And if we decide so, we can live here as long as we want. It is our choice.
Though it seems that this is our purpose in life...we find that it isn?t. Realize that we must get up and take action. We have been asleep for too long. The Force is letting us decide for ourselves to get up and serve the purpose you were given as destiny, as legend. And all we have to do is grab it from the hands of The Force...who holds it up for us to reach and want us to achieve it.
There are some that live in holes...and caves. Mainly those in the mind. And we sleep, and we rest...and we wait...for something to happen yet it becomes nothing. Like our flaws which seems we cannot fix. What we must realize is that WE are that something. As the Jedi helps others, we must also help ourselves. That is the will of The Force...that we can find the motivation if we believe it is possible. And trust in purest faith. The light of truth.
Okay. My true story...yeah...this is me.
I know in my life, I have lived in many of my own holes and caves that I digged for myself. Some of me still lives in those caves. And yeah, I want to stay there and sleep it off. Yet what is the reason? What is the purpose? I feel that there is still some of me in those caves, squandering parts of my life, in which I take for granted... and I let others become my own judge of who and what I was and is....when I also needed to judge myself...and let The Force judge me as well. I can?t let other things restrict me from what is right and what is just--what is truth.
Some are out of the caves. Yet are scared from the caves that they have digged up. And some as we speak are taking a shovel and burying these holes up, wanting them to be no more. Some seem so impossible to cover...and it seems that how hard we want our past mistakes to leave us...some seem to never leave at all. We can bury and mend the best as we can.
And now, as you read this, I know at least one of these caves inside me are now empty. Since you wanted to read this. And that person is with you right now, in your mind and in your heart. He is yours now, whether you like it or not. He?s part of you...part of your universe. He will always be. And if you want him to, he can help YOU come out of your own caves. Why don't you let him help you? Let him wake you up in the Land of Nod...and help you get up...and reach out to what The Force is offering you. And be happy.
Enjoy :)
The Tales:
A Path to Enlightenment
Do you remember the past? Do you see it still, are your eyes opened to realize what happened once? Can you combine? And if you did do, will you be able to understand and create?
If you wish to find answers, learn to understand the question. If you want to learn to understand the question, learn to ask it. If you want to learn how to ask a question, learn to know its answer. Without a certain knowledge, you cannot do such. If you would discuss about a prophecy, you would be silent if you wouldn't know a part of that what you're talking about. To talk about things without knowing them shouldn't be done. Those who do, do not act and think - they just act. They talk, without knowing. Do you know?
The past taught us many things, and we learned out of these. Here, at this place, you shall find a few things that happened in the past, or in the future? You do not know it, the universe never sleeps, it creates and allows its creations to cease to exist. That what happened in the past cannot be undone, but you can use the knowledge of the past to do create the future. Learn about the Tales of the light, of the dark and of other aspects... here.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
References: A) Recomended Reading
B) The Walking Dictionary
The Tales of the Jedi: The past, the future and the now - combined at once, or is it just yet another mystery to solve? Read to find out about these Jedi who brought peace and justice to the galaxy.
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The Dark-Side Compendium: Rumors indicated that Palpatine was able to write his lore of the dark side in three books. Be warned, adept, because here you will undoubtely find the recovered emphasis of the darkening.
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A)Literature to understand
We know this is not Star Wars, but it should make you think and understand.
Before I begin what I am about to say, I'd like to let the reader know that the the following is based on Taoism, and that if you would like to gain a better understanding of it, you may go to our section on Books and click on the picture of the Tao Teh Ching. I'm sure it will help a great deal.
Today I decided to sit outside and meditate. I knew that there was something out there that needed to be known, and I was correct. I learned something while I sat there. I sat very still and silently and watched several birds search the yard for worms. They seemed to notice me, but payed little attention to the fact that I was watching their every movement. After a long while a bird came closer, and noticing that it wasn't afraid of me, I continued to remain still. The closer it came, the better I could make out the patterns of the bird's feathers, the beautiful colors on its wings and on its head. Even closer it came, and I could see its chest rise at it took a breath, and the tiny movements of its beak, and its legs. It was amazing to me how beautiful a creature it really was. I thought about this for a while and once the bird flew away, I finally realized something. Tao was there when I was watching the bird. It was a part of the bird, in everything it did. Every movement. When the bird flew away, Tao was still there. The bird did not have to be there for Tao to be there. Tao is always there. It is in everything. So why did I need to watch the bird?
"Without going outside, you may know the whole world.
Without loking through the window, you may see the ways of heaven.
The farther you go, the less you know.
Thus the sage knows without traveling;
He sees without looking;
He works without doing."
...Jedi Streen quoting Lao Tzu
Jedi Relan Volkum's Choice:
?Demian: (Hermann Hesse, Michael Lebeck)
A very close and realistic comparison to Star Wars I haven't seen in a long time. If you are afraid of change, I highly recommend that you read this book. Basically, it is about this boy, Sinclair, who grows up in a world where he learns of the good well as the dark side. This book talks of mentors, philosophers, religions, symbols, and faith. Even though I don't agree with some of it, Demian is a book that tells a perspective I haven't seen in hardly any books. Honestly, a must read! (Relan)
?1984: (George Orwell)
A very powerful book. When I first read 1984, I mainly stopped to read the slogans. "Big Brother is Watching You." "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength". "Who controls the past, controls the future; who controls the present controls the past". This Science Fiction book, put together by George Orwell, was written at a time when technology didn't have the impact as it does today. Yet some of his predictions are so true that it makes me wonder. The book tells about a man called Winston, who seems to be the only one that realizes that he and his other "comrades" are restricted by a government that, in his opinion and not others, has gone out of control. Of course we don't see it as bad as the book, but some of the things you'll notice strongly apply in our world today. It answers a very interesting concept: "What is freedom?" "What is truth?" (Relan)
?Animal Farm: (George Orwell)
A simple fairy tale...or is it? This book, written in 1946, tells of a simple farm where the animals, because of their human master's mistreatment and corruption, have taken over the farm and have begun there own form of society. Yet, one thing after another, things go wrong...horribly wrong...and before you know it, they become as bad as their masters. I have never seen something so clear in so long. It tells of a major moment in history. Do you know what it is? (Relan)
?Something Upstairs: (Avi)
Strangely enough, this is probably the first books that I have read which inspired me into the values I look at today. Though it is a young adult story for ages 9-12, this book, written by Avi, is said to be based on a true story, yet it's tale sounds of pure Science Fiction. Kenny, a 16 year old, moves into a old 18th century house in Rhode Island. There he finds a ghost, pleading to go back with him to 1789 to find his murder or be trapped in time. Most don't believe this story as well as I (we aren't suppose to), yet that isn't the point at all. This novel pinpoints at how we find the hidden truths that seems so unknown. A first step into a larger world. If you're a young this book. Seriously. (Relan)
Jedi Streen's Choice
?Conversations with God: Book One (Neale Donald Walsch):
Contained within the pages of this book are the words we have been longing to hear. The answers we have been seeking, to live and experience a more joyful life. Open your mind to this book, and many doors will be opened for you.
?The Secret of Shambhala: the Search for the Eleventh Insight (James Redfield):
A mythological journey to the mysterious land of Shambhala, a culture more spiritually and mentally advanced, in which a young man finds himself drawn by divine guidance to find the truth about it's spritual connection to the world.
?Soul Sword: the Way and Mind of the Warrior:
A book that can literally change your life. The author speaks in such a way, you'd think he was speaking of the Jedi ways. Trust me, you'd like this book.
?Bruce Lee: the Art of Expressing the Human Body:
I was once lazy, and had low self-esteem. Until I read this book. And I'm not exaggerating here. Bruce Lee was one of the most influential people in history. He was wise beyond his years. Which is what led me to this book. In it, is an explanation of the techniques he used to shape his magnificent physique. Don't take my word for it, read the reviews at
?Zen in the Martial Arts:
This book is actually something I saw in the Jedi Academy's Recomended Reading section, and I very quickly learned why. You don't have to know anything of Martial Arts to enjoy this book. If you read it once, I guarantee you'll read it again. (Streen)
?The Power of Myth (John Campbell):
A very interesting book that involves the mysteries behind mythology and the importance it has had in our lives, and has in our lives. (Streen)
?I Ching: The Book of Changes (C.F. Baynes):
An ancient and mysterious book, that used correctly, can answer your many questions. Visit Rustcloak's Hut for an explanation of the book and its use. (Streen)
?Everyday Tao (Ming-Dao Deng):
This book studies the symbols of the ancient Chinese language and connects it to the ways of the Tao. This book teaches many valuable lessons that we can learn from and use today. The stories told of the ancient Tao masters and their students are wonderful, and can be applied to our everyday life. Highly recomended. (Streen)
?Sitting: Guide to Buddhist Meditation (Diana St. Ruth):
A book that teaches the art of meditation. It definitely puts to rest the misconceptions of this lost art. (Streen)
?Tao Teh Ching (Lao Tzu):
The book containing the words of Lao Tzu have been copied more than any book in the world, other than the Bible. This is a good book to begin with when studying the Force, Tao, or philosophy in general. (Streen)
?Tao of Jeet Kune Do (Bruce Lee)
a book written by Bruce Lee on the martial arts form Jeet Kune Do, is where I (Streen) began studying phliosophy. This is mainly a book explaining the style (form of no form) of fighting. However, Bruce Lee's thoughts and philosophies are very interesting and may provide a foundation for your learning. (Streen)
B) The Walking Dictionary
How to say a word. How to spell a word. How to use a word. How to understand a word.
What more do you want.
We find that this book is very easy to find, actually very inexpensive, and basically easy to comprehend, all in the reach of your fingertips. There is also the encyclopedia, the language translation books, and the thesaurus, filled with so much knowledge that we literally take it for granted. Imagine someone a thousand years ago with a simple dictionary we have today, a collection of all the words you can always look up and understand it?s meaning. Could it have prevented wars...could it have given peace? Would life have been different...for better or for worse?
A simple book, with a universal meaning. A book containing words, definitions and usages. Can determine our next grade in class, can show someone happiness, can give hope to others, as well as tear us down into nothingness. The power of words has stuck us all.
Don?t be afraid to look at these books. Understand and learn something. Enlighten the universe you exist in.
A mountain of knowledge...don?t let it intimate you.
The Tales of the Jedi (more)
The Tales of the Jedi
The reader might notice that the episodes of "The Past of the Jedi" are not long and extended stories compared to the work of Relan Volkum, or the other authors. But in the end, when the beings who took part in the stories are to be seen and to be understood, the reader will gather the information and the reason why these episodes are rather small and short. Additionally, I wish to show only these parts of the story which seem to be important to understand the whole, and not that what happened between the episodes of Star Wars.
Yes, I do work on a final version where all parts combine to create the mystery, but this is one of many goals for the future. Once there was one who told another that "Time will make us all to a greater being... in this or that way". Would you agree?
And the other tales... read them. You will see, it is some useful information hidden behind these letters, words and phrases.
...Jedi Mitth'raw'nurida
A) The Blood of Skywalker:
The Blood of Skywalker - Introduction
Chapter I: Forgotten Adversaries
Chapter II: Victory
Chapter III: The Light
B) An Anthology Epoch of the Force:
The Proem: Rendering The Chronicles
Chapter I: The Carnal Mirage
Chapter II: I Lay Here in Enchantment
Chapter III: A Soothsayer?s Reliance
Chapter IV: The Duel Initiative
Chapter V: Steady Equilibrium
Chapter VI: The Sagacious Proctor
Chapter VII: My Master?s Keeper
C) The Past of the Jedi:
Part I - Tactical Warfare
Part II - To Become a Jedi
Part III - Life and Death of a Jedi
Part IV - The Path to the Truth
Part V - The Enlightenment
Part VI - A Tale of Fears
D) Omicron of Ossus:
Part I - And It Became Legend
Part II - The Matrix of Vextirum
Part III - Tileef's Downfall
Part IV - The Wrath Of The Empire
Part V - The Legend Unfolds
E) Unclenched Stories:
The Death At Heavensgate
Lesson to the Dark Side
The Kjoil Heritage
Riding the Storm
The Mirror
All Ports In A Storm
Survival of the Fittest
The Power of the Force
The Way of the Warrior
The Dance
Tales of Darkside
March 24, 2004, 9:52 am
The Blood of Skywalker - A Saga's End
Welcome to my first official short story here at Jedi Creed. In these following three installments I have written a tale that may seem confusing at first. I have left out a great deal of material in order to allow you fill in the gaps yourself. This could possibly lead to some interesting discussion in the forums in the future.
This story may begin 20, 30, 50, or however many years after the end of the Star Wars movies. You decide.
Enjoy! Let you imagination go wild!
The Blood of Skywalker - Forgotten Adversaries
A dilapidated spacecraft hung in the emptiness of space, somehow left in a gentle spin, ages ago, drifted away from all apparent civilization. Many smuggler pilots had nick named this sector of space the hole, for it was the most isolated area of space in the entire galaxy. Not a single outpost, space station, or inhabited planet could be found for many days of travel at lightspeed. No one ever ventured to the hole unless there was something, or someone, to be rid of.
However, there was one instance where this was true for an entirely different reason.
A small pod rested on the inside of the abandoned ship. All systems were shut down, including life-support, or any type of propulsion systems. The pod, the only device that seemed to be functional at all, lay in the very center of the ship, a mere 3 meters long. On one side, a panel of blinking lights was the only source of illumination for light-years. Three red lights blinked on and off in succession, the dust of many generations collected on each of them.
A tone sounded. The red lights suddenly ceasing their flashing, and remaining on.
A deafening hiss, and rush of air, announced the opening of a large domed hatch. The ship's systems winked back to life, lights all over blinking and struggling to receive power. Several buttons on the pilot's controls also switched on.
With a menacing slowness to its movement, a pale looking humanoid rose from the pod, gasping for breath, and consequently began choking and coughing. A weak but haunting laugh, escaping in between.
The ship's spin ceased, and the sub-light engines kicked in, their blue glow enhancing as it accelerated.
With a blinding flash, the ship disappeared into Hyperspace.
Commander Andular of the Interloper stood analyzing the Star Destroyer's sensors. Waiting... waiting. He had received direct orders from the highest source to exit Hyperspace at this precise point. Waiting... waiting for something. He had not even been told what to wait for.
It had been ten standard days of watchfulness in this long forgotten sector of space. The commander was growing tired, and especially frustrated that his crew's abilities were being wasted. He had the urge to call the mission off in spite of the apparently pointless order.
"Sir, something coming out of lightspeed!" an officer shouted from the lower deck of the bridge. Andular snapped out of his reverie and began a fast paced march toward the front of the bridge to viewport. Off in the distance he detected a quick flash of light, indicating an exit from Hyperspace. He narrowed his eyes. What are you my little friend?
"What is it lieutenant?" he shouted.
"It appears to be some sort of transport. An old one at that. Predating the rebellion. Whatever it is, no one is flying it, and I detect only minor life signs aboard."
The commander glanced back out the viewport, studying the incoming vessel. An antique transport vessel set on autopilot, suddenly appearing out in the least traveled area of space. An area which he was sent to investigate ten days earlier. Now something was finally starting to make sense. "Engage the tractor beam and bring in aboard. I want to see who's in there." He received an acknowledgement from the officer and started for the turbolift to the lower docking bay.
Upon arriving, he stepped out onto the deck, analyzing the ship as he approached it. A nearby group of troopers saluted as he passed, yet he paid them no attention, his eyes affixed on the craft. Its sleek nature did indeed indicate Old Republic design, yet he could not imagine how a ship this old could possibly survive so long. Yet the biggest mystery to him at that time, was who was aboard such an ancient vessel.
As if in answer to his question, the boarding ramp lowered, its hydraulics hissing as it descended. Waiting at the top of the ramp, and just inside the ship, shadowed by the lack of onboard lighting, was a man. A naked man at that. With a very familiar presence.
"My God..." was all the Andular could mutter, as he froze in place. A large clatter could be heard as troopers dropped their weapons and ran for their lives.
The Blood of Skywalker - Victory
"Sir, the fleet is ready to..." a nervous looking lieutenant paused in his report as the grim figure standing at the back of the bridge of the Titan Star Destroyer turned, to glare at the inferior officer. "Pardon me... my lord" the younger man said, his voice making it quite obvious how terrified he was. His head bowed in forced respect, he continue, "My lord, the fleet is ready for light speed."
The hooded man watched him for a moment, quite enjoying the fact that the other was ready to grovel at his feet if so order to. "Good... Continue with the operation."
"Yes my lord" the officer replied, bowing exaggeratedly, and rushing back to his station.
How foolish these men were, he thought to himself. How could he have allowed such weak beings to be a part of his new fleet? He scowled at the thought. There was so little to choose from, especially to fill this size star destroyer.
He decided to ponder it no more, and continued observing the bridge's crew. He would not allow impatience to destroy his plans.
A low vibration seemed to pass under the bridge, just as the stars outside the view port of the bridge stretched into star-lines and then merged to the mottled blue of Hyperspace. He smiled coldly. It had begun.
"Luke, please! You can't go" his sister pleaded with him. She had done everything to convince him why he shouldn't join Rogue squadron in the defensive, but nothing seemed to have any affect on him. He was going whether she liked it or not. "He wants you dead! That's why you're going. He knows you're coming and he's used every trick in the book to get you there." Her voice echoed around the hangar bay, unaware if anyone was in there with them to hear her pour her heart out.
Luke paused at the top of the boarding ladder of his x-wing. Had she done it? Had that last observation finally made him see? "Leia..." he began as if to make another counter argument but sighed instead. He stopped for a moment, looking down at her, the tears pouring down her face. He slowly stepped down the ladder to talk to her face to face, a look on his face of a man who had accepted his fate. "I'm sorry. I have to go. You know I do." The aging Jedi Master melted at the site of his sister in such distress, and placed a hand on her cheek, wiping the tears away with his thumb. They both embraced immediately, holding each other tighter then either of them could ever remember doing. "I love you Luke. I don't want to lose you", she said into his shoulder. Luke searched for words, something to calm her, something soothing and assuring. But there was nothing. Nothing he could do. Nothing he could say that could possibly erase the pain they were both experiencing at that moment. They both knew full well what was about to happen, and what would come of it. They did not need their ability in the Force to understand.
All they could do was stand there in the cold, damp, hangar. Brother and sister. Holding each other for all eternity.
Standing at the front of the bridge, the black robed ruler smiled, chuckling evilly as he watched the enemy ships burn and drift toward the planet to their ultimate doom. How smoothly it had all gone. Those puny rebels were no match for his warriors. No one ever was. Not with the Sith.
Swiftly his fighters attacked vital points on each of the large vessels. They had no hope of surviving. He watched in amusement as they tried pitifully to escape into Hyperspace, only to be annihilated before they had the chance. But his attention was not focused on the larger craft. He had his eyes glued to the loan x-wing pilot, whom he had been watching during the entire battle. With anticipation he awaited its destruction as an uncountable number of his fighters attacked the x-wing. It dodged the onslaught of fire for a lengthy mission for survival, earning his enemies respect. It did not last, as he had foreseen. For in an instant, the ship erupted in a quick burst of flame and was incinerated.
Turning to see his crew, he shouted with triumph, his right hand raised in the air... "VICTORY!"
His crew joined him in a splendid celebration of the new era.
The Blood of Skywalker - The Light
A torrent of rain on the moon of Yavin 4 seemed to be screaming down at all that existed on the planet's surface, utterly wreaking havoc on the moon's vegetation and cursing their existence. The over-cast sky shielded any light from the nearby gas-giant, making the surface of the moon that much darker at night. The ancient monoliths built thousands of generations before, stood strong, though their worn outer walls showed their age.
The mud sloshed and spattered under the young man's boots, completely covering them, and staining the bottom of his robe. The figure quickly and calmly moved among the brush, his hood completely over-shadowing his face in the night, as if he had none at all. A grim symbol of death as he approached his destination.
Though Drake did not care much for reminiscing, he thought back to his days of training. Having to survive in such an awful time as a child. How things had changed since the Republic. How many years had it been... almost a thousand? How long had he been here? He shook his head. Too much to remember. It was the least of his worries now.
He stepped up to the edge of the once used landing platform of the long forgotten Jedi Academy. The rain seemed to fall even harder. A deep rumble of thunder in the distance. Turn back! You have no business here! His thoughts confusing him, wondering if he had made the wrong choice. No, he had to. It was their only hope. Starting off at a quick pace, and growing into a full off run, he made his way across the stone pad. An ancient derelict ship rested in the center of the pad, rusted heavily due to the extreme weather conditions. The distance seemed to grow the further he went, but he knew that it could only be a trick. A mind trick. He had heard of such a thing in the past, though those people capable of doing such a thing were long dead. All those Jedi...
He shook his head again, trying to clear it.
Finally. He was there. All the years of struggle. He had finally made it. He slowed several meters from the wall, walking cautiously. He placed his right hand on the coarse stone, letting out a breath he finally realized he was holding.
He stopped cold for a moment. Ever so slowly glancing around. Something was definitely not right. Wait.... Oh no!
A dark shape fell from an upper level; it's black cloak flapping exaggeratedly in the wind. Two strikingly crimson shafts of light shot out in opposite directions creating a terrifyingly low resonance of evil, the creature landing with a thump, immediately advancing toward Drake with the blades spinning like a fan. He grabbed for his weapon, the emerald colored beam of light lanced out ready to meet it's opponent. The creature snarled as it slashed at Drake, its wild hair whipping in the wind, shredding his robe to pieces, and nearly his own flesh.
The weapons crashed with the tremendous impacts. Left and right the creature aimed for vital areas over and over, attempting the wear down his opponent.
Drake's forehead began to sweat profusely as he barely blocked each advance. After what seemed an eternity later, it stopped, it's weapon drawn in front, as if daring him to approach. When the creature saw that it's gambit was failing, he raced forward with even more rage.
With a suddenness that almost stopped his heart, the beast backed away, as if obeying a command. It stood for a moment; carefully studying Drake's every movement, saliva dripping from its fangs. With an unexpected 'whoosh!' it leapt from the ground, disappearing into the blackness of the night sky.
Utterly astounded, Drake stood for a moment, gazing at the blackness where the monster had once been. He blinked several times, trying to recover from the onslaught. The rain continued to pour down his face.
Go... get in there before it's too late! His mind prompted him. Immediately he bolted into the grand entrance to the massasi temple, doing his best to remember the way.
Hours passed. The young knight was almost exhausted. He began to shuffle his feet, barely having the energy to walk. Was this the hallway to take? Was he going in the right direction? Or was he falling into a trap? Glancing over his shoulder he considered turning back to reexamining the intersection. No. Now was not the time to make second guesses.
He stopped dead in his tracks. He felt a chill run slowly up his spine. Was that movement he saw at the end of the hall? Or was he seeing things again? His eyes must have long since adjusted to the darkness after entering the temple though.
Reaching out, he sensed nothing. Of course, that meant little. Those monstrosities were capable of hiding themselves quite well.
"Skywalker?" a woman's voice echoed down the corridor, and Drake's heart did a back flip.
"Kari..." he whispered to himself, " Kari!" he sped down the hall, just as the young woman came rushing toward him with tears in her eyes, embracing each other. "How in the name of the Force did you get here? I thought... I thought you were..."
"Dead? I assumed the same of you. I'd bet you're here looking for the same thing I am", she said, smiling warmly for the first time in a very long time.
Drake nodded slowly, and almost sadly. "Yes. It's all we have left."
Kari looked up at him knowingly, getting a gaze in return from Drake. "What--do you know?" he asked haltingly, waiting impatiently for her to answer him. She paused for a long moment, looking to her left as if listening for something, or someone. "Kari..." he said urging her on.
"I found the chamber."
His eyes went wide in disbelief and rapture simultaneously.
"Don't look so surprised, it's insulting", she said with a small chuckle. "I can't seem to get it open though. I don't think I was meant to...", hinting to him. Yes indeed she couldn't get it open. She was not supposed to. That was Drake's responsibility. It had been for years. He was the only adept capable of doing so in his bloodline sine his ancestor's death. It had been his burden all his life to learn exactly what was needed to get to the point he was at, right at this moment. Right now. He was there. And he could open it. And end the Oppressor's reign of terror!
"Show me!" he implored her, breaking off into a run down the dusty corridors, following after his trusted friend.
Kari skidded to a stop at the end of the hall, Drake practically knocking her to the floor. She seemed to consider her options for a moment, then bolted to the right. "We're close," she yelled to him over her shoulder, getting only a simple nod from her friend, as if he had already known.
They both halted several hundred meters down that hall, glancing at each other for a brief moment, both knowing they had arrived. The walls of this corridor were no more detailed than any others, leaving the average person unable to see that behind the stone in front of them, was a great treasure. Not just a treasure, but a weapon. The ultimate weapon created by Master Luke Skywalker, generations ago, meant for the next potential knight within his bloodline. He was indeed wise to take such a precaution, for his prophecies came true. And now, it would end. The blood shed, the suffering, the wars... all of it. It was finally over.
Kari had an enormous grin on her face. "Well don't just stand there, man, open it!"
The descendant nodded, his eyes having a haunted look. He stepped forward, placed his hand on the wall where it seemed to feel right. He stretched forth with his feelings, going deeper into the defensive mechanisms built deep into the hidden chamber, allowing it to sense his presence. He had practiced this day in and day out for so long, it occurred to him how little effort it now took to accomplish the task.
There was a low thrum. The sound continued to grow louder, and equally lower in pitch to a point below a human's hearing ability. A rectangular seam formed from the ceiling to the floor around the place he had touched the wall, which appeared to come from nowhere. The separated rectangle of stone slid back, grinding against the floor, and disappeared into the ceiling.
The two stood in awe, as a new passageway was opened, somehow seeming brighter than the rest of the passageways in the temple. Were they seeing some sort of light source? Kari didn't waste any time, and began marching quickly down the new passageway, Drake following close behind. The hall turned quickly and unexpectedly to the left, both of them practically running into the wall. Another turn left. Then right. Another right, and then another left. Every turn, the light source successively growing. One last turn Drake thought to himself, and there they were. The blinding light shone around the corner, both of them slowing in unison. Kari shielded her eyes as she leaned around the corner, as if paranoid of a trap, gazing into the beautiful site. The walls were polished durasteel, glowing with the strength of a thousand suns, the light coming from no obvious source, yet it penetrated everything. The room was easily a hundred meters square. A small column of the same polished durasteel sat in the very center of the room. Upon which was the creation of his ancestor. The tool which would be made to destroy the darkness and bring balance back to the galaxies.
Drake stepped inside, watching in wonder as the light danced across the floor with each echoing footstep. He crossed the distance to the possessor of their savior, taking each step in what would have seemed to an onlooker to be extreme caution, but was in fact, deep respect. Once he stepped onto a small rise in the floor, upon which the column rested, the protective 'transparisteel' case lowered into the floor and disappeared, a thin rod remaining behind, holding the weapon. The bright chrome saber, lie there, looking to be very innocent, yet so deadly. Yes the ultimate weapon. The lightsaber, constructed by Skywalker, focused the power of the Force into a blade of pure light energy. The style of the outer casing was something that he had never seen. A very simple handgrip and no apparent ignition switch. Some believed that the very spirit of the Jedi Master existed within the blade, capable of destroying evil.
Carefully, he lifted the weapon from its resting-place, genuinely feeling the power throb through his arms. The metal of the saber somehow imitating the light dance across the walls of the chamber.
"And now my friend, you can hand it over to me..." said a new voice from behind him. A man's menacing voice.
Stumbling out into the rain, he gasped for breath. How had he gotten out here? He didn't even have the energy to satisfy those questions running through his mind.
He slumped to the ground, completely unaware of the pain in his right arm, nor of his drenched clothes.
He reached for his saber. His only aid. Yes. That was all he had left.
Anger swelled up inside him, as he was tempted to smash it against the stone surface of the temple. But he stopped, and stared at it instead in a moment of wonder. He suddenly felt isolated in some way. Yes. Now he knew. He was the last. There were no others with such a weapon. He was the last of their religion.
Standing up, he felt three times heavier, yet with a new energy. He was the last. The enemy was no more. And so were his friends.
It had ended. There was no more war. No more fighting. There could not be. The final saga had been written, and he was meant to complete it.
No longer would there be these warriors, and so he knew his destiny. He gazed up at the sky, where a patch of clouds had finally revealed a star-lit sky. Out there somewhere was his destiny. Out there was a world that he could not describe, but knew of. It was his time. They were calling him.
He held his long forgotten weapon in front of him, opening his palm, as it gently rose above it, the soft blue hue emanating from its center. The glow continued to brighten, as his sense of inner peace grew, and it slowly evaporated into nothingness.
As did the young warrior, a blue brilliance following him into infinity where his destiny awaited.
The Proem: Rendering The Chronicles
During a period of age, a galaxy awakens.
There are intervals of an exalted belief... a belief that lived in dynamic strife. Where a certain unknown was seen as profane, sinister, and corrupted. Where it's distinction was referred to the insane. A moment of a suffered identity. Related for only what they believed in and what they had experienced, they became brothers and sisters connected to an energy which others who existed could not yet perceive.
As this group of others stood up for the truth, and pressed on through life and through death, a sacred nexus was kept in array. A link of unification and faith.
These stories are not just about the Jedi... yet about a certain few who preserved the knowledge and wisdom to be passed on so that others would at one moment in time become a reality. Where the truth could not be slain, they concidered the cost and paid the ultimate price. This is a gathering of simple myths, tales, and legends - detailed of satire, metaphor, and illumination. A small group of insights that has been placed together, regardless of their chronological order in time. Their main intention is to help your perception of the restraintless scope that the universe sustains.
Before they were destined, before they knew the full truth, before they understood the question as well as the answer - there was hope. This is about eras in time where faith kept a unique people from giving up their viewst. To believe in a cause. Those who had fathomed a reality that would never be permanently obliterated. And because of them, we understand an ability, an adept to a truth, which they had only experienced for a short moment of their existence. They are what created us as we are today.
If you think or feel a particular story should be with any certain part of this anthology, feel free to communicate with Relan Volkum at and let us identify with your story - for there is no ending page to this Epoch. Life goes on, and as there are parables and myths, legends and fables, there is a fiery torch of truth which wanders along within them. Strong indicative meanings, whether they may seem to be hidden or clearly present, lie within these unique expression of words.
This anthology proudly dedicates this array of short stories to those who stood by their Creed - through torture, pain, and suffering - even if it meant losing their essence and existence from the supreme universe. With these few words, we commend them... from one beholder to another. Thank you.
Chapter I: The Carnal Mirage
Location: Distinguished courtroom underground within the planet Vortex
Directive: Case of jurisdiction
Regard Inception: This was before the times created from the Dulcet Revolution
"And now my peers," said the case Indictor, "who now witness a misconception of our race--we have thronged here together to behold a Vor on the fringe of chaos. He has attempted a diabolic act which will forever stand out as a corrupt blemish in our society."
The three judges nod slightly to each other in silence as they settle back in their seats. The hovering platform shakes a little as they shift their weight slightly.
The Indictor points a finger at the charged Vor. "The accused has committed the highest treason of all treasons...and should be sentenced to a condemned fate. Do we let this being, sufficient or insufficient as he may seem, solicit upon us after he has shown his crude intentions of self worth, and not the society as a whole? Please see to it that you, especially the arbitrators of this case, will enforce a substantial punishment in favor of our people. If you don?t, we may see this disarray into something much further then it has...towards the destruction of our world. I warn the identities of Vor."
One of the judges, Mediator Hayultan, glances at the Indictor as he positions his hand upon a small-like gavel. "You, who delightfully claim the necessity of this court, have any imperative credential to depict this ?substantial punishment??"
The Indictor nods as he soars up to the platform, with his wings, from the floor and aids the Mediator with a unique manuscript. He quickly points to the vital words of the document, impressing the judge with much clarity of the Indictment?s position.
"I see."
As the Indictor drifts back to the ground, Hayultan eyes the defendant in most fascination. "And what does the accused have to say in justification of his guilt?"
The Vor glares up, trapped inside a caged cell within the courtroom. "I did nothing to harm my race...and respectfully plea guilty to the factor that I indeed have projected a rock into the air without physical contact...yet I assure you Mediator, I did not know it would--"
Mediator Hayultan again sets his eyes on a set of recorded papers next to him, ignoring the particular response. He sets the Indictor?s manuscript down and begins to flip through the stack to recall a moment deciphered in the courtroom.
"You say in your testimony that you, quote ?...wanted it to happen...and yes, I was urgent in doing such an act.? What for? There is no point for doing this...yet to only scare others around you in attempting such a performance. Tell me, why not do this within your own home if you contained such mystical powers then to create an entire monstrosity within the populace?"
The defendant sighs somewhat as he again speaks in his behalf. "It just happened...I imagined it. I didn?t mean any harm. I just thought about it and it happened. I didn?t mean for this to happen this way, can?t you see that--"
The judge suddenly reads out the words from the document the Indictor had given him. "We, the Indictment, access a charge of condemnation to the evil sorcery occurrence of Yatha Ta?lok, a born citizen of Vortex, with high understandability to the fact that he has preformed a wicked and heinous act using a source referred to as evil sorcery, or black magic--"
Yatha quick shakes his head. "That?s what YOU refer to, from your lack of understanding of my situation. I am still a Vor, you can never change that, your Mediator. You are only petrified of what I am now capable of, and that the society as we know it will not last long. Though I only projected a rock--what will it lead to next you might ask? I am good, and did such in good intention, even if I did not expect such an occurrence to be performed. It was of will."
Hayultan eyes glow at the defendant of a dark red stare. "You are now a peril that can?t be controlled by this society. You are dangerous, and with a performance of such hatred to your people, even if you did intend it or not, you deserve no mercy from us. Why do you suppose others that were at the sight of the occurrence begin to feel disturbed and had fear of thought?"
"What else would they have thought, Mediator Hayultan? They never experienced anything like that before. It was not fear. It was the unknown that scared them off. I cannot help what I am, your Mediator. Whatever you wish to do with me, I will comply."
Yatha pauses for a moment as he thinks to himself. "I have never experienced anything like that before in all of my days."
The judge laughs to the other two on the platform, while the rest of the clique of Vors around them join in their guffaw, leering back with a small, twisted smiles. "Just what we suppose an Enchanter such as you would say with your type of sentence, since your goal is simply to corrupt our society...acting as an evil imperilment to the public--"
The caged prisoner smiles a little to himself. "Do what you will, you can?t change what has happened. You can erase my thought to the populace, yet that moment of the universe will not have your name on it."
The Mediator?s voice becomes stern. "And you have the privilege to be a Vor...Ha! A sinister individual, misusing the public to undergo complete upheaval! And this---this is what you have to say for such insult to our way of life! Why do you treat us with such a shameful fashion if you testify that you did it as an amicable intention!"
Yatha closes his eyes, and grips his imprisoned palms onto the bars of the cage, opening his eyes again in reverence. "I know what I did, and if you cannot see the truth...I have nothing to say other than what I have. Silence will not stand by me. Mold your own conclusions, though I pity you greatly. Do what you will."
Mediator Hayultan looks at the other judges, and they nod back at him. He then glances to the defendant.
"So be it which you have recited. I second it."
The Mediator holds up a unique document to the clique of Vors in the courtroom. "And as this manuscript shows, brought to the court by the Indictor, this fiend, Yatha of Ta'lok, shall be sentenced excommunication from our underground lands and sent outside to the outstretched and deserted lands of Oawl for the rest of your days. May he die with torture, and with shame...worse then any death we could ever give him."
Yatha stands in stillness. "I welcome it."
He takes up his gavel as he again peers into the defendant?s eyes. "May you be forever detached from us as lost...and forever reminded of your vulgar crimes. Occurrence debated with full sentence."
As the gavel is slammed on the nearby counter, the platform shakes a little from the vibrations.
Vor guards of the courtroom begin to fly to the defendant?s cage to remove him to his final relaxing state. Yatha stands silent, giving a unique stare to the crowd who is witnessing his fate, tilting his head to the right.
Chapter II: I Lay Here In Enchantment
Location: A scalding desert on the planet Tatooine
Directive: Inner conscience
Regard Inception: This tale has been translated from a Tusken dialect
I lay here to what my kind calls death. It is my time, and my herd has left me.
There is nowhere to go now it seems. It also seems that my Bantha is also dead. Therefore, I am dead, and cannot exist. My herd has left me. I lay here in loss. Feeling has left me, and all I know to do now is to view the darkness...lost in my conscience. My past thoughts I am reminded of. Of myself. Of what I have done. I lay here in thought of the treasures I have scavenged, the fibbed tales that I have told.
I lay here...and my thoughts have overcome me.
Alone I may be, and the darkness I may see, yet there seems to something else hidden in all of which consumes me. There is a hidden light, which I cannot see yet know. Yes. It is coming. There is something. I know to be true. I have never realized it until now. I lay here still. And question how I had ever known that I would be here.
And then I realize my Gaffi is still in my hands. Yes. I remember. Just when I close my eyes to reality for the last time. And my slumped Bantha was seen dead. I saw the gaffi stick pierce through my chest. And felt the fire of pain enter me.
I had saved a child from being murdered. I couldn't let them do so. I had to stop them for they were in the wrong. I couldn't take it any longer. For all the years I had been a murderer, I had now killed my own kind. The worth of treasure was not in my mind. So I laid down my life, and did what was right.
Now I still remain in a long stance of thought. Though the pain has ceased. My life will soon be gone. This stage doesn?t scare me. And I now greet it. I think of the final act I have done and rest with no fear.
I lay here, and I am not afraid.
I can leave when I want. Time makes no difference. And now I can decide what I must do next. I do not seem to want to leave even though my mistakes are shown at me. My failures. At first I didn?t want to see them. Then I did. But there is also the good in my life. The times went beyond. The same is my final act. And I watch the moments recorded in my head repeat over and over. My soul wants to leave, yet my conscience that is slowly wondering away from me keeps me in focus. And I wait patiently for it to leave. My soul must leave...and my sight awaits the hidden light coming to meet me. And yes. My Bantha waits for me too.
And yes, I lay here, patiently, in wonder.
My birth was something I had never considered. And there it is, even though I had never recalled such a thing. I see myself as an infant. How is it possible I do not know. Yet there it is. I cannot describe the warmth of this great image.
There is now a scene of my childhood. And now my adulthood. I am so in awe. My herd, they seem so fresh now. My relatives. My friends. They live. I can see them so clearly. Oh I am so glad that this time has come. I have waited for so long. So long. I am not trapped any longer. See. There they are. I am free from cruelty and my past transgressions. For now I learn from destiny. And it has taught me the answers to it all.
And I lay here, in peace.
And now I see the hidden light. Just as my dreams had told me would come to seek me out. An energy comes to mold me from my toiled past, and gives comfort. It whispers to me.
"You live. You live. And you lay here, in my awakening."
I want so much to tell the herd. To tell the herd. Yes. Yet, now, I find that they must wait as I have. And experience it for themselves. See. There is my Bantha. The legend was true. It is true. See. There it is. It calls for me to be with it. A desperate cry. Of warmth and comfort.
And I lay here, in truth.
And now I realize that I haven't died. I am not dead yet far from it. Beyond the door there is a new universe which awaits my coming. And now as I see the legend unfold in front of my soul I believe that death does not exist. It is only my life which has taken another turn.
So I lay here, in life.
"It is all right," I said to it that whispered inside my soul. "I can leave now. I can leave now. And I don?t need to lay here any longer. I want to go home."
I want to go home.
My herd is waiting for me.
Chapter III: A Soothsayer?s Reliance
Location: The forests of Yavin 4
Directive: A story that is supposedly conversed to another individual
Regard Inception: Perception is shown from within the mind as well as outside world
Within a group of forests, a robed vagabond wonders desperately in search of a myth. As he ponders to what he is searching for, he realizes that he does not ascertain nor understand what the search is endeavoring. His senses conduct him along an unseen path, and though he seems to be running away in loss, ironically he searches to discover an unknown quest, a hope of illumination and explanation.
Time passes, until he decides to recline on a nearby stump. While contemplating the answers to the eccentric puzzle, he marvels over what he seeks. Life? Truth? Peace? His submission is majestic with the Force, and as he thunders yet another silent yell to that which he is part of, an omen is granted in recapitulation of his awesome faith.
A soul appears.
The wanderer suddenly staggers in shock from the break of tranquility.
He gazes upon the icy blue toned figure. "Who are you..."
The spirit treads past a few trees in order to obtain a preferable visage for his overseer. As the vagabond gapes through the specter?s nearly clear pigmentation, he realizes that the Force has brought a sagacious oracle to meet him.
"I am Jedi Master Taku-Lan Raije. I come to acknowledge the affliction upon your soul."
Jale gives a puzzled look. "What affliction? What is it that I seek?"
"Realization. Realization to which that you pursue. To which a dream is worth dreaming, to which a life is worth living. An enigma that crevices your mind in which you seek a truth. A truth of what was, what is, and what will be. The purpose of endurance. Of being. Of morality and of principle. And as the solitude of your life creeps upon you like a slumber in a field of fantasies, you rhapsodize the past. The profane acts that have heavily stained your vitality. Your heart bleeds for transfiguration. For motivation and encouragement."
Jale nods in concordance. "I am afraid of what is to come."
The spirit smiles a little to Jale?s recognition to the precept. "You have much to fear, Jedi Windcatcher. And though you know how to control this fear, you do not know why you should do so, for it echoes an obscure and lecherous call to your name. You seek confidence in someone else who is confident themselves, and though you rely on those you feel homage to, the backbone of your own confidence becomes lacking and endangered."
Jale begins to relax a little, appeasing himself as he leans towards the stump. "I do not know how and when the matter of right is justified from the wrong. I find that it is not so tolerant to let oneself be cultivated upon the ways commonly fashioned by another. Because it seems so overbearing to accept what is and to grasp those who has already manufactured their minds unto the breath of falsehood, I seek for reliance."
"Reliance," declares the spirit of a Jedi Master. "Reliance. What a distinctive word. A word in which someone in need is abetted by another. Yet you must realize that it is the one who contends those that burden the few who receives the reliance of the many. You must understand to rely upon the Force that exist within yourself. You have the power of one, an energy flow that moves you towards the clarified path of virtue."
Jale scratches his head slightly. "I do not understand. I do not discern the value of my soul, and not perceive who I am or what it is which I must do."
"You know," exclaims the spirit. "Yet you do not yearn to. You don?t want to go over the barriers of the intellect enough to do it on your own. You want to ride on someone?s back, and never pay the toll...the recompensation your debt. And so you sit there, in wonder, and wait patiently for something, when in fact nothing will happen at all. For it is you who must act the first shift."
"Yet I must stand patient...for that is the virtue of the Jedi."
Raije sighs as he notices the reasoning of the wonderer. "You must fathom the full meaning of the word ?patience,? that it is for those who endure within an illusionary world that holds no merit and has no way of escaping deceit. Yet you hold the key and you must realize that it is your time. The moment in which your lifetime clarifies who you are, and what you must do. That is the fallacy of today--those who are so much wanting to be free yet believe that someone else will always do it for them. And you never find that importance, that crucial part inside of you, the significant voice of truth and not of fallacy. There is a voice of truth that is instructing you to forgive your past transgressions, right the wrongs, and to break the silence of falsehood. It is the reliance of one in which right and wrong will finally be uncovered. You hold your own answer to what is."
"What is my answer? Please, tell me. I yearn for the truth. I wish so much to be of greatness."
"We all pursue to be someone Jedi Windcatcher."
Suddenly, the setting is altered. They stand amongst a crowd, awaiting a main spectacle.
"Where are we?"
Jedi Taku-Lan is now in a physical being, acting as one with the crowd. "The question you might need to ask yourself is why are we here."
Jale peers at the groups cheering in contentedness. "Why then?"
"It is for you to realize one thing. The reliance of one."
"I do not understand."
The Jedi Master stares uniquely in his eyes. "When you perceive how much cruelty has been inflicted upon those who deserve finer treatment, and when you comprehend how terrible and how gruesome something can be, as with the corruption of a bitter world who holds a immense burden, you realize that you are their savior. That it is in your hands. It?s when you start to see those who are losing their religion that you urge to vindicate the purpose of good and provide reliance to those in a world who craves for it. It is when you do not only give what a person needs, you teach them how to provide that need for them self as well."
Immediately the crowd is hushed as a figure upon a podium stands to give his words of expression, finding the words to articulate to the outside public.
"It is the esteemed warmth of a cherished people who deserve the right to be free which gives me the motivation to do what is right," the speaker vocalizes to the crowd. "When I see so many contented people so full of light and joy, it fills your heart of void with a heart of plenty..."
Jale whispers into the ears of the Jedi Master. "Taku-Lan Raije, that is me up there..."
"Yes it is. The being you see up there on the podium is a semi-deity of willingness, willing to defend those who seek justice from a cruel world in order to create a free one. A Jedi who will further succeed his greatness by insuring upon his original ideals that he has strongly believed in all his life. The trust to maintain a balance within his self and others. One who has composed to the upright and faithful."
Raije then becomes silent, wanting Jale to hear the words from his other self.
"Today, I realize the truth," continues the speaker, "the abundance of a unique idiom of creed conveyed by the populace. I realize the truth in every one of you, those who will stand up and boycott against the misconceptions of today in which fraudulent hoodlums will never overcome its chosen victims of tomorrow.
"You have the power my friends. You have the power of being. That is why I believe in the Jedi, the guardians of peace and justice of the Republic to prevail over the malevolence within the galaxy. It is because you, the people, have spoken out, pledging and banning together connected as one. That is what has created the new world in which you now live in. It is you who believed in us, and in our humbleness and bravery to do what is right, we will show that we also believe in you, the people.
"I am so appreciative to know that there are those who cheer us on through the heartaches and struggles for freedom. From the deepest of my soul, I welcome you into an atmosphere full of radiance and truth. I thank you all."
The scene has changed again, this time, the two Jedi are within the Jedi Council main chamber. Taku-Lan is once again as spirit, as he wonders around the seats in which great leaders have sat.
"We all yearn to be someone," voices the spirit. "You must understand, Jedi Windcatcher, that people are searching to find a true leader. One who has enforceability, prototype, and doctrine of the commonality. One who is interacting, contesting and striving for a cause with others who believe in something. A lifetime that is willing to give and not receive."
Jale walks to the center of the chamber. "You mean to say that you believe me?"
Raije eyes the Jedi as he stops by one of the smaller seats. "Do you in believe yourself?"
The wonder lowers his head unknowingly, not grasping what to say.
"You constantly are looking through the hourglass of time...watching the mounds of sand sink down into oblivion. You, Jedi, must realize the truth, that you hold the solution to unlocking the falsehood of the past, the present, and the future. That you are the your own soothsayer, and that you control your own destiny."
The Jedi nods silently.
"Now," says the spirit, "wake up to the living and end this dream."
* * *
A person suddenly wakes up from a dream. As the attuned individual gets out from slumber, the realization to become a Jedi has come.
Chapter IV: The Duel Initiative
Location: The seismic active and newly formed world of Eol Sha
Directive: To destroy one another
Regard Inception: Duel character point of view
Another boisterous earthquake in the background. It rattled the ground a little, yet it was tolerable. I knew it was only one of a thousand more I would experience during my stay on this volcanic rock. Eol Sha.
Wondering if I would ever get back to freighter all in one piece, I carry on. Would I be the one obliterated on this planet--well, who knows. My ship might beat me to it. It was a double hazard.
It was will, I know it was. I wasn?t going to be alone for very long. And now, as I rub my hand upon the handgrip of the polished durasteel which is keeping my Lightsaber intact--I think of why. A simple why. It was the sense that motivated me further. My saber. It was more than a weapon. I didn?t want to use it, yet I foreseen that it was going to be essential soon enough. Why would blood have to be shed? I couldn?t visualize myself doing such an act, even though I was here to do just that. Yet blood would be shed. Yes, I knew that. So I would die then.
Cooling lava ash. Only a few hundred meters away, creating a incredible scalding sensation. I don?t want to breathe, and with every breath, comes this aroma, this hidden aroma of a fiery grave, creeping before me. Yes, The Force is my ally, though I find this ally seems to creep towards me in the most unique situations I must admit. To know you will be dead any time soon, you feel it as much as possible. To know you would be part of that feeling, one with the Force. I would be one with the Force.
They call me a Jedi, yet I never really understood, even now, how a name could create so much praise, as well as so much fury. I only wanted to serve my purpose, whether it be through life or death. To know that this day would come, and I would meet face to face with a Dark one, it shakes you into the realization that you?re going to be just fine. Through life or death, life would I be either way.
I see him.
The Dark one seems rather patient, yet aggressive in nature, as I examine him advancing down from of the side of a mountain slope, his arms waving back an forth in a unsteady yet calm fashion. His hand is griped to a interesting looking saber, slick black, an elegant piece of work. A riveting cloak I must say--it isn?t black, yet gray for some reason. Perhaps an apprentice from some sort of Dark Lord--I was never that fathomed with the conception of names, since I did have a poor memory.
Well...he?s not speaking a word to me--he staring at me with his diabolic eyes--and now when I want to say something, I seem to shudder a little to myself, and now comes out silence. Now he is moving his jaw back and forth, ever so slightly yet mockingly...
* * *
A Jedi Knight. A plain incurment of a unsatisfactory group of weaklings. Clearly obsolete.
His fear...yes. Intimidation is so trifling, yet they are unaware. Unaware of their fear, holding back the responses. He wants so much to speak. Yet what can he say...there is nothing for him to say. Silence grips his soul as a solid spike pierces the heart of the infidel.
A infidel of the old ways. The non-believers of solitude. Away from his mommy. Yes, just a child that has found his father?s DH-17. Oh...and look at what he is handling...found something better to play with in his toy chest. Ah...a Lightsaber. Crude for such a infant...yet I?ll conclude his play.
Infidel shall you subside. Infidel shall you bleed. For I am the nightmare in your unlit dream.
* * *
eard it. He called me an infidel.
* * *
A hiss is heard. The Dark one raises his hand, clutching onto an ignited Saber. A dark, reddish beam is shown extending out from the plated handle. As he sways his weapon side to side, he crypts vigilantly towards the Jedi Knight.
The Knight slowly gathers the Force for transformation, preserving energy to his senses.
The Dark one gives into rage, bolting out his hatred as he aggressively darts to run his opponent through. Creating a Force jump, the Jedi formulates an air somersault, while in the meantime, seizes his polished durasteel Lightsaber. Landing a ways back from his adversary, his saber has been ignited to a powerful and immense purple glow.
?It doesn?t have to be this way.?
The Dark one smiles, his diabolic eyes glimmering hate. He Force thrusts his body towards the Jedi Knight.
Sparks are seen, hisses and crackles of electric current are absorbed and penetrated. The fencing is ecstatic, the flips and twirls of their entities seem magnificent. Spins and rotations are presented and done instinctively as the kindles from their blades arise in a great awakening. A confrontation of sincerity.
Suddenly, there is global pandemonium. And as soon as it came, it has withdrawn. Silence.
* * *
I open my eyes. A giant boulder rests on top of my legs. I struggle and see if I can budge them, yet they won?t budge. I can?t feel them.
I look around. Seem to be within a darkened abyss, some light is barely shown from way above. Dirt keeps falling on my face, and I?m struggling to shake it off. Seems that my neck still functions. I know I should be dead, that earthquake should have finished me off right then and there. My instincts were right body is going to perish any moment now. I can see the blood dripping from my head to the ground, ever so quickly.
Always wanted to be part of the one. The one which gives life and serenity to the galaxy.
I wonder if the Dark one is still intact. Think. There could be a chance.
Why did I say that? What chance? A chance for what? Feel your instincts. There?s something more. I know it. There is something I need to do before I leave.
The Force is calling me. My purpose. It is my...initiative. I must say something. I must speak. Speak. must speak!
* * *
?Talk to me...?
..the Jedi is still alive.
?Are you there...please, talk to me...?
crude for him. Yet coldly satisfying for me. A matter of a torturous burden for such a hideous prime of Jedi. His call pleases my my tongue is simplified without motion.
?Are you still there...are you alive...?
His coughs and his unstable groans of anguish sound rather violent. A great amount of pain is upon him. As soon as I leave this crater of rock, I will run him through. Mercifulness indeed. Yet it needs to be done.
?I know you are there...I know you are there...Talk...Talk to me...I know you hear me...?
I can?t stand this any longer. He will die anyway. Mercifulness is not my top priority anyway. Might as well keep him alive long enough so I advance my way out of this hole in the ground to run him through. Just to make sure the matter is clear...and that he is finished, situated upon my saber blade.
?Why do you plea Jedi.?
?I need to talk to you.?
?What about perceive that you are about to die. There is no hope for you. Just end yourself and let me come and destroy you. It is the only way.?
?I must tell you something before I leave.?
?There is nothing to tell. You have lost. Let the victor end your pathetic life.? What a stubborn entity. I?ll find a way out of here, whether these cracks allow me or not.
?What is your name Dark one??
Might as well. At least he has enough valor to uncover the name of his assassin-to-be. ?My name is Katori.?
?I am Jedi Boltral.?
What does that matter. You won?t be for long.
?You are going to have to hear me out...whether you desire to hear my words or not. I must serve my purpose.?
Forget it. I?m not even going to say anything.
?There is a way. Whether you realize it or not, the way you are looking for is closer than you believe. You have to realize your blindness. Open your eyes Katori...even if you destroy my body, I will still remain in your intellect. You will never forget me...and I will help you pry your eyes open. I will--?
Almost out of here.
?--show you the light of reality. The menagerie cannot hold your soul forever. You must set yourself free. I will help you, if you let me Katori. Believe in the truth. See through your soul, not your eyes...?
Ah. There we go.
?You cannot destroy me. You don?t convey that power. That is not your purpose...there is something more which lies ahead for you. The light will burn off the hinges and the door will fall. Free yourself from the burden of darkness and live. Live for peace and justice Katori. Live for peace and--?
* * *
?Now you will die Jedi Boltral. So it will be for all who are weak as you. May the fittest survive the storm...and may your body rot in volcanic flames.?
No, I will not let Katori do this. Though he simpers with fury, I feel something else within him, a conflict, a light struggling to burn free from the torch of hate. ?Look at what you do. This is not the way. Realize the reality of who you are Katori. Control yourself. Understand the truth. Of who you are...this is not the way. You will only be consumed by the fittest of the Dark ones, not of the light.?
?How much a I once was. To attempt to open a door that has been permanently sealed for all time! Realize what is Boltral...death consumes you as we speak. You should be thanking me to end your life as it was meant to be.?
You are so wrong. I will teach you. ?Strike me down then. And I will live in you...and change you from the inside out. That is the only way. Your darkness will triumphantly come to a obliterating end. Good will overcome you. And both you and I will live to see it.?
Good. He is silenced...he?s beginning to realize the truth. The truth that he had forgotten yet will seek him out. Now I will change him from within.
* * *
Do you hear me.
No, I do not hear you.
Do you hear me Katori. Yes, I hear you.
Let me help you.
There is no chance for me. Let me be.
No Katori. There is good in you. I feel it.
Darkness has consumed me.
No it hasn?t. Let go of the darkness.
It has devoured me alive. I am a puppet to its cause.
I have come to save you Katori.
There is no hope for me. Soon you will be dead, and I will be gone from this place.
That is not true Katori. I will not die. I will live in you.
There is no room for you. Darkness fills my void.
The tide will subside. And when it does, I will free you. And we will be one.
One of what.
One with the Force.
There is no why. There is the Force.
I am the Dark one.
You will see Katori. My body has almost left me. Hold on, I am coming.
I do not know how to live.
I will show you Katori...
I do not know how to learn.
I will teach you Katori...
I do not know how to love.
I will care for you Katori...
I want to know so much. So much. Yet it seems so far away. I can?t make it.
Yes you can. You are not alone...believe.
I want to cry now. Help me.
I am almost there Katori. I am almost there...
It hurts so much.
I will cure your pain.
Will I live.
Is their truth Boltral.
Their is truth Boltral.
* * *
I stare into his eyes, which now does not provide any hint of life underneath them. His body seems cold and tired, yet fearless. Now as he disappears in front of my own eyes, I can see that I have nothing to fear as well.
Eol Sha. Another boisterous earthquake I hear in the background. It rattles a little, yet it?s tolerable. I know I won?t experience them for long, for I leave this volcanic rock. Then its earthquakes will never again clamor the ground which I stand upon. Never again.
I have the will now, I know I have. I am not alone any longer. And now, as I rub my hand upon the handgrip of the polished durasteel which is keeping my Lightsaber intact--I know why. I now know the simple why...
Chapter V: Steady Equilibrium
Location: The first Death Star, Level 3, Sublevel 45, Block EB-89
Directive: Interrogation Sequence
Regard Inception: Random entries of hologram recordings during the times of the Jedi purge
A black, circular table is shown, as two high rank officers sit in their comfortable seats side by side. They whisper amongst each other for a while. One of the officers distributes a signal from compressing a few buttons on a built-in terminal within the table.
"Play batch 8FA53 please."
"Yes sir. Hologram commencing..."
A projection of blue images in the center of the table, appearing in front of the officers.
Entry One [Weld Santern; Senior Resident Of Jayathra On The Planet Iridium; Batch 8FA53; 13:234 hours]:
An old man is displayed sitting upon a small stool as two Stormtrooper guards are positioned on each side of him. He scratches his arm, then begins.
"My name is Weld Santern. To those of the concerned, I am here to tell you about something I have witnessed."
He gives a twisted face as he looks at the guards for a second, then continues.
"I was walking around in my village when I noticed two vagabonds just entering the outskirts from afar. They seemed to be some type of sojourners sent on a mission. I never saw anything like them ever before. Sure, I have seen may types of characters such as the space pirates in my days, which passed through our village time to time. Of course they don?t any longer, after the Jedi annihilated them from the planet. Ironic isn?t it?s the other way around now...and finally the hunter becomes the hunted."
He sighs. "I was very suspicious about these travelers. At first I thought they were man and wife, yet it was another type of bond at that time I wasn?t able to portray. So I came up and contributed my greetings to them. I assure you, that was all I did. There is no way I?m in violation of the--"
One of the guards strikes a blow at the left side of the Weld?s rib cage.
"Aghhhhh....okay...okay...they said they were just arrivals from a nearby town. Ah...alright..."
Weld is seen rubbing his side. "...Yet of course I knew better than that. I was once a trader throughout the Urorka territories so I know my geography. I could definitely tell especially from their native tongue that they were foreign. I could also tell they weren?t bounty hunters, spies, or anything like that. They seemed too organized and specified for such a task.
"Afterwards I told Dalkin, the baron of the village, about the two new visitors. So he proceeded to walk up to them and ask a couple of questions. Beyond a doubt they seemed rather polite, you know, saying the right things at the right time. I had to admit, their was nothing really to criticize them for. They just wanted to explore the town, examine how the inhabitants were doing.
"I was expecting some type of brawl to wake up in the middle of the town?s square though. Considering all the Imperial entanglements that take place, there was no way I was going to stick around and be in the cause of any bloody mess.
"Our village considered them as dangerous...something like that. Yet we didn?t want to attempt an attack. And I let as soon as I could and inform the Empire to deal with it. The other villagers didn?t believe they were really capable of doing anything. Still, I don?t believe that they were from any type of group or something to that extent--if the were, they would never have ordered them here. We could tell by their impressions and such from their mannerisms. Yet I knew who they were...I?ve seen them before when the space pirates were here.
"So there. That?s all I know...and that?s all I can say."
The two Stormtrooper guards lift him off of the stool and slowly drag him away. The hologram fades away to nothingness.
One of the officers looks uniquely at the other. "They must have been Jedi. They probably used mind tricks in order to hide their numbers, as well as hiding their intentions. Thank goodness the old man got away before they mind tricked him into not informing the Empire.
"Still," said the other officer, "they trick him enough. As we saw in his testimony, they could have been anyone...besides, he is an old man."
"We should put the sectors on alert."
The officer quickly waves his head side to side. "Not for the time being Lieutenant. Lord Vader has already purged of a small gathering of Jedi Knights concealed on Ord Mantell. And if Moff Tarkin learns about this incident, you can be assured he will take a steady approach. I suggest we wait on this one."
The Lieutenant ponders a little bit. "But what about--"
A blast door detaches as a smaller-rank messenger peers inside the room. "Commander Daveree?"
"Lord Vader is on another pursuit. In the meantime he has preferred an executive to visit you on your new case. The executive is here to see you now."
The officers look at each other in shock, knowing that they never informed the Dark Lord of the Sith about the situation at all.
Daveree looks back at the messenger. "I see. Bring him in."
An officer comes strolling in from the blast door, his rank insignia plaque coming in plain sight to the others. The two officers rise in respect from their seats.
"Captain Piett," says Daveree, "it?s a startling astonishment to see you here sir."
"Yes it is." The Captain strolls to a seat by the two officers as the messenger departs and the blast door secures shut. "Yet you can be assured that I will be evaluating your interrogations from here on out Commander."
"As you wish Captain."
Piett carefully eyes the officers. "In the meantime, I would prefer to look at a particular tape. Especially the one called Batch 6FB34..."
The two officers look at each other again, Daveree knowing where this will lead to. "If that is your mandate Captain...though we must tell you that we are on the verge--"
"I want to see that tape Commander. Not your tongue."
"But is imperative to finish the entire process before undertaking back to the previous recordings."
"I am here to alter your schedule," declares Piett. "I have orders from Vader himself. I want to see that tape Commander Daveree, or your willingness to be court-martialed. You decide which of course."
Daveree sighs once more. "Go ahead Lieutenant Needa."
Entry Two [Jedi Kira Hatalci; Arrested In Jayathra On The Planet Iridium; Batch 6FB34; 10:561 hours]:
A woman draped in robes is shown sitting on a small chair, as two Stormtrooper guards are positioned on each side.
"I will never tell you where he is."
"Not a wise decision," says a voice in the background of the recording, easily recognized as being Commander Daveree?s, "due to the fact that we have credible information concerning that there are more of you out there on the planet Iridium."
Kira smiles at the officer. "I?m already dead. I will never tell you where he is."
"I am sure we can find ways to motivate you into more informative responses. As you can see, Jedi Hatalci, your Apprentice cannot complete his training with you here in the interrogation room. There is no reason to protect his whereabouts...not unless," Daveree smirks, "you are hiding others with the justification of only one being..."
Kira looks at the two Stormtroopers on the sides of her, then silently places her hands together in respect to Daveree?s response. "If I told you anything Daveree, it would be useless. Your foul ignorance could never be taken against our kind...and you know that."
Daver keeps a steady grin. "At least we know that you will die, right Jedi Hatalci?"
"You will never find my Apprentice."
"No need to worry. He is no Jedi...considering that he has never finished his training. Yet we will find others of your kind...if they exist on Iridium."
"Then there is no use for me here," says Kira. "You?ll have to kill me."
"That time will come along soon enough."
Suddenly, Kira flings out of the chair and purposely creates trouble by retrieving a Stormtooper?s blaster from grip and aims it at the Commander. The other guard aims a blaster at her.
"No!" yells Daveree.
Kira raises her head in silence, staring into space.
A blast pierces through her chest.
The hologram fades away to nothingness.
Captain Piett puts a hand to his chin, looking past the table into Daveree?s eyes. Daveree is silent, yet sits still, awaiting a reply.
"Seems that you pushed it to far this time Daveree. Now we are lost on her lead. We may never find any others on Iridium if they exist."
Daveree gives no response, as he looks at Lieutenant Needa, then to Captian Piett, positioning his head back and forth.
A short-range assassin blaster is shown in Pietts hands. "You have failed."
The Commander suddenly stares into Piett?s eyes in terror.
A blast pierces through his chest. The corpse flies out from the chair.
Needa gasps a little bit from the scene.
Piett glances coldly at Needa. "You are in charge of the case now...Commander Needa."
"...Yes...thank you, Captain Piett..."
The blast door opens as Piett walks out from the room, his assassin blaster?s nozzle giving off a slight atmosphere of smoke.
Chapter VI: The Sagacious Proctor
Location: A large casino called The Maroda, located in Cloud City of Bespin
Directive: Simple conversations take place
Regard Inception: One of the following character?s languages is translated from Klatooine dialect
"Well, consider glitterstrim. For being a food flavor and preserver, it gives excellent mental powers if it?s used right. Imperials restricted that stuff on Kessel not just for the credits, yet for interrogation sequences as well." Laughs to himself. "Useful crap it was."
Staque smirks as he takes a drink out of his jug filled with Alderaanian ale. "Enough to drive a Bith mad."
"Hey, did I ever tell you about Larjin and me finding that huge shipment coming in from Smugglar?s Run?"
The drunken man shakes his head.
"We?re uncovering a big fortune I tell you. Tibanna gas doesn?t hold it?s use anymore as it has before, considering all the Outer Rim exploration teams. They?re locating dozens of systems with the same variety of elements which are abundantly found on Bespin. Sooner or later this place is history."
Staque laughs out loud. "Tibanna gas! That gossip! You?re out of your mind, you know that--"
"Say whatever you want, yet we?re leaving while we have the opportunity. The Hutts need this stuff so bad, they?re paying out the nose for it. I?m telling you it?s jackpot, Staque. Easy money."
"Just another hyperspace fantasy of yours...wait a minute--what about the weaponry shipment there on the Run also that?s being meddled about on Nal Hutta?"
Telvo gulps another Miser Corkscrew down his throat, flinging the shot glass away from him while leaning on the counter. "If it wasn?t for those new E-11/SW blaster rifles, there wouldn?t be such a stir in their weaponry markets anyway. They need the technology. Simple as that."
"The smugglers are making a fortune there you know," continues Staque. "Considering the competition with those old E-11/S valued at a whopping huge sum of 7000 credits over there, anyone with the guts to wing a freighter across pirated space onto Hutt land are heading towards credit bliss, I tell you."
Talvo gives a dishonorable grin. "How much are those SW?s worth anyhow?"
"Only 4000 creds my friend, and they are the latest upgrade of the E-11's. Why don?t you join me and forget Larjin. You?re a good smuggler yourself, I could use you. Give you 40 percent out of the profits. Whatcha say about that?"
Telvo looks around for a gambling table, apparently not giving the slightest bit of attention to the offer. "Tell you what Staque, I?m going over to play some Sabacc. I?ll see you later."
Not even allowing the other to give his sayonaras, Telvo quickly ran up to his favorite Sabacc table near the slot terminal gallery. He noticed many instances before when the gallery formulated the constant loud noise that would make his eardrums ache, yet his lady luck called the shots. The only instinct was to play with a little spunk, considering his daily low shipment earnings.
Telvo taps on the dealer?s shoulder, discard his credits on the table. "I have twenty to play this time, Jarrem."
"You know you need fifty to get into this game," the discouraged Twi?lek commented with its accented Basic. "I can?t let you get away with it this time. You know quite well that you need a higher ante for such a distinguished table."
Telvo furnishes his usual grin. "Oh...come on...I get about a hundred after a few rounds anyway. Cut me some slack and I?ll pay you afterward will a little interest on the side--"
"[I?ll contribute him some slack,]" says a lone player on the side of the table.
The smuggler turns his head, viewing a tall, humanoid figure with a canine face and rough skin. "What the..."
The player puts his hands together, contemplating. "[I can give you the thirty credits that you need to secure yourself in the that what you want?]"
Telvo grins at the high wagering sportsman. "A Klatooinean, heh. What?s the catch. Let me guess--need to get a Idiot?s Array, right."
The Klatooinean laughs to himself concerning the rogue?s sarcasm. "[Of course not that perilous...It is really quite simple really. I?ll give you the money,]" the player directs to the Twi?lek dealer?s Sabacc deck, "[if you pull out a Suit of Coins from the top...]"
"That simple really. What about the other three suits?"
The Klatooinean smirks a little, letting himself continue. "[If you pick a Suit of Flask and Staves, you can receive another attempt for your generous endowment. Yet if you get a Suit of hand over to me what you have addition to the credits you would owe the table for the ante...]"
The smuggler ponders to himself for a while. "Hmmm...not a bad wager I must say."
"[Of course, if you are risky enough that is.]"
"Of course," Telvo imitates back, "I just want your money. So it?s worth a stab at it. You seem to be a dumb, ignorant Klatooinean in disguise anyway."
The player leans back in his chair, holding back his comments with ease, smiling.
Telvo places his money on the table. "Count me in. Let me see the deck Jarrem."
The Twi?lek hands him the cards. Telvo touches the top card on the Sabacc deck, yet doesn?t snatch it. "Let me cut and give a new shuffle."
The dealer looks at the Klatooinean. He nods in agreement.
Providing a cut and shuffle, Telvo eyes the Sabacc deck in a most unappropriated matter, well, quite appropriate for his occupation. His eye beholds a few interesting glances, his crafty hands doing the rest of the unsanitary work.
This is too easy. The easiest 30 creds I?ll ever make.
He sets them down on the table. "I?m ready."
The Klatooinean nods again, keeping his smile. "[Go ahead. Pick the top card.]"
Telvo flips the top card. He gasps at the apparent suit of Sabres card in his hands, aggressively flings it on the table. "Just wait a second here," Telvo exclaims. "That?s impossible. There is no way that could have been the card! I noticed--"
The Klatooinean taps his fingers on the playing table. "[Noticed what...]"
Telvo becomes startled, realizing a incoming migraine thriving inside him.
"[Tell you what--come with me and we will have a modest conversation for a while. If you do so, I?ll free you from your small debt...and you can keep your money.]"
Telvo raises an eyebrow. "You really mean that...don?t you?" He then catches what he had just stated, realizing the 50 credit debt. "Oh sure, no problem. Whatever you say there slick, it?s a small galaxy out there. Conversations are my cup of ale anyway."
The Klatooinean rises up from his seat. "[Then come.]"
Telvo quickly grabs his credits and shoves them disorderly back into his pockets...
The two walk out from the table, viewing the parade of gamblers who were eyeing at a Coruscantian smuggler walking with a Klatooinean spectator. An unwelcoming sight to the viewers. As they place themselves at a table located on the far corner of the casino, Telvo confers with him an odd stare.
"Who are you anyway?"
"My name is Sigmal Deltiocre."
The smuggler laughs a little to himself, realizing that the stranger didn?t speak in his native tongue. "Sigmal you do speak Basic..."
Sigmal folds his hands. "As you can see, I am more capable than what is surfaced... Telvo."
Telvo?s eyes start to bulge out a little. "Wait a moment. Only a few know that name...and I told Jarrem to shut it."
The Klatooine puts a hand under his chin. "Of course not. He didn?t have to force him to admit anything..."
"Then how did you know my name then?"
The Klatooinean tilts his head. "How did you know you were so sure of obtaining a Suit of Coins?"
Telvo shakes his head from side to side, sneering. "You do have your own tricks up your sleeve I can see."
"I don?t rely on your lady luck."
"What do you rely on then, may I so humbly inquire, to give you such ability?"
Sigmal gives him a peculiar stare. "Well, I can assure you that it is not glitterstrim..."
Telvo points a few fingers upon his forehead, giving a cold stare. "What do you want."
The Klatooinean leans back, folding his arms. "Just a simple conversation...a simple exchange of words between you and me. Of course, it seems that I did save you from a modest credit debt. It also seems that it is the least you can do if you tend to follow a respectful reputation in this casino. You would not want Jarrem to find out that you don?t pay back what you bet on...."
The smuggler shakes his fingers at him. "All you did was trick me."
"All you did was fall into the snare Telvo, nothing more. You got what was coming to you."
"Oh, and now you are Baron of Cloud Heaven I see."
Sigmal sighs as he leans forward once more. "I?m not going to stop you. Besides, you didn?t lose anything--yet gained the opportunity to be taught a lesson for the next time round. You can leave if you like, yet I?m not going to tell you about it."
"About what."
"About your smuggler friends."
Telvo rubs his forehead in suspense, yet does all he can to not let the other see it. "And what about them may I ask, since you seem to know everything."
"I wish for you not to go with any of them. Leave them altogether. The Run is not for you any ways..."
The smuggler laughs out aloud in response of his ultimate knowledge. "Whatever you?re don?t give up do you? I figure you?re just one of those sleuths someone sent out to order me not to go after the new shipment of Tibanna Gas...or the E-11/SW blaster rifles...or whatever it is. Well, let me tell you something my friend--you?re not steering me astray from my big break. I?ll risk Hutt space if I have to."
Sigmal leans forward towards Telvo?s visage. "The Hutts will kill you..."
Telvo spins his finger around by the right side of his head, mockingly. "And now you know the future--okay Sig. Whatever you say."
"They will want to cross you...murder you. I have foreseen such."
"Of course. Yet as always I?m ready for any surprises. And how would you know so much. Tell me. Humor me... who are you."
The Klatooine unfolds his arms. "A traveler. A traveler who has been waiting for you. Searching for you. Eyeing you. I?ve been around much, and I?ve seen my share of your kind, and other kinds as well. Yet I have sensed you a great deal. You seem to have the option of an interesting future unlike the others."
"What are you talking about?"
"Do you believe me..."
Telvo points to himself. "Do I believe you?"
Sigmal glares at him in silence.
Telvo stares back, not knowing what to say.
"Come with me," utters Sigmal as he again taps his fingers on a table, "and you can be sure of yourself that Larjin, Staque, the Hutts, or whoever will never lift a finger to betray you. For you know they will...yet you do not realize that you will lose such an ultimate price because of it."
"I give you as clear as I can offer it."
The smuggler realizes who he is, and says nothing more.
"All you have to do is choose...choose between the riches of your life, the crude fortune and gluttony, and life itself. I offer you a life of true riches, one that does not need to be seen....yet known..."
The smuggler sighs, not believing a word.
"Choose between what is and what can be. Learn from me, and I will tell you a truth beyond what an imagination can fathom. What you can fathom. What you will fathom. Let me take you to the solid verity of truth. Your true destiny."
Telvo lowers his head.
"It?s time Telvo. It?s time to make a choice. You can leave this greed...leave it all...or die chasing a murky, inhumane adversary that you will never be able to capture. For it will constantly hide in the shadows. You are meant to lose this game Telvo if you follow it out. You will lose this game. You will not be able to catch up with it once you have fallen. This is your chance to leave it. This is your time to make a decision, because this is the moment of determination. A lifetime of enlightenment. A lifetime of hope and love.
"Yes, you can run away, and even though your life may seemed spared at the moment, the massacre will have just begun. You have a chance to become part of a lineage of an adept culture. We can help you realize your talents. I can only point to you the way for a new life, a new journey to begin. of us..."
Telvo raises his head again.
"The decision lies within your hands."
Telvo looks into his eyes just before giving a response.
"Which one is it?"
Which one do YOU choose?
Chapter VII: My Master?s Keeper
Location: The Jedi Temple on Coruscant, many years before Episode I
Directive: A small meeting with a Jedi Master
Regard Inception: This is about the feelings, thoughts, and realizations of an apprentice to be
It is a simple story really. Yet it was a story I will never forget.
I remember it so clearly...
I was walking down a long hallway in which I was astounded with. On the walls beared decorations and ornaments from other worlds that I have never even knew existed. One exhibit in which some tourists were peering through was from the planet of Grakouine. I recognized it to be Utaka Holtolo?s famous art portrait of the famous Jedi Master Sasee Tinn, made during the time when the Iktotchian was visiting the planet.
As I came towards the end of the hall, a small and confident Ugnaught which seemed to recognize my appearance, came up to me, and with accented Basic, said:
"Venett Oyar, are you not?"
"Yes, that is me."
"We have been waiting for your arrival for some time now. Eeth Koth said that you would come." The small dwarf presented a little smile, bring more features to his pig-like face.
"Eeth mean, the Jedi Master Eeth Koth?"
The Ugnaught nodded. "He has been expecting you. Koth told me a rather interesting tale about you and your involvement in the Force...said that you were a trash compactor man who worked within a small underwater facility in the ocean planet of Pantolomin."
I nodded slowly. The Ugnaughts were great storytellers, I knew that well, yet I had never ever had a chance to spread my story to another. I had taken a random, one way flight to Coruscant from Pantolomin, never giving out any of my credible information in which I had wanted to present the Jedi Temple.
" are right," I said. "Yet I cannot tell you of my circumstances, that is only for one of the Council members to eavesdrop on. I am sure you understand."
"Yes I do," the creature exclaimed. I am Jethro Telaparci, a former apprentice of Koth?s. His style is rather distinctive, yet he believes in portions of truth reaching certain certain intervals."
"You are a Jedi?"
The Ugnaught nodded again. "When I was born, he came to my home planet of Gentes and asked of my mother to take hold of her child, declaring that I was very strong in the Force. You see, Koth was a strong non believer in age. When he was four, the Jedi said that he was already too old to begin his training. Though, as you well know, he grew up to be a very prominent figure of the Jedi order here on Coruscant."
"Yes...yes, he is."
Jethro waited patiently as he combed back his white hear, twitching his nose ever so slightly.
"What I don?t understand though--well of course I understand that he is a Jedi Master, besides being a Zabrak which has the ability of thought control--yet what I do not fathom is the conception that he needs to see me. I do not even know why I am here. Why is this so?"
"He will tell you when he sees you," remarked the Ugnaught. "Follow me."
I followed Jethro Telaparci through another set of hallways. We went inside different Lift Tubes that traversed through separate corridors. We also crossed a balcony that presented such a majestic panorama of the entire city of Coruscant. Finally, we came across a blast door which led to a small room. Inside the room I saw a individual chamber filled with unique creations of pieces from the planet of Nar Shaddaa, the smuggler?s moon of the Hutts, as well as the planet Nal Hutta, which meant "glorious jewel" in the Huttese language.
At the far end of the room was a chair, matching the chairs which resided in the Jedi Chambers. I then realized that this was Eeth Koth?s personal meeting lyceum.
"Wait in there," the Ugnaught vocalized. Obediently, I sauntered in, standing in the center of the room. Suddenly the blast door closed tight, and I never saw Jethro again that following day.
I stood there, viewing some of the rarest plants and flowers native on Nar Shaddaa, which at one time were very abundant among the planet?s mountainous rain forests.
I wondered what it was like to live in a society of Hutts. They were probably like Gomen--a prideful clan that were very self-centered, depriving other species of their merit.
Yeah, Gomen. I wish it didn?t have to be that way, yet it had. It certainly had...