March 24, 2004, 8:39 pm
Ok... my team was down 9-2 on ctf_viet and some guy (who will remain unnamed) had the audacity to say that I sucked (even though I had more points than him at the time ;) Well he said it didn't matter how many points I had because my team was getting spanked. Despite being outnumbered at least 6-5 the whole game, I decided to prove him wrong...
I'm sure the guy was kidding when he was talking smack, but this sure was fun!
March 24, 2004, 9:18 pm
um... my point is that this is "Soldat Moments" where we "talk about [our] amazing Soldat battles and interesting fights." This is one of mine. Oh yeah... also that I rock. What's your point? [;)]
March 24, 2004, 9:38 pm
well, happened a bit different to me yesterday. was playing on a server, and the guy said that i'm a noob and blah, the whole time. so to prove i'm not i wanted to play a duel against him. when the duel was over I wan 20:3. I'm a bit sad he could even make those 3 kills, but well..
out there are so many kiddy posers who think they are good if they kill someone, but everytime shut up if they get killed..if they don't say the one who killed them cheated. so you should just ignore or bash 'em ;)
March 28, 2004, 8:09 pm
i like to kill guys with big mouth[:D]
April 7, 2004, 1:38 am
kevith dont u run the i kick barret assaulters server?
April 7, 2004, 1:57 am
yepo... I've been really busy lately though so I haven't been home to really run it at all. Hopefully things will settle down soon with the end of the semester and all...
April 7, 2004, 3:34 am
I was expecting this topic to have something to do with an IP tracker, a .45, and a shovel. lol
that fuking sniper
April 7, 2004, 11:59 am
Man this is CTF, it makes no difference to me how many caps have you got. Its how many enemies you can kill that make me think better or worse about a you. Anyone can grab a flag and walk with it back to the base. But whose good enough to defend his team's carrier and see to his safety as he caps? Or watch over his own ass as he caps?
April 7, 2004, 12:09 pm
ctf dosn't required much skill more teamwork and to be sneaky
April 7, 2004, 12:57 pm
quote:Originally posted by that fuking sniper
Man this is CTF, it makes no difference to me how many caps have you got. Its how many enemies you can kill that make me think better or worse about a you. Anyone can grab a flag and walk with it back to the base. But whose good enough to defend his team's carrier and see to his safety as he caps? Or watch over his own ass as he caps?
Man this is CTF, definitely it MAKES DIFFERENCE to me how many caps have you got. No matter how many kills have you got, if your team doesn't cap, you lose. Everything needs skill to win, that's why some guys suck at CTF and some other not. And the teamwork is important of course, it's the part of CTF.
that fuking sniper
April 7, 2004, 1:16 pm
Yes, this is CTF, and yes, you have to cap to win. But this isnt a talk about winning. The tittle means a challenge or a threat out right that should have a reason backing up why shouldnt I make him angry :P
He did cap, but if he wants to brag about it, at least have a decent number of kills to go with it, or else...*gasp* I'll make him angry!
Bottom line, chill, I do acknowlege that you always need dedicated cappers on a CTF team in order to win the match. But its not sufficient reason to brag.
April 7, 2004, 1:25 pm
Usually flag carriers have less kills... they shouldn't go to the enemy base to get some more kills... or should they?
April 7, 2004, 4:27 pm
lol this topic is so funny now. First of all, I guess I'll put one issue to rest by saying that the title referred to the fact that since he made me angry by saying "it doesn't matter how many points you have because your team is losing" I basically decided to slaughter his score and get my team the win. On a related note, I'm sick of all the whining about how it takes no skill to cap. True you can just be "lucky" and cap once or twice, but to take over the round and cap 5 or 6 or more times? There's more than luck involved there. Besides, there is no way for a person to know how many caps or kills I actually had until they are put in separate columns.
April 8, 2004, 9:06 pm
Without players who just kill, you can't cap. Without players who just cap, you can't win. You need a lil of everything. I don't particularly think one takes more skill than the other, either.
April 24, 2004, 1:17 pm
i think soldat should separate the amount of kills and the amount of caps on the scoring list so tat we could c who is actualy good at wat cuz sometimes if some1 is really good, they get more than 25 kills when both teams only has 1 cap, then every1 would think tat he caped
April 29, 2004, 1:59 pm
whats the point? soldat isnt fun.
April 29, 2004, 3:43 pm
Ajajajajajajajajajajaj.... That's happened to me many times before.. Never as extreme though. You know hwo there are some prats who leave right towards the end of the game? Cos they're embarassed about their performance or whatnot.
Well I made it a point never to do that, and to just get back next round or something..
April 29, 2004, 4:18 pm
it happens most of the time..
May 9, 2004, 4:41 pm
u kinda ........ do suck.......
LoL my score is normal if i have 160 - 7 or wut ever man
in ctf ;)
and in death match its normal for me to stand 40 - 8 or better
so go play with a donkeys testicles and dont bother meh ! >: (
May 9, 2004, 7:49 pm
Congratulations. Why don't you go create your own thread explaining how great you are instead of spamming up all of these other old threads.