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Mapmaker program doesn't WORK!!! ME MAD
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - Mapping Help / Resources
December 14, 2002, 3:58 am
Hello, everyone[8D] I am new to the forums, you might have played online with me before (my name is Ninjafish), if you ever see one of my games named [ninjafish] and it's password protected. I'll give you all the password right here (lol[:D]), it is Comdisk. Anyway, to my main point, me and neither of my friends could initialize some kind of 3D software to run the game[:-weepn], so I was wondering if the game programmer[s] could maybe try to fix this bug or whatever it is so that it works on my XP. Maybe it just doesn't work on XP, or maybe this has already been talked about. Please inform me on this subject. Thanx a bunch[;)]

December 14, 2002, 4:25 am
got the latest directx and the latest drivers for your graphics card??