Right, I got a response from Michal with my IP post so now there's no shuting me up [:D]
Anywhos, fairly simple and rational idea whihc will make remote in-game admin alot easier. But let's put this into perspective first.
Not all nations use the same keyboards. I happen to use a keyboard wich requires alot of Alt+numbers to generate symbols. I'm pretty sure most european (continental europe, Iceland is still in europe!) keyboards look like that too but I wasn't really studying keyboards while I lived there. Anyways, this causes in game kicking to be rather buggy as whenever I try to include a [, ], {, } or \ in my kick it suddenly becomes a macroed taunt. This forced me to learn the ASCII code for those signs. No probs.. 91, 93, 123 and 125. This is not really my reason for implementing this.. but it sure would make my life easier.
Another problem I face is writing names which are in languages I have no control over takes me about 3 tries. Especially since I can't differentiate well between caps and non-caps except iN naMeS whICh aRe WrittEn lIke ThiS.
And lastly the console displays a bunch of old messages which mix in with my Rooster panel so I cant read it at all.
All this takes time and frustrates me a bit(I realise this is mainly due to bad vision but alot of people suffer from that). So I suggest that the rooster also includes the player number.. if only for admin. Just so I can type /kick 2 and know who I'm actualy kicking rather than having to think "Wait.. he just entered after a old player left, hence his player slot was open.. what was his number again.. I'll try 3" and then I piss someone off(which isnt really a problem).
This would also make it easier for me to force team switches in those stupid situations where noone wants to leave the team with 4 in them and go to the 2 member team because they lose their score (which shouldnt really happen).
I just hate having to whatch someone zoom past me, kill me, take the flag, piss on my corpse and kill me again because I'm in the enduring process of kicking someone whos got the name of I|l<BO0]{o}[O0B>l|I. Its a worst case scenatio but to ensure that Im right Im changing my name as of now [:o)]
Anywhos, fairly simple and rational idea whihc will make remote in-game admin alot easier. But let's put this into perspective first.
Not all nations use the same keyboards. I happen to use a keyboard wich requires alot of Alt+numbers to generate symbols. I'm pretty sure most european (continental europe, Iceland is still in europe!) keyboards look like that too but I wasn't really studying keyboards while I lived there. Anyways, this causes in game kicking to be rather buggy as whenever I try to include a [, ], {, } or \ in my kick it suddenly becomes a macroed taunt. This forced me to learn the ASCII code for those signs. No probs.. 91, 93, 123 and 125. This is not really my reason for implementing this.. but it sure would make my life easier.
Another problem I face is writing names which are in languages I have no control over takes me about 3 tries. Especially since I can't differentiate well between caps and non-caps except iN naMeS whICh aRe WrittEn lIke ThiS.
And lastly the console displays a bunch of old messages which mix in with my Rooster panel so I cant read it at all.
All this takes time and frustrates me a bit(I realise this is mainly due to bad vision but alot of people suffer from that). So I suggest that the rooster also includes the player number.. if only for admin. Just so I can type /kick 2 and know who I'm actualy kicking rather than having to think "Wait.. he just entered after a old player left, hence his player slot was open.. what was his number again.. I'll try 3" and then I piss someone off(which isnt really a problem).
This would also make it easier for me to force team switches in those stupid situations where noone wants to leave the team with 4 in them and go to the 2 member team because they lose their score (which shouldnt really happen).
I just hate having to whatch someone zoom past me, kill me, take the flag, piss on my corpse and kill me again because I'm in the enduring process of kicking someone whos got the name of I|l<BO0]{o}[O0B>l|I. Its a worst case scenatio but to ensure that Im right Im changing my name as of now [:o)]