May 2, 2004, 1:05 pm
first of all iv seen some post concerning this but i couldnt find them anymore..
im just makeing my first mod and i came along this..
when im setting up the mod and then doing a test on soldat the the health icon goes down..[xx(] just at bottum of screen.. now i wonder what can i do bout it to make it bit more of the bottum..?
May 2, 2004, 10:16 pm
im not sure what ur trying to say but if ur trying to move something couldnt you just add some more green area (Transparent) to the bottom of ur Bmp so it would be transparent but it would push it farther away
May 3, 2004, 1:51 am
I don't think it works that way, from my experience soldat uses the top left as the reference point. So all you would be doing is adding some transparent stuff off the bottom of the screen :/
May 3, 2004, 8:34 am
well iv seen these kinda posts posted before concerning this but i really never have seen a solution..
let my try to make it clear..:P
i am making a mod..
i changed the big red PLUS.. [also known as Health Icon..:P]
i put it a bit from ground sumthing like the default but then a bit higher..
i go and test it.. and its at the ground.. the health bar is where it is sopoosed to be but the health icon is to low..
BTW:.. i didnt do anything but it looks as if it is solved..[B)]