May 28, 2004, 5:45 am
The Ultimate 13 group of servers has recently started an IRC server:
ultimate13.dynu.com port 6667 default channel #Ultimate13
User it for anything you want, just logon and....do whatever.
questions or comments? AIM: Flieslikeabrick or other contact info on the U13 site.
I had to take the server down because of hacker implications with one of the regulars. Come visit us on quakenet, itll still have the same bot functions and everything too :D
Channel name #u13
irc server: Quakenet
Website: http://ultimate13.dynu.com:6080 http://u13.sytes.net
Channel Ultimate 13 Soldat
This channel is for the general discussions among the ultimate 13 soldat regulars and non-regulars alike.
Please stop by!
May 28, 2004, 11:53 am
why didnt you just make channel to quakenet?
May 28, 2004, 7:09 pm
oh yeah, i forgot to mention:
in certain channels, there are bots that allow for you to see the server status (the same information as is available on my site when the server is up: # of players, who is playing, team scores, player scores, maxplayers, server password) and there will also soon be a bot to allow you to look up player's stats through the bot. It is easier for me to set these up (working with SkeptiK) on my server, and these bots work about 4-5 times faster when they run on the same comp as the IRC server, so that is why i am running a server rather than just having a channel.
May 29, 2004, 2:15 am
uber leet it is... :)
[URL] <<--is the current info of the server if its up :)
^^ thats the quick way of joining it.. there is also a link in teh site :)
May 29, 2004, 11:40 am
the problem is that its such complicated to come to other network so there wont be such many ppl as would be in quakenet
May 29, 2004, 5:30 pm
>>the problem is that its such complicated to come to other network
yea very, 5 s. of work...
May 30, 2004, 1:19 am
it is complicated, especially on xchat..
May 30, 2004, 3:23 am
...n00b just stop using xChat it blows..so stop using it
and how difficult can it be.. even i can do it :)
May 30, 2004, 9:01 am
quote:Originally posted by FliesLikeABrick
these bots work about 4-5 times faster when they run on the same comp as the IRC server, so that is why i am running a server rather than just having a channel.
I fail to see why :|
May 30, 2004, 10:02 am
quote:Originally posted by ThaD
>>the problem is that its such complicated to come to other network
yea very, 5 s. of work...
Its not that complicated, i just dont want more lag on my soldat.
I wont perform another server because of 1 channel and i guess quite many wont aswell
May 30, 2004, 5:35 pm
quote:Originally posted by coolsi
quote:Originally posted by FliesLikeABrick
these bots work about 4-5 times faster when they run on the same comp as the IRC server, so that is why i am running a server rather than just having a channel.
I fail to see why :|
The bot runs on the same computer as the website and the IRC server, and the bot works with my U13 site to get server information. So when someone makes a request to the bot, the bot contacts the website, gets the information, parses it, and echoes it back to the server and user. When the bot runs on the same comp as the IRC server, that eliminates the need for 2 extra packets to be sent over long distances, and when it runs on the same comp as the IRC server and website, then it will overall run about 4-5 times faster, because everything is processed locally.
May 30, 2004, 11:39 pm
But if it's on the same box but connecting to another network (say, QuakeNet) it'll still be processing locally...if it takes 4-5 times longer to send just 2 packets to an IRC server then I'd doubt the usefulness of running an ircd...
You make it sound like long distances are bad...most large networks will have several servers in the US, so I don't really see how this is a problem.
June 1, 2004, 3:59 am
my last post cleared it up pretty well i thought. It saves 2 trips, and having everything on the same box saves 4-5. I know we are just talking about no more than half a second, but it matters somewhat so that once the bots are publicly accesible, people dont get impatient and hammer the bots. Besides, IRC does make a good addition to the Ultimate 13 server group, be it necessary or not.
June 1, 2004, 11:04 am
well, unfortunately, right now i have to take the IRC server down because someone on there got another person quite pissed off, so then they begun a DDoS attack on my connection. Maybe itll be back if/when this blows over, maybe it won't
June 1, 2004, 2:02 pm
i still recommend you to change to Quakenet
June 1, 2004, 3:11 pm
quote:Originally posted by FliesLikeABrick
well, unfortunately, right now i have to take the IRC server down because someone on there got another person quite pissed off, so then they begun a DDoS attack on my connection.
Do you know what the police is for? Report them, and your server gets some peace... :D
June 1, 2004, 10:42 pm
yeah, i plan on contacting his ISP tonight, i just have to find his IP again.
June 2, 2004, 9:17 pm
Ok, the IRC is back online. All problems have been resolved.