May 30, 2004, 6:52 pm
I posted this in another thread but I just read over it again and realised how horribly out of topic it was. So I just want to see people reaction to it.
The problems, as I see them, with FF are the following:
1) People join without knowing it's FF and then start bitching about changing it to non-FF or start saying how FF sucks. It's a general nuisance. No one likes whiners.
Solution: Seeing as some n00bs (and non-n00bs ??) do not realise what FF actualy stands for, do not bother to read the name of the server, nor the welcome message, I think it would make life easier if some warning message would be displayed after you join the game. Red letters over the center of the screen stating "Friendly Fire is On!" just so people don't have to answer the same question over and over again and you don't have to tolerate being TK'ed because the person "was checking if it was FF or not".
2) Teamkillers... they're a problem on any FF servers. Those little cretins who switch teams just to spawnkill their teammates seem to lurk everywhere. Why can't the remote admin tool have a kill console?
Solution: Give the remote admin the kill console information. This will make sure we aren't kicking people who others decided to lie about being TKers. This also makes sure that we know when people are TKing. Also.. why don't you get penalised in some way for killing teammates? -1 point or something?
May 30, 2004, 7:43 pm
I support #1..
"Friendly Fire is on.
Do not shoot your team!"
how about replacing #2 (or adding it) with this:
Every time you're team-killed you can file a complaint and as soon as certain amount of complaints is reached the guy will automatically get banned for ~15 minutes. When someone you "trust" or simply know that it was an accident, press No, otherwise Yes.
This shouldn't be a pop-up like the weapon menu, just a line in the console saying "File complaint against for teamkilling? F1: Yes F2: No"
I remember this from RTCW and it worked fine.
May 30, 2004, 7:50 pm
why not just go back to basics with no.2 ...if you kill a fellow team member say, 10 times in the space of 3 minutes, you get banned.
Otherwise, [:-censored]ing lovely idea, 'cos I adore FF games. Really adds a whole new dimension to the game.
May 30, 2004, 8:33 pm
The way I see it it removes the dimension of "Spray bullets and nades on everything that moves" but thank you both and I like both your ideas. I'd still like to see the death console though. The remote admin logs it anyway, why can't I see it?
Fangus Deef
May 30, 2004, 9:20 pm
or maybe when you first shoot a teammie, you get a warning like the kill messages, saying "Don't shoot your teammates!" and if you start killing, you get a meter in corner, and with a certain amount in a certain time, you get kicked.
May 30, 2004, 9:27 pm
But that meter could be abused.. just wait a few secs and get at it again while keeping an eye on the meter, no?
Deleted User
May 30, 2004, 10:17 pm
I prefer Chakras idea. A server setting - you enter a number and if someone teamkills that many times in 5 minutes, they get kicked 'for teamkilling'.
May 30, 2004, 10:19 pm
Just as long as some measures against TKing are made I'm happy, but I still say that the admin should see the kill console and I will continue saying that untill... hell freezes over I guess.
May 30, 2004, 11:13 pm
I replied to Askur's suggestions in the other topic, but I'll rephrase a little bit here.
1) Great idea. I always put FF somewher in the server name and then also in the server message. Does it help? Well, let's just say apparently a lot of illiterates play Soldat.
2) I can't count the number of times I have wished for something like this while running an FF server. Also, if I'm playing in the same server I wish I could see TKs on the death console w/in the game. When you kill the other team it's green, when you suicide it's yellow, why can't TK's be a completely different color? That way you could easily tell at a glance who is TKing and needs to be kicked.
May 31, 2004, 2:20 am
i get confused some times on FF servers cuz people always go FFS when i ask if ff is on...b000
Tha Doggfather
May 31, 2004, 9:12 am
quote:Originally posted by b00stA
how about replacing #2 (or adding it) with this:
Every time you're team-killed you can file a complaint and as soon as certain amount of complaints is reached the guy will automatically get banned for ~15 minutes. When someone you "trust" or simply know that it was an accident, press No, otherwise Yes.
This shouldn't be a pop-up like the weapon menu, just a line in the console saying "File complaint against for teamkilling? F1: Yes F2: No"
I remember this from RTCW and it worked fine.
i played Day of Defeat, and it had this feature too.
i think this would help soldat too.
May 31, 2004, 12:31 pm
some what of a good idea, but what happens if its an "accident"?
May 31, 2004, 1:08 pm
It's pretty obvious when it's an accident and when not. If youĂ°ve been playing with the soldier for 15 minutes and then he shoots you and says "sry" you can be pretty sure hes sorry. However if he just joined and shots you where you spawn or shots you a couple of times with you saying "FF is on [:-censored]head!" both times and he saying nothing then you vote "report team killing". Then ofcourse there are the grey areas made by n00bs who don't understand the term FF. But they usualy say they're sorry. Atleast b00sta's idea is democratic. Democracy isn't infallible but it's still the best things we've got.
May 31, 2004, 3:47 pm
Ya, but there's been a problem: the other day i noticed somethin fakin odd: a chick (!) joined in, started advertising their clanpage (Teamkillerz :P) and started teamkilling.That's right:
Its a team of chicks who will continue their war in teamkilling until Soldat is completely gone.
Soon we banned her..
...she came back.
They use dial up connection.Each day, there is more and more of them: we need a solution, very fast!
May 31, 2004, 8:29 pm
And her name was [$$/M]Vanessa, right?
She does the same thing to my server. That's why I suggested that you could ban network IP's rather than just class C IP's. Michal said he'd look into it. Solutoin there. Ofcourse it's too bad for the people who also use her network but lifes tough.
May 31, 2004, 10:06 pm
She changed her tag. I saw her in CracK's server today. Even though FF wasn't on, she would still do the best she could to stop us from capping. <_< So annoying. But anyway, about the idea. I think it's a great idea, and I also really like Boosta's addition to it. More people would probably get into FF servers this way, knowing that the chances of teamkilling are lower.
June 1, 2004, 11:16 am
I met her a while ago, she sux. I agree that there should be something that can limit teamkilling.
June 1, 2004, 2:10 pm
Oh yes.Vanessa, and her team of anti-soldateers.This would be a nice soultion, but when FF isn't on, she technically doesn't TK.She just blast u to the ground, causing u 2 die, like u were suicideing.If she keeps that up, a TK limit wont stop her in her doing.
June 1, 2004, 7:42 pm
We could just recover her adress and go to her house and break off a couple of fingers? I'm sure that at that point we would also stop refering to her as a her because it's probably some fat kid. Girls tend to take revenge (dunno what else to call it) in an intelligent manner.
We could also just notify her ISP. Log down her IP and what time she had said IP. Send her ISP a mail complaining about abusive behavior by their clients and if we are lucky they'll do something. Happened to me when I was a stupid kid. Ofcourse I don't know what ISP she has and the best way I have to figure it out is through her IP.. which might take me forever.
Isn't there a theoratical way to overclock someones computer through illegaly accessing it. If it is I urge someone of that calibre to melt her CPU.
June 2, 2004, 1:15 am
join their clan and ask her or such ... well, I saw her in our server too, ff off, but she tried to nade eversybody away.. I put FF on for a couple of secs, killed her, and put it off, followed by a ban.. she didn't came back :P
June 2, 2004, 1:27 am
use the same system as CS, when you tk some one in CS you die your self and die the next round to. This would have to modified for soldat for course but I guess you could extent the respawn time to like a minute, or even better the peorson who TK'ed could set the time.
June 2, 2004, 1:11 pm
how about put an extra 1 sec in the respawn time for every person on your team that you kill. This wouldnt effect the person who shoots you in the back by accident to much, but after waiting for 1 min to respawn after team killing i recon it would turn people off it.
June 2, 2004, 2:04 pm
That's a nice addition Tyrs Hand.
But wont anybody root for remote admin getting to see the kill console. That way active admins could just permanently ban the TKer and problem solved (expecially if ban network IPs bcomes available).
June 2, 2004, 4:54 pm
Nice idea.It will solve our regular TK problems.
Still remains the problem of the renegades.The hitu2theground tactic is not uffected by this brilliant idea, so that's the systems weakspot.Ive thought of trojaning that bitch myself, but I realized she was a dialup, which makes trojaning a very difficult task...(P.S.:She's definetly a chick.Mutafukin childish dudes use a very nice lookin babes pic when posing 2 be one.Vanessa is damn ugly.)
June 25, 2004, 1:50 pm
I accidentally killed a load of team mates a couple of days ago as I didn't realise FF was on. I was new (still am hehe) to the game so didn't know about the team you're on having the same coloured (blue) top. The enemy team doesn't have matching coloured tops???
I have a few suggestions that might help.
1) When you kill a teammate, instead of the message "you killed <name>" appearing on your screen, have "you killed a teammate" instead. That way it's right in your face what you did.
2) Display a message above the soldier's head like when he chats, something like "I killed a friendly :(", this text should stay in place for about 15 seconds so other people can see it.
3) How about each team wearing their team colours top and bottom so there are no "accidents". There can be an option (ticky box) to do this if people are happy the way it is.
4) When you move your aim cursor over a soldier, it turns green when over a enemy and red when over a friendly.
5) When you shoot a teammate an automatic message appears over their head, "I'm on your side!", or "Team killer!".
The obvious...
6) Kill a certain amount of teammates (another option for the admin) and get kicked from the server, or maybe have their gun jam for 5 seconds?
I'm guessing a lot of code has been written to stop cheaters, some more should be written to stop team killers as they are just as bad as cheaters.
June 25, 2004, 9:19 pm
banning is pretty much useless since most people have dynamic IPs; but i agree that some kind of deterrent would be great, since FF just adds a new dimension to the game.
how about: TKing doubles/triples your respawn time next time you die, and/or causes you to die.