June 13, 2004, 11:10 pm
Couple of things that I thought about whilst playing soldat.
Your crosshair should be orange or something whilst you are reloading (and back to white when you are ready to fire)
If you were to double tap the jet feet thing right from the ground (IE not in the air) you should do like a "super jump" from which you can either just land higher up or whatever (maybe even through in a cool spin at the top of the jump) or continue to jet pack up, for that added burst of speed/height at the sacrifice of a fair bit of Jetpack fuel.
Predator mode should it exist in realistic mode, should give you the heat vision of the predator in the film, and allow you to see enemies regardless of their location in relevence to you, in a "heat vision" way.
(A lot of people won't agree with this) But the barret (sniper rifle yes?) should be accurate properly to it's maximum aim, after all that's the point in a sniper rifle, it should not dip before it's longest crosshair range. (though sometimes that doesn't seem to happen anyway, and othertimes it does)
Erh... I had some more but they have slipped my mind, so if you want to post your ideas, that's cool :D
June 13, 2004, 11:16 pm
First of all, you posted in the wrong section.
Second of all, this is not some mario game, no super jump or double jump crap.
Third of all, if you can see the predator in realistic mode, what's the point of the bonus? so you can't let me poeple see you and not be invisible?
Forth of all, the barret thing, you are going to get murder
And lastly, I love your first suggestions, sounds really cool. But it will look funny when you use a spas, cause you reload like (almost) every shots, so the crosshair will keep switching from orange to white and white to orange. It will look kinda funky.
June 14, 2004, 3:41 am
i dun like none of them. you think those are worthy of a new version number if implemented? not even close. sorry...
June 14, 2004, 4:24 am
The crosshair idea is kind of interesting.
The super-jump idea is superfluous and unnecessary.
What in the world does "in a 'heat vision' way" mean?
Barret does not need any more help.
June 14, 2004, 4:44 am
i like the cross hair idea.. cuz its a neat gaget. but unneeded
uhh super jump.. if yo uweren't n00b there already is a "super" jump
kevith heatvision is suppose to be infared...
barret should be improved but with a counteracting part too
Blue Devil
June 14, 2004, 7:33 am
dunt no.. we dont need this in soldat....
June 14, 2004, 7:40 am
quote:Originally posted by Dathker
kevith heatvision is suppose to be infared...
OK, but I guess the part I really don't understand is the "allow you to see enemies regardless of their location in relevence to you...." I don't understand what that could possibly be in our 2D Soldat world.
June 14, 2004, 11:25 am
I like the first one.. even if it could get kinda annoying, there's still the possibility to make it an option.
June 14, 2004, 11:35 am
Well, nice to see that people are nice in this forum.
Sorry about posting in the wrong forum.
The point in the "reloading status" applied to the crosshair would I guess be more helpfull to people like me, who are still geting used to the reload times. I mean with the spas i know when i can next fire now, so i'd be able to ignore it. Besides, there could be an option to turn it on and off as well. It'd be better than the bottom reload HUD if using a slower weapon because it means you can watch your game screen incase some one turns up while you are reloading.
EDIT: Most games ARE super mario games. Don't take that the wrong way, but there's no such thing as a new idea anymore. it's all old idea's reworked. BESIDES THAT... you can [:-censored]ing fly... hello?
Anyway, yeah the heat vission thing was not to make YOU visable, but to make ALL enemies visible. geddit?
I think you are taking the double jump wrongly so (does mario even HAVE a double jump?) Anyway, the point would be that it'd use like half your fuel in one go, (so you couldn't fly that much higher) and it'd get you "up and off to one side" FASTER than the normal jump. (because you can Jump up high, but to the side is more of a low leap)
For instance little soldat to the left, and another to the right. A ledge above you, you are reloading... Flying would be to slow, a normal jump won't reach that ledge... *balls i'm screwed* AHA! My superjump *double taps* FREE! Get it now? (Maybe it could also have an on off option, AND require that you be at Full fuel)
On the Barret, I've played some maps (last night) and it seemed not to dip at all before the croshair anyway... I guess maybe it only happens on ones with wether effects? (dunno)
Kevith, you ever seen predator? or played splinter cell? or just any other movie or something with heat vission? It's a display that is based on the heat of what you see, so for instance a thin wall is colder than a man, so the man will be visible through the wall. In Realistic mode, you can't see the enemies behind you, or to far away.
IF predator mode was availible in realistic mode, that would be cool. Or maybe like a new kind of rambomatch? in wich on is the predator, the others must hunt him down and take his powers? just for some variation.
June 14, 2004, 12:57 pm
Double jump, in this form, is completely wrong, cause:
-when I fly, i tap the fly button, so i use less fuel.This would make me fall down, cause my fuel would be drained fast.
-U can do this more easily: jump up, press prone, n press the fly button.Check it out.
June 14, 2004, 1:00 pm
Will do.
But still, the main idea behind my double jump is not for flying, it is for a quick exit with a higher jump at a variable angle than just pressing the W button.
edit: All i can get that do, is jump me up to regular height, and then send me of to the side? (is that the desired effect or am i timing it wrong?) Surely double right clicking to get a better, higher and more fexible jump, is easier? For if you are prone mid air, you are (most likely) going to be just that when you hit the ground, prone, and so defeating the object of a quick get away?
In all honesty, I really can't see why you are opposed to it. There's no reason for it not to be there.
June 14, 2004, 1:07 pm
I say, if the jump up n jet would have a faster n higher effect, than it would be better.Sortofa "blast off".Whadya sy 2 that?
June 14, 2004, 1:14 pm
If I read you right (which I'm not sure that I am) you are saying that jumping then jetting would be faster and higher yes?
What I'm trying to say is that the double jump (for lack of better wording) would be programed to be faster and higher, there wouldn't be that split second between the jump squat and the jump take off, you'd also be well off to any side better than flying, and so more mobile, and so dodging more bullets (or equally doing it at the wrong time and getting shot by a spas, lol)
Also, if a grenade were to roll it's way towards you, again a much more efficient "emergancy exit".
Maybe imagining the animation would help, just imagine a sudden blast of jetpack fire bursting from your shoes, and you just kinda get catapulted up. The remaining pack fuel should be to soften the blow.
Maybe it could also be used as an emergency "stop" against the wall, e.g. You get hit by grenade, and live, but are flying towards a wall at high velocity, in that split second, just jetting the other way wouldn't save you, but a powered up burst from you're jet would opose a strong enough opposite force to stop you slaming in to that wall, you might yet live. I realise this is contradicting my earlier statement of "so long as you are on the floor" *ponders*
One day I'll spell vision right. Speaking of spelling, you've got "amunt" in your signature dude.
June 14, 2004, 1:28 pm
Yes, I wanted 2 correct it but I always forget :D
Now I understand what ure talkin about.(sorry, it's been a looooong weekend) That would be kinda usefull.
June 14, 2004, 1:34 pm
Glad that you understand now, I figure that most people were taking it the wrong way. Reason I came up with it is that the amount of times I've been trapped by three plus bots, even if you take out 2 you've usually got no health left and the third one gets you. (Noramly John or Billy... damn them)
Be so nice to have an escape route. Maybe even drop a grenade or 20 on the way up. *wink*
June 14, 2004, 1:39 pm
K, I believe u were mocked cause of the "double jump" name.
Try n play against players, this would be a good addition in some places.
June 14, 2004, 2:22 pm
I play over a lan with My GF, we decided that we want to be able to work well as a team and get to know all the maps etc first, before going onine properly. But not to worry, I'll be battling it out against and with you sometime soon I dare say.
June 14, 2004, 9:31 pm
quote:Originally posted by JV
real mode, kev*quote:Originally posted by Smeep
Kevith, you ever seen predator? or played splinter cell? or just any other movie or something with heat vission? It's a display that is based on the heat of what you see, so for instance a thin wall is colder than a man, so the man will be visible through the wall. In Realistic mode, you can't see the enemies behind you, or to far away.
Ok, ok I got it. I was getting confused by the real mode line of sight thing. Would be cool.
quote:Also posted by Smeep
I play over a lan with My GFYou lucky bast...
June 14, 2004, 9:43 pm
quote:Originally posted by b00stA
I like the first one.. even if it could get kinda annoying, there's still the possibility to make it an option.
the thing is that lots of the suggestions that were posted here are going to the "Option" section, it is going to be pretty jam unless we put this options in the soldat.ini
June 14, 2004, 9:51 pm
Yep, first 1 as an option, that's what I say.. Finally, an original sort of idea.. even if the other one's were crap, at least 1 relatively good idea was brought out of this.
June 14, 2004, 11:37 pm
Well... thanks for the half... compliment... if that makes sense.
Yeah ninj@ you're right, it will get jampacked.
Maybe multiple option pages? or quake style, you know with like "movement" "weapons" "misc" or something... ? dunno.
I was looking through the different skins today (I got my reg code) and the predator skin has the three red dots? yeah? so you can't change the colour, but maybe as you shoot, the dots could submerge in to one dot, and then expand back out when ready to fire?
June 15, 2004, 12:15 am
There are lots of pages in Soldat right now, adding more will just decrease its user-friendly usage panel. Unless Michal change the resolution, which I strongly support.
June 15, 2004, 2:29 am
Resolution options would be cool... And you use "user friendly" like it is user friendly... the only user friendly part is in game...
EDIT: New idea, prolly be suggested before but hey. When the game starts up instead of it being *bam you are in the game now quick pick a weapon or be killed* It should give 5 seconds spawn for every charachter. You use that 5 seconds to pick your weapon, then you spawn and let the game begin. Kinda like the "game starting in ..." timers you get on most online games.
June 15, 2004, 3:14 am
This is a excelent idea! I cant even remember the number of times I go to join game and bang im dead before I even get my gun
June 15, 2004, 3:32 am
possible problem: if you change the res wouldnt people have a longer range of sight on higher res's?
June 15, 2004, 5:30 am
quote:Originally posted by sanity
possible problem: if you change the res wouldnt people have a longer range of sight on higher res's?
That's probably one of the main reasons why Michal has never changed the resolution. It would be really nice on my widescreen monitor though... I'd be almost tempted to camp with somebody's barret then. [;)]
June 15, 2004, 10:07 am
But seriously, "game starts in..." is a good idea.
June 15, 2004, 11:02 am
Why has this not been implmented or at least thought of yet, it seems like common sence to have it...
June 15, 2004, 1:09 pm
I thought it a soon as I first played. Because All the computer bots, or fast people, just get there weapon while i'm still looking at what map it is and what gun serve's me best. Before I know it I'm dead. 5 seconds is all you need, just before you spawn.
Yeah resolution would cause that problem unless he re-worked the graphics to be more detailed, which will cause the following:
Lag on servers due to more detailed graphics
Long wait for next patch/game
Pointlessness of larger resolution, due to no benefit but that of a pretty picture.
June 16, 2004, 2:39 am
Agreed, the "Game starts in..." idea is indeed a nice one. One of those little details that really make the game. =D
June 16, 2004, 4:03 pm
Wahey. Now to come up with some more awesome Ideas :D
June 16, 2004, 5:34 pm
I've rethought ure blast off idea..
How bout a blasting dodge, that is done via double tapping?It eats a bit of fuel, u can only do it on ground, but it would definetly get u out of tight spots... howa bout it?
June 16, 2004, 7:32 pm
Demonic, that's called a M79 jump.
June 16, 2004, 7:41 pm
what if you dont have a m79?
June 16, 2004, 7:47 pm
Then you master the art of "grenade jumping" or move like everyone else.
June 16, 2004, 8:00 pm
Hmm well, you can only grenade jump if there is an obstacle.
and normal moving isnt good for evading =o
June 16, 2004, 8:12 pm
b00sta, don't u feel anoyed when u know u could beat the enemy, u only need to reload, n survive his rain of nades?U can't move away THAT fast.
June 16, 2004, 9:00 pm
How do you mean dodge... like left and right?
June 16, 2004, 9:09 pm
quote:Originally posted by DeMonIc
b00sta, don't u feel anoyed when u know u could beat the enemy, u only need to reload, n survive his rain of nades?U can't move away THAT fast.
Don't you feel annoyed when you get spawnkilled?
Don't you feel annoyed when your head warps through the map because someone shot you with a barret 3 pixels in front of you?
Don't you feel annoyed by whiners?
Don't you feel annoyed when you have only 1% health and die because someone 2 screens away sprays with his automatic and one of the bullets hits you?
There's a lot of annoying stuff in Soldat.
What does your question mean anyway? I waste my clip and the enemy doesn't die. Ok, I missed (or lag). I die. My fault.
June 16, 2004, 9:19 pm
Argh.. i'm tired, srry my question was kinda lame.
So yes, dodge left n right.. like ure highjump, only in sideways.This could get u out of tough situations, u could dodge out of a spawn place 2 avoid spawnkilling, evade a barreteer's line of sight, n could dodge the bullets that are randomly raining down, n therefore a bit slower.
So there.
June 17, 2004, 5:04 am
much like all suggestions i detect some other games
June 17, 2004, 11:30 am
*never played unreal so wouldn't know*
Anyway, maybe you could just hold in which direction you want to "blast" in? If you want to go up, then press nothing, left and right, hold in left and right respectively.
June 17, 2004, 12:01 pm
Hmm.. but that would need a blast button no?N u already have enough buttons, so that's why I insist tapping.
I've played the newere UT-s there u can dodge, but in soldat it would make a much bigger difference, mainly cause in ut there were BIGGER weapons, that were hard 2 dodge this way, but in soldat it would make a difference.
June 17, 2004, 10:05 pm
Ooh, you mean double tapping the direction keys? Yeah that works. Could also work for double tapping up. But the "blast button" would be double right click.
June 17, 2004, 11:21 pm
quote:Originally posted by DeMonIc
b00sta, don't u feel anoyed when u know u could beat the enemy, u only need to reload, n survive his rain of nades?U can't move away THAT fast.
Future question, once this has been implemented:
Don't you feel annoyed when you know you can beat the enemy while he's reloading, you only need to get that nade up his ass, and suddenly he dodges away in a split second before your nade hits the ground? You can't nade that fast.
Edit: I realised it would be nice if my post had a nice point to accompany it's nice ironic statement.
This would make it harder to kill people than it already is. Isn't that the point by the way? Killing each other? This mentality could go on and on: "But if...", "If only...", "If, if, if...".
I say at some point you've had enough chances and it's time to die.
June 18, 2004, 9:50 am
Erm... yes, I was thinking of THAT problem, n Smeep already solved it: this would eat up jet fuel.A lot of it.So u can't do them very fast, only in critical points.
June 18, 2004, 11:51 am
lol, That's what i meant with my "blast off" so that the only remaining jet fuel would be for realistic mode players, that don't want to hit the ground and die.
Oh, wait, were you telling some one else that I solved it? lol, Initial read suggest that you were talking to me telling me you solved it. ahwell. TO SOLDAT. *Raises beer*
June 18, 2004, 12:36 pm
Yup, I was explaining this to Sjudge and any1 else so they can now understand what are we talkin about ;)
June 20, 2004, 7:45 pm
I still say it's time to die. And why is it that everyone calls me "Sjudge" at first? What the hell is a "Sjudge"?!!
June 22, 2004, 10:34 am
Well, there are some good ideas, I admit.