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Tutorial videos !
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
June 20, 2004, 3:19 pm
I think it would be cool (but also a lot of work) if someone made some tutorial videos for the Soldat players out there.

I mean, there would be different tutorial videos, one for complete nüübs, to learn the basics and stuff; one for intermediate soldiers, with more technics, tricks, possibilities of different maps/weapons etc.; and one for the vets/pros, with the hardest moves/tricks and "just for showing off" stuff in it...

The videos should be made by Soldat players with loads of experience and knowledge; a collection of what the best players in Soldat know and can do...

June 20, 2004, 3:29 pm
There already are a few movies with tricks, but they're not really tutorials.

The basic stuff like rolling to get faster etc. could be useful for newbies, but real tutorials for M79 jumps are pretty pointless imho.