Malevolent Matt
June 21, 2004, 5:21 pm
hey all i was think (rare occurance for me but when it happends at least i think its a good thing... even tho the firemen come) well back to my idea: this just came to me... id love to see custom in game avatars, for like i mean your soldier dude to be... like maybe a little "trogdor" or a "the chort." wehat im suggesting is likeuh i dont know how to say this... um different appearances for soldiers (like diff pics entirley) it should take us to another level in this type of game/modding and customization (yay for free speach)... well dit moi questque tu se pense don mon ide
Deleted User
June 21, 2004, 5:54 pm
1) Servers would have to send up to 16 bitmap files to every new person entering the game = increase in lag.
2) Whats stopping people making a skin which is invisible?
Bad idea.
June 21, 2004, 7:18 pm
Yea!!! and let's make soldat exactly like gunbound too, with the turtles and stuff..
Malevolent Matt
June 21, 2004, 7:21 pm
quote:Originally posted by Stalky
1) Servers would have to send up to 16 bitmap files to every new person entering the game = increase in lag.
2) Whats stopping people making a skin which is invisible?
Bad idea.
what i was suggesting was like off soldat itself it had a preset number of diferent char pics t choose from
Deleted User
June 21, 2004, 7:33 pm
Oh I see. In which case, thats not a bad idea [:)]
June 21, 2004, 8:18 pm
gunbound rulez, but lets not make soldat a copy of any other game, k peeplez?
June 21, 2004, 9:25 pm
man, this is one idea that is actually ok, tons of other games have whole bunches of different characters to choose from, not just one thing that you change the clothes of
so, having even 10 different characters to choose from woujld be nice
of course keep the original one with different colours and such
June 23, 2004, 2:44 am
soldat would certainly look more interesting with characters to choose from. im sure michal could make something to stop this feature being abused if it was created. also we could make soldat anatomically correct with female soldats! [:P]
Malevolent Matt
June 23, 2004, 6:18 pm
quote:Originally posted by sanity
soldat would certainly look more interesting with characters to choose from. im sure michal could make something to stop this feature being abused if it was created. also we could make soldat anatomically correct with female soldats! [:P]
.... *thinks a bit*........ oooh Blue Mary soldat avas.... nice[:D]
June 23, 2004, 6:31 pm
I like this but I have another request, change all the bmp files into another file thats smaller, and the compile the pic that 4 pixels = 1 pixel in game so you have a little more detail but no increasing lag
June 23, 2004, 7:07 pm
I like it.
I'm kinda gettin bored of good ol' Joey here..*looks at soldat standard model*
June 23, 2004, 8:47 pm
I like the idea of pixel compiling, it would however make the game about 4 times larger. but it is nice for detail * thinks of all the evil things that could be modded with more detail * I suppose that could however limit gameplay, to some degree, you'll be adding 4x the amount of information already being sent over laggy servers, and everything will be 4x bigger...
June 23, 2004, 11:21 pm
I dont think lag would be an ishue because all the bit maps are client side. They'ar not sent.
June 23, 2004, 11:32 pm
no, the bitmaps arent, but pixel position is... such as" solder(1) is on a stat gun" or "barrettard is behind a rock" the game would have to read, and display 4 times the information... this might result in a total game overhaul, from engine, to physics, to whatever....
June 24, 2004, 12:46 am
Thechnically, doing this would not lag 4x more. To those tech savvy ones of us, if the .bmp files were to be converted into .gif or .jpg files, the size shrink of the actual file would be decreased by say 4 times. So now, the file is 1/4th the original size. Now, if the pictures were 4 times larger, they would simply become same file size as the original .bmp file, except it's now a .jpg and has 4X the number of pixels and thus 4X the detail. This, theoretically, would not slow down the servers at all. However, considering how computers are very shady when it comes to thses things, slowdown can be expected. On the opposite side, doing something like this would require the game to eitherr make everything 4X as big thus limiting your sight range, or the game would require $X resolution to keep original soldier/gun/bullet sizes. If there was an increase in resolution, then lag during online play WOULD be experienced.
Also, having only 10 character models to choose from would certainly limit the game as you can only have 10 players on a server without someone repeating somone else. If its INF or CTF, then 20 players. IF TM, then up to 40, but that would require major organization on the players' part, but that would be much to diffucult. Having more models might solve thi problem but once again, LAGGG!!!! Possible solution, make it so that once someone has chosen a certain model, that model's color will be changed when the next person selects the same model. However, this would not help much in TM, CTF, or INF.
By the way, on the subject of differing gender models, WOW...someone needs a hug...from someone else of the opposite gender. Dude, get a GF, or a BF if your gay or a girl.
June 24, 2004, 3:09 am
quote:Originally posted by papasurf31
By the way, on the subject of differing gender models, WOW...someone needs a hug...from someone else of the opposite gender. Dude, get a GF, or a BF if your gay or a girl.
uhh just coz i suggest female soldats doesnt mean i wanna pull on my [:-censored] while one shoots at me... i think youre the one that needs a gf (or a blow-up soldat doll maybe?).
June 24, 2004, 3:58 pm
@ papasmurf....
quote:To those tech savvy ones of us, if the .bmp files were to be converted into .gif or .jpg files, the size shrink of the actual file would be decreased by say 4 times
for those of us who can read......
quote:this might result in a total game overhaul, from engine, to physics, to whatever....
the game doesnt read.jpg, or .gif me, I've tried.... before you decide to correct somone, make sure you know what they've said.....oh...and at the reccomendation of sanity....
[IMAGE] Enjoy
June 24, 2004, 4:16 pm
Sweet, but I already have a blow up doll, plus I was just joking about the GF thing, don't take it personally. As for N00bile, if the game were to be converted to read .jpg or .gif, then my idea could be implemened,right? I'ts not that hard really, at least for jpegs cause the follow same basic structure as bmp's. Gifs however, use a different coding so it would be harder to make compatible with Soldat> Howver, considering MM can program his own game, I'm sure he has the time, skill, and resources to create a simple thing like this.
June 24, 2004, 4:48 pm
I didnt mean to be an ass seeing as how you're new here, but my point still reamins, the entire game engine reads nothing but .bmp, .wav, and various animation, map, and bot files ( the last three are game specific), changing the entire game engine structure, to replace .bmp, and .jpg, while they may be closely "related", would still require re-coding the whole game. Doubtedly Michael has time to do this, mabye you could ask him for permission to try it your way, but I dont think he's gonna re-write the whole game ( well...nearly the whole game ), for this. I personally ( from a creative standpoint ), would like more detail, or the ability to add more detail, while, yes, there is an entire slew of beautifully done scenery, I know the tribulations of wanting to add a little spec of detail to the solders, or weapons, that if done the way currently implimented, does not result in such quality work.
sorry about the blow up doll thing.... I thought it was good for a laugh....and I'm usually grumpy first thing in the morning....ask Marine
Svirin Kerath
June 25, 2004, 5:43 am
ok, this has become a "soldat resolution+related issues" topic rather than a "multiple characters to choose from in Soldat" topic. let's keep in mind what we're origionally talking about here ^_^;;
anyhoo, i think it would be cool, cause then you could make different gosteks for the different character types, so you could have humans fighting alien type creatures, or, my ultimate dream, GMs fighting Zakus.
June 26, 2004, 12:50 am
Ok ok no more techie talk.
1.) The whole blow up doll thing was great and I wasn't the least bit offended. In fact, I could sell one to you if your lookin' for a...a bit o' "fun".
2.) I would have to disagree, considering that many games such as bf1942 use bmps for textures and skin mapping (encrypted ones tho) and there have been tons of mods out there that convert them to jpg's to save server space. Read up on it.
3.) Svirin's a Gundam fan? woah...say whats your favorite series from that whole universe. I gotta go with 08th MS team, mainly for the more story driven animation and epic quality.
Malevolent Matt
June 26, 2004, 12:58 am
quote:Originally posted by sanity
quote:Originally posted by papasurf31
By the way, on the subject of differing gender models, WOW...someone needs a hug...from someone else of the opposite gender. Dude, get a GF, or a BF if your gay or a girl.
uhh just coz i suggest female soldats doesnt mean i wanna pull on my [:-censored] while one shoots at me... i think youre the one that needs a gf (or a blow-up soldat doll maybe?).
that aint nice... just cuz u r envious of me an my gf theres no need to be mean....