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LxS returns: Redemption (Working in Progress)
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - New Maps
liquidis x snake
June 22, 2004, 7:39 am
Welllll if it isn't good ol Liquidis.

No sappy comeback story here.

First and foremost:

For this map, I wanted a darker atmosphere. Its a bit different from my other maps but it still have some of my signature work.

It's still heavily a working in progress, and I hope to make this scenery heavy.

I haven't decided the match type either. Most likely DM... but if I'm giddy, I'll make it for all.

Here's some screens and the pre-Beta download test. Remember, it's still an early version and a working in progress.







Download the Test (it's nowhere near finished so I don't think it would classify as a 'beta'):

Omg roflcopter lollercoaster!1!11oneone11!!

June 22, 2004, 7:52 am
LXS WE LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mwhahha ur bak start showin the soldat community what a real map looks like

June 22, 2004, 7:57 am
its sexy :D

June 22, 2004, 8:36 am
Thats a nice lookin map LXS... awsome stuff.

June 22, 2004, 11:35 am
Jolly god to read from u again Liguids!

And a nice map too also!:P
BTW: How'd ya ever place that poly behind the map. I mean is it a scenery file or is there a realy small tunnel down there...

Oh and.. My map's gona PWN yours! HAHAHAHA!

June 22, 2004, 2:14 pm
ummm... has anyone else noticed its very plane.... i mean all it is, is a lumpy map... it may as well be flat... with nothing else and you'd get the same gameplay... thats my thought anyway

Deleted User
June 22, 2004, 2:16 pm
Makes me think of this old nes game called contra. :P And i hope you are going to add other platforms.

liquidis x snake
June 22, 2004, 2:29 pm
quote:Originally posted by Darac
ummm... has anyone else noticed its very plane.... i mean all it is, is a lumpy map... it may as well be flat... with nothing else and you'd get the same gameplay... thats my thought anyway

quote:Originally posted by liquidis x snake
First and foremost:

I'm planning to add a second "level" of the map above it. It won't be random floating things, it'll actually look like it's a second story.

As for what Droopy asked, there are no polygons "behind" the map. Everything is as you see it. I guess it's what you call an optical illusion. Lolwafers.

Deleted User
June 22, 2004, 2:45 pm
[:O] Holy [:-censored], that map looks great...

June 22, 2004, 3:39 pm
the best bit about it so far is the way you made it look like the people on the top are shooting down from some sort of cliff onto people below, it is teh hawt sekzors!

June 22, 2004, 4:03 pm
Looks like another masterpiece signed LxS is coming...

June 22, 2004, 6:54 pm

RIGHT NOW it's flat, and doesn't look that great, especially some scenery placement. BTW: Put some more sceneries and they will start to dissapear.

The map might be good when it will be done.

Oh, I don't care that it's in progress because you shouldn't post not finished works and expect that all comments will be positive.

June 22, 2004, 8:17 pm
That valley looks totally "lifelike".. great now, I'm very curious how it will end up...

June 22, 2004, 8:30 pm
Now Liquids... Are you back permenantly? Or just for fun again...

June 22, 2004, 9:08 pm
nice map..

hey aquarius.. back?.. couldnt stand it any longer without us?..

June 22, 2004, 9:38 pm
Nice... I think that middle section of polygons could do with being a bit darker to make it look more like it's behind the rest of the map.

June 23, 2004, 2:23 am
dude this map looks good enough to be posted right now!!!! Great job!!!!!

June 23, 2004, 3:34 am
i disagree. all those col4's in the middle of nowhere are ugly, but i dont know if they gonna be sumptin later, but now they outta place und OOGLE-E!

liquidis x snake
June 23, 2004, 4:48 am
Yeah they do look out of place now. Actually, I had no reason for putting it there. I guess it's to go with the theme of the map. There's going to be this church or tomb or whatever (something holy and skurrehhhh) and I guess it's there to keep people out. Unorthodox, but different.

Here's an updated look at the map (nothing big, except for the top layer):






June 23, 2004, 4:55 am
rawr i like

liquidis x snake
June 23, 2004, 5:02 am
Oh, almost forgot:

Test download for whoever wants to see it in action so far..


Deleted User
June 23, 2004, 4:16 pm

"Redemption pre-Beta 0.1337" lol!
"Cockwafflebandit." lol even more!

Its great. A couple of minor quibbles though. Firstly, that green hill looks a bit silleh and out of place. And some of the vegetation scenery has been placed as badly as a crap in a toilet. Might wanna fiddle around and make it all fit together smoothly [:)]

liquidis x snake
June 23, 2004, 10:32 pm
Which veggies specifically, oh Mr. Stalky-walky-talky?

Oh and yeah, I took out that green hill.

GG-unit waffles, I hope I don't hit the scenery cap. I'd shoot myself.

June 23, 2004, 11:04 pm
My My! Thats much better!

I like your scenery placement! Your shading suxx! But in a map such as this.. You dont need so much shading anyway...
BTW... My map will still PWN your map! Just w8 till I get it waypointed! HAHA!

Deleted User
June 23, 2004, 11:27 pm
Dear Droopy tell me why hes shading suxx?

June 24, 2004, 1:16 am
First of all, Droopy: please shut the hell up. (no offense)

I did a test too, of what I'd call "a good use of custom sceneries".
(even though I didn't use them very well there, I was in a hurry)




Basically, I took a screenshot of the original map, then I edited some parts so that it would become transparent, then I modified the polygons' shapes and colors. Of course it could have been done better, but I was in a hurry and it was just a test. ;)
The polygons on the upper part are set as "players only collide", but they were still too big, so I guess if you make them very thin (like a thin bridge), and use the background scenery to the maximum extend, it should look neat in the end. And you can add an entry point on the left -where the land crosses- and some sort of tunnel on the right... just an idea. Please note that I didn't bother on shading the upper polygons, and I badly "cleaned" the background scenery file.
You could use the same technic for the upper part (the one that is not yet finished). It would look great. If you don't want to try and risk moving polygons or deleting sceneries which are already on the map, I'll give it a try later when you're done (with your agreement of course).
I hope the idea will please you and could help in improving the '3D' part of the maps.

The entry point on the left: test screenshot
Note it was just made to show the idea, not to look "good"!

June 24, 2004, 9:36 am
I believe Glulm, taking LXS's fantastic shading, has just blown the new path of map making... you first make the polygon shading, then u make it a scenery, and set it behind ure map..awesome 3d effects for maps...

Deleted User
June 24, 2004, 4:04 pm
DeMonIc: Heh, I thought about doing that ages ago [:P] Never could be bothered to do it though, would be very hard to get right.

LxS: Look at the screenshots GluLm posted. Because you had to set the scenery as 'in front of everything', it looks really sharp and scruffy, overlapping the ground polygons...if you could align the grass to the polygon, so you can't notice it going in front, it might look better. See what I mean?

June 25, 2004, 6:03 pm
The shading from the first screenies was a bit amateur... Well I now see why do u call it a WORKING(!) IN PROGRESS...

June 27, 2004, 5:31 pm
how the hell did he get there?

June 27, 2004, 5:51 pm
There's a nice shaded poly looking scenery.. uh.. file behind him!

You can see the rain..

June 29, 2004, 12:49 am
The thing is you cant walk down there, its only for looks.

June 30, 2004, 1:53 pm
quote:Originally posted by Soulsnipa
The thing is you cant walk down there, its only for looks.

Glum did it, look above

June 30, 2004, 2:45 pm
Yeah! Like whats up with u Soul? I.. I.. I mean BOSS:D

June 30, 2004, 8:14 pm
LOL didnt see that, well I correct my statement

It would be stupid to go down there cuz custom scenery blow!--Not every computer has support for large customs.

July 1, 2004, 8:32 pm
LXS mary me