June 24, 2004, 3:32 am
Well not to sound like a clone or anything, but I always thought that it would be cool to sort of have a medic, or just the ability to carry a medkit as a secondary, and you know have it so that the user can give out a few you know like having them "reload". The second idea I have is to have a possible binocular feature (secondary possibly) for those who do not wish to use the barret's scope. Well tell me how you stand on this issue please. I would like some feedback. Thanx.
Milkman Dan
June 24, 2004, 3:35 am
i think the binoclulars is a pretty good idea but the medic things no point cos the maps arent that big and you can go back to base
June 24, 2004, 4:58 am
I like both ideas. Although it'd be cool to carry extra grenades as well as the medkit (not in addition to, just a choice of either). And the binoculars would be great. I'm sure we've all had times where we had deagles and needed to know what was up ahead.
June 24, 2004, 8:11 am
I want STF (Soldat: Team Fortress) :)
June 24, 2004, 12:40 pm
I have always wanted Binoculars in Soldat *Glances at Michal*
June 24, 2004, 1:05 pm
Hmm.. but I think that it's not good enough for a secondary..maybe a new feature, u press the binocular button, the dude puts away his weapon, and u can have barret proned sight range.Good for recon, but Soldat is 2 fast for that sorta thing.So as much as I like it, I have 2
Hmm.. maybe by shootin medkits they would move, so u can shoot them to ure allies, or shoot them away from enemies?
June 24, 2004, 3:21 pm
I like the idea of binoculars, because they way i figure it, it'd be useful in a team mach, e.g. you basicaly, have one guy hiding with his binoculars, and another guy hiding with his gun aimed on a particular spot etc, and binocular guy teams talks to let his mate know what is coming. boom. Problem then is there'd be a new "hatred" among soldat players.
June 24, 2004, 3:47 pm
Binoculars, Yes. I completely agree. I feel it would add to the "planning" actions that one takes when taking s certian route ( i.e. I see soldier(1) is hiding in that brush with a barrett, I shall go around him, and stab him in the bum ). as far as talking, and using binoculars for a "spotter" role, the game is too fast paced for that, and talking is somthing ( as long as you're on the same bit of screen) everyone can see. AS far as the medic... I can go either way, It's not exactly necessary, but it wouldnt hurt either....
June 24, 2004, 4:29 pm
Yeah the binoculars weren't meant for being able to spot for the sniper, after all he can do that himself. I just meant it as a method for non-snipers to be able to scout the way ahead. Thanx for all the positive input!
June 25, 2004, 4:41 am
I think that you should be able to carry 2 medkits that replenish 1/2 or your health (like haveing one full medkit) Don't worry this will make sense in a minuit.
Now instead of of useing grenades then you would use medkits.
The reason for the half medkits is because servers can control the amount of nades you carry, so naturally you should be able to balance the max medkits too.
For example a server that allows 4+ nades allows 2 small medkits (equal to one medkit) and a server that allows 2 nade would allow 1 small medkit (equal to one half of a medkit). :P stupitly complex but whatever.
Now for the bonoculars if it was a secondary weapon I would support.
Svirin Kerath
June 25, 2004, 5:30 am
i say yes to both and i'll tell you why, with some suggestions.
there should defenitely be options, when making a server, to allow such items or not.
those without will have the same kind of fast paced, awesomely fun, and exciting gameplay we've come to know and love.
those /wtih/ will introduce a new kind of gameplay, where strategy is integral. there would be two or 3 guys with binoculars around a single person or couple of people ready to launch into action. the spotter instructs the person with the firearm where to fire, or to tell the others to get ready if someone, or a group of people, is coming.
someone mentioned that anyone can see messages between players, but i think if we impliment a kind of chet where you can switch between universal, team, or player-to-player, that wouldn't be a problem anymore.
anyway, this way groups would move in strategic motions, and the gameplay would be slower, and maybe more suspenseful too. :/
anyhoo, i'm for it. it could add a new dimension to the game (no pun intended).