July 7, 2004, 8:53 am
I'm just taking over the front page for a couple of days to ask folks to keep an eye open for any errors on the forum over the next 24hrs.
The forum's been moved onto a more substantial SQL back end that should improve speed.
The sort of thing that you may see is:
quote:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e2f'
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'M_ID', table 'dnagames.dnagames.FORUM_PM'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
/privatesend_info.asp, line 209
If you do get this error, post to this thread with the error message (as above) what you where doing at the time.
Thanks all!
Known BugsSome threads have no post count Fixed for all new threads
Some posts deleted Found the bug that caused that, but posts have been lost sorry :(
(all posts regarding the above bugs will be deleted)
Reported issuesForun slower
July 7, 2004, 11:21 pm
quote:that shoudl improve speed.quote:Reported issuesForun slowerKinda went the other way on that one didn't it :P
Forums, for me, are faster, but I had one 'incident' when I reopened Opera. As most of you know, Opera saves the windows that you have open when you close it so that when you open Opera up again, they'll still be there. Well, I opened Opera, and I had one of the little 'delete post/moderate' windows opened, and instead of having the normal stuff, it had in bright red "URL HAS BEEN CHANGED! Possible hacking attempt", and some other stuff.
July 7, 2004, 11:26 pm
Yeah I posted that it was slower. Sorry about that. It was only slow in the morning. Now it's fine. :)
July 7, 2004, 11:56 pm
i said some important stuff, but it all got deleted :'(
July 8, 2004, 12:21 am
Another report:
Sometimes the 'Preview post' button doesn't respond when you press it, and I'm having to press it repeatedly until it does. Doesn't happen anywhere particular..
Edit: Another one:
I was editing my post in
this topic, and when I pressed 'Post changes' it came up with the normal 'Your replay was changed..' and then it when back to the edit post form. I've done this a number of times to test it, and it does the same thing each time..
*Clicks on the preview post* FFS!
Edit 2: Yup, it does it in this topic too.
July 8, 2004, 1:38 pm
"It was only slow in the morning. Now it's fine"
Good good :)
"I had one 'incident' when I reopened Opera. As most of you know, Opera saves the windows that you have open when you close it so that when you open Opera up again, they'll still be there. Well, I opened Opera, and I had one of the little 'delete post/moderate' windows opened, and instead of having the normal stuff, it had in bright red "URL HAS BEEN CHANGED! Possible hacking attempt", and some other stuff."
Does it happen with IE?
"Sometimes the 'Preview post' button doesn't respond when you press it"
Again, does it just happen in Opera or do you get the same problem in IE?
"I was editing my post in this topic, and when I pressed 'Post changes' it came up with the normal 'Your replay was changed..' and then it when back to the edit post form. I've done this a number of times to test it, and it does the same thing each time.."
Strange one, not able to replicate that with IE, I've made no changes to the code base in weeks. You installed a new firewall or made any broswer changes? (like blocking referers)
"i said some important stuff, but it all got deleted :'("
All are now fixed or where just glitches caused by the move to the new SQL server.
July 8, 2004, 1:45 pm
all those stuff never had happen to IE...at least, not on my IE
July 8, 2004, 3:13 pm
Only in Opera becuz it does not decode correctly sometimes.
July 8, 2004, 3:48 pm
Hmm, I think it's cause I installed some thing called The Proxomitron in order to get Gmail to work with Opera. I've disabled it now, and it seems to work. *Presses Preview Reply* Yup, that works fine.
Edit: Yeah, edit thing works fine now. Sorry about that Styx.
About the 'Url has been changed..' I don't know how I can test that in IE, cause it doesn't save the pages you had open when you close it. It did happen before I installed The Proxomitron though..
Edit 2: Hmm, forums are running a bit slow for me now, although they were faster before..
July 9, 2004, 12:36 pm
Ok I found out it was my ip slowing up the loading, not the soldat forums. Glad we got that one worked out.
July 9, 2004, 1:29 pm
good stuff guys, at least you know what it was.
July 10, 2004, 3:17 pm
what about that search thing, cuz only once in a million times it works..
July 11, 2004, 9:15 am
quote:Originally posted by Dathker
what about that search thing, cuz only once in a million times it works..
Usually works for me to.
July 11, 2004, 2:38 pm
Everything is working great but when im in a longer topic and i press next page it's taking a lot longer than it used to i dunno if thats the server cause everything else is still fast....